The Official Kingdom Hearts Thread

Well I did standard on the first, and then proud on KH2, but even then I still think, at least some of the bosses are harder. It is much harder now that you can't spam the cure like you used too and aeroga. Reflect doesn't count as it only lasts for a second.
I have a game break post again (probably will be my last one for a reason you'll read later)

Sephiroth is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally hard, but is beatable at level 80, with Glide, High Jump, Quick Run, and Air Dodge all at lvl 3, with Once More and other attack abilities.

The final boss takes FOREVER!!!

You have to pump the X and Triangle buttons during the last part of the final boss to stay alive.

To get the best Ultima weapons for Donald and Goofy, you have to make the normal Ultimas again, but using a Serenity Crystal.

Did anyone else think making it so using Summons also makes you use the Drive Gauge, which is also used for the Forms that are a lot more powerful was a huge mistake?
Can someone tell me how to summon :rotfl: I have unlocked two summon characters i just don't know what to do.
so much spoilors! XD XD XD oh well i had some lol.. did anyone get to his final form? if so.... isnt it pretty... and..uhhh cool? i want to get it cuz its silver!! XD XD to lay off the suger..

*cough*.... hehehehehheheeh

...wait... Why did i post this?

..also..Vanjoshing i cant help u..cuz i just started Sora's story!! XD XD !! ..and also .. i would think KH1 is easier but i cant really say that because i didnt finish the game!!

oh yea.. ppl btw... i was reading this other forum because... i have no and he said he bought the game when it came out.. and he finished it .. i mean finished it..THE DAY AFTER... 28 HOURS STRAIGHT.. dang... i know im a KH fan.. but no sleeping?!?!? XD XD XD ...
I refuse to waste my drive gauge on some stupid summon. When it is all over I am going to go back and watch them and see how they turn out.
ok people i just beat the game sweet!!!!!!!

Spoiler Highlight:at the end of the game riku and sora are stuck in the realm of darkness then the bottle kiari sent sora in the beginning comes and sora opens a door to light sora is greeted by kiari ,king mickey,donald.and goofy a few days later sora gets a note in a bottle from the king for sora's next mission
I've finally got it! I just beat Land of Dragons for the second time. I'm planning on making a video out of the 1000 heartless battle. That was my favorite part so far.

Anyone else think that the neoshadows are too weak? They're nowhere near as tough as they were in KH:COM.
For those who have beaten Xaldin, please help. I am on proud and am getting whooped.
Saxsoon said:
For those who have beaten Xaldin, please help. I am on proud and am getting whooped.
Try to have Donald and Beast in your party, and try and stay aways back, and wait for the "Learn" reaction command. You can get multiple "Jumps" stockpiled during one "Learn" session if you can pump the Triangle button really fast. Anyways, try and stock as many as Jumps as you can, and then use them all at once to damage Xaldin quite a bit. Then retreat and repeat the process, and eventually Xaldin will be down for the count.
Oh I had no problem with that, I would get him down to one bar, but he would then go immortal on me.

It doesn't matter though, as my file became corrupted and I had to start over. I am on standard this time, and it just seems more enjoyable.
jkmj said:
anyone know how to get the ultima blade
OK, for me, the hardest part is getting the 7 Orichalcum+s that you will be using. There is one for getting all the materials, one for completeing Hundred Acre Wood, one in the Central Computer Mesa in Tron, one for finishing "A new day is dawning" in Atlantica, one at the Brink of Despair in TWTNW, one in Sunset Terrace (as Sora), and one for finishing the Goddess of Fate Cup. Once you have those, the rest of the items are dropped by enemies. The rest is an Orichalcum, a Mythril Crstal, and I think a Dense Crystal. Anyways, you NEED a Serenity crystal to make the weapon. After you get those, then you should be able to make the Ultima Weapon.
Wow, I restarted my game last night and played for three hours until I got to Beast's Castle (not having been to Mulan)

I started at 7:30 this morning till about 20 minutes ago with the occasional hour long break, I just made it to the 1000 heartless battle. Course it was easier skipping most of the cutscenes, and I am also now on standard, which is more enjoyable. My 1000 heartless time was 4 minutes and 15 seconds. (I timed it) Only Mulan and Beast and I will be back to where I was before the data corruption.


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