The official SINGLES SEEKING SINGLES dating thread- PROFILES ONLY!!!

First Name: Ted

Location: St Croix, Virgin Islands

Age: 24

Sex: M

Hair/Eye Color: Dark brown, but see my photo, I don't dye it... seriously!

Body Type: Average

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: I work in Agriculture for the Federal Government

Do you have any kids: nope

Do you have any pets: no, but there does seem to be at least a few lizards in my house at all times haha

Favorite activities: cooking, football, soccer, Ultimate, movies

Favorite movie: Point Break and Saving Private Ryan

Favorite color(s): orange

Favorite Disney character(s): Rafiki

A little bit about yourself: I have wanderlust, I move around ( lived on the east coast, west coast, Australia and Caribbean lately), love to cook (will create fantastic meals), and love sports

A little bit about your ideal match: Sassy, must love to travel
First Name: Johnathen

Location: North Ridgeville, Ohio

Age: 30 (I can't believe it either)

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Dark Brown/Brown

Body Type: I grew into my man body.

Ethnicity: German, Welsh, Russian.

Occupation: Companies Computer Guy

Do you have any kids: No, but I would like to some day

Do you have any pets: Yes I have a Female Pug

Favorite activities: Computers, Traveling, Watching Movies, Listing to Music, Arguing with my friends about which is better Star Trek or Star Wars

Favorite movie: Fritz Lang's 1927 classic Metropolis

Favorite color(s): Black which not really a color but and absence of color, lime green

Favorite Disney character(s): Wall-E, Dumbo

A little bit about yourself: I don't do the bar scene or online dating sites and I'm introverted when meeting new people I am an only child I only have a few close friends. That doesn't mean I don't like people. I am financially stable and eventually would like to end up in Austin or Las Vegas.

A little bit about your ideal match: Looking for someone that can keep up with me. I would prefer to find someone who has never been married with no kids. Prefer none smokers ( I have been free of smoking products since 04/01/10). My age range is probably late 20s into 30s.
First Name: Racheal

Location: Ottawa, Ontario

Age: 24

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: dark brown/green

Body Type: Average

Ethnicity: caucasian

Occupation: Court Clerk

Do you have any kids: No, but I would love children

Do you have any pets: Yes, I have a Shih Tzu, stella

Favorite activities: Traveling, Watching Movies, blogging, yoga, baking

Favorite movie: Right now, Any chickflick

Favorite color(s): Purple

Favorite Disney character(s): Daisy

A little bit about yourself: I am young professional who is recently single and looking to meet someone who is a good match for me. I am looking to settle down, be a wife and have children. I love to travel (a trip once a year), I'm easy going and i love from my toes up.

A little bit about your ideal match: Looking for someone who share the same goals/dreams as me.
First Name: Steven

Location: Manitoba

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Hair/Eye Color: Black/black

Body Type: Fitter than before

Ethnicity: Asian

Occupation: Printing/Logistics Industry (two entirely separate jobs)

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: No

Favorite activities: Running, lifting, basketball. Also reading about running, lifting, and basketball.

Favorite movie: Better Luck Tomorrow. I actually don't get to watch a lot of movies, so I'll mention my favourite TV shows are the Colbert Report and Conan

Favorite color(s): Orange

Favorite Disney character(s): Abu and the magic carpet

A little bit about yourself: I have a simple job that allows me to travel freely and often (never work related though - my supervisors are awesome and let me do this far too much.) It's a small sacrifice to take in order to do something I love. It's definitely not the kind of career I like, but given my age, I would prefer to commit to travel over profession. Other than work, I enjoy a cup of Starbucks and can sit there for hours teaching myself a language. I'm also traveling a lot in 2011. I do have a degree in Poli Sci but it is severely underused at this point.

I joined here to get to know people who are running the WDW and DL half-marathons. My goal in 2011 is to get the coast-coast medal and later on the Goofy challenge in 2012. January 2011 will mark the third time I'll be in WDW.

A little bit about your ideal match: I like it when girls are humble and laugh at the idiocy that comes out of my mind. Sharing similarities would be great but not necessary.
Hi Steven! I'm doing the full in January and the Princess Half. I plan on doing the DL half too. Head on over to the WISH boards to meet more of the people doing the races.
Okay, gotta say it. . .a severe lack of anyone over the age of 40 posting on this thread lately. . .although due to the fact that I have many 30 something friends. . .that would work too. . .
First Name: -em

Location: Orlando

Age: 30

Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Green

Body Type: sigh- working to lose the last 15 lbs

Ethnicity: American mutt- Italian, English, Norwegian

Occupation: Hospitality with a Retail base (or jack of all trades, master of none)

Do you have any kids: nope

Do you have any pets: used to have a fish

Favorite activities: Traveling, taking pictures, exploring theme parks

Favorite movie: Too many to count

Favorite color(s): Cantaloupe Orange

Favorite Disney character(s): Tarzan, Lilo

A little bit about yourself: Why is it when this question comes up my mind goes blank? I'll come back to edit when I think of something remotely interesting to post...
A little bit about your ideal match: Someone who is stable, knows how to have fun with whatever life gives and has a sense of humor.
First Name: Ryan

Location: so. California

Age: 32

Sex: m

Hair/Eye Color: brown / hazel green

Body Type: average

Ethnicity: Italian

Occupation: video editor

Do you have any kids: no

Do you have any pets: 1 dog / puggle

Favorite activities: movies, music, theme parks etc.

Favorite movie: toy story 3 might be it right now

Favorite color(s): green

Favorite Disney character(s): pooh

A little bit about yourself: I'm a fun honest guy. Love going to Disneyland, been to disneyworld a few times and I'm ready to go back. Want to do a cruise someday soon with a special someone. :goodvibes

A little bit about your ideal match: someone honest, open and fun.

Would love to talk to other Disney people. Hopefully someone in, but you never know where life will take you

Picture on my avatar. I can email more. Pm me :)
First Name: Hayley

Location: Central Jersey


Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color:
Hair color is currently blonde, but I get bored so it changes a lot Eye color is green

Body Type: Somewhere between slim and average, I suppose.

Ethnicity: Caucasian (German/Polish descent)

Occupation: Student; History Major, Political Science Minor

Do you have any kids: Nope

Do you have any pets:
Yep, two dogs and two cats

Favorite activities: Swimming; Singing tonelessly; Dancing around like an idiot; Going to/lounging on the beach (which is sort of a must in Jersey); Anything outside; Watching football; Shopping

Favorite movie: Ummmm... Independence Day. I think. Or Apollo 13. I like movies about space. But not Star Wars.

Favorite color(s): Pink, purple, and green

Favorite Disney character(s): Princess: Sleeping Beauty; Of all Disney characters: Bambi and Alice

A little bit about yourself: I'm really energetic and don't sit still well lol. I'm in college, which is probably important to throw out there, and the most important thing in my life right now is finishing and [hopefully] going to grad school after. I'm the baby of my family, so I'm a little bit spoiled, but not so much that I can't provide for myself. I work during the summers and winter break pretty much constantly, so I have my own money and don't only spend my parents. I hope one day to move out of New Jersey, because I don't really like it here. It's too cold. I hope to end up somewhere down south, preferably either Texas or Florida.

A little bit about your ideal match:
I try not to look for specifics with people, but he needs to make me laugh. He needs to be a nice person, which is vague, I know, but I won't put up with anyone who treats me, his family, my friends, or anyone else badly. I would like him to be taller then me, but I'm fairly short (only 5'4") so it's easy enough for that. My age range is preferably 20-25. Other than that, I don't really have specifics. Other then I've had my wedding planned in WDW since I was 10, so he needs to be aware that, if it works out, that's where we're getting married :)




Hey stranger :flower3:

How have you been?
throwing myself in here, just so Nurse Darcy has someone over 40 to talk to..LOL

First Name: Ralph
Location: Central PA for now, eventually Orlando

Age: Chronologically 53. mentally..judge for yourself

Sex: M
Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Hazel

Body Type: Human/ A few pounds over

Ethnicity: White

Occupation: Photographer
Do you have any kids: 3, all young adults
Do you have any pets: no

Favorite activities: Travel to WDW , Photography

Favorite movie: Pirates ,of course .

Favorite color(s): Purple and Black

Favorite Disney character(s): Mickey , Jasmine

A little bit about yourself: 52 going on 16, Photographer specializing in Portraits, Model Portfolios, and Entertainment Photography

A little bit about your ideal match: Someone who loves Disney as much as I do, and does not take life too seriously

I'm the one with the camera.........................and I do clean up nicely when necessary..LOL
throwing myself in here, just so Nurse Darcy has someone over 40 to talk to..LOL

First Name: Ralph
Location: Central PA for now, eventually Orlando

I didn't see this. Welcome Ralph. Your line directed to me made me laugh. . .lol. Now come chat on the Singles Social Club thread so we can all get to know you. . .
First Name: Robin

Location: Springfield IL
Age: 34

Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: Dark Brown/ Blue

Body Type: Round--few extra pounds

Ethnicity: white
Occupation: Preschool teacher

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: Yes, FAT cat-Spooky

Favorite activities: reading, scrapbooking, concerts, spending time with friends...

Favorite movie: The Replacements, Harry Potter series, Drumline...anything! I am not into one type I like anything that holds my interests.

Favorite color(s): Purple, blue

Favorite Disney character(s): Stitch, Tigger, Chip and Dale

A little bit about yourself: Some say I am outgoing and like to be center of attention. I just like to talk!!! :rotfl: I am friendly and love meeting new people. My friends and family are very important to me as well.

A little bit about your ideal match: I would like someone who makes me laugh. Someone with a job...or someone who has definite goals in life and is ok working towards those goals.I like to feel needed but not smothered!
First Name: David

Location: Redondo Beach, CA
Age: 44

Sex: M

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Brown

Body Type: Average

Ethnicity: Hispanic
Occupation: Facilities Manager

Do you have any kids: No

Do you have any pets: Yes, two black cats

Favorite activities: scuba diving, backpacking and traveling

Favorite movie: Avatar, The Wrestler, Enter the Dragon and The Hangover

Favorite color(s): Green

Favorite Disney character(s): Sully and of course Mickey

A little bit about yourself: I'm the sort of person who likes to be outdoors and some of the more regular activities I participate in are scuba diving, jogging, hiking and traveling. I also enjoy bike riding, inline skating, kayaking and stand up paddle boarding. On the quite side I enjoy watching movies and reading. I am also a bit of an adrenaline junky and enjoy zip lining, bungee jumping and skydiving whenever I get the chance.

A little bit about your ideal match: I would prefer someone who enjoys some of the same activities but of course not necessary. This person should also be independent, adventurous and obviously enjoy the outdoors.
First Name: Ellen

Location: South Side of Chicago, with Cubbie Blue blood;)

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Blonde

Body Type: Athletic curves

Ethnicity: Caucasion

Occupation: Desk Clerk & College Student

Do you have any kids: no & I see myself never wanting any

Do you have any pets: yes, my baby girl Stevie. She's four months

Favorite activities: swimming, drawing, painting, working out, reading, shopping, going to disney worldddd!

Favorite movie: Garden State, League of Their Own, Elizabeth, Atonement, The Reader, and oh, so many more.

Favorite color(s): Green & Pink

Favorite Disney character(s): Figment!

A little bit about yourself: 2010 has been without a doubt one of the hardest years of my life. I have had so many personal and family tragedies, they have left me struggling to keep my well-known smile. I am known to be the bubbly front desk clerk, so much that when I moved properties across the parking lot, several guests followed:rotfl: As of 2007, I entered my dream college pursuing an English degree with an emphasis on writing. My mother had been diagnosed with CHF earlier that year, and after two years at NCC I transferred to my community college for nursing. After the most recent hospitalization of my mother, I have lost all desire for the medical field. I now, more than ever, feel that writing is my immediate source of solitude. So, next year I am returning to NCC. I guess that was a tad more than a bit :rotfl2:

A little bit about your ideal match: I am not so sure of the "ideal" match. I feel that I am able to care and love many souls throughout my lifetime. I, however, do feel that it would be nice to at least gain support. Whether it be emotional or physical or through just words. My heart could envelope the entire world:grouphug:
First Name: Janet

Location: Suburban Chicago

Age: 45
Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: brown hair/green eyes

Body Type: petite but curvy

Ethnicity: a little bit of every European country

Do you have any kids:no

Do you have any pets: not currently- just lost my 22 year old cat

Favorite activities: movies, festivals, live music

Favorite movie: Sense and Sensibility

Favorite color(s): purple

Favorite Disney character(s): Pinocchio

A little bit about yourself: I am kind, considerate and witty

A little bit about your ideal match: kind and compassionate is a must. Young at heart and a good sense of humor too.
First Name: Bobbie

Location: Arkansas

Age: 36
Sex: F

Hair/Eye Color: Blonde/blue-green

Body Type: curvy

Ethnicity: Im a mutt LOL!

Do you have any kids:Yes...3 wonderful teenagers

Do you have any pets: not currently

Favorite activities: movies, traveling

Favorite movie: Im a scary movie buff!

Favorite color(s): teal

Favorite Disney character(s): Mickey!

A little bit about yourself: Hate to be late...sweet, fun, and a hopeless romantic

A little bit about your ideal match: Sweet, caring, honest
First Name: Robin

Location: Louisiana

Age: 41

Sex: Female

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/Green

Body Type: Changing since I have lost 60 lbs and still losing


Occupation: Hairstylist but will be going into case management since I have just graduated from college

Do you have any kids: yes ds 23, dd 16 (a child with autism) dd 14

Do you have any pets: dwarf frog

Favorite activities: DISNEY, reading, just started training for a race, theater and musicals

Favorite movie: Snow White

Favorite color(s): Purple and Red

Favorite Disney character(s): Evil Queen from snow white

A little bit about yourself: I am currently going through a divorce. However I love being with my family. Love to learn and do new and interesting adventures and experiences. Some friends say I have a weird sense of humor, not sure. I drink socially, don't do the bar scene and non smoker.

A little bit about your ideal match: Must have patience with people with special needs. Must love Disney. I want soemone to enjoy life with and still be able to give one another their private time. Must be a NON SMOKER!


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