The first trip of a lifetime trip report - day 9


Going to wash my car in honour of the mouse.
May 21, 2010
Day 9 Thursday 20th August - Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios - part 1

The plan this morning was once again EMH this time at MK. We arrived at the turnstiles in plenty of time and waited patiently for the welcome show.

On opening we headed straight to space mountain but it was down. :scared1: For some reason that just put me in a bad mood this morning and I was ready to give up on the plans and go back to the hotel. The girls talked me round and we took a trip on the astro orbiter. On coming off we found that sm was back up and running so Olie and the girls got in the queue. Unfortunately they were just a bit too late to beat the queue and they didn't come off until 35 minutes later at 8.50.

Next we went over to Buzz Lightyear. The posted wait was 15 but we were on and off again in just over 10. We were hoping to get these three rides done and get over to splash and BTM before they got busy but by the time we got there both looked very busy with posted waits over 20 minutes. Seeing as I hadn't quite snapped out of my bad mood about the plan going wrong I turned us all around and we rode IASW instead much to the children's disgust. :confused3 After the sit down in the AC I was in a better mood and determined to get us back on track so we went to meet Buzz and were first in the queue for when he arrived at 10.10.

Now we had a little time to kill so we took a ride around on the people mover to take in the view.

I was convinced our first FP of the day was at Enchanted tales with Belle so we went there about 10.30. I thought it was a bit strange that the mickey head turned blue but the CM watching just waved us through. We had about a 15 minute wait to get in and Olie was chosen to be the armour but sadly I didn't get any pictures and mislaid the photopass card. From here we had a quick trip on the teacups and then went straight to our second FP at Cinderella and Rapunzel, again the mickey head turned blue and the CM told us we were late but could go through. At this point I was a bit confused but brushed it off and the girls enjoyed meeting the princesses.

We were now all hungry and it was about 11.20 so we decided to have some lunch and Pinocchio village haus was nearby. It was only whilst eating lunch that I looked at the plan and realised that I had our fastpasses the wrong way around in my head so we were early for one and late for the other. :rotfl2: I guess we were lucky to be allowed in.

After lunch we had one more FP to use at PP so we jumped in the queue - this time it went green :goodvibes -only to realise that one of the girls had left their bag in the restaurant. I let Robyn back out under the rope and she ran back across and thankfully found it exactly where it had been left. We then made our way out of the park picking up our first sorcerers of the magic kingdom cards on our way out.
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Part 2

Back at OKW we followed our usual afternoon pattern of a nap and a swim in the turtle pond pool. We arrived with plenty of time to head to TOT to see if we could get lucky with character palooza for a 2nd time. Unfortunately it wasn't to be - the weather was cloudy and just before time the heavens opened. We darted into the TOT shop and stayed there for about an hour waiting for the rain to pass. We had a dinner reservation at sci fi tonight and really didn't want to arrive wet. Finally at about 7.00 the rain eased off enough for us to make a dash for it. The two older girls were desperate for a go on RRC so we put them in the single rider line and waited for them by the exit in the shop. They came out just as we were starting to worry that they had got lost somewhere. By that time it had just about stopped raining totally so we decided to head to the other side of the park so we were nearer sci fi. We did star tours twice, getting in the queue the 2nd time just as the heavens opened a 2nd time. When we came out we briefly waited in the shop again for the rain to ease before heading over to sci fi a little early for our 9.00 reservation. Although we had avoided getting soaked we were a little damp around the edges and it made the restaurant seem cold. The CMs seemed very concerned that the 5 of us squeezed into two rows of a car so nobody had to sit alone - I sat with two of the children and we had plenty of room. Our server was very attentive and made good menu recommendations but I'm not sure we'll go back. The food was lovely and the girls loved their shakes that were great on the DP but I think I prefer to be able to see better what I'm eating and I think as the girls get bigger squeezing into two rows would be more difficult meaning one of us would have to sit alone.


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