The OMG my husband is so awesome TR - Day 2, MK


Looking around
Nov 14, 2010
Day 2 - MK

We were awake stupidly again this morning so we decided to get to MK in time for Rope Drop. We have only made it for RD once before so I was very excited! We got up and got ready, not forgetting to pack the ponchos today ;) just in case. We hopped in the car and headed to MK without stopping for breakfast... I already had plans for where we would have breakfast...

We parked the car and headed over to MK via the monorail to make sure we would arrive in time to see the RD ceremony.

Sy went through bag check and I went right in to find an unobstructed view, managed to get a great spot right in the middle before the turnstiles right in front of a wall and flowerbed, which meant no one could stand right in front of me :) small victory for a vertically challenged person like myself ;) Sy soon joined me and the show began moments later. I totally didn't cry, I'm way too grown up, honest... Do you believe me yet? ;) Ah it was as wonderful as the last time and worth rushing around to make it in time to see.

Once the masses starting making their way towards Anna and Elsa we slowly made our way in and up main street. First stop, breakfast in the new Starbucks Bakery :D I've never been in there before but I had seen online loads of yummy looking breakfast items so I knew I wanted to try it out.

We spent a little while deciding what to have but we finally settled on a ham and cheese croissant for me and a sausage and egg muffin for Sy. Plus some apple slices with caramel to share, a diet coke for me and an iced coffee for Sy.

We found a table outside Casey's and ate breakfast while watching the crowds power walking towards Fantasyland*

*I actually have no idea where they were walking, but I'm taking an educated guess ;)

We ate our breakfast and sat for a bit letting it go down. We were just enjoying being there, soaking up the atmosphere. I left Sy sitting and went to watch some main street performers singing and dancing :D After about half an hour we decided we would go and ride some rides! We walked through the still empty Liberty Square, Sy found somewhere to stop - turns out that walk from Casey's was a long tiring walk and he needed to sit down again...

We made our way over to Haunted Mansion and rode with no queue whatsoever. Next up we headed over to It's a Small World, again with no queue. I think we went on a few more rides ;) but this is where my memory fails me... Sorry!

By lunchtime it was HOT and we were struggling so we decided to call it a day for now and head back to the hotel, we would be coming back later on after our afternoon tea at the Grand so it didn't matter that we were leaving so early ;)

We were back at the hotel by 1pm, the heat and early morning was getting to us and before we knew it we were both napping on the bed... oops! I had set an alarm just in case we fell asleep luckily.

The alarm went off and awoke us both from our naps. Feeling refreshed we got ready for our afternoon tea :) I was very unimaginative and wore the exact same dress as I wore the last time we went, doh! We hopped in the car and headed over to the Grand Floridian.

We valet parked the car (yes its lazy but it was so hot and I didn't want to get all sweaty and manky before our tea), and made our way inside. We were a little early so we checked in and then grabbed a seat and listened to the pianist.

Soon enough a lady came over to show us inside. We were seated at the exact same table as last time. The tearoom was full to the brim of guests, much busier than it was the last time. Our waitress came to take our order, I had the same yummy mango oolong tea :D I'd been so looking forward having some more of that tea and it certainly didn't disappoint, I asked if they sold any tea to take away but they only had the big boxes of that tea at about $60 if my memory is correct... either way I thought it was a bit too much for some tea ;)

Our sandwiches soon arrived, I had all chicken again which was no problem while Sy not being the fussy git I am, had the usual selection. It was followed by scones & jam tart and then finally the cakes (Sy) and strawberries & cream (me).

We had a lovely & yummy afternoon :) in fact, it was so good we started to wonder what it would be like to stay in the Grand Floridian... In fact we kept talking about it... Before we knew it we were at the front desk asking if they had any availability for a night or 2 during our trip. They did but only in one of their suites in club level, you don't even wanna know how much that was ;) the girl who was chatting with us and finding out availability for us mentioned trying at the Villas as we had mentioned we owned there. Knowing how far in advance the rooms get booked out I didn't hold out much hope however I had read online that they can often make the odd room become available at the last moment, rooms they keep back for inventory etc. So with nothing to lose we took a walk over to ask (and have a nosey round!).

If you haven't been into the lobby of the villas yet, its worth it. Its*SO* worth it. The reception is beautiful, so relaxing and serene. There was a girl sat at the desk with no other guests around so we went over to ask if we might be able to squeeze in a night or 2. We sat down and she made a few calls before coming back to say that they had 3 nights available in a lake view studio! :O I wasn't expecting that at all! We decided to just do 2 nights (I say we, what I really mean is I did - Sy wanted all 3 but I was worried as we were already borrowing nearly all of near years points for our trip in October so I said we could only do 2). So that was it, we were booked for 2 night in the villas at the Grand Floridian starting the next day! Ahhhhh! And that's not where the fun ended... we walked back out the front doors to the villas and Sy walked me over to the Senses spa, and booked me in for an aromatherapy massage for 2 days later. He admitted some work he was doing for a friend he was getting paid double than what he told me - he was keeping it for birthday surprises for me :D *Awwwwww*

Back outside we walked over to the main hotel again and hopped on the monorail over to MK.

Back inside the Magic Kingdom we wandered over to Tomorrowland and went into Monsters Inc Laugh Floor, followed by Buzz Lightyear (which Sy won by a country mile!)

We then made our way over to Big Thunder Mountain and arrived just as they shut it down. A lady wasn't well in the queue so they were tending to her. While we were stood there I started to feel a bit icky so we decided to make our way out of the park. We got to the bridge by Splash mountain and I started to feel icky. We went into Pecos bill's so that I could use the restroom (it was the closest one!). Unfortunately I wasn't well :( I came out and we sat at a table for a bit while Sy went to grab me a drink. I had the shakes badly as I'd got myself into a bit of a state (I hate being ill, especially sick - which I was). I went to find Sy as he had been gone ages and bless the girl on the counter saw my birthday badge and gave me a chocolate cake, it was so sweet of her but oh dear, it was really the last thing I wanted lol, Sy stashed it in the bag for later and gave me the water which to took right back into the bathroom with me :( After about 45 mins I still wasn't feeling well and shaking like a leaf Sy went to ask for a manager to see if there might be a wheelchair nearby to get me out of the park - there was no way I could walk all that way (we had to be miles away from the front didn't we?!). The manager was so sweet and went to find one for me, I don't remember her name now however I did leave a lovely note for her at guest services to thank her a few days later. Poor Sy had to push me in the sticky heat all the way back to the Grand Floridian :( He doesn't mind but I do - I'm a proud soul ;) (since coming home I have bought my own electric wheelchair, I've gotta get over myself and accept what I can and can't do, no matter how much I hate to admit it, I'm struggling at the moment health wise).

We were soon back at our hotel, and I was starting to feel a little better - I was certainly shaking less. Sy wanted some dinner but I couldn't face it so he dropped me at the hotel while he went out to get something to eat. He ended up with take out Popeye's, he did get something for me as he thought I should probably eat something and I did eat a little bit of chicken before admitting defeat and heading to bed.

Bit of a naff end to the day but by tomorrow I was feeling much better :)
I really want to do afternoon tea at the GF, but is it shameful to admit that I would want a taste of everything ;) :blush:
Glad you felt a bit better by the time you got back to your room :goodvibes

Claire :)
I'm sorry that you weren't feeling well - being sick to your stomach is the worst feeling! But the Grand Floridian sounds lovely and I'm loving this trip report! :love:
Great reports Robyn, the MK RD Ceremony is just brilliant isn't it. I purposely didnt' watch it on YouTube before we went in December and we were awake at 5am on our first day so got to MK just in time to see the show before pickup up our APs.

Also Starbucks breakfast is a good start to the day :D


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