The fantasy is gone; how about you?

Is the fantasy gone for you?

  • The magic is gone and I can't get it back yet

  • The magic was gone, but I've got it back, now

  • I've never lost the magic

  • I never had that magic feeling; it's just a park

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DIS Veteran
Sep 14, 1999
I just got back from two trips; one was in November and one in December. Although, the trips were good I have to say I'm losing the magic of it all.

I'm starting to see it all as FAKE! I don't want to feel this way, but it's happening to me.

I did some wonderful activities like taking a yacht ride around the lagoon. I had lunch with a Disney Imagineer. I had Maine Lobster at Narcossee's. I did Toy Story Mania 8 times between the two trips. I couldn't really ask for better trips, but I'm just not feeling it anymore.

I will say we usually go once a year and a few times we skip a year. I've been to WDW over 25 times across 30 plus years. I've done it with grandkids, myself, and it was even our honeymoon destination.

I don't want to bring anyone's parade down, but I was wondering if anyone else has felt this way? What did you do to get the spirit back?

I'm hoping it's just the economy making me feel this way.

Anyway, I've created a poll to see if this happens to anyone else.
It is "fake" but it is also fantasy and that is one of the things I really enjoyed about WDW that you can't really find anywhere else. I also really dig the attention to detail that they have there. I look for that and it always seems to impress me.

Maybe it's just not your thing anymore. Take a break from it and travel to other places instead for a couple of years and then maybe you'll miss it again. :confused3
Haven't lost the magic and sure hope I never do. Really looking forward to our trip in March. Can't wait.
I have no clue what you are talking about.
Disney (anywhere) is a great vacation destination! And, its ALWAYS magical to us. (and most!)
I think Disney is a good and Magical as ever!
I have no clue what you are talking about.
Disney (anywhere) is a great vacation destination! And, its ALWAYS magical to us. (and most!)
I think Disney is a good and Magical as ever!

Ditto! And what do you mean FAKE -- it's all real, isn't it? (no one burst my bubble, please)! :goodvibes
Interesting thread idea. I voted "The magic was gone, but I've got it back now". We usually went to WDW 2-3 times per year, the last five years, but I've been over 20 times in my lifetime. Our trips started going down hill in 2004, but our trip this past June was horrid - not because of the parks, but because of the group I was traveling with. At that time, I was the one that was expected to plan everything - the food, the parks, what time we did whatever, and I didn't like it. The people in my group would tell me before we left "oh, whatever you plan is fine", and then complain the whole time we were there about what we weren't doing, or why we were doing x instead of y at any given time.

So - our next trip was cancelled, I went with just my DH, and discovered lots of things that I had never noticed before because I was always with complaining people. We had a lovely time, and are very eager to go back this next summer. This time around, I'm not planning anything. Everyone in our group has one day that they are responsible for, and they will chose the park, where to eat, etc. Not as much pressure on me, and I'm hoping to actually enjoy the vacation.
I wouldn't say that we have lost the magic or that we see Disney as being "fake" even after 13 trips in 11 years time.

We are from North Louisiana and there is simply nothing to do with your kids here. There is a small zoo and a movie theater. The closest water park is 100 miles away and it's small. The nearest "theme" park is 5 hours away. Disney is a great vacation for us even if it is 15 hours away.

Each trip to Disney, we try to plan something that we have yet to do. To us, this makes each trip unique from the others.

There are some things at Disney that we wish would be refurbed or scrapped since we've seen them so many times and we feel they are outdated like Sounds Dangerous, Caroussel of Progress and a few others.

But, all in all, I don't think we'll get tired of going to Walt Disney World any time soon.
I haven't lost the magic but we have been a lot the past 2 years and a couple of times I have come home and thought "wow we sure did spend a lot of money" then I start feeling guilty about going so much and spending all that money when really not much has changed every time we go. However, after a few months I am usually planning another trip or going again. :rotfl2: I love going to Disney and I love all things Disney, but I think it is easy to go too much and start to second guess trips. This has happened to me at least twice the past two years. Maybe that is what you are doing?? I would take a break, do something else, not go every few months or even every year. I am sure the magic is still there. I think as we get older and our families grow up, the vacation changes and maybe you are seeing that as losing the magic. Sounds like you did do something new this past trip so my suggestion of maybe changing it up....might not work. Do you stay at different resorts, go at different times of year?? I think that might help too. We love to stay at different resorts and going in the summer is our new thing. I would have never in a million years guessed we would love a summer trip....but we have our third one in a row planned.

I wouldn't worry too much........put Disney on the back burner for a while.....step into your life there at home, focus on something else and I bet that before you know will be missing Disney. I don't see how you could be losing the magic if you went 25 times. :love: It is still there......but maybe focusing on other stuff right now....will actually make you realize you never really lost the magic. ;)

I am lucky in that I have never had a bad trip to Disney World. If things are going bad back home....for the time we are there at WDW is pure heaven.
Thats so sad! I think it is MORE magical every time we go. And when fiance and I have kids in a few years THEN I will bring my kids there. I cant even think of that magic. Thats why we bought into DVC. It just brings tears to my eyes going to World!
I am of the view you make your own magic.....

I don't expect Disney to make it for me. And so far so good! Attitude is everything in life!
I hear you, op! I sort of lost the magic for a few months there this fall. It wasn't Disney's fault, more my fault for expecting perfection (sometimes we have gotten it) and being disappointed when I didn't get it. Also, I think I'm just burnt out for a while. WDW has been our vacation destination for 7 years and I've been 10 times over that period. ENOUGH. Dh and I are planning our 10th anniversary and we are now going to be on a cruise instead of at Disney (and definitely not a Disney cruise!) HOWEVER, a sure sign the magic has crept back in a little is when we received our 40% postcard. We are now tacking a couple of days at WDW onto our weeklong cruise :thumbsup2 !

Just give yourself some time away. It'll come back, I promise! :goodvibes
Thats so sad! I think it is MORE magical every time we go. And when fiance and I have kids in a few years THEN I will bring my kids there. I cant even think of that magic. Thats why we bought into DVC. It just brings tears to my eyes going to World!

This is almost exactly what I was going to post, so I'll just quote it!
I am of the view you make your own magic.....

I don't expect Disney to make it for me. And so far so good! Attitude is everything in life!

Well said Carol,

I by nature a "make lemonaide out of lemons" type of gal. I'm on vacation at WDW so it's almost guaranteed that "magic" is going to happen.

Generally I only get 1 family vacation a year so burnout is not an issue
I'll let you know when I get back in a couple weeks! :banana:
We were fine with the 'Magic' thing up to the last trip, my concern is that the closing of PI and other cuts since then will negatively affect future trips. We'll see in a few weeks.

Bill From PA
I am of the view you make your own magic.....

I don't expect Disney to make it for me. And so far so good! Attitude is everything in life!

This! & I also think that for some people too much of a good thing can cause you to see it as lackluster. I would LOVE to go several times a year but it wouldn't be as "special" if it was common.
I have had to shift my focus. When I go to WDW now, I do not bring small children. I do not focus on the attractions. I do not focus on the facades so much (although some of the detail does amaze me still).

Usually now, when I go to WDW, I focus on the people, and the talent, and the sounds, the smells, the details in gardening and presentation. I leave the parks and enjoy the resorts. I do more of the peripheral, boat rides, carriage rides, spas, etc. It's not the same sort of trip, and not the same sort of mindless magical adoration and's more appreciation now.
I think the problem is that people have such incredibly high expectations when they go to Disney. When they don't get all that they are expecting (and more) they are a little bummed. If those same people went someplace else, say Aruba, they would not have these same expectations of perfection and therefore not be let down. Just my opinion. :goodvibes
I love Disney and there is always something wonderful about every vacation. I have never left disappointed. I have to admit that there are some aspects of WDW and all Disney companies that are not as magical and have lost their zeal, but for the most part, I enjoy every moment of my vacation.


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