The DisFort's Chit Chat Cafe

I have to say that Miata looks awesome. Not so sure how such a young kid has a thing for Miatas. I wanted one when I was in college. Yes they have been around a long time.
Not so sure how such a young kid has a thing for Miatas.
The race team had one we ran in enduros (3-12 hour races). Mustangs don't like to run that long without needing something. Ian always thought it was cool. He really has a thing for old cars. I think he would really like an old MGB or Triumph TR6.

So I was looking at some new models and seeing what kinds of prices they got and I ran across this

Man, that's a steal there!
AND a big price!


I just gotta figure out how to drive that thing back across the ocean.

I can hear the fireside chats now:

I got a 35 foot bumper pull that sleeps 12
I got a 43 foot toy hauler that sleeps 20 and hauls a full size car

Well, I got a 14 footer that is from Australia


Dang! Australia!?
I'm having a problem with posting pictures on the DIS now, I was using photobucket but now they have some deal where you have to pay to use their site to upload pictures and I've tried taking them with the camera right here on dis but it tells me the file is too larger or it shows gallery[ ]gallery or something, so some help from my dis friends to help this not so technically advanced LA (Lower Alabamian) out thank y'all.
Randy I understand your frustration. What I have taken to doing is downloading my photos to an email to myself. I then download the pics after opening the email and then drag the photo to my DIS post not largest photo but you can see them
I'm having a problem with posting pictures on the DIS now, I was using photobucket but now they have some deal where you have to pay to use their site to upload pictures and I've tried taking them with the camera right here on dis but it tells me the file is too larger or it shows gallery[ ]gallery or something, so some help from my dis friends to help this not so technically advanced LA (Lower Alabamian) out thank y'all.

Randy, I use an app on my Android called Photo and picture resizer. If you try to upload a pic and it's too large open this app, select all the pictures you want to resize and then tell it what size you want. It'll reduce them and save under a file called resized photos so your original pics are still good.

Also, open your camera settings and see what size pics your taking. The setting may be too large for the Dis maximum.
Hmmm, you know, I was considering a vehicle just for me to drive back and forth to work so I could save on the F-250. You know, something I could take down the dirt road, never wash, and not worry about it being broken into due to its outward appearance...

Uh, does that mean you don't think they're neat?? :tilt: Our g'dau. has one and does she love it! It's kept in A-1 condition (showroom perfect) as her dad (our ds) has always loved anything cars. He used to do a little racing in a similar 'souped' one.
Finally starting on the Mickey lamp. I picked up a milk can last Fall in Hannibal. It has been sitting in my garage ever since. I originally planned on having it ready for the DIS meet, but life got too busy.
I bought a sanding disk for my grinder and the paint in the Spring with good intentions. Here are the results so far. I have it sanded and the one coat of black on the top.

Here was the can when we bought it. A little rough.


And an hour with the grinder and some sand paper.


And one coat of black.


Tomorrow, another coat of black and the red on the bottom half.

Paint is done except for a few little touchups. Now on to the pole and light. Thank you to Menards for selling a nice pole and globe kit that is just right for a Mickey head.

Before and after.


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Hey tiggerdad,

Has your body adjusted to your new hours? Working a daytime shift of 8-5 might throw your biorhythms off.

Seriously, I hope your first few days went well. Welcome to daylight hours (and nightime sleep).

Bama Ed


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