The One Where We Got Engaged - Updated 6/14 (Be Our Guest)

Part 28: More Sea World - Friday Dec. 15th

Ok I left off with my camera breaking. Very sad :( I ended up using my fiancé's point and shoot camera, which was better than nothing but still kind of a pain to just have one camera. I was also worried I wouldn't be able to get my old pictures off of the camera. We went to pet the Sting Rays, where the entire contents of my purse almost fell entirely in the water. I was not having a good day! lol

There's nothing to take your mind off of things like that like a scary first-time ride on Manta. If you haven't been on Manta, it basically straps you in so that you are flying through the roller coaster. Scary at first, but fun once you make it through the first time, lol.


We bought these Quick Queue passes to skip lines. They came in handy a few times. Since there are only 2 of us, it wasn't too expensive. I'm not sure that I would have done it if we had a larger group.


After Manta, we went to the Dolphin Cove petting area. My fiancé was able to get to touch the Dolphins a few times. It was hard for me because I'm really short (a half inch shy of 5'1"), but I did get to pet one once. None of my Dolphin pictures turned out because it was getting dark. This one is here is a picture of total strangers petting a dolphin, lol.


Despite my lack of pictures, that was a really cool part of our day. My notes are really fuzzy from the rest of the day, and my lack of pictures make that worse. I know that we went on Atlantis and Kraken before heading to Shamu Stadium. I was really nervous about both, especially Atlantis (I had read it was a horrible drop) but I survived and had fun. We used the lockers for Atlantis to keep our stuff dry and I'm glad that we did. We hit at least one gift shop somewhere in there, because I took this picture of the pretty decorations.


After eating dinner, and riding Kraken and Manta again, we walked over to see the Christmas Shamu show (I know there is an actual name for it but can't remember). It was definitely a different experience to see this type of show at night.


Again, my pictures aren't great from this. There was a lot of singing, it was a beautiful show.



Leaving the stadium, we were able to catch part of the holiday fireworks they had. Talk about good timing!


My absolute favorite of all of the Christmas decorations from our entire trip was the Sea of Trees at Sea World. Basically they are lit up floating trees in the lake. So so pretty, pictures don't do it justice.



Leaving that night, we continued in the tradition of having our car be all by its lonesome in the parking lot. We basically left when park closed (I think midnight?). Camera issues aside, it was a great day. I'm glad that we made it to Sea World this trip.

Next Up: Port Orleans Riverside

Congrats on your wedding!!! That does tend to take your attention away from the DIS, I don't think anyone can fault you for that. :rotfl:

I haven't been to Sea World in a long time but I remember really enjoying the Seamore & Clyde show as well.

The floating trees lit up looks so pretty!

That really sucks about your camera breaking in the middle of your trip. That's probably my worst nightmare! :eek: We always bring our DSLR and our point & shoot so hopefully we would never be unlucky enough for BOTH to stop working at the same time, but it still makes for a worrisome time.
Part 29: Port Orleans Riverside - Saturday Dec. 16th

We got back to our hotel pretty late after Sea World, so we decided to enjoy a lazy morning/early afternoon at POR. My fiancé needed to ice his knee and I wanted to read by the pool for a little bit. The walk over to Riverside Mill (food court) was so pretty.


I don't remember if this was my lunch or his. I do remember that dessert tasting fantastic, though!


After lunch, I grabbed my swimsuit and Nook and went in search for one of the quiet pools. (We could hear kids in the main pool from our room, and I definitely just wanted somewhere quiet). I got a little lost looking for the pool, but found this pretty gazebo on the way.


I love how it's decorated with poinsettias too, it was just so cute.


That's the Riverside Mill over on the right.


I finally found the pool, but realized I forgot a towel. So I had to go back. After all of that, I was able to relax and just sit in the sun. Sorry if feet gross you out, lol. I think it's obvious that I needed some sun! I didn't go in the water (not quite hot out enough for me) but it was nice to sit by the pool for a while.


Next Up: Hollywood Studios

We loved the quiet pool too and since we were one of the Alligator Bayou sections closest to the main building, we found our quiet pool right around the corner. I agree, it was too cold to swim but we jumped in for 2 seconds!
Congrats on your wedding!!! That does tend to take your attention away from the DIS, I don't think anyone can fault you for that. :rotfl:

I haven't been to Sea World in a long time but I remember really enjoying the Seamore & Clyde show as well.

The floating trees lit up looks so pretty!

That really sucks about your camera breaking in the middle of your trip. That's probably my worst nightmare! :eek: We always bring our DSLR and our point & shoot so hopefully we would never be unlucky enough for BOTH to stop working at the same time, but it still makes for a worrisome time.

Thank you! The floating trees were amazing. Yeah, the camera thing sucked. I can't remember if my fiancé had his really nice camera with him too or if he was just being nice and letting me take the pictures, but it was not a fun moment.

We loved the quiet pool too and since we were one of the Alligator Bayou sections closest to the main building, we found our quiet pool right around the corner. I agree, it was too cold to swim but we jumped in for 2 seconds!

Quiet pools are awesome! I don't thing I've gone swimming in a pool at WDW since 2000, when I was in high school. I really should change that, lol.
Part 30: Hollywood Studios - Saturday Dec. 16th

Today was sort of a free day when planning. Even though we hadn't spent much time at Magic Kingdom yet (only visiting during MVMCP on our first night), we were planning to spend a long day there on our last day. We decided to go back to Hollywood Studios today. My fiancé really wanted to see the Indiana Jones show, and we had missed that earlier in the week. It's also a park that we hadn't spent much time in during our first trip.

I think we got to Hollywood studios around 3 p.m., after eating lunch and lounging around at the hotel. The first thing we saw was the flags at half-mast for the Sandy Hook tragedy :(


I love the Hollywood Studios Christmas tree. Being at WDW during the holidays is just the best!


We tried grabbing Fast Passes for Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, but they were out so we grabbed them for Tower of Terror instead. Now keep in mind that I had no intention of actually USING my FP for Tower of Terror, because that ride terrified me. I'm sure I took this picture somewhere along the way of running around trying to get Fast Passes.


We went to go check out the line situation for the Studio Backlot Tour (another thing my fiancé had not yet experienced), but it was actually pretty long and we didn't want to miss Indiana Jones. Instead, we took a little break here:


I happily forked over who-knows-how-much-$ for this wonderful little daiquiri. Now at first glance, you may think that this is a regular overpriced theme park beverage. What you will soon learn is that this fun little drink influenced me to try Tower of Terror for the first time EVER.


Before I get to that, though, here are some pictures from the Indiana Jones show that we finally got to see together.


My fiancé loves Indiana Jones, and he loved the show. I was glad he was finally able to see it. Don't you love the Disney-fied little black crosses on the plane?


Ok, back to Tower of Terror. This ride has always freaked me out. I hate drop rides. I hate the feeling in your stomach you get from it. When I was a kid (and not a little kid, like a 12-year-old kid), I tried getting out of the log on Splash Mountain because the drop freaked me out. Before this trip, I told my fiancé that I would try either Tower of Terror or the Dr. Doom ride at Islands of Adventure. I chickened out on both. He wasn't pressuring me (that much) to go on them, but I felt bad that he had to go by himself. All in all, I think he was sick of hearing me talk about it. Before the trip, I watched youtube videos of the rides and read everything I could about them to get a better idea of when the drops happened and that sort of thing. I don't know what came over me this day, but I finally decided to try Tower of Terror. Standing in line was a blur. The ride was a blur, I was too nervous to pay attention to all of the great detail. I sat in the back right corner of the elevator, where there is an extra handle and that helped. I screamed so hard that my throat was raw for the rest of the trip (and I hurt my fiancé's ears). But you know what? I sort of liked it. :laughing: When we finished, I was so happy that I had finally done the ride, and sad that I missed all the detail, that I wanted to go again so I could pay attention to it this time. I can't remember if we went again, I'm not sure that we did during that trip. Anyway, major turning point in my Disney adventures. I could now go on *every* ride at WDW.


We went on Star Tours after Tower of Terror, one of our favorite rides. We also wandered through Pixar Place, but of course the line for Toy Story was too long. My fiancé almost bought this Woody doll, "for our future kids". This kind of made me melt, because the guy is not openly enthusiastic about having kids. He decided to pass on it, but someday I think when I am finally pregnant, I will tell him by giving him the Woody doll. :lovestruc


We saw the green army men (man?) out, making someone do push-ups. Love!


My fiancé found the Indiana Jones store. Such a kid at heart, lol. Notice his Bruce pin? :)


After only a few hours at Hollywood Studios, we left because we had plans for that evening. I bought this pin on the way out.


All in all, we had a great but short time at Hollywood Studios!

Next Up: Downtown Disney

We went on Star Tours after Tower of Terror, one of our favorite rides. We also wandered through Pixar Place, but of course the line for Toy Story was too long. My fiancé almost bought this Woody doll, "for our future kids". This kind of made me melt, because the guy is not openly enthusiastic about having kids. He decided to pass on it, but someday I think when I am finally pregnant, I will tell him by giving him the Woody doll.
I LOVE this idea!
Part 31: Downtown Disney - Saturday Dec. 16th

This is going to be a really quick update because I don't have many pictures. After leaving Hollywood Studios, we went back to POR and then caught a bus for Downtown Disney. The boats just seemed to take too long :(

I'm not sure if we went in many shops, but I always stop in Basin. I had read that it had closed, but was happy to learn that it hadn't. I love bath bombs and soaps and lotion and all of that fun stuff (love might be an understatement, I'm a little obsessed). Basin is good, but Lush (the original bath bomb company) is so much better. I wish Downtown Disney had Lush instead :( At least MCO has it!

Anyway, here are some pictures of Basin.


Mickey soap! I think I end up buying one of these every time we go to WDW. I need to start using them!


Some bath bombs. I didn't buy any this trip, our bath tub is not working very well and I generally don't like using bath tubs at hotels.


We had dinner at Wolfgang Puck Express that night. This was my fiancé's first time there, and my first time in a looong time. The last time we were at WDW, it was closed and we sadly ate at Pollo Campero.

This is a GREAT option on the dining plan, they have such delicious food.


I ordered the margherita pizza and my fiancé ordered the spaghetti with meatballs. Both were delicious! We ate every single bit of these, lol. The margherita pizza is one of the best we've had anywhere.


The real reason we went to Downtown Disney that night was to go see The Hobbit!!! We were so excited to finally see it. Did you know that they serve WINE at this movie theater? Because I didn't until we arrived, that was a very happy discovery. You can also actually eat a full meal in the theater, there are counters in front of the seats.


It was a great night at Downtown Disney. Shopping, Wolfgang Puck, and The Hobbit? Yay!

Next Up: Magic Kingdom

Part 32: Magic Kingdom - Dec. 17th

It is driving me crazy that I never finished this trip report. It am going to go ahead and add pics from our last day at WDW for this trip, even though it was 1.5 years ago (omg!). So, dear internet, if anyone is actually paying attention to this, that's just an added bonus :) I am finishing this because I hate that I never did.

We spent our last day at Magic Kingdom, which is I think the best way to end a trip. We didn't leave our hotel until 12:30 because of our late night. It was a gorgeous day!


The flags were at half-mast because of the Sandy Hook shooting. :(


I am OBSESSED with Disney balloons. Instant happy!


A not-so-hidden Mickey. They just have the best Christmas decorations!


The weather was just so beautiful that day, especially for December. To me, this picture is so peaceful.


Hello, gorgeous!


We were on our way to lunch at Be Our Guest, which had just opened recently at that time, so I didn't have too much time to look around. Be Our Guest pics are next :)

Next Up: Be Our Guest

Part 33: Be Our Guest - Dec. 17th

We were really excited to try Be Our Guest for the first time! We had free dining so it was a great way to use a QS credit. It had just opened but we "only" had to wait about 40 minutes. Thankfully it was a beautiful day.


Not much else to do but take pictures, so I took lots.


Does every trip report have a picture of this guy? lol


Mine Train construction. Kind of a bummer to see construction, but excited for a new attraction!


Almost inside! We were so hungry.


It's so hard not to get impatient watching other families try to order. I think this felt like the longest part of the wait, lol. Cute room, though.


We ate in the ballroom, of course. Difficult for my little point-and-shoot camera to get a decent picture of it.


Finally! Food! I had the Croque Monsieur, and I think my FI had the Grilled Steak Sandwich (which I believe is off the menu now, sadly). This is definitely my favorite QS restaurant in Magic Kingdom. We loved it. Great atmosphere, good food, real plates, etc. Since we were on the meal plan, we had dessert too. I think mine was the Lemon Meringue cupcake (yum).


We had a great lunch at Be Our Guest, but were ready to get going and spend more time at MK!



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