The Elite Dis - Archives :P

Hi there, Elite DIS!

We are having another Guild event on Friday, June 27, and are counting on all of you joining us in a little friendly competition :teeth:

Here's the information I posted on our site, as well as our DIS thread....

I recently attended Mickey's Pirate & Princess Party and absolutely LOVED it!

Here's my own version of the party, POTCO style

This event will be a competition against the other DIS guild. Rocking our Roos will be on the Princess team (naturally) and the Elite DIS will be on the Pirate team.

The night will consist of a scavenger/treasure hunt in a race against the other team. Team members must stay together at all times and complete tasks in order and in the fastest time.

We will be getting our "bracelets" (to enter the party), participating in a parade, and watching fireworks as part of the event also.

On the day of the event, I will post more information on our DIS thread, including the list of scavenger hunt tasks for both guilds to access during the party.

Sounds Fun!
Ok, I just have a quick question. How do you board another ship? Yes I know it's only the ships with the flags over them, but I took one on once (tongue twister, haha) and it wouldn't let me board it.
Ok, I just have a quick question. How do you board another ship? Yes I know it's only the ships with the flags over them, but I took one on once (tongue twister, haha) and it wouldn't let me board it.

If there was another ship trying to sink it then the ship that inflicts the most damage gets the boarding rights. Also, if you were hitting the ship with "Firebrand" then it continues to takes damage from the fire. So after the ship was disabled the fire may have sunk the ship before you could board it.
If there was another ship trying to sink it then the ship that inflicts the most damage gets the boarding rights. Also, if you were hitting the ship with "Firebrand" then it continues to takes damage from the fire. So after the ship was disabled the fire may have sunk the ship before you could board it.

okay, thanks.
If there was another ship trying to sink it then the ship that inflicts the most damage gets the boarding rights. Also, if you were hitting the ship with "Firebrand" then it continues to takes damage from the fire. So after the ship was disabled the fire may have sunk the ship before you could board it.
To complete this answer:
If you have done the most damage to a flagship and it does not sink, the game will give you a message to grapple the flagship. The cannons have a grappling hook shot that you shoot at flashing green circles on the flagship. Once the grappling hooks are landed and the flagship is pulled close to yours the game will give the captain of your ship a message box that has a "Board" button to click on. Once that button is clicked everybody on your ship should swing over to the flagship and you have to kill all on board to sink her and get the loot. If all of you get killed, both ships sink, you will not get any loot, you will get the experience points for disabling the ship, you will get a jail visit, and the ship owner will have to pay to rebuild the ship.
Hey, I think chat isn't working too well. I have a friend (Tinkspiratepal on dis, I believe) that talks, and I can only see his chat every once in a while. Could someone go on with me and test the chat?
Im sure that is true....but I kind of doubt that is the case.

I have no clue who most people are in there too. That is the good part of the other guild. They are pretty close and talk a lot ;)
Hey guys! Sorry the guild has been kinda quiet. I'm usually quite a talker when I'm on. Not long after I joined the guild, quite possibly days even I got a new full time job. I had been "unemployed" up until that point so I was playing a lot. So anyway I'm going to bed early and gone all day now. I'll try to be back on a bit more now on the weekends especially now that there's all the weapons quests to do. I was done with everything and that was also a contributing factor. So hopefully everyone sticks around. If that event Pink wants to do isn't too early Pacific time I'd be happy to participate. Hope to see everyone soon!

A Caribbean Celebration
A recent shipment of goods from Europe has brought rumor of an interesting new invention -- fireworks! Legend has it that in addition to gunpowder, the pirates of the Far East invented these devices, which fill the skies with bright cascades of spark and light.

Celebrate with us July 3rd (starting around 6PM PT) until July 6th - in honor of the arrival of this new invention to the Caribbean. Fireworks start once stars light up the night sky. To watch them, find a spot on or near the shores of Port Royal, Tortuga, or Padres Del Fuego and enjoy the show
Hey, I think chat isn't working too well. I have a friend (Tinkspiratepal on dis, I believe) that talks, and I can only see his chat every once in a while. Could someone go on with me and test the chat?

Goofy! you need to go on your Disney account settings and check open chat with friends I dont know maybe you need parental settings changed also.:thumbsup2
Just a reminder that Pinky's Pirate & Princess Party is going on tomorrow night (Friday). I'm thinking of changing the time to 9 EST so our guildmaster can be there. Does anyone have any objections?

WWEDUDE, anyway to get a number from your guild as to who's attending?


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