The One Where We Got Engaged - Updated 6/14 (Be Our Guest)

Part 3: The Proposal - Saturday Dec. 8th

We checked out of the hotel around 11 a.m., and packed up the rental car. As we sat in the car about to leave, my fiancé asked me if I wanted to go "say goodbye" to the beach and hang out there for a little bit longer before we left. I should have known something was up, because our plan for that day was to go to Kennedy Space Center, he LOVES Kennedy, and he would normally be very anxious to just go straight there. He is also not as crazy about the ocean as I am. Back to the beach we went...


We sat on some beach chairs, watched kids playing, the waves, etc. I was honestly a little sad and disappointed because part of me really expected him to propose the day before. I figured that if he didn't do it yesterday, it wasn't going to happen on this trip.



Our story is a little different. We've been together for over 7 years, own a home together, several pets, have made out-of-state moves together, planned to get married eventually, but haven't for various reasons. We started looking at rings online in November. I also recently noticed one of the rings that I never wear downstairs on the coffee table one night (he was trying to figure out my ring size), but was trying not to get my hopes up. He did everything he could to lead me to believe that it wasn't going to happen on this trip. So after he didn't propose on our first day on the beach, I was just ready to move on to Kennedy!

I'm not sure how long we sat on the beach chairs, but it started to get really hot and he started acting a little weird. I told him that a Diet Coke would make me REALLY happy, and wouldn't getting something to drink and heading to Kennedy make him happy? He said that that would make him happy, but that me being his wife would him happier, and he pulled out an open ring box and placed it on my lap.

I stared at him and said "seriously?" And then I think I said "of course" and we kissed and hugged. He had to tell me to look at the ring. :lovestruc


I took this picture later in the trip, but I think it shows the ring more clearly. It's a simple 4-prong platinum setting, with a round brilliant cut diamond. The diamond itself is G color, GIA excellent cut (GIA's version of ideal cut/highest rating), VVS2 clarity, and 0.73 carats. The band is a little loose so I may need to get it re-sized, but I love it.


I was in shock and very excited! We decided to not call any family/friends until after we went to Kennedy. He told me that he had planned to propose the night before at sunset but couldn't because we slept through it. :) He was even going to have the date engraved in the ring from the day before, so it's a good thing he decided against it.
CONGRATULATIONS! I'm in to read more. What a sweet, simple way to propose, after you saying that I diet coke would make you happy!!! :lmao: Beautiful!

And I love the ring too.
Aww....what a perfect proposal - very sweet! Your ring is gorgeous! Congratulations to the both of you!!
CONGRATULATIONS! I'm in to read more. What a sweet, simple way to propose, after you saying that I diet coke would make you happy!!! :lmao: Beautiful!

And I love the ring too.

I thought that part was pretty funny too :) I am addicted to Diet Coke, so it's pretty fitting.

Aww....what a perfect proposal - very sweet! Your ring is gorgeous! Congratulations to the both of you!!

Thank you! I'm so excited :)

Subbing, and congrats! :)

Thank you and welcome!

Congratulations! The ring is beautiful!!!!

Thanks! I love it and catch myself staring at it all the time.
Part 4: Kennedy Space Center - Saturday Dec. 8th

We arrived at Kennedy around 1 p.m., to be welcomed by storm clouds and rain. We've been to Kennedy before, but they've changed things since our last trip in 2011. The entrance is new and is in a different location, and they now charge for parking ($10). I like the new entrance because it's right in front of the rocket garden, which used to feel a little out of the way.


It was neat to see the Christmas decorations. Look at those clouds!


This is the granite ball fountain thing (that sounds better than it's real name, a Kugel ball). I think it's pretty cool, but I'm easily entertained. :)


We tried buying the special tickets for the Vehicle Assembly Building tour but it was sold out. These are the only tickets we didn't buy ahead of time, and we really should have. That was a little disappointing, but not surprising. After a quick lunch in their fast food restaurant :-)crazy2:), we went onto the regular bus tour instead (the one included with admission). Here's a little picture of the bus loading area.


Launch pad from the viewing area. The viewing area is the first stop on the bus tour.


The Vehicle Assembly Building. This building is huge, each of the stripes on the flag is 9 feet wide. You'll drive by this a few times on the bus tour.


The weather started clearing up when we were by the Apollo / Saturn V center. Yay for more palm trees!


The obligatory rocket picture. (If you haven't been to Kennedy, the only way to get to the Apollo / Saturn V center is by the bus tour).


At the end of the bus tour, right by the main entrance to Kennedy, we drove by where they are building the Atlantis exhibit. You can see the Atlantis inside of it from the road, but this picture didn't turn out very well. I have a feeling this is why they now charge for parking...


More Christmas Decorations!


We didn't get to see either of the IMAX moves the last time we went to Kennedy, so we watched this one this time. Now, I love IMAX movies but I was starting to get anxious and having a hard time sitting still because I just wanted to tell everyone I knew that we were engaged!


After the IMAX movie, we hit the gift shop. I almost bought one of these coffee mugs because the lid/seal was pretty cool (I spill a lot, so I need all the help I can get). Decided not to buy one, but took a picture instead.


My fiancé bought a hat and I forget what else. We bought this cute little ornament for our tree. You'll see that we ended up buying a lot of Christmas ornaments on this trip...


I think Kennedy closed at 5 p.m. and I was definitely ready to leave and start calling everyone I knew to tell them about the proposal. We slowly made our way back to the parking lot, checking out more of the Christmas decorations and other fun things in the rocket garden.


He can't resist climbing in these things.


All in all, we had a good time at Kennedy. Having just been there a little over a year ago, I was a little bored by some of the stuff on the bus tour, but we did try to do some new things while we were there. I spent most of the day staring at my ring, so I was a little distracted :)

You may have noticed by now that I'm not including a ton of pictures of the two of us. Due to the nature of my job, I'm a little uncomfortable posting them. I hope this is still an enjoyable trip report, despite that!

Next Up: Loews Royal Pacific

YAY for a beach engagement !! Congratulations !! Looking forward to reading more !!

I can't believe you had to suffer the whole day at Kennedy Space Center and didn't call anyone! I would be busy staring at my ring too! :)
AHHH congratulations, again!!! Your ring is just gorgeous!

Omg, I love those big balls! There is one at the Science Museum here! I love playing in it.

Kennedy looks cool, but I can see why it could be a little boring going twice in a short period of time!
YAY for a beach engagement !! Congratulations !! Looking forward to reading more !!

Thank you!


I can't believe you had to suffer the whole day at Kennedy Space Center and didn't call anyone! I would be busy staring at my ring too! :)

I KNOW! It was such a long day.

AHHH congratulations, again!!! Your ring is just gorgeous!

Omg, I love those big balls! There is one at the Science Museum here! I love playing in it.

Kennedy looks cool, but I can see why it could be a little boring going twice in a short period of time!

It's neat, but I'm glad we only spent a half-day there this trip. I was so anxious to leave.
Part 5: Loews Royal Pacific - Saturday Dec. 8th

After finally leaving Kennedy, I started calling my family to tell them about the engagement. My mom didn't answer her phone, so I called my dad next and told him the news. He was really excited, but of course had to add "better late than never". Thanks dad :rolleyes2 After talking to my two sisters and my mom, my sisters posted about it on Facebook so of course everyone else knew within minutes. I felt bad because we hadn't had the chance to call my fiancé's family yet. His parents knew about it before the trip, but still. Gotta love Facebook :headache:

We made a few stops on our way to Universal. We had a Redbox movie that we brought from Colorado to return (I never remember to return those!), so we went to Publix. Across the street from Publix was a tiny hole-in-the-wall restaurant called Tasty Wok BBQ & Noodle House. We were starving, so I looked up reviews for it on my phone. The reviews were pretty good, so we ended up eating dinner there. It was packed, but the food was good. My fiancé liked it more than I did (he loves trying restaurants like that). Nothing makes an engagement dinner more awesome than ducks hanging in the window :laughing: (Don't worry, we had many fabulous dinners during the remainder of the trip to celebrate our engagement). Our last stop was Best Buy, because I forgot to pack my camera charger. :(

We pulled up to the Loews Royal Pacific Hotel sometime around 8 p.m. The hotel is gorgeous, and we both immediately felt like we were now officially on vacation. I got some better pictures of this during the day, but this is the cool fountain area courtyard by the lobby.


Christmas decorations in the lobby.


We paid for a standard king-bed room, without any special view or anything. They gave us room #2222, so that was easy to remember. Here are some pictures of our room. The room was small but very nice.




After checking in, we drove to Walgreens over on I-Drive (an interesting area, for sure) to get some Ziploc bags so my fiancé could ice his knee. He ended up having knee surgery right after our last WDW trip, and sure enough his knee started acting up on this trip too.

We wandered around the hotel a little bit...


I didn't really get a good picture of the pool, but it had a zero entry and a neat (but loud) splash area.


Our night was pretty low-key, with my fiancé icing his knee and us watching Parks & Rec. We needed some down time because our first theme park day was the next day!

Next Up: Universal Studios

Hahah, oh my gosh. Thank goodness your fiance's family knew the news before they had to read it on facebook! :lmao:

The Universal resort looks pretty! Cute room!
I'm also joining in!!! Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip!
Part 6: Universal Studios - Sunday Dec. 9th

We woke up around 8:30 because we were so excited to finally be going to a theme park. We are not morning people, and came from two time zones away so this felt really early. By 9:30 we were waiting for the boat to take us to Universal.


The plane by our hotel at the end of the lake.


I loved being able to take the water taxi to the park. It was relaxing and so convenient! Took this as we drove past Islands of Adventure.


The nice thing about the water taxi is that it drops you off at City Walk in the middle of the two parks (IOA and Universal), so you aren't making a bunch of stops. This is the view of Islands of Adventure and part of the Hard Rock Cafe from the boat loading area at City Walk.


This is the view of Universal from the loading area.


By 10:00 we were in the park! That's definitely a record for us :laughing: It was pretty empty.


First ride of the morning was Revenge of the Mummy! I love this ride. If you're wondering why there's a big Garfield in front of it, it's supposed to be one of the Macy's parade floats.


Nothing will wake you up like riding the Mummy first thing in the morning! Well, almost nothing. I still needed some caffeine. Thankfully, Universal has one of these!


Armed with Starbucks, we went on a few more rides. We missed the Simpsons ride last trip, so that was our first stop. After Simpsons, we hit Men in Black and ET. This was my fiancé's first time on ET, he thought it was cute. Neither one of us had seen Shrek so we decided to go there next. I think I liked the pre-show area of Shrek more than the actual attraction.


The Shrek gift shop sold diamonds. I think I like mine more :)


Next Up: Lunch at Finnegan's

Part 5: Loews Royal Pacific - Saturday Dec. 8th
We pulled up to the Loews Royal Pacific Hotel sometime around 8 p.m. The hotel is gorgeous, and we both immediately felt like we were now officially on vacation.

We paid for a standard king-bed room, without any special view or anything. They gave us room #2222, so that was easy to remember.​

First of all, I'm subscribing too. I'm just getting started on my TR. I can't believe we were there at the same time as you......AND we stayed at RPR on that same saturday night.....AND we moved to POR on sunday, dec 9!​
Joining in from the Dec TR thread. Congratulations!!! What a sweet proposal :)

Yay for December trips! I loved that time of year. It was awesome to be able to see the Christmas decorations without the crazy crowds.

Hahah, oh my gosh. Thank goodness your fiance's family knew the news before they had to read it on facebook! :lmao:

The Universal resort looks pretty! Cute room!

I know, lol. I still feel bad about it though. The Universal resort was really pretty, my fiancé wants to stay there again.

I'm also joining in!!! Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip!


What a nice relaxing start !!!!

It really was. I'm glad we did Cocoa Beach at the beginning of the trip instead of the end.

First of all, I'm subscribing too. I'm just getting started on my TR. I can't believe we were there at the same time as you......AND we stayed at RPR on that same saturday night.....AND we moved to POR on sunday, dec 9!

Awesome! We checked in to POR on Dec. 11th. I'll have to check out your TR :)

Congrats!! Count me in!!

Thank you and welcome :)


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