The Never-Ending Vacation: Will I Ever Go Home??


Mar 12, 2014
Welcome to my official 2014 WDW Trip Report!
Thanks to everyone who has been following along with my PTR, and hello to everyone joining me now!

You've all waited long enough for me to get started, so here's an UPDATED intro of my fun trip!



Hello! My name is Alexis! I am 19 years old and currently (emphasis on currently) living in the state North Carolina...*crickets.*
Yeah, I'm not that crazy about it either. In fact I was born in Florida before my family relocated here. Fortunately the rest of our relatives are smarter than we, and are still there; so I visit often. But it just isn't the same!
I am a longtime fan of all things Disney! My parents on the other hand...well, they were generous enough to provide me with the movies and toys. But we didn't live in Florida anymore, so I never experienced the parks as a child. (Our annual theme park trip was always to Universal Orlando; my second love.) Fast forward to my freshman year of high school, and I took my first trip to WDW! It seriously changed my life. I have been back three times since then, and I have also traveled to Disneyland.

A list of my favorites...

Princess: Belle (I want to be her!)
Prince: Does Gaston count???? :lovestruc
Movie: Beauty and the Beast (are you noticing a trend?)
Park: Although I absolutely adore NF at MK... Epcot is my all-time favorite! Probably because I've never been out of the country :rotfl:
Ride: Mission: Space! tied with Mad Tea Party (I like to spin!)
Restaurant: Akershus Royal Banquet Hall

My life has been...somewhat difficult as of late. This is probably more info than the Dis cares to know, but I was in a 'committed' relationship that unexpectedly fell to pieces. After that happened, it became more apparent than ever that I have no reason to stay here in NC.
For almost two years now, I have been very dedicated to the idea of one day moving to Celebration, Florida. But I've never had a chance to visit there myself. After talking with my parents (and narrowly avoiding leasing a new apartment here) we agreed that it might be time to start working on making that move. Originally all three of us were going to head South for Easter. But work mumbo jumbo got in the way, and I wasn't going to spend Easter without them, so it was decided that I would drive to Florida after the holiday. with most Disney fans, you know it's sort of impossible to get that close to the World and not stop in. I was excited by the prospect of getting to visit Disney World again...especially since I had just been in February. (That's right, two months ago.) But that was just it, I had been in February. And what was then the most wonderful trip I had ever taken (boyfriend, mom, myself) was now a very harsh reality. I'd made the mistake of sharing my safe place. And to be honest, it felt kind of tainted.
But Disney is my thing. And I wasn't about to let anything spoil it. So what did I do? I booked a trip there!

My original plan was to drive there Tuesday April 22nd, and return sometime on Monday the 28th. Well, I DID leave on Tuesday, but this girl wasn't home until Friday April 2nd!!

My time was spent in Daytona Beach Shores, Celebration, and of course, Walt Disney World! But you'll hear more about each of those places in a little bit. :p



Day 1
Real-Life TestTrack

Day 2
Part 1: On the Road Again

Bonus Post!

Part 2: Around the World [Showcase Pavilion]

Part 3: Back to the Future [World]

Part 4: The Art of Persuasion
We were there the same week and had that same Gaston. My niece (also 19) said he smelled pretty manly but he was very in character. Can't wait to read about your adventure!
We were there the same week and had that same Gaston. My niece (also 19) said he smelled pretty manly but he was very in character. Can't wait to read about your adventure!

Hello Disnic75!! :wave2:
I hope you all had a great time on your trip! The weather was pleasant and lines were short :thumbsup2 As for Gaston and his smell.... I can honestly say, I ALWAYS shy away from smelling [or rather, just catching a whiff of] any/all of the characters. I'm sensitive to smell, so any serious B.O. would probably make me nauseous. Sorry she had to experience THAT! But yes, he is pretty good at being in character! We always have fun together.

Thanks so much for joining my TR!

Subbing to your TR.
Can't wait to read it! :surfweb:

Love your icon! Thanks for the sub, and I hope you enjoy!
Day 1: Tuesday, April 22nd

I started out my day, well…not anything like I had expected.
The night before, I had a very hard time getting to sleep. Sadly, it wasn’t due to excitement- but because the realization that I was going to have to drive by myself for 9 hours, had finally set in. Thanks to that whole ordeal, my parents insisted that I sleep in and leave a little later. I didn’t protest, and I was out the door at 11.


Reenie did NOT want me to leave.

Maybe Reenie was on to something, because that was not the best time to leave. It should have taken me exactly 26 minutes to get out of town. How long did it take you ask? 87 minutes. Yes. It took me nearly an hour and a half to get out of TOWN. Apparently, a very serious accident had taken place on one of the main bridges, and most of the lanes had been blocked off. While stopped at an intersection, before making it on to the bridge, a young woman and I started conversing through our open windows. We were both on our way to Florida! And, right behind us, two cars violently collided. We looked at each other with absolute horror, and then straight up with gratitude. I took the next 10 or so minutes to pray over my trip, and for everyone’s safety on the road. (I don’t think I prayed hard enough for others, because I avoided 3 more accidents during the rest of my trip DOWN there.)
Once I FINALLY got settled on the road, and my GPS told me I was going to be going straight for over 300 miles, I turned on some music and got ‘comfortable.’ The sky was clear as could be, and the rising temperature was pulling me further South. I was honestly having an amazing time. However, the fact that I hadn’t eaten breakfast was beginning to catch up with me at about 4 p.m.… But I was holding out for my traditional Southern splurge: Steak and Shake! So what should appear at the next exit?? None other than that not-quite-fast-food delicacy.


BEHOLD! This brand new beauty, and home of SAVANNAH, GA’S RUDEST WAITRESS!

Well, the meal was ‘eh.’ I was disappointed. And for some reason, my being there alone was apparently very interesting to everyone in the entire restaurant. What!? You people have never seen a single white girl eating a triple steak burger in a Hawaiian print shirt before??? (Ok…maybe I did look a little silly.) But the highlight of this stop, by far, was my interaction with one of the waitresses. Not MY waitress, mind you, but another that approached me while I was trying to eat.

[Quick backstory: I have several health problems, not anything too serious, but still stuff I have to deal with and have had to for nearly 10 years. Not trying to throw a pity party, so I’m not going in to detail, but as part of my ‘dealing’ with these things, I wear wigs. Guess I needed to preface that anyway because I’m sure I took some pictures with a different one on here and there!]

I dove right into my plate of food when it arrived. I was HUNGRY. So I felt very awkward when a waitress, whose name I unfortunately did not get, came over to my table and started questioning me while I had a mouthful of food. “Why are you wearing a wig!? Are you trying to hide your identity!?” I gestured to my mouth, trying not to be rude, and held up a finger asking her to give me a second. Well, she just continued, VERY loudly, “You don’t look like somebody who should be wearing wig! Plus I think it looks kind of stupid on you. You didn’t pick that out did you?”
Now, please don’t get me wrong. I have tons of encounters with people where I end up explaining my situation. It’s not something I try and hide, and I don’t like feeling dishonest if someone says, “Wow your hair looks GREAT, who did it??” I always pull a, “Well thank you but actually…” It’s just a small detail of my life, and I never know how sharing might help someone else. But THIS GIRL. She was under my skin. The things she said were mean, the questions were stupid, and in case I hadn’t emphasized it enough, she was LOUD. Everyone could hear her, and they weren’t being shy about looking me over after she started blabbering. Once I had gotten a chance to swallow my food, I looked at her and I simply stated, “You are disturbing me, and you are being unbelievably inappropriate. Please go harass someone else.” She gave me a nasty look and stomped off to go clean the bathrooms. It was everything I could do to keep from yelling at her/crying at my table. I didn’t bother going up to pay for my check. I just left a $20 bill (for a $6 meal) on my table and hoped it would help my waitress make it through the day. She was going to need it if she had to work with that other girl.

I got out of there fast. Sadly, then, I started to feel very self-conscious. So I took a few deep breaths while I pumped my tank full of gas, reminded myself that I was on an amazing adventure thanks to my generous family, and that once I got to Florida, it would be smooth sailing.

Well, before that smooth sailing, I witnessed/avoided 3 more accidents. A semi-truck’s tire blew out in front of me, a semi ran a truck off the road, and a PT Cruiser smashed into a concrete median. Don’t text and drive, people!!! Of course I made sure the police were notified, but don’t judge me for not stopping. I was a 19 year old girl all alone, ok!

Right when I FINALLY crossed the state line in to Florida this really cool thing happened, where the sun started to shine through the trees, like it was veiling the path ahead of me. I got butterflies in my stomach. I had driven all the way to Florida by myself….and I was IN FLORIDA! I called my mom and she cried. It was hysterical. And, as it is custom whenever I arrive in Florida, I started jamming out to this really cheesy joke-band called THE AQUABATS! I love those guys, and their playlist got me from the state line to the bridge crossing over into Daytona Beach Shores.
Now, when I got there, it was late. Around 9pm or so. But later on during my trip, I got plenty of pictures of the area I was staying at. And so I will share them now! (Seeing as they weren't really important on that day, I was just grabbing them for my TR ;) )


St. Croix feat. my Blue Chevy Cruze


A nice big building...that I don't know how to take pictures of.


Beautiful Daytona Beach. This is as close to it as I ever got.

I almost forgot....when I got in I did remember to snap a picture of all of my bags. I know this was a 'hot button issue' in my PTR :rotfl:
So just how many did I take!?!??!



5! Wow, I am good at guessing.
Bonus note: The CCHS Cheer bag is exclusively make-up.

When I arrived, my Aunt Karen and Uncle Joe gave me a kiss goodnight and headed to bed. Truthfully, that's where I wanted to go as well, but my cousin Courtney had showed up at the beach that night and had other plans. I wasn't in bed until 3 in the morning. Suddenly...leaving at 7 am seemed a little far fetched.

But with that, I conclude Day 1! Hopefully I haven't bored everyone to death, but I promise, once I get to Disney things get GOOD! :woohoo:

Next Up: On the Road Again!

Following along :thumbsup2
Great job so far.
Happy to hear you made it safe and sound to FL, avoiding all those accidents. :drive: 9 hours is a long time to drive by yourself.
That waitress needs to check herself. :mad:
Oh my goodness you are absolutely adorable. And I'm totally on the same boat as you with Belle, Gaston, and Beauty and the Beast. I really like the way this trip report is written- a lot people around our age who write trip reports tend to get a little bit annoying with introductions/descriptions. This one is perfect. I'm so sorry about what you've encountered and experienced before getting to Florida but I'm so happy that it's looking up for you!!! Subscribed. I can't wait to see what this trip brings you. It sounds like you really, really deserve it.
*insert schoolgirl squeak here* I'm so excited you started your TR!!!! You know Im adopting you, right? I am totally old enough you be your mama.... LOL #IJS

Love the Gaston pic, but umm err... :rotfl::rotfl:

:yay: popcorn::
Wow! Hello everyone! I am going to have to add an index up there, I wasn’t expecting many comments :grouphug:

Following along :thumbsup2
Great job so far.
Happy to hear you made it safe and sound to FL, avoiding all those accidents. :drive: 9 hours is a long time to drive by yourself.
That waitress needs to check herself. :mad:

Thank you!! :hug: I was pretty proud of making it, since it seemed like the UNIVERSE was against me!!! And I know…I was trying so hard to be nice, but some people are so ignorant to others’ feelings. :sad2:

I love this and can't wait to find out more.

Thank you very much, I appreciate your reading it!

Oh my goodness you are absolutely adorable. And I'm totally on the same boat as you with Belle, Gaston, and Beauty and the Beast. I really like the way this trip report is written- a lot people around our age who write trip reports tend to get a little bit annoying with introductions/descriptions. This one is perfect. I'm so sorry about what you've encountered and experienced before getting to Florida but I'm so happy that it's looking up for you!!! Subscribed. I can't wait to see what this trip brings you. It sounds like you really, really deserve it.

Wow :blush: You are too sweet! Aren’t they the BEST? I have some mad Beauty and the Beast love going on. Always happy to meet someone else who feels the same! :thumbsup2
Thank you for that compliment. I’m just trying to be honest, provide what I think was important, and hopefully entertain! I appreciate your kind words, and I just chalk it all up to the fact that I was on an adventure- and there has to be some drama and hardship in that, right??? I hope you continue to enjoy what I share here, because things get pretty exciting!!!

*insert schoolgirl squeak here* I'm so excited you started your TR!!!! You know Im adopting you, right? I am totally old enough you be your mama.... LOL #IJS

Love the Gaston pic, but umm err... :rotfl::rotfl:

:yay: popcorn::

Lanasia I am CRACKING UP RIGHT NOW. Happy to know you are home safe, can’t wait to hear all about what else you did!!
ADOPT AWAY. You are too cool. You definitely made my trip super special, I just wish I had been able to hang out more!!!

ALSO HAHAHA, shhh!!!!!!! Don’t reveal him yet! :lmao:
Day 2, Part 1: Wednesday, April 23rd

I woke up at 8 am. I’m not sure how, and I’m not sure why, but when I woke up, I was AWAKE. I normally take quite a while to get ready. (Really? The girl that over packs also takes a while to get ready?????)
But somehow I was completely showered, dressed, and made up in 45 minutes.*¬
Well...turns out getting ready that quickly didn't do me any good. I was so thankful that my family was letting me stay with them, it was so generous of them and I still have not been able to thank them enough for their hospitality. But, because of that, when morning came and everyone was up and hanging out...I couldn't stomach telling them that I wanted to get going. It just felt horribly rude. So I hung out. And hung out some more. And next thing I was nearly 11:30. Finally, my Aunt Karen said, "Alexis you should get going!" So I gave them all kisses, casually walked out the door.....AND BOLTED TO MY CAR. I had a reservation in Epcot at 1:50! Because of that, I was stressed on the road. It wasn't ideal. But I made there in what was probably record time.

Then I saw this glorious sight...


Note: Alexis does not condone nor regularly practice being on the phone while driving, but seeing as Alexis had never before gotten a picture of the front gate, and nobody was near her, she snapped a quick picture, that miraculously came out well.

At 12:49 I pulled into the Check-In parking lot at ALL STAR MOVIES! It looked, ya know, like an All Star resort. Nothing special, but I was at Disney! As for the rest of my arrival...My car is still very new, and I take very good care of it. So I always try and park away from others, (which just isn't possible when it comes to Disney parking), or next to nicer cars that wouldn't dream of slamming their door into my own. So a nice new Mustang to my left, and Mercedes to my right looked like a smart option.
I was very wrong.
I told myself I would not go in to much detail about this part of my trip, because it really is too painful for me to discuss too thoroughly. But the family with the Mustang came back to the check-in parking lot right as I had gathered my stuff to go inside. I immediately noticed that one of the two daughters this couple had, was mentally disabled. She had started to have somewhat of a fit, and they were not happy about it. I did not want to get involved, I do not have children and it was not my place. They looked hot and stressed out and in no mood to deal with her, which upset me, but it happens to everyone. I do not claim to know much about children with disabilities but I worked the Special Olympics four years in a row, and I have had my share of experiences with how to appropriately calm them down when they are in crisis when I saw them behaving less than appropriately with screaming and big, threatening gestures- I wanted nothing more than to get out of there. But they came around to the passenger side of their car to 'deal' with her, and had me blocked in. The yelling went on for several minutes, and then the family got physically violent with her. It was very bad. I was not going to let that take place, so I got out, had some choice words, took their plate # and rushed inside to the report them. After I filed an actual police report, the family was taken away for questioning of their own, and I checked in.

The day was not looking up at that point... Plus I felt upset that I would now be rushing to get to lunch, who wants that? Needless to say I did NOT walk around the resort and take pictures. This was all I got, on my way to the bus stop.


Once on the bus, I remembered that All Star Movies is the LAST stop on this shared bus thing the ASRs do. It was packed, and I was riding that yellow line at the front that no passenger can step over while in motion. I couldn't shake what just happened, and that mixed with the Florida heat had left me very 'huffy.' The bus driver told me I looked troubled. I told him that *I* wasn't troubled, but just worried for other people and other situations. (I was scared to death that nothing would happen to those folks who were abusing their daughter in broad still makes me sick to question.) He told me that I was 'home' now. I needed to leave all those worries behind. I kind of chuckled, it was a nice sentiment, one I generally believed, but the shock of what I had just witnessed here was not that easily glossed over. So in another attempt to cheer me up, he stopped a little short on his breaks, flinging me forward, and stirring up complaints from the Peanut Gallery that was the bus passengers. THAT made me laugh. So he did it like 3 more times. Everyone wanted out of there once we hit Epcot, but I had to give that man a big ol' hug.

With a renewed spirit, I marched on to Epcot!
I had this sweet camera that a friend let me borrow for this trip so I wanted lots of pictures. Even though I was late, I told myself, "They can wait five minutes at Chefs de France! I want a picture!"

*In case I hadn’t informed all of you lovely Dis-ers, because I went on a ‘ME’ trip, I wanted to feel good and look pretty! So, I was prepping to give all those cute girls in nice outfits a run for their money.
When I FINALLY arrived, I looked like this:


Close enough right?

(You can't really see it in that picture....but on the way down, I ended up getting a 2nd degree burn on my left arm. Prepare yourself for half-lobster pictures.)


After my picture I BOOKED IT to the France Pavilion. I was nice and sweaty when I got there, but I was NOT late! At 1:47 I stepped up to the podium and they told me to have a seat. I caught my breath and took some relatively ok pictures.


People...people everywhere.


When I finally took a seat...for two seconds.

I was one of those people, continuing to snap shots once inside the restaurant. But you know what? I was by myself, and I wanted to do a dining review like all the cool people on DisBoards! So I didn’t care what anyone thought!
[Speaking of dining reviews….allow me to redirect you here. I know I didn’t go to many places, but I just want things to be organized, so I’ve made a separate board in the appropriate place for all of my dining!]
During my meal I had an interesting exchange with my waiter (story will be in my dining report!) and I wish I had gotten a picture of us together because it would have been fun to have, but now I’ll remember that for next time!

After lunch, I was stuffed...and thankful that I was wearing a billowy dress. :thumbsup2

Next Up: Gratuitous Flower and Garden Festival Photos!


I named this thread 'The Never-Ending Vacation' because I didn't know how long I was going to stay in Florida, and ended up staying for a while. (As well as spending a lot more time at Disney than I had originally planned!)

But just to show you just how NEVER-ENDING this trip actually is...allow me to confuse and disorient you with this little screenshot...


That's right! That's my reservation for this upcoming week.
Have I impressed and intrigued you yet???
First of all, good for you for going solo and you look gorgeous in your Epcot pic!! I hope karma bites that waitress in the backside....hard and fast and I hope that family learned something from the situation.

Can't wait to read more and so happy for you that you are going back!
Good for you for speaking up, way to many people don't want to get involved. I hope you know that you could just have possibly saved that girl from more of their behavior.:thumbsup2
Subbing in. :)

I can't believe the waitress you encountered. That was the most horrible thing I have ever heard. :( And the couple at check Some people I just can't believe. :(

I am glad you made your ADR! Can't wait to read more.

I named this thread 'The Never-Ending Vacation' because I didn't know how long I was going to stay in Florida, and ended up staying for a while. (As well as spending a lot more time at Disney than I had originally planned!)

But just to show you just how NEVER-ENDING this trip actually is...allow me to confuse and disorient you with this little screenshot...


That's right! That's my reservation for this upcoming week.
Have I impressed and intrigued you yet???

I'm not sayin... but just sayin... :rolleyes:

Loving your report so far. Im going to go read your dining reviews also. I have never eaten that the Chef de France and actually afraid of French food ever since learning about escargot... *yikes*

So regarding the first experience with the waitress... she was just rude and totally inappropriate. You handled yourself well. And with the parents at check-in, you did the right thing. Whats crazy is I have seen SO MANY parents totally be verbally and physically abusive to their children at Disney... AT DISNEY!! How crazy is that?? I do understand its hot, expensive, lots of stress etc...but that is the ONE place where you really have to just put all that stress aside and know that the vacation isn't for you, its for the children. When I bring my daughter... I do everything she wants to do, go whereever she wants to go and would never think about mixing what should be great memories with memories of abuse, sadness or anger. Good for you!
Great start - awful waitress - outrageous that she thought she could speak to you like that and can't wait to hear how your holiday extended like that!
Subbing into your trip report and your dining report, I love love love reading and looking at Disney food! Just wanted to say how beautiful you are and I cannot believe that waitress, Karma will get her! And great job on stepping in with those parents, especially with a special needs child! Unbelievable what people will do! I'm happy that there are still a lot of people who will step in to protect others!

Cant wait to read more about your meals and your trip!
You've gotten me very interested in your trip! I'm still stunned over the rudeness of the waitress you encountered. How on earth does she still have a job??? How awful to have witnessed what you did with the abuse of that poor child. Even monsters go to WDW I guess. Glad you reported them. Most people would have turned a blind eye and walked away.
First of all, good for you for going solo and you look gorgeous in your Epcot pic!! I hope karma bites that waitress in the backside....hard and fast and I hope that family learned something from the situation.

Can't wait to read more and so happy for you that you are going back!

Oh jeez, I swear I wasn't fishing for compliments! :rotfl2: I just like getting a lot of pictures of myself at Disney... (which is funny, because I always hate getting my picture taken!) And where better to share them than here!? But thank you very much, that was so sweet of you to say.

I'm sure her mouth will get her in to some trouble one day, then she will learn! :rolleyes2
And hopefully they did...if anything I am sure they were at least embarrassed.

Thanks again, I cannot wait to head back!

Good for you for speaking up, way to many people don't want to get involved. I hope you know that you could just have possibly saved that girl from more of their behavior.:thumbsup2

What was so disturbing, was that they actually checked their surroundings before starting to hurt her- so they knew they were doing something wrong! It's one thing to correct your child's behavior or get even get a little frustrated with them...but they knew what they were doing. It would have been horribly wrong of me to ignore it. I'm honestly thankful I WAS there to stop it! :worried:
Still, thank you for the encouragement. It pleases me to know that not everyone is passive about these situations.

Subbing in. :)

I can't believe the waitress you encountered. That was the most horrible thing I have ever heard. :( And the couple at check Some people I just can't believe. :(

I am glad you made your ADR! Can't wait to read more.

Hello there!
I know, sorry for all the distressing updates! I have a habit of running into some real questionable people...

Thank you for subscribing, I hope you continue to enjoy! :wave2:

I'm not sayin... but just sayin... :rolleyes:

Loving your report so far. Im going to go read your dining reviews also. I have never eaten that the Chef de France and actually afraid of French food ever since learning about escargot... *yikes*

So regarding the first experience with the waitress... she was just rude and totally inappropriate. You handled yourself well. And with the parents at check-in, you did the right thing. Whats crazy is I have seen SO MANY parents totally be verbally and physically abusive to their children at Disney... AT DISNEY!! How crazy is that?? I do understand its hot, expensive, lots of stress etc...but that is the ONE place where you really have to just put all that stress aside and know that the vacation isn't for you, its for the children. When I bring my daughter... I do everything she wants to do, go whereever she wants to go and would never think about mixing what should be great memories with memories of abuse, sadness or anger. Good for you!

LaLa omg hahahahaha :rotfl:
I'll go if it means I get to talk about Disney :hyper:

Thanks for following both! And I'm glad you like them. I actually ate at two French places. Granted, I didn't order anything inherently 'french' at either. Which is sort of weird because I regularly visit a very nice French Bistro in our Downtown area. :confused3
Regardless, the cuisine is worth a try! (I have even braved escargot before ;) )

I know what you mean about the parent/child dynamic at Disney. I am sympathetic towards anyone I meet there, because you never know if it is like a once in a lifetime trip for them and their family. But there have been SO MANY INSTANCES where I see parents treating their children horribly because the kid is tired/cranky/hot or not doing something they want do do. I understand that a normal 35 year old man might not want to wait to meet princesses- but who brought their 5 year old daughter here and is now mad at her because she is crying because there is a 30 minute wait for Ariel and you wont do it!???? Like why wont some people just get over themselves!
They need to be taught the value of relaxing at your resort in the middle of the day. :headache:

When I have kids and I am there with them- show me this post if they are pushing my buttons. :lmao:

Great start - awful waitress - outrageous that she thought she could speak to you like that and can't wait to hear how your holiday extended like that!

Some people never learn you aren't supposed to talk to others like that! It blows my mind.

Thanks for following along!

Subbing into your trip report and your dining report, I love love love reading and looking at Disney food! Just wanted to say how beautiful you are and I cannot believe that waitress, Karma will get her! And great job on stepping in with those parents, especially with a special needs child! Unbelievable what people will do! I'm happy that there are still a lot of people who will step in to protect others!

Cant wait to read more about your meals and your trip!

Thank you so much! I love doing both of those things too. It helps me get excited for an upcoming trip, or even just get a Disney fix when I don't have anything planned! (I also always listen to park music when I am on Disboards...*hides MouseWorld Radio tab*)

I genuinely appreciate that compliment, thank you for being so kind.
Everyone has it out for the waitress! :lmao: And that family... just... :faint:
I'm not saying it was easy to step up, but I'm glad I was able to do it when it definitely needed to be done. Here's to hoping sharing that experience will encourage others to do the same.

Thanks again and I hope you enjoy!

You've gotten me very interested in your trip! I'm still stunned over the rudeness of the waitress you encountered. How on earth does she still have a job??? How awful to have witnessed what you did with the abuse of that poor child. Even monsters go to WDW I guess. Glad you reported them. Most people would have turned a blind eye and walked away.

No idea, honestly. Not that I wish for her to be fired; work is hard to find...especially when you have a less than desirable personality. :rolleyes:

And yeah, you get all kinds of people. It's unavoidable. Just wish that pixie dust would fix them! pixiedust:

Thanks for subscribing!


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