The Great 'Throwaway Room' Debate

I called the reservation line at 9:09 am this morning, spoke with Judith.

Lucked out and got Impressions de France as my wait music.

Judith: something about celebrations, then asked "How may I help you?"
Me: "Could you tell me about booking a throwaway hotel room?"
Judith: silence... "I'm sorry, I do not understand."
Me: "a ghost booking? You know when someone books a hotel room and doesn't stay there, just so they can get the benefits"
Judith: more silence
Me: "Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?"
Judith: "No, I'm sorry"
Me: "Its okay, this was just an experiment I'm conducting and you're proving my point. Am I right to assume that since you're unaware of this means that you've never received training to sell this and therefore it is just a loophole people are exploiting"
Judith: "No we are not trained on this. I never heard of this before."
Me: "People book one night at a campsite or a value just so they can get the perks of staying on site but they do not use the room."
Judith: "We expect people to use the room."
Me: So would you say this is against Disney policy?"
Judith: "Yes"

I couldn't have planned it better if I tried.

Exactly...and it worked out just like you planned/worded to bait the rep.

Now call back and say this
You: Hi, I was wondering if I booked a room do I have to sleep in it, you see I want to get the benefits of an on site stay, but on site doesn't work for my I am just curious if I pay for a room and check in, will someone be checking if I sleep there?

Rep(just guessing): Um, no they will not. Once the room is paid for and checked into nobody will be checking to see if you are actually in there

You: Ok great. Now if I have a 5 day ticket do I get 60 days for check in and check out and then it goes to 30 days prebooking for the rest of my ticket?

Rep: No, you will get 60 days for check in and check out...and then they will continue to explain the rolling 60 day process(not going to type it all out)

Nobody here is saying the CM's are trained on what a throwaway room is. They are saying that WDW has set the system to entice someone to stay even just one night and they set the perks this way so people want to do it. People here are also saying that if you ask Disney if it is their policy that you actually have to sleep in a room once it is paid for and checked into, they will tell you that they have no policy that requires you to actually sleep in the room to get the benefits.

Two totally different concepts, but I am assuming that you are smart enough to be aware of that and called a rep and asked it that way so you can say...nope Disney reps are not trained about throwaway rooms:rolleyes:

So to sum it up for you just in case you don't get it:

Disney is ok with paying/checking into a room but not sleeping there
Disney is ok with a rolling 60 days and CM's will explain how to do it
The DIS/not Disney calls doing this booking a Throwaway room.

This shows me that you are good at leading the conversation to achieve your desired outcome.

Here was my call (in October 2013), so it's probably not a direct transcript, but you get the idea:

Me: Hi! I am staying at AKV in a few weeks. I was really excited to find out the we get to test FastPass+. The problem is, my sister-in-law and her family are coming with us, but they are staying at the Dolphin. We all want to make sure we can use the system together, so I was wondering if I could book a value room for her for one night. Do you know if we could then use FP+ together?
CM: Yes, you could. FP+ is good for the length of the ticket, so as long as they have tickets, they can get FPs.
Me: Yep, we have eight-day PHs.
CM: Then you should be all set.
Me: She won't need to physically stay in the room?
CM: Nope. She doesn't even need to check in in person. Just do online check-in.
Me: Okay. I also want to make sure that her FPs won't get cancelled for not going to the value.
CM: The FPs will be fine.
Me: Thanks! I'll go ahead and book the room.
So to sum it up for you just in case you don't get it:

Disney is ok with paying/checking into a room but not sleeping there
Disney is ok with a rolling 60 days and CM's will explain how to do it
The DIS/not Disney calls doing this booking a Throwaway room.


In the very earliest days, before we called it a Throwaway, we called it a Ghost Pop. Good times.
I called the reservation line at 9:09 am this morning, spoke with Judith.

Lucked out and got Impressions de France as my wait music.

Judith: something about celebrations, then asked "How may I help you?"
Me: "Could you tell me about booking a throwaway hotel room?"
Judith: silence... "I'm sorry, I do not understand."
Me: "a ghost booking? You know when someone books a hotel room and doesn't stay there, just so they can get the benefits"
Judith: more silence
Me: "Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?"
Judith: "No, I'm sorry"
Me: "Its okay, this was just an experiment I'm conducting and you're proving my point. Am I right to assume that since you're unaware of this means that you've never received training to sell this and therefore it is just a loophole people are exploiting"
Judith: "No we are not trained on this. I never heard of this before."
Me: "People book one night at a campsite or a value just so they can get the perks of staying on site but they do not use the room."
Judith: "We expect people to use the room."
Me: So would you say this is against Disney policy?"
Judith: "Yes"

I couldn't have planned it better if I tried.
Objection! Leading the witness!
Or try this one :

Me : We've heard about the new fp's but we're staying 2 weeks at Marriott timeshares. Im thinking about booking one night at the beginning of our trip so that we can get the 60 day fp booking for our entire 7 days of tickets. Any problem with that ?

She : No...your fp's are tied to the tickets

Me (cutely) But what if we don't actually stay in the room

She (chuckling) I see...yes a lot of people are doing that now. Make sure you consider all accommodation options if you aren't actually using the space. There are other options than rooms. But if you might actually use it for a break then the room is your best bet.

Me: (not realizing she meant campsites at that point) : So we don't have to book a room to get the 60 days

She : You have to book accommodation but not necessarily a room

Me (not wishing to sound stupid since I still didn't get what she meant)-Ok well we haven't decided yet whether to add a couple of days or do this and we'll get back to you

This was pretty darn close to my first call on this topic. At that point I still didn't fully understand the throwaway concept and was totally dense about the campsite stuff (I didn't even know/remember D have campsites until I read about them here)

Prior to and after booking(we ended up staying an extra 4 days at the Dolphin) I spoke with GS no less than a dozen times(had to call back repeatedly because of problems linking our ressie to MDE). During a couple of those calls I spoke with the CM's about the throwaway thread. All knew about this concept, none expressed any difficulty with it. I actually had to convince one of them that there were those who thought D would have a problem with it. He laughed and said "somehow I don't think that anyone here would mind"
There was nothing leading about my initial questions. There's also nothing in my language that is more coercive than in any other conversation being cited.

I described the practice as well as using different terminology that is known. She still was unfamiliar with this.

You can not contend that it's Disney policy if Disney doesn't even mention it in training. (Yes people were contending that)

But it doesn't matter anyway, because I called just now at 12:12 and spoke to Garland Rose (super cool name). Here's how this conversation went:

Garland Rose: How may I help you?
Me: if I book a room do I have to stay there?
G: do you mean just the first night? Are you arriving late?
M: no, I just want to book a stay for one night so that I can get the benefits.
G: oh. Let me check. Are you a cast member?
M: no
G: will there be others in your party?
Me: yes
G: how many?
M: 1
G: would they be staying at the resort?
M: no
G: I'm not finding the answer here, let me check with guest services.
M: ok. I'm sorry wasting your time.
G: no, no, your not wasting my time. I need to know the answer to this to. I've never heard of this before.

Long wait

G: I'm sorry I checked with guest services and you do have to use the room in order to get the benefits.

I then informed her of the real reason I was calling and let her no that according to accounts online that CMs are allowing these reservation to occur. She thanked me and said she would let her supervisors know.

Again, couldn't have planned it better.
There was nothing leading about my initial questions. There's also nothing in my language that is more coercive than in any other conversation being cited.

I described the practice as well as using different terminology that is known. She still was unfamiliar with this.

You can not contend that it's Disney policy if Disney doesn't even mention it in training. (Yes people were contending that)

But it doesn't matter anyway, because I called just now at 12:12 and spoke to Garland Rose (super cool name). Here's how this conversation went:

Garland Rose: How may I help you?
Me: if I book a room do I have to stay there?
G: do you mean just the first night? Are you arriving late?
M: no, I just want to book a stay for one night so that I can get the benefits.
G: oh. Let me check. Are you a cast member?
M: no
G: will there be others in your party?
Me: yes
G: how many?
M: 1
G: would they be staying at the resort?
M: no
G: I'm not finding the answer here, let me check with guest services.
M: ok. I'm sorry wasting your time.
G: no, no, your not wasting my time. I need to know the answer to this to. I've never heard of this before.

Long wait

G: I'm sorry I checked with guest services and you do have to use the room in order to get the benefits.

I then informed her of the real reason I was calling and let her no that according to accounts online that CMs are allowing these reservation to occur. She thanked me and said she would let her supervisors know.

Again, couldn't have planned it better.

Interesting since many many people have called and received different responses. Im amazed that you're the only one Im aware of receiving this one :rolleyes1
Interesting since many many people have called and received different responses. Im amazed that you're the only one Im aware of receiving this one :rolleyes1

Please do not suggest that I'm lying about this.

Don't believe me, call Disney and have the CM ask guest services before you accept the CMs word as truth.
To clarify, since so many here are quick to take things to a negative place. My use of the phrase "could not have planned it better" was because there was no hint at all that this practice was normal or taught or known or accepted. It was pretty cut and dry. There was no language used by either cast member that could be misconstrued. That is what I meant.
Interesting since many many people have called and received different responses. Im amazed that you're the only one Im aware of receiving this one :rolleyes1

Interesting how many people on these boards constantly say that the CMs at the call center don't know what they are talking about, but are quick to support them when they can use it to get away with something unethical.

There is no difference between doing the throwaway room and doing your child's homework because the teacher said parents should help. Cheating is cheating, and in the case of the people who book the room, get the magic bands, and then cancel the room, it is outright theft. Not something insubstantial like parking or fastpasses that don't have a monetary value, but the actual, physical magic bands that can be bought either in the parks or on line.
Interesting how many people on these boards constantly say that the CMs at the call center don't know what they are talking about, but are quick to support them when they can use it to get away with something unethical.

There is no difference between doing the throwaway room and doing your child's homework because the teacher said parents should help. Cheating is cheating, and in the case of the people who book the room, get the magic bands, and then cancel the room, it is outright theft. Not something insubstantial like parking or fastpasses that don't have a monetary value, but the actual, physical magic bands that can be bought either in the parks or on line.

Again, THANK YOU! :worship:
Please do not suggest that I'm lying about this.

Don't believe me, call Disney and have the CM ask guest services before you accept the CMs word as truth.

You obviously didn't read my post. I didn't have to take the CM's word for it. I personally spoke with GS on more than one occasion in addition to speaking with CM's.

And Im sorry if you didn't like the term I used but I, just as you are, are entitled to choose what to believe and what not to believe. I am skeptical of what you have indicated because, simply put I am aware of my conversations both with CM's, Guest Services, a supervisor, hotel employees, and because of other information I have from these boards where numerous other people have called and received the same info as I have. So you're right I don't believe you and imho if you are telling the truth then I believe that it is an anomaly since many people have been provided with contrary info.

I wont be insulted as you appear to be if you choose not to believe me. That's ok. You have the right as does anyone else to believe what you wish to believe. I for one will choose to check things out for myself as I continue to suggest that anyone else should.
Interesting how many people on these boards constantly say that the CMs at the call center don't know what they are talking about, but are quick to support them when they can use it to get away with something unethical.

There is no difference between doing the throwaway room and doing your child's homework because the teacher said parents should help. Cheating is cheating, and in the case of the people who book the room, get the magic bands, and then cancel the room, it is outright theft. Not something insubstantial like parking or fastpasses that don't have a monetary value, but the actual, physical magic bands that can be bought either in the parks or on line.

That is seriously less than 1% of the people who book the rooms. I think almost everyone agrees that booking and not paying for, but keeping the perks is stealing when it comes to the MB. Almost nobody is supporting doing that. I also have yet to see one report of a CM confirming that Disney is ok with people booking and canceling to get free MB's.

Disney's CM's are notorious for bad information, but they also give out a lot of accurate information. So the only way to know for sure is by testing it out. If a CM tells you are entitled to free Mickey bars in front of the Castle the first Tuesday of every month and nobody can report they are able to get will be chalked up to misinformation. If dozens of people report they are told by CM's that you do not have to stay in the room and you get a rolling 60 days for length of ticket with a one night stay and all of those people get the room(don't stay in it) and still get the perks as described by the CM...then you have to believe that is what Disney intended. Just like how people report Disney gives free water at all their QS is widely reported with minimal people being turned down, so it must be what disney intended...Oh wait.......

I find it unethical that you can get free water at Disney because I personally think it is stealing. Why should anyone cheat Disney out of that should have to buy bottled water if you want the perk of getting water at Disney not go in somewhere and expect to get it for free. I know that CM's tell you it is free and they do even give it to you for free, but again I find it unethical that people just take the free water just b/c you can.
And what about the people who take it a step further and fill their own bottle with the little paper cups of that what Disney intended when they began offering their guests free water:eek: Guess it isn't what Disney intends b/c I don't believe people should get it and anyone who partakes in the free water is a thief and unethical;)
Can I please ask that you not respond to me in the future.
If you don't want to read what someone posts you may use the "ignore" function.

(1) Click on "usercp" in the upper left corner.
(2) On the left you will see a list of links. Under "Settings & Options" you will find "Edit Ignore List".
(3) Type in the name of the person you no longer wish to read under "Add a Member to Your List..." (in your case, DisneyKevin)
(4) Click on "okay"
(5) Voila (sorry, no accent ;))! Kevin can say what he wants but you don't need to read it.

Happy to help ::yes::.
If you don't want to read what someone posts you may use the "ignore" function.

(1) Click on "usercp" in the upper left corner.
(2) On the left you will see a list of links. Under "Settings & Options" you will find "Edit Ignore List".
(3) Type in the name of the person you no longer wish to read under "Add a Member to Your List..." (in your case, DisneyKevin)
(4) Click on "okay"
(5) Voila (sorry, no accent ;))! Kevin can say what he wants but you don't need to read it.

Happy to help ::yes::.

Except, you cannot "ignore" a moderator. :banana: :banana:

Kevin is dead-on with his response. I am surprised that someone wanting to debate the issue, would oppose someone else's responses. :crazy2:
Except, you cannot "ignore" a moderator. :banana: :banana:

Kevin is dead-on with his response. I am surprised that someone wanting to debate the issue, would oppose someone else's responses. :crazy2:
You can't? I never tried to "ignore" a moderator.

Well, heck. You're right!

Sorry DisneyKevin is a moderator/admin and you are not allowed to ignore him or her.

Well, you learn something new every day! Sorry Kevin, I didn't really want to ignore you but I had to test it out :surfweb:.
Except, you cannot "ignore" a moderator. :banana: :banana:

Kevin is dead-on with his response. I am surprised that someone wanting to debate the issue, would oppose someone else's responses. :crazy2:

Am I blind that I don't even see where Kevin posted that...maybe I need to brew another pot of coffee:rotfl2:
Originally Posted by SmithSmith View Post
I called the reservation line at 9:09 am this morning, spoke with Judith.

Lucked out and got Impressions de France as my wait music.

Judith: something about celebrations, then asked "How may I help you?"
Me: "Could you tell me about booking a throwaway hotel room?"
Judith: silence... "I'm sorry, I do not understand."
Me: "a ghost booking? You know when someone books a hotel room and doesn't stay there, just so they can get the benefits"
Judith: more silence
Me: "Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?"
Judith: "No, I'm sorry"
Me: "Its okay, this was just an experiment I'm conducting and you're proving my point. Am I right to assume that since you're unaware of this means that you've never received training to sell this and therefore it is just a loophole people are exploiting"
Judith: "No we are not trained on this. I never heard of this before."
Me: "People book one night at a campsite or a value just so they can get the perks of staying on site but they do not use the room."
Judith: "We expect people to use the room."
Me: So would you say this is against Disney policy?"
Judith: "Yes"

I couldn't have planned it better if I tried.

I would call this a "Throwaway" reservation call. You called not intending to make a reservation and to purely waste the agent's time and costing WDW money. And yet, calling them with no intention of making a reservation is not against WDW's policy. :confused:


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