The Dis Teleporter Network

chimera said:
:rotfl: :rotfl:

Me too Joe! Productivity is not good these days ;)

I didn't know you were a lab guy. I thought you were a neonatologist. Are you in research?

That's right. Neonatology fellowship, but I'm in the more research heavy years now -- in a molecular biology lab during most days, with scattered clinical responsibilities too. So, during the day I have lots of short steps with waits whose time *should* be spent reading / documenting / thinking / working, but is instead spent hanging around VMK.

That'll have to decrease though. Any day now. Yeah, that's right, any day now.
JeanJoe said:
That's right. Neonatology fellowship, but I'm in the more research heavy years now -- in a molecular biology lab during most days, with scattered clinical responsibilities too. So, during the day I have lots of short steps with waits whose time *should* be spent reading / documenting / thinking / working, but is instead spent hanging around VMK.

That'll have to decrease though. Any day now. Yeah, that's right, any day now.

sure Joe :rotfl:

By the way, where are you?
Astryd said:
sure Joe :rotfl:

By the way, where are you?

What, miss me? Doubt it.

Speaking of which, disalex has some impressive powers... Yesterday evening, he came over on VMK to fight me, and did his dance moves in front of me. I pretty promptly loss connection. I tried to reconnect, but it took so long and I was so tired that I gave up.

I have two theories:

1) disalex is supremely powerful, and was able to boot me right out of VMK AND prevent me from returning

2) his dancing is so bad that my computer rebelled and refused to be subjected to such treatment

You all can decide.


Need to get a lot done today, unless I want to come in to work over the weekend, so I might be kind of scarce.
JeanJoe said:
What, miss me? Doubt it.

Speaking of which, disalex has some impressive powers... Yesterday evening, he came over on VMK to fight me, and did his dance moves in front of me. I pretty promptly loss connection. I tried to reconnect, but it took so long and I was so tired that I gave up.

I have two theories:

1) disalex is supremely powerful, and was able to boot me right out of VMK AND prevent me from returning

2) his dancing is so bad that my computer rebelled and refused to be subjected to such treatment

You all can decide.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: has to be the dancing. :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

JeanJoe said:
Need to get a lot done today, unless I want to come in to work over the weekend, so I might be kind of scarce.

Noooo! at least come for a brief visit.
JeanJoe said:
Pretty new? Maybe at VMK, but OMG 10,941 posts?

And BTW, howdy neighbor! Can't wait to visit BWV this fall, our new home as well. (Of course, if I tried to say that at VMK -- WARNING: DO NOT SHARE PERSONAL INFORMATION OR YOU WILL BE BANNED.)

Yes new at VMK - I've been on the DIS since early 2000 which is when we bought at Boardwalk.

See that is my other problem at VMK - trying to type something that doesn't get blocked. I'll get the hang of it.
chimera said:
Hey labgirl and Ashley! Looks like we're teleporter neighbors :sunny:
Labgirl...sometime you'll have to tell us what kind of labgirl you are. Before i went to PA school, I was a labrat myself :)

Right now I work in a Medical Lab in a Hospital. I live in a VERY small city and it's the only 'lab' work here :teeth:

The labrats seem to be multiplying!
WDWLVR said:
...See that is my other problem at VMK - trying to type something that doesn't get blocked. I'll get the hang of it.

Me 2! (sorry just wanted to type a number!)
Coffin teleporter donations for new players

I was wondering whether anyone would be interested in a coffin teleporter "pay it forward" donation setup?

Multiple new players have said that they would like to join the teleporter network, but that they don't have the credits to buy a coffin teleporter (especially after the film and furniture price increases).

Might people who are rolling in credits be willing to consider donating a coffin pair to newbies? Donors would trade both coffins to the new player. The new player would place on in their room, and trade the remaining coffin to Bezoar / Astryd / MissBelle / or disalex for network lobby placement.

It would be great if people who received a donated coffin pair could someday reciprocate by purchasing a pair for the new newbies.

Anyone willing? People willing to donate and people interested in receiving a coffin could post here.

(Perhaps some of the very generous people who have offered furniture and/or rooms for the network might consider?)


Edited to add: just realized that the logistics of this might be easier if Bezoar / Astryd / MissBelle / and disalex were each given a pair of coffins by donors, and then any of us who could manage to hook up with a new player could deal with coffin placement.

Word to the wise: do not keep a bazillion coffins in your inventory, or you will spend endless fun time trying to figure out which is paired with which one afterwards.
I'd be happy to donate a pair. I'll look for one of you next time I'm on VMK!
I'm still trying to find a time when one of the four are on so I can give them my own. i have bad timing. :)
If anyone is having trouble getting a teleporter to someone to put in a hub, feel free to pass it on to me. I have the bad habbit of running into those hub room holders a lot :rolleyes: :rotfl2:
Yeah! I finally found Alex and got my teleporter set up!
Yay! The first round of pay-it-forward donated coffins!

I've received donated teleporters from DoomCookie and TinkerSnow (thanks!) and disalex may have received some too.

Now all I need is somebody to share them with!

If anyone runs into Bezoar on VMK and asks for a link in, I can do it. (Or PM me here, and we can try to arrange a meeting, but it's a little difficult because my work times are unpredictable).
I have to admit, I donated figuring maybe if I do a good deed, I'd get some pixie dust in return and finally win that pesky fireworks magic pin that driving me insane!! :crazy:

But I'm glad someone is going to get a chance to teleport with us!
Diana Lyn said:
I have to admit, I donated figuring maybe if I do a good deed, I'd get some pixie dust in return and finally win that pesky fireworks magic pin that driving me insane!! :crazy:

But I'm glad someone is going to get a chance to teleport with us!

lol I just got the fireworks pin. Been trying & trying for ages & finally I got it.

As for the teleporter network. If I ever find someone at VMK who can place them I'd like to join & I can also donate a couple to someone too if they need them. I've been accumulating my credits rather than buy stuff all the time:banana:
JeanJoe said:
Yay! The first round of pay-it-forward donated coffins!

I've received donated teleporters from DoomCookie and TinkerSnow (thanks!) and disalex may have received some too.

Gave a pair to DisAlex last night!
Nutsy said:
lol I just got the fireworks pin. Been trying & trying for ages & finally I got it.

As for the teleporter network. If I ever find someone at VMK who can place them I'd like to join & I can also donate a couple to someone too if they need them. I've been accumulating my credits rather than buy stuff all the time:banana:

If you happen to be free, I'll be on for the next hour or so.
Here is a map I made:

WDWLVR said:
I'm still trying to find a time when one of the four are on so I can give them my own. i have bad timing. :)

I do too.

when are people usually on. I ran into disalex the other night but couldn't get a trade to work. my computer has issues.


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