The Last Song (Nicholas Sparks)


May 5, 2009
Anyone else a fan of his films or books?

His next movie, The Last Song, opens March 31st. Here is the trailer...I predict I will be crying about 40 minutes in, if not sooner.
I read this book, I think you will last more than 40 minutes, but will definately ball. Hope the movie is 1/2 as good as the book.
I loved watching the Notebook I still cry everytime I see it.:guilty:
The only book I have ever read he wrote is Dear John. It was pretty okay.
I am a huge Nicholas Sparks fan and am so excited to see the Last Song (I know I will be bringing tissues if it is anything like the book).
:confused3I thought the book was written as a movie script, but made into a book, and then the movie was filmed. I am so confused. Trust me it doesn't take much! :rotfl2: Anyhow, I am looking forward to it with tissues and all.
Well the movie was written first so I assume it is similar....or hoping.

The book was first. I read it a few months ago. I was bawling at the end.
I love his books, but haven't like many of his books turned into movies. So I will probably wait for DVD
I am a big Nicholas Sparks fan and have read all of his books. He just has a way of drawing you in and I usually end up just sitting down and reading it cover to cover (I am a fast reader). I have not seen Dear John yet but in my opinion his books are so much better then the movies, I have not seen one that has done his books justice.
I loved the book, but it was sad. I am really looking forward to the film, and seeing Miley Cyrus' performance. :)
My daughter writes(for free) in our local paper in the Teens and 20s section. She did a book review on The Last Song and also got to do an interview with Sparks. She and my DW got to meet him at a talk he did a few mos back. DD is really looking forward to seeing the movie. She said that he mentioned that he intentionally wrote the book specific for Miley Cyrus to play in it.
My daughter writes(for free) in our local paper in the Teens and 20s section. She did a book review on The Last Song and also got to do an interview with Sparks. She and my DW got to meet him at a talk he did a few mos back. DD is really looking forward to seeing the movie. She said that he mentioned that he intentionally wrote the book specific for Miley Cyrus to play in it.

That's awesome that she got to meet him. And you're correct, Sparks wrote a screenplay with Miley in mind and then wrote the novel, which came out earlier than the film. Hope that time-line makes sense!

I have been really pleased with several of his film adaptations. I've been watching film clips and it seems to have everything that I have come to expect from a Sparks story.
Thanks for looking that up for us!

Your daughter probably knows all about this if she is fan of Miley/the movie, but there is going to a live online interview with the cast tomorrow. Thought I'd pass along the info for any other fans out there. Pretty cool of them to answer fan questions directly. No matter what anyone says, you have to admit that Miley is loyal to her supporters.
I saw it today. I did enjoy the movie. I am not really a fan of Miley the actress but she did ok...great chemistry between her and the boy. I saw a few young girls at the movie that I really thought were too young for the content. Good movie and always Nicholas Sparks stuff requires tissue.
CAGirl had you read the book before seeing the movie?

What did you think of Greg Kinnear as the dad? I know Kelly Preston didn't have a huge role, but she is a great actress - how was she in the movie?

From the Sparks movies I have seen before, I would think anything verging on adult content would just go over any little kids head.
I saw it today and loved it, of course I love all of Nicholas Sparks books. I thought it was well acted and the story moved nicely. I will say there was no a dry eye in the theater. I want to go see it again.

I actually read the book while we were in Savannah/Tybee Island, where the movie takes place, for a few days. So I recognized a lot of the areas where they filmed.
That's awesome that you have been able to visit- it looks absolutely beautiful.

Here is another review for anyone interested - talks a lot about Miley's performance.

And here's the revelation: Miley Cyrus is a really interesting movie star in the making, with an intriguing echo-of-foghorn speaking voice, and a scuffed-up tomboyish physicality (in the Kristen Stewart mode) that sets her apart from daintier girls in her celebrity class. As Ronnie, turning moods on a dime the way girls her age do, Cyrus sustains a perfectly believable demonstration of post-high-school, precollege female longing. She shows anger, vulnerability, defensiveness. And she anchors a serviceable idealized drama about how a loving relationship between a father and daughter paves the way for that lucky daughter to one day find adult love.
Well put. She seemed to be the perfect fit for the part.

Not sure if anyone else is keeping tabs, but seems like the internet is flooded with clips from the movie. Here is one that I thought was particularly adorable. Love Greg Kinnear in this scene and Miley yelling from the background.
Having read both the book and seen the film, what amazes me is that the Blakeslees had servants. And how many servants did they have. There's George. "Who's George." At least one gardener, and from the size of the garden, it's a full time position. A cook to cook the meals, as I can't see any of the Blakeslees cooking all the time. And at least one maid to clean the house. And that does not include the poolman, who comes around once a month to maintain the pool.

Though, that does not match the old days, described in Karou Mori's "Emma," in ten volumes, which covers England from 1872 to 1903, when even a retired governess could afford at least one servant. And one family in the book has 36 servants, and another family has almost 100 servants, divided between their town house in London and their country estate in Wiltshire.

And who are the servants: a butler, coachmen, cooks, footmen, gardeners, a governess, a housekeeper, laundresses, maids, and pageboys.

And that does not include the servants we do not meet, such as the children's tutors, gamekeepers, a gatekeeper, a handyman, the house chaplain, porters, a nanny, a secretary, stablehands, a valet, etc.

Still, that the Blakeslees have servants speaks to their great wealth.

And how do the Blakeslees treat their servants. Blakeslee, jr. seems to have an easy going familiarity with the servants, which is a sign of a good master-servant relationship. Blakeslee, sr. seems to be a good old boy who is amused by most things in life. But, I can bet that Mrs. Blakeslee can be a pain to work for.


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