The Flippant Trip - (new TWILIGHT TR update 11/16/09 bottom of pg 29)

SuperCalafragalisticexpealdcious Trip Report!

ReaLLY Loved it.

Wow.. now i wanna go there!:goodvibes
What recastings?? I'm at work and I can't see ANY pictures on here!! I MUST know!!

Um...hi...I'm Lexi. Lol. I just read your entire trip report from start to finish. Finished just in time too...I get to head out in 5 min...just enough to say hello!

I was watching Cheaper by the Dozen II yesterday ( work) and who did I see? But a younger version of Taylor! (Tayler??) I think I'd read that he was in that movie but I couldn't picture who he played. VERY obvious when I saw it yesterday.

I'm reading The Host now too. The beginning was sooooo slow but I'm really enjoying it now. I'm about 1/2 way through.

...I need to check this TR out from home so I can look at all the pics...
:wave2: Hey YOU!!!!

Thought I'd drop in and say "HI" I haven't been on the boards, since who knows when?!? I was just reading New Moon and thought of you! Hope your Happy, Healthy, and Well. :flower3:
Sorry it took so long to respond! My email is busted so I don't get my alerts on time anymore! Thanks for coming by to see me though!

Oh by the way.. my son's name is Cullen!

Hi and Welcome! Thanks for stopping by! All Cullens welcomed here. In fact, the title of our new Twilight thread (on the dis) is "the Cullenation of the Nation!" :lmao:

What recastings?? I'm at work and I can't see ANY pictures on here!! I MUST know!!

Um...hi...I'm Lexi. Lol. I just read your entire trip report from start to finish. Finished just in time too...I get to head out in 5 min...just enough to say hello!

I was watching Cheaper by the Dozen II yesterday ( work) and who did I see? But a younger version of Taylor! (Tayler??) I think I'd read that he was in that movie but I couldn't picture who he played. VERY obvious when I saw it yesterday.

I'm reading The Host now too. The beginning was sooooo slow but I'm really enjoying it now. I'm about 1/2 way through.

...I need to check this TR out from home so I can look at all the pics...

Hi!!! WELCOME!!! I hope you were able to see the pics... I had some bandwidth issues re: photobucket. My little blue banana had to be removed as he was so darn popular people were linking all over him! :sad2:

Little Taylor also had a BIG role in the movie The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl ... he was quite good! I didn't notice him in Cheaper by the Dozen... I didn't like that movie as I had been a big fan of the book and itw was nothing like it. :rolleyes:

Did you finish The Host??? Ive been reading some great books lately.

The Great and Terrible Beauty and Darkfever have been stand outs... Let me know if you get around to either so we can discuss them!

I love that you may have an in to finding out about filming for New Moon.

Thanks! We'll see.... I've got another Twilight Trip Report coming up. The Twilightmoms have a group coming to town and I"m going to hang out with them for the weekend.. more Twi-Scenes to come!

:wave2: Hey YOU!!!!

Thought I'd drop in and say "HI" I haven't been on the boards, since who knows when?!? I was just reading New Moon and thought of you! Hope your Happy, Healthy, and Well. :flower3:

Hi! I've missed you!!! Seriously... :flower3: I'm glad you stopped by to say hello! I haven't been away from the boards I've just had my time taken up by that rowdy dis-Twilight group (BBG BABY!). MAN They're a handful!!!!!

Please come round and visit us here or there soon!

(dis community board... twilightaholics)
I've missed you too. I'll have to check out your twilight group, I'll stop by sometime later today. It's going to be so beautiful here today, I need to get Reya outside to enjoy the weather.

I noticed a couple books you recommended up above, I think I'll check them out. I've been doing sooooo much reading in hopes to find something I love as much as Harry Potter and Twilight, but NO such luck. I have a recommendation for you however.... It's called "Hunger Games" by Suzzane Collins. It's one of my new favorites. It's a quick read, but REALLY great.

I've missed you too. I'll have to check out your twilight group, I'll stop by sometime later today. It's going to be so beautiful here today, I need to get Reya outside to enjoy the weather.

I noticed a couple books you recommended up above, I think I'll check them out. I've been doing sooooo much reading in hopes to find something I love as much as Harry Potter and Twilight, but NO such luck. I have a recommendation for you however.... It's called "Hunger Games" by Suzzane Collins. It's one of my new favorites. It's a quick read, but REALLY great.


Too funny! I'm going to go and finish it right now. I started it (Hunger Games) a few nights ago and I didn't think I would like it but it's really engrossing. GMDTA!!! (D=definitely).

Enjoy the Gemma Doyle Trilogy (Great and Terrible Beauty) - I'm almost sure you will like it even better than HG!!
Too funny! I'm going to go and finish it right now. I started it (Hunger Games) a few nights ago and I didn't think I would like it but it's really engrossing. GMDTA!!! (D=definitely).

Enjoy the Gemma Doyle Trilogy (Great and Terrible Beauty) - I'm almost sure you will like it even better than HG!!


Great Minds Definitely Think A like (except for the problem soliving gene... I even hinted that D=Definitely!) :lmao:

So I finished The Hunger Games last night and I was so irritated!! I thought it was a one-book wonder!!! I didn't know it was a trilogy in the works!! :crazy2:
Great Minds Definitely Think A like (except for the problem soliving gene... I even hinted that D=Definitely!) :lmao:

So I finished The Hunger Games last night and I was so irritated!! I thought it was a one-book wonder!!! I didn't know it was a trilogy in the works!! :crazy2:

:rotfl2: I'm Blonde!! What can I say!! :rolleyes:

So did you love HG as much as I did?! I'm so excited for the 2nd book to come out, but really bummed it's not until September.

I've been reading a lot of vampire books lately. I'd share with you which ones they are, but I'm a bit embarassed. I find myself in the "young readers" section of Barnes and Noble way too much.

I tried reading the Sookie Stackhouse books ((have you heard of them?)) and couldn't get past the first few pages, it was HORRIBLE.

Do you have anymore recommendations? I need to get to the bookstore sometime this week. I'm down to 2 books. I've been reading 2-3 books a week on average, I'm thinking it's time to get a library card.
:rotfl2: I'm Blonde!! What can I say!! :rolleyes:

So did you love HG as much as I did?! I'm so excited for the 2nd book to come out, but really bummed it's not until September.

I've been reading a lot of vampire books lately. I'd share with you which ones they are, but I'm a bit embarassed. I find myself in the "young readers" section of Barnes and Noble way too much.

I tried reading the Sookie Stackhouse books ((have you heard of them?)) and couldn't get past the first few pages, it was HORRIBLE.

Do you have anymore recommendations? I need to get to the bookstore sometime this week. I'm down to 2 books. I've been reading 2-3 books a week on average, I'm thinking it's time to get a library card.

LOL Ummm... library card.. yes, it's the wave of the future :rolleyes:

Ok, I liked HG but not that much... it was a little extra violent for me. I knew it going in but it was on the reading list so I thought I'd give it a try. It was good... just not really.... I dunno. I'm going to probably read the rest of the books when they come out though. *sigh* lol

I read all of the first Sookie book and I have to say, I didn't like it. I hear they get better... maybe some day I'll pick them back up again.

A book that was KIND of like a Sookie book but alot better in my opnion was "Dead Witch Walking" by Kim Harrison. The characters are really good, IMO.. but essentially it's a crime drama and frankly.. I don't care for crime drama's. But I enjoyed the book because of the great characters and the witty banter. She is a witch, she lives with a vampire, and her partner is a pixy. It's a fun read and it's a HUGE series if you like that sort of thing.

I got the second book in the Vampire Academy series from the library... it's called "Frostbite." I Have the first book on hold I want to read it before the second one, obviously... I bet you've read them already!

My best recommendation is: Darkfever!!! This is a great book about a girl who can "sniff out" special things with spells or magic attached to them. It takes place in Ireland and the main characters are the "fae" or fairy people. They're NOT good guys in this series. I read the first two books.. there are three out and a fourth on the way but I heard the third book is a cliffhanger and I hate that so I"m waiting for the 4th one to drop before I pick it up.

I'm also waiting (have it on hold at the library) for the first book in another series by the same author.. I've heard it's a little more "explicit" than the Darkfever series but I wanna try it anyway. I'll let you know on that one.. it's the "highlander" series.

I've got quite a few in my bag right now from the library. I'm going to branch out and try something non-paranormal... some YA that have been nominated for awards and such... I like YA... what can I say? :confused3

I'll keep you posted!! It's fun to share titles... what have been your favorite YA vamp romps??? You know, I"m open.

Since you don't read the TWilight Dis thread I want to share a couple of pics to get you in the mood for New Moon!

LOL Ummm... library card.. yes, it's the wave of the future :rolleyes:

Ok, I liked HG but not that much... it was a little extra violent for me. I knew it going in but it was on the reading list so I thought I'd give it a try. It was good... just not really.... I dunno. I'm going to probably read the rest of the books when they come out though. *sigh* lol

I read all of the first Sookie book and I have to say, I didn't like it. I hear they get better... maybe some day I'll pick them back up again.

A book that was KIND of like a Sookie book but alot better in my opnion was "Dead Witch Walking" by Kim Harrison. The characters are really good, IMO.. but essentially it's a crime drama and frankly.. I don't care for crime drama's. But I enjoyed the book because of the great characters and the witty banter. She is a witch, she lives with a vampire, and her partner is a pixy. It's a fun read and it's a HUGE series if you like that sort of thing.

I got the second book in the Vampire Academy series from the library... it's called "Frostbite." I Have the first book on hold I want to read it before the second one, obviously... I bet you've read them already!

My best recommendation is: Darkfever!!! This is a great book about a girl who can "sniff out" special things with spells or magic attached to them. It takes place in Ireland and the main characters are the "fae" or fairy people. They're NOT good guys in this series. I read the first two books.. there are three out and a fourth on the way but I heard the third book is a cliffhanger and I hate that so I"m waiting for the 4th one to drop before I pick it up.

I'm also waiting (have it on hold at the library) for the first book in another series by the same author.. I've heard it's a little more "explicit" than the Darkfever series but I wanna try it anyway. I'll let you know on that one.. it's the "highlander" series.

I've got quite a few in my bag right now from the library. I'm going to branch out and try something non-paranormal... some YA that have been nominated for awards and such... I like YA... what can I say? :confused3

I'll keep you posted!! It's fun to share titles... what have been your favorite YA vamp romps??? You know, I"m open.

Since you don't read the TWilight Dis thread I want to share a couple of pics to get you in the mood for New Moon!


I know, I know, I should really get a library card! :rolleyes: I don't think I've had one since highschool. The only reason I haven't is because I'm not a very patient person and it will drive me crazy being put on a waiting list for a book I want to read when I can just go to the store and buy it. However my husband isn't a big fan of me spending so much money on books lately.

I also heard about HG's from the twilightmom's website. :thumbsup2 It was definately violent but I loved the realationship between Peeta and Katniss.

I HAVE read the vampire academy series. :blush: I was a little embarrased to admit it. teehee I'm on the 3rd book right now and am really enjoying it. ((Nothing like twilight of course)) And I'm also reading the House of Night series which is pretty good too.

Have you heard for the uglies,pretties,specials series? By Scott Westerfield. They have NOTHING to do with vampires, and they're really strange, ((kinda like the host)) but after awhile I got into them and couldn't put them down.

Ohhhh and another vamp series I'm reading is Blue Bloods.. Can't think of the authors name right now. They're ok I guess. Not a huge fan, but I will read all of them of course, since I read the first one.

One book I recommend to NEVER, EVER, EVER read is NEED. It's about pixies and werewolfs. The author tried too hard to make another twilight type book and failed miserably, plus her writing style just sucked.

Well, it's Sunday, which means my sister-in-law and her family are coming over. The kids play together, the guys play video games, and my sister-in-law and I read. It's sorta become a ritual and I LOVE it. We pass our books back and forth so that saves "a little money". ::yes::

Soooo do you have any twilight gossip?? I heard that Dakota Fanning might play Jane. ((which I'm sure you already know))

How's your girls?

Reya's good. She's growing soooo fast. I can't believe she'll be 3 next month. I'm FINALLY able to put her hair up in a little bow. She usually looks like Cindy Lou Who. :rotfl2: I'll have to send pictures.

Hi Again!

I'd love to see pics of Cindy Lou Hoo! LOL I will PM you about books and such. Write to me anytime!
SOOOOOO disapointing... the next two movies.. just got contracted to film in VANCOUVER CANADA.....

PSAHHHH.... My daughter was a extra in first movie.. and was looking forward to having the opportunity to do the next.. but now.. it is going OUT OF USA.. to CANADA... hellooooo.... even tho Danny Stoltz is the provider for the extras.. based out of Portland... now that the movie is moving to Vancouver... grrrr.. chances are almost nil to get a part...

I dont think that going to Vancouver will do the films justice...

The scenery is not comparable.. what about the school what about soo many things..... grrrrrrrr...
SOOOOOO disapointing... the next two movies.. just got contracted to film in VANCOUVER CANADA.....

PSAHHHH.... My daughter was a extra in first movie.. and was looking forward to having the opportunity to do the next.. but now.. it is going OUT OF USA.. to CANADA... hellooooo.... even tho Danny Stoltz is the provider for the extras.. based out of Portland... now that the movie is moving to Vancouver... grrrr.. chances are almost nil to get a part...

I dont think that going to Vancouver will do the films justice...

The scenery is not comparable.. what about the school what about soo many things..... grrrrrrrr...

Wooohoooo for our film industry! :thumbsup2 I am sorry about your daughter not getting the chance to be an extra again though :sad2:

You may be surprised in a good way at the "justice" BC will be able to do to this movie, I think :goodvibes I imagine that exterior shots of buildings used in the first movie could be used again, no matter where the movie is filmed
Hey Ladies!!

Ohhhh... so many new worries with the new movie!! But, it may turn out to be great.. never know!!

It looks like Oregon could not get them to come here and film like they did last time due to politics (not enough incentives and also we're going to be filiming some lame Harrison Ford movie so alot of our resources -editing, sets, all the Hollywood stuff- will be used up at that time) . I have, however, heard that they will be coming back to do some shooting at the highschool and perhaps in St. Helens as well. I would imagine they would have to but I don't know..

My hopes aren't too high so that they won't be crushed. LOL To me, Twilight the movie wasn't really all that great anyway. Sorta cheesey and badly acted BUT I STILL LOVED IT! I hope I feel the same with whatever happens next. It sure gives me a lot of joy to be in the fandom. It's a ton of fun.

In fact, I am meeting with a group of Twilgiht Moms to do a whirl wind tour of the movie locations here in the portland area. I will revisit some of the places I've already been (they haven't been there yet) and will be seeing some more places taht I haven't been to but have wanted to....

The ladies are coming into town the first weekend of April so I'll be posting pics soon after!

Well, I bookmarked this TR a long time ago, but just now got around to starting to read it. I'm on page six and loving it. Like you, my current DL enjoyment is mixed with joyous memories of childhood trips to the happiest place on earth.

I almost forgot to say, The Goofy Movie is a favorite for DD and me. There are very few places I can admit that I tear up watching this movie, especially since losing my own Goofy dad a few years ago.

Thanks for sharing your family's experiences.:flower3:
Well, I bookmarked this TR a long time ago, but just now got around to starting to read it. I'm on page six and loving it. Like you, my current DL enjoyment is mixed with joyous memories of childhood trips to the happiest place on earth.

I almost forgot to say, The Goofy Movie is a favorite for DD and me. There are very few places I can admit that I tear up watching this movie, especially since losing my own Goofy dad a few years ago.

Thanks for sharing your family's experiences.:flower3:

Well thanks so much for catching back up with me! In fact, it had been a year or so since this trip and we are not going back this time (my DD's are but not me) so I reread some of it. It sure is nice to have a record of the trip. Makes it feel like we're there all over again.

I had quit coming to this board for a bit because I've been side tracked with a MASSIVE Twilight obsession (and no Disney in the future) but now DD11 wants to know how to "get around like Mom" when she goes so we'll be back here picking up tips.

That Goofy movie really is a great family movie. I'm sorry to hear about your dad passing. You must have been lucky to have had such a fun guy as the Goof for a pop. :hug:


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