The moons of Jupitar will have to align with Mercury first.


Earning My Ears
Oct 7, 2011
I'm usually a lurker (or stalker as some may try to pin on me:rotfl2:) I would like to share my story if anyone out there would like to read.

The dream of a trip to Disney World in combination with a Disney Cruise started, I think about 3 or 4 years ago when they still offered the Land/Sea package. What a great family vacation :woohoo:. I mean I had been to Disneyland three times, wouldn't now be the perfect time to see Disney World?:confused3 (Here is where I realized I'm only thinking of myself, but my kids wouldn't know the difference, right, I mean they haven't been to either). I figured out an estimated cost (coming from our area of the country, the airfare doubled the cost of the trip) and got all sorts of DVD's to excite the family:thumbsup2. Now put this into husband tells me.."I would rather spend 10K on a camper and go camping every summer than spend 10K on ONE vacation. So I am now camping, or dear help me. So I am trying to figure out how I can get this trip for under 5K and not spend any extra on souvenir's (or drinks for that matter, and at this point in planning, that is what I need...a strong drink:lmao:)

So I knew that we would have to travel in December partly due to cost, but also due to the fact my husband over heats in 80 degree weather, has a weak stomach to odors, and needs cool fresh air at almost all times, therefore, only verhanda rooms would work. We come from a small town so crowds would also be a factor (can't you just picture him hold up in the stateroom right now :headache:)and that the kids were young enough taking them out of school wouldn't be an issue.

Then came the trip to Chuck E Cheese as an extra special Saturday outing for the kids.......just as we enter a blood curling scream came out of the depths of my DD I didn't know exsited.....Chuck E was out visiting kids and it freaked (no wait that is too calm of a word to discribe what transpired.....insert better word here) her out. I so did not see that one coming (well I guess Chuck E can be a little scary). Well that put a kabosh on any travel to Disney as I realize she is scared of adults in costumes (but we're talking about Mickey and Minney, etc.:sad:)whether it be Disneyland, which is closer, or my ultimate family vacation to Florida. This vacation is so on hold, I don't know if it will ever occur. I think a trip with my son to Disneyland may be first but these kind of vacations, for me, are "FAMILY". Going with just one child doesn't seem fair. But also to contend with is, that NONE of us have been on a cruise before. Being in a land locked state doesn't make for very many "cruise" opportunities to get a somewhat feel for water vacations. Number one I wish there was some way to know how to calm my DD from that anxiety and two, to get my husband to understand "SAVING",,,,, come on we all know this vocabulary word. I know he doesn't understand the definition but the concept, I hope, will come around some day.

Why do I have the feeling I'll be using my walker to get across with my grandchildren to board an aging Disney Dream for my vacation :worried:.

The Disney gods, please bless us with the possiblity of a vacation soon.?:angel::

Anyway, thanks for letting me "vent" or "discuss" my situation! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I wish you a very Happy Christmas holdiay season. Hugs!!


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