The Job of a Lifetime: My Spring 2015 DCP

Well I'm hooked. Hopefully you update your thread with some great photos and lots of fun experiences. Congrats.

About the luggage, my daughter (a senior in high school) is spending the year abroad in Sweden and was only allowed one suitcase. You can do this!
I am happy to announce that I have successfully relocated to Orlando, Florida!

Right now, I'm sitting in a hotel room in the gorgeous Port Orleans French Quarter! I'm seriously in love with this hotel. It's so picturesque...

I really, really just want to live here. I could eat Cajun food every day. Easily.

I left for the airport this morning at 6:30 a.m., Pacific time. The first leg of my flight left at 8:40, and by around 10 a.m. I had landed in San Diego. Then I hopped on a plane for Orlando!

On my first flight, it was super empty...I think the flight attendant said there were only 56 people. Unfortunately, it was the short flight, but I still had an entire row to myself!

The next one was super full, as in every seat was taken. I boarded around the middle of the crowd, so I ended up in a window seat, but at least I had some space in the overhead bins!

The flights went pretty quickly. Which was good, because I was both terribly excited and horribly anxious. I'm a worrier. But thankfully, I landed safely!

I headed through MCO and meandered my way to the Magical Express Counter. There, I met my roommate Casey! We were super glad we didn't have to go through it alone, because Magic Bands are all new to me, but Casey was here on vacation only a month or so ago.

The time flew, and before we knew it we had arrived at POFQ! Allison and Amanda had arrived a few hours before, but they came down and met us in the lobby. We were busy taking pictures....the entryway really is gorgeous. But those pictures are on my phone and I'm too tired to deal with it right now.

When we got back to the hotel, Allison and Amanda's luggage had arrived. We didn't spend too much time in the actual room, because it was around 8:30 by that time and we were hungry. So we headed off to the incredibly exciting choice of....Sassagoula Floatworks!

Yeah, we didn't really feel like going anywhere terribly far away.

It struck me as a pretty small food court. I've only stayed at Pop Century and Caribbean Beach before, and if I recall correctly they had pretty large food courts.

I wasn't feeling terribly hungry, so I ended up getting Chicken Gumbo and some chocolate milk. My family tends to drink chocolate milk with chicken fusilli at Tomorrowland in DL, so it was nostalgic.

Food Review:
As I've mentioned, I'm in love with the steak gumbo from the Royal Street Verandah in DL. It's like foodified (like liquefied....but with food) Disney magic. So this one couldn't and didn't really compare. But it was only $3.99, so I can't really complain.

It was pretty heavy on the okra. There was much more okra than chicken, which I guess is to be expected. It was perfectly edible, just nothing exceptional. I'd give it a B-.

Is it just me, or does the Nesquick milk taste different (and worse) than it used to? I mean, it was still yummy. It's hard to mess up chocolate milk. But it seems different somehow.

In the little room adjacent to the food court, there was karaoke going on, so we were serenaded by "Piano Man" and the ubiquitous "Let it Go", naturally.

Though it was getting late and dark outside, we wandered around the resort a little bit before heading back to the room. I found like 12 things I already want from the giftshop. And let me just say, the pool is adorable. I wish I could have the chance to swim in it, but unfortunately we have to leave at 7:30 tomorrow, and it was already closed tonight.

So we just headed back to our room. Thankfully, my luggage had arrived, but it's getting late and Casey is still waiting on hers. I stopped to take a million pictures, and while running to catch up with my roommates I got in my exercise for the month. You know, 20 seconds of running. Whew. But here's a few more pictures!

I just love this theming.

Tomorrow will be an early morning, as I'm still on California time so I'll essentially be getting up at like 4 a.m. It's going to be rough. But I'm dying of anticipation to know where I'll be working and where I'll be living. And I'm praying that I do really end up with the roommates I'm linked to, because I already love them.

Wish me luck!
Ah this so awesome and exciting!!!

I love hearing all of this to maybe help to get some prior knowledge:)

(we're flying down to Orlando tomorrow for a mini trip:cool1:)
Awesome! I totally found years ago they changed the nestle kwik formula- and it is not as good. I'm glad you made it safely.
How exciting to finally start your adventure. I love FQ, I worked there (well, that and Riverside) for 3 years, I can't make up my mind which I like better.

Be sure to try out the create your own pasta at Riverside food court sometime (it is much bigger).

Looking forward to your updates.
This morning we woke up bright and early...6 a.m. Normally I could pull that off, but a combination of the time change and jet lag meant that I was seriously not ready to be awake yet.

Thankfully, excitement woke me up faster than usual. Because TODAY WAS THE DAY! My dreams were coming true, and after three and a half months I would finally figure out where I'll be working! That's always a recipe for a good day.

Our transportation to Vista Way was scheduled at 7:30, since one of my roommates had an 8 a.m. check in. At first we were a little confused since the rest of us weren't scheduled until 11, but we just figured it's because she's working in attractions and had to take a drug test.

As a group, we have a disturbing amount of luggage. More than two large bags per person, so moving all our luggage from the hotel room to the lobby was a serious pain. I'm not a strong person.

But our first trip was interrupted by this gorgeous view and the obvious necessity of taking a million pictures.


In case you couldn't tell, I am now in love with Port Orleans French Quarter.

It was a long and arduous journey to the lobby, but eventually we finished the first leg. Allison had booked the room so she scurried to check us out. Amanda was in charge of procuring breakfast, since we figured it would be a long morning. Casey headed back up to the room to grab more of the luggage, and I was tasked with the job of watching the large pile of suitcases that was taking up practically the entire lobby.

We had ordered a van to take us to Vista that morning, which arrived very promptly (ie, we definitely weren't ready yet), but within ten minutes all the loose ends were tied up and we were headed to check-in!

(Side Note: We had so much stuff that it couldn't even fit in the trunk of a full sized van. Embarrassing.)

We pulled out of the POFQ Grounds, which I'm glad to say were equally beautiful in the daytime!

Sorry for the picture quality. It's hard to take a picture from a moving vehicle.
But before we knew it, we were pulling into the parking lot of....

But we were immediately stopped by this guy, intent on doing his job.

There were four of us in the car, and he wanted to know our check-in times before he would let us into the complex. Thankfully, Allison had 8, so we got in without further ado.

Then came the questionable part: We had heard that Disney frowned on/didn't allow early check-ins. Which meant that while Allison was off checking in and all that, there were 3 of us left with nothing to do and nowhere to go.

So, being the classy people that we are, we set up shop in the parking lot.

Casey went off with Allison to help take her suitcases, while Amanda and I watched the rest of the luggage. It was...very boring. I was so close to checking in that I could taste it! All I really wanted was to find out my location and make sure that we all ended up as roommates.

We stood in the parking lot for a good half an hour, when Casey returned with some excellent news...she had gotten us permission to check in early! Which saved us around 2 1/2 hours of waiting.

After an embarrassing incident in which my unbalanced suitcase fell over and I prompted tripped over it, we safely stored our luggage and got in line!

It didn't take very long. Initially, they just gave us a Program Guide and a name tag, then we proceeded to another line where we were split by last name. After about a three minute wait, we received a sticker with our work locations. And I got a location I had never even really considered.


For the 2015 Spring Advantage Disney College Program, I will be working at......


It came as a serious shock. I mean, a signature restaurant? Me? In the Grand Floridian? Yikes. I still feel rather seriously unprepared for that. BUT ALSO SO EXCITED. I looked it up later and discovered that, in addition to being a signature restaurant, Citrico's is also hosting a Princess breakfast while Cinderella's Royal Table is being refurbished! :love::love::love:

Most of the time, and for most of my program, I think Citrico's only serves dinner, which sounds lovely in terms of park time, but also makes me worry that I won't be assigned very many hours once CRT reopens.

But whatever. I'll deal with that when the time comes.

The rest of check in was a pretty smooth process. Immediately after location assignments, we got our housing assignment. THANK GOODNESS, my three roommates and I all live together, and in Patterson, the complex we were hoping for!

Oddly, we did get assigned a six-person apartment, and as of now there are still only four of us living here.

After housing, we took a photo for our housing ID. Then, if I recall correctly, we were given keys for our new apartment. Sorry I didn't take pictures, as everything was happening kind of fast.

Then our housing IDs were printed and we left the building to continue the process under a pavilion outside. After a brief wait in line, still thankfully with Casey and Amanda, we were given a piece of paper with our schedule for the remainder of this week! I have casting on Tuesday, a housing meeting on Wednesday, and Traditions on Friday!

The rest of check-in is kind of a blur, but we discussed the schedule. A cast member checked our hair to make sure it fit in the Disney Look. And thankfully I passed, because my hair is not it's natural color, even if it is a natural color.

Then, we filled out the I9 forms that we would need for casting. Finally, we stopped at a few little booths that talked about safety, and one other topic that I can't remember. We were given transportation guides with the bus system, a blue bag to hold things, some fruit/granola bars, and a gift from Disney Recruiting, which turned out to be laundry supplies! Score.

The three of us finished check-in at around the same time. However, Allison was already on her way to Patterson with most of her luggage, and Casey had to head straight to casting. So Amanda and I grabbed the rest of the luggage (which took two trips) and hopped on a bus for Patterson.

There ended up being only 4 people on the bus, and since we all lived in Patterson our driver was nice enough to drop us off right in front of our respective buildings.

It took awhile to lug so many suitcases up the staircase to our second-floor apartment, but at least neither Casey nor Allison had to go back to Vista to get the rest of their stuff.

Having lived in college apartments for awhile now, I was very impressed at how spacious it was.



We spent the next few hours moving in and all that. And lounging/discussing plans for that day. We really wanted to hit up Walmart for groceries and some basic apartment supplies, but Casey was still at Casting and Allison had to go back to Vista for a drug test at three.

Plus we were still hoping our two other roommates would show up. No such luck.

I'm going to have to cut this short, as I need to go get dressed and ready for casting! Hopefully I'll be able to finish up this day later, as casting is really my only plan. Plus I know I already gave away all the good information. Citrico's, you guys! I am so excited and horribly nervous. Though I have been assured that I'll meet some good celebrities. Woo-hoo.

But coming up: Walmart! A walk around Patterson/Chatham bus stop, and over to the Commons! Roommate date to Paradiso 37, and accompanying Food Review! World of Disney! An aborted dessert trip to Ghiradelli, with an accompanying funny story! And then, blissful, sweet bedtime. Except for a mattress that makes a lot of noise when you move.

Tune in later!

Love reading about your experience!!! I wish I knew about the CP when I was in school. Have a great day!!!! :-)
I'm so excited for you! Congratulations....I'm hoping someday one of my daughters might be interested enough to try for DCP. Not much chance of the older one but maybe my younger one....Hmmmm.

One can hope, right? :confused3
I'm so proud of myself for doing these updates in a timely manner. The last few days have been crazy whirlwinds, and yet here I am, finding the time for it. But then again, I can already tell that this whole blogging thing is going to be exhausting.

Anyway, I left off after we were all checked in, and Allison, Amanda and I were settling into our Patterson apartment. I unpacked the majority of one suitcase, but unpacking is hard when you don't have a trash can or hangers or anything, really.

While we were waiting for Casey to get back from casting, we decided we ought to explore our new home! Luckily our building is right next to a laundry facility, and everything in there looks pretty easy to operate. Which is good, because I'm definitely not a technology person.

Then we wandered around Patterson for awhile, checking out the pool and gym and main building. We learned how to get to our church services (we can take a bus!) and other logistical stuff. For instance, the main desk at Patterson will check out a wagon to people, so you don't have to carry everything from the bus stop at Chatham! Very convenient.

Speaking of the bus stop, we then decided that we probably ought to know where it is and how long it takes to get there. So we set and timer and meandered on over to Chatham!

I was surprised by how nice all the CP housing looks from the outside. I had heard some horror stories of unrenovated apartments, but everything looked really pretty! Lots of bright colors. Which evidently I did not take pictures of.

Along the paths, there are signatures from various Disney characters! It's adorable, and it makes me love Disney all the more.

It took us about 7 minutes to get from the apartment to the bus stop, which isn't a terrible walk unless you're carrying lots of groceries and apartment supplies. But quit letting me get ahead of myself.

We decided it would be prudent to hit Walmart that afternoon, because we were in serious need of soap and toilet paper and other basics. Allison had to head off for her drug test, but we promised to get her some food for the next few days. We caught the bus at Chatham, and were off!

It only took around 15-20 minutes to get to Walmart, which isn't a terribly long time for a bus ride, but it took us forever to find everything we needed. Since Allison couldn't come and we still had a dinner reservation that night, we only got enough stuff to tide us over for a few days, so we'll have to do some serious grocery shopping later this week.

But I managed to get everything I need except a comforter. With all my groceries and hangers piled high in my new laundry basket, I didn't think that I'd be able to carry another large item home from the bus stop.

We didn't get back until probably like 5 or so, and our dinner reservation was at Paradiso 37 at 7:35. Our church was having an activity at 6, but we figured we didn't have a ton of time and should just head over to DTD.

The bus was super late-probably like twenty minutes. It worked out fine for us, but there was a cast member waiting who was probably going to be late. It just heightened my resolve to leave super early for everything.

We eventually got on the bus, which dropped us across the street from the West Side. I think that's what is was called, at least. By Planet Hollywood and Characters in Flight.

At that point, I was not in the best mood. After a full day of sitting on a plane followed by a full day of standing and walking and lugging giant suitcases around, my feet were not very happy either. But I really wanted to celebrate with roommates, and by that time I was seriously hungry, having had a banana for breakfast and skipped lunch because too much was happening.

We had a few minutes before our reservation, so we just wandered around looking at everything. We stopped for a few minutes to listen to a man play Let It Go on the saxophone. Allison was greatly excited by T Rex, so we went and checked out the gift shop and merchandise.

Then we headed over to Paradiso 37! Again, I apologize for the lack of pictures. I was really not in the mood to be responsible. But at least I remembered to get food pictures!

Food Review:

We checked in around 5 minutes early for our reservation, and were led promptly to a table inside, like we requested. It wasn't overly cold at the time, but I still didn't want to have to wear my jacket while eating.

Our server was named Anthony, and he was from the Bahamas! He was very personable and friendly. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of the menu, and I'm too lazy to find one on the internet. But Casey was torn between a burger and a burrito, and Amanda was torn between a burger and enchiladas.

So naturally we asked Anthony for his opinion, which he was happy to give. In fact, he would tease us for the rest of the dinner about whether we were happy with our choices.

I didn't have any difficulty deciding. I went with the Bacon Pineapple burger! I've recently been converted to the deliciousness of grilled pineapple, and I was greatly intrigued on how it would influence a burger.

Here it is, in all its glory:

Honestly, this was among the best burgers I have ever eaten. My main problem with hamburgers is that the meat tends to be overcooked and therefore dry, which requires me to smother the thing in ketchup which in turn upsets the flavor combination. This wasn't a problem at Paradiso 37, because they actually asked me how I wanted my burger cooked, so I got medium rare!

The pineapple seemed to fix any potential problem entirely. It was moist and juicy without soaking through the bun or dripping liquid. The best bites had a large combination of bacon and pineapple, which went together oddly well. It was an interesting mix of flavors, but a delicious one. I have no complaints. The burger itself gets a solid A.

The burger came with fries, which for some reason were served separately.

To me, they were just average fries. They had a nice flavor, but I didn't eat more than half of them, though I polished off my burger entirely. Casey also got the same entrée I did, but her experience with the fries were a little different. Here are some adjectives/phrases she used: heavenly, divine, the best fries I have ever eaten. She said they were so good she didn't even need ketchup. Allison tried a few of mine and said they were addicting.

So maybe I was just being a food snob, but I wasn't overly impressed. They certainly tasted good, but I can't rave about them the way my roommates did.

Allison and Amanda both got the chicken enchiladas.

For the most part I was too busy relishing my food to ask them about theirs, but they both seemed to enjoy it. I definitely heard "Yum", and that the green sauce was better than the red, if slightly on the spicy side. At any rate, 3 out of the 4 plates at the table were empty by the end of the meal.

After a fairly large meal, we weren't really ready for dessert just yet, plus Amanda had serenaded us with talk of Ghiradelli. Umm, yes please. We're all poor college students, and so we got the check split 4 ways without any difficulty.

Our server, Anthony, was genuinely one of the best waiters that I've ever had. He was helpful, funny, and engaging. Eventually we asked him to take a picture with us, because he was honestly that amazing. We couldn't stop raving. And, to top it all off, he got permission to get us the CM discount even though we aren't technically cast members until Friday!

In short, he was awesome, and he definitely got a nice tip from us young, amateur tippers! He even told us as we were leaving that we had made his night, and we assured him that he definitely made ours too!

The food was excellent all around. I didn't hear any complaints. However, while the burger I had was pretty large, I'm not sure it was worth the $16.99 price. Delicious yes, but when I can get a decent burger in more the $5-$10 range, I'm not positive that it's worth that extra splurge. However, food gets a B+.

The décor wasn't overly special, though there was a fancy colorful thing behind the bar.

The only thing that struck me was that Paradiso 37 was slightly reaching in their presentation. Yes, it's a full service restaurant, but that doesn't mean the burger can't come on a regularly shaped plate or that the fries have to be served in a separate container. I mean, the containers of fries even had a doily beneath them. Obviously this didn't detract from the experience at all, but their attempts to be fancy fell flat and seemed slightly ostentatious. Atmosphere: C. Nothing special. No specific theming that I noticed.

And of course, the service was incredible. A+. We wrote down on the receipt that he ought to get a raise.

And now, the real question. Would I eat here again? Despite my great experience, I think the answer is no. At least, not for awhile. I'm sure I'll go back someday, but there are so many other restaurants in Disney that I still need to try, and Paradiso 37 didn't strike me as incredible. The bacon and pineapple burger was the only entrée that really appealed to me, though admittedly I'm kind of a picky eater. If I were to go back, it would be to try the Churros and Sopapillas from the dessert menu.

But in general, while the food was good and the service excellent, it wasn't the amazing dining experience that I've had at other WDW restaurants. Still, I think it's worth a visit. Overall: B.

After dinner, no one was terribly hungry, but we still felt Ghiradelli calling our names. So we decided to go shop in the magnificent World of Disney for awhile before we ate again.

We had barely made it inside when Amanda headed off to the bathroom, and we lost Casey in a fit of picture-taking and wonder. Allison and I were meandering around slowly, waiting for Amanda. We stopped in a room filled with stuffed animals, looking at the Winnie the Pooh section. We were just remarking on how cute a particular Eeyore was when the guy standing next to us remarked that the one he was holding was cuter.

And then proceeded to talk to us for a straight hour and a half.

And that's not an exaggeration. I can't even call it a conversation, because he did the vast majority of the talking. He was a former cast member, and very nice, and told us some really funny stories about working in the Magic Kingdom.

After awhile, we started dropping really obvious hints that we needed to find our roommates and fill ourselves with ice cream. He kept promising that this or that story would be the last, but then would go off on a tangent and just keep talking. He was really nice, but my goodness, it was getting late and I was ready to go. We hardly got to look at World of Disney at all.

Also, he kept touching my hand/elbow. Probably around 10 times during the course of the "conversation." I understand flirting, but flirting with someone by talking at them for way too long isn't going to get him anywhere. Though he did have a nice accent, which I appreciate in a man. Eventually Allison texted Casey and Amanda, who came to rescue us. He did ask for our numbers before we fled, which we were gracious enough to give.

By that time, it was nearing 11 and my lack of sleep was really catching up to me. We considered going to Ghirardelli anyway, but decided we would just come back another night later in the week. After all, we can't get into the park until either Thursday or Friday, depending on our Traditions schedules.

So I came home and pretty quickly settled into bed. My bus for Casting left at 11 the next morning, but I got up at around 9 to work on this darn thing, you lucky people.

I'll have another update soon about Casting (which wasn't terribly exciting) and our new roommates, who came this afternoon!

Sounds like your adventure is off to a good start!! You were arriving as we were leaving. Hope the weather is better now than it was when we left.
Tuesday was pretty lightly scheduled. I had casting at 11, and that was my only obligation for the day! I woke up at around 9, then spent an hour updating this thing with check-in day details!

It was just after ten at that point, so I quickly got dressed and made sure I had all my paperwork for casting.

I have this bizarre fear of being late to things, so even though I was supposed to meet the bus at 11, I left my apartment around 10:30, just in case. It took me around 10 minutes to reach the Chatham bus stop, and a bus was actually pulling up as soon as I arrived.

I wasn't sure if that bus was late for the 10:30 people, or early for the 11 o'clock people, but I got on just in case. On the way there, I had a miniature crisis wondering whether I should have waited and whether I would be turned away at casting for being too early for my schedule.

It was a silly fear. No one mentioned anything.

We pulled up around 15 minutes later. I was close to the front of the group, but I still managed to snag a picture of the Alice in Wonderland doors! One of the cast members said that the casting building is the only one on property with these awesome things.


My roommate Casey had been to casting the previous day, and the pictures she had taken made it seem so big and intimidating. Especially the panoramic ones.

In reality, the main entrance is pretty small.



After that, we were either forbidden from taking pictures, or there wasn't really an opportunity to take pictures. With I9 forms floating around all over the place, there was too much sensitive information.

In Casting, you do three basic things:
1. Double-check all your I9 information
2. Complete all your background check info, including a fingerprint check, and 3. Receive your initial schedule for Traditions and Training.

It's a slightly intimidating process discussing your criminal background (not that I have one) and having your fingerprints scanned, but all the cast members were super nice and friendly.

At the end, after you'd accomplished the three main tasks, a cast members talked to you briefly about your main entrance passes and how they work.

The entire process took me less than an hour, then it was about a twenty minute wait back outside for the bus.

Two of my roommates had casting slightly later than I did that day, so we were texting back and forth hoping we would get the same Traditions schedule. We were really hoping that our first time in the parks could be together, and for more than an hour or so after evening Traditions would end.

I had the early version, meaning that on Friday I have to be at the bus stop ready to go at 6:55 a.m. And naturally, considering that it's me, I'll be there a good half hour early. It's going to be a long but terribly exciting morning.

At the Casting building, Allison got off the bus I was leaving on, so we had a minute to discuss my new schedule before we each had to scurry off. Then, when I arrived back at the Chatham bus stop, Amanda was waiting to catch the bus I was getting off! Even though we didn't have the same Casting schedule, it was nice being able to see them, even if only for a minute.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. When I got home from Casting, our two new roommates had arrived! Denise and Marlon are from Holland, which is amazing. I think there were 14 people in their traveling group, but they were the only 2 to be placed outside of Vista Way, which is a little bit sad. However, they're super nice and we're very excited to have them. :goodvibes

I stayed to chat with them for a few minutes, then admitted that I was exhausted and headed to my room for a nice nap. However, my schedule is so off that I just couldn't sleep. Every time I laid down I was wide awake, but every time I got up I felt sleepy again.

It wasn't the happiest time, but at least I managed to get some unpacking done, since I had bought hangers during the Walmart run.

We decided not to do anything in particular that night. However, when going through the cupboards we realized that our apartment didn't have a lot of the utensils it was supposed to, which thwarted my dinner plan for that night. Since I hadn't really gotten groceries yet, Allison and I decided to head to Walmart again to stock up on supplies.

Let me just say, the Walmart here is crazy! There are people everywhere, and a lot of them don't seem to speak English. And no one seems to understand American traffic laws, which I think are universally applicable, not just on the road. So even though I just needed groceries, it took us forever to find everything and get out of there.

I was starving by that time, so I grabbed a mediocre burger and Reese's McFlurry from the McDonald's inside Walmart. I'm on an ongoing quest to find the perfect Reese's milkshake. Though naturally McDonald's doesn't come close.

Trips to Walmart are exhausting. Not only do you have to fight through hordes of people to get anywhere, but then you have to lug a million bags onto the bus, and since we live in Patterson, then along the ten minute walk from the Chatham bus stop back home.

Plus, it makes it really difficult to buy frozen things. Unless you can time it perfectly, things will start to melt while waiting for the bus, then during the bus ride, then on the walk home to Patterson. My ice cream addiction would take a serious hit if I didn't already plan to eat a lot of Disney ice cream.

We got home and unpacked our new groceries and housing supplies. Then, in the spirit of roommate bonding, we settled in to watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Unfortunately, no one in our apartment actually drove to Orlando, so no one had a TV. We got nice and comfortable all snuggled up looking at a laptop screen.

It got late, so only three of us actually managed to stay up for the whole thing. As soon as it ended, I headed off to bed. It had been a very long few days, even after a mostly lazy day. Wednesday, Allison and I had our Housing Meeting, then we were going to go check out some resorts!

Sorry again for the lack of pictures. But then again, Walmart trips aren't very exciting. But I took a million at our first resort stop! Stay tuned!

Today, I had my housing meeting at 11 in the Commons Clubhouse, and Allison had hers at 1. Casey and Amanda were both free, and Denise and Marlon had some meetings for ICPs. Afterwards, the four of us who had the afternoon free were planning to go check out some resorts, since we still haven't received our Main Entrance Passes.

I got up and got ready for housing, then started to walk over at around 10:20. It's only about a fifteen minute walk to the Commons, so I arrived a little bit early. Instead of standing around with everyone else, I decided to walk around a little bit and check out the complex.

I feel like the ground are so much prettier here than at Patterson!



Crawling on that fence I saw my first Florida lizard!

After that, there wasn't a ton more time so I headed back to the great crowd of people. They started letting us in around 10 minutes before 11, scanning our housing IDs to make sure we were attending the right session and that we got credit for our attendance. We were escorted into a fairly large hall filled with seats, and waited until the meeting started.

The presentation itself wasn't particularly interesting, though the cast members leading it were very enthusiastic and engaging. Mostly we just went over policies, for safety and to ensure we follow all the rules and don't get termed. Most of it I already knew.

After the Housing Meeting, which took about an hour and a half, we still had to wait awhile until Allison's ended at 2:30. I unpacked a little bit more, read my book, and basically just lounged. It was lovely. Even though the last few days haven't been overly scheduled, they have still felt really busy, so some time to myself was lovely.

Once Allison got home, it took us a few minutes to get ready, then Allison, Amanda, Casey and I headed for the bus stop! We decided our first priority was Caribbean Beach, since that's where Amanda would be working Custodial! Coincidentally, it's also one of the three Disney resorts that I've stayed in before, so it brought back a lot of memories.

If you haven't ever been there, just let me say that Caribbean Beach is gorgeous. It looks very peaceful and relaxing. But maybe that's because it's January and it wasn't particularly crowded.

We got off at the Common House rather than Old Port Royale, because we wanted to walk around and see everything.



I'm getting really impressed with my own ability to take pictures from moving vehicles. Look out, world.

I just love the colors on the buildings. Even though I've never actually been to the Caribbean, somehow it reminded me of the islands anyway.



Here's Amanda outside her new work place!


And now for even more pictures!





We stopped and looked in the gift shop for a few minutes. By that time, it was somewhere between 5 and 5:30 and we were all starving, which meant it was time to head to our next destination!

We hopped a bus to the Magic Kingdom! We were all just dying to go inside.


There, we waited for a boat to the Polynesian! Because let's be serious, I had been there for three days and hadn't eaten a dole whip yet. Blasphemy. And Allison had never had one before, a situation that needed to be rectified immediately.


While we waited, I took a million pictures of the Grand Floridian, because I'm still stunned that I get to work there. I'll limit myself to a few, since the sun was going down and the lighting wasn't great for pictures.



Even though I was dying to get off and explore the Grand Floridian, we stayed on the boat and headed to the Polynesian!


While we were on the boat, Casey got a call from Disney saying her background check was delayed and that she shouldn't go to Traditions the following morning. Sad, but we're all hoping it'll come through quickly so we can all go in together!

At the Poly we stopped at the bathroom outside Captain Cook's, and Amanda ran into her friend Lindsey who lives in the area, so she joined us at the nearby Pineapple Lanai for Dole Whips!

Casey and Allison opted for the pineapple-vanilla swirl, Amanda went with the traditional pineapple, Lindsey choose simple vanilla, and I splurged on a float!

Oh dole whip, it had been much too long...


After that, it was getting late and dark outside, so we didn't do much exploring of the Polynesian besides looking through the gift shop. Then, we caught the bus home!

Denise and Marlon were home by that time, and we got to meet all their friends from Holland! Everyone was super nice, but there were a lot of them and I don't think I can remember more than one or two names. I whipped up some fettucine alfredo for dinner, then settled down for a lazy evening. I read some of my book and headed to bed! Since Casey no longer had Traditions, we planned to do some more resort hopping the nexy day!

Thanks for all the kind words and well-wishing! Even though I haven't started working or been to the parks yet, I'm having a wonderful time!

Thanks for taking the time to write this blog. Keep it up. Can't wait to hear about your experiences at Citrico's


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