The One With All The Birthdays - Day 12, Our Vow Renewal


Looking around
Nov 14, 2010
Day 12

I did give y'all a warning on the last post, prepare for photo overload LOL I've tried cutting the pics right back but not sure it worked haha Feel free to skim through them if you get bored ;)

I couldn't sleep the night before, probably nervous excitement - well either that or Sy's snoring... The day was finally here! When we started arranging this day all those months ago, we had decided to keep it quiet and spring it on our family the day before, but there was only one problem with that idea... neither of us could keep our mouths shut haha. We ended up blabbing a few days later and then told the rest of the family and friends a few weeks after that.

We both bounced out of bed and got dressed. Breakfast was booked at the Grand Floridian Cake this morning. Last night we warned everyone that we needed to be out the door on time by 9am... We dragged everyone out of the villa kicking and screaming - and we only managed to leave 5 mins late! I take that as a victory compared to most mornings ;) We drove over to GF and valet parked, we arrived at the GFC, checking in bang on time.

The lobby was FULL of people, I'm not gonna lie - I was a bit worried on seeing that. The restaurant was only about 2/3 full so I asked at the check in desk how long the wait would be roughly, I explained exactly why I was asking - this girl has a wedding to get ready for! The girl looked around and at the computer before telling me it would be about 10/15 min wait. 40 mins later I was really stressing out. I went back once after about 25 mins to explain again why we were in so much of a rush, but after waiting 40 min I went back to the desk again to say that we didn't have the time to wait anymore - just as our ticket came out, so we decided to stay.

Our server was called Shelley, she wasn't particularly great :( nothing wrong exactly just not very friendly or chatty, she wasn't forthcoming with refills etc.][/URL[/U]]][/URL[/U]]

We ordered our food and after yet another 40 min wait, it arrived. Of all the days for things to be running slowly!!!][/URL[/U]]

And it gets even worse, 3 of the meals were fresh and 3 had been sat there so long that the plates were red hot and the food cold :( Sy's scrambled eggs had a skin on them as did Cliff's hollandaise sauce! (You might be able to see the skin on the eggs in the pic above).

It really wasn't our morning was it?! The manager happened to be walking by so I quickly grabbed her, told her about the meals which she got sent back right away, I then explained how long we had waited for them and how long it took to be seated and why today of all days was not the day to be hanging around... She apologised. I know this is gonna make me sound like SUCH a spoilt brat here, but I did kinda expect she might do something, *anything* to try and turn it around for us. She did nothing but apologise, she was genuine with it but I dunno, I just kinda hoped she might do more. If it had been any other day that would have been more than enough but as it was such a special day I thought maybe she would do something as we had a sucky experience... A rose, a happily ever after pin, offer to discount one of the meals, glass of bubbly, a cupcake with a candle in it? Anything. I know I sound like such a brat. :( She did apologise and I was grateful, but you know, it just didn't feel like it was enough, a shine had really been taken off of the morning.

Anyway, moaning over now ;) We paid the bill and headed back to Kidani to get ready :) (we arrived back at 12pm so that will tell you how long breakfast took!!)

I got ready while the guys put the last of the decorations up, Anne steamed my dress and Sy's jacket and Sian sorted the food.

I was a bit rubbish with my make up, I had bought false eyelashes with me but I couldn't get them on :( no idea why! I've worn them a few times before. It didn't help that I was running a bit late so my hands were shaky, my mum had a go but in the end I had to just give up :( It didn't matter in the great scheme of things but I was a bit upset at the time - first world problems eh?

Randy Chapman arrived at 1:30pm just as I was finishing getting ready. He took a few pics of the room and then he took me and Sy away for some pictures on our own round the resort.][/URL[/U]]][/URL[/U]]][/URL[/U]]][/URL[/U]]][/URL[/U]]

A cute phone pic Anne took.

Tim Herring, our officiant arrived next followed by the lovely Carrie who had our cake! I didn't mention the cake disaster in yesterday's post. I had it made by a lady I found online, I had read reviews and was really pleased seeing her previous cake pictures, her emails were lovely and I felt confident. Well Carrie picked the cake up for me the night before and it slid the moment she got it in the car :( The lady hadn't used any dowels in it to hold it together and given its height and weight it certainly needed them :( and to make it worse, it had frosting on the outside so it messed up. Luckily Carrie's hubby Mark is a chef and he made good as much as he could. Then there was the colour, I had asked for pastel yellow and it was bright yellow, and then the cake itself was so heavy, more like pound cake - no one liked it or ate any more than a bite! Ah well. Its just a bit of cake I guess ;) I learned my lesson, next time I'll stick to Disney ;) It wasn't the end of the world or anything.

This was the best side but you can still see where the petals have been messed up.

We had a few pics in the room and then it was time to start the ceremony out on the balcony. We had booked through Carrie for Tim to conduct a non religious ceremony but he had a chat before with Sy (when I wasn't around) and when he found out we got married in a church he thought we would rather have a religious... Not a big deal really but it threw me a bit having prayers. The ceremony was still wonderful and Tim was such a sweet and funny guy. I remembered shortly into the ceremony that I hadn't asked anyone to film it so I asked my dad to pop inside to get the camcorder and film the rest. The cutest thing happened during our ceremony but I didn't find out till after, I had invited Carrie and Mark but sadly Mark had to work, well he facetimed Carrie while he was at work so he could be there with us! He had taken his break at the time we were having our ceremony so he could be there with us in spirit :D It meant so much to us :D




Quick selfie with Carrie

We had yet more pics in the room and some food that we had prepared a while earlier. I hadn't got the days quite right with our DVC mousekeeping schedule and the maid came into clean while we were milling around having some nibbles and drinks, whoops! I did offer her a drink (prosecco or soft drink in case she wasn't allowed to drink while working) but she declined, she was a real cutie though.][/URL[/U]]][/URL[/U]]][/URL[/U]]][/URL[/U]]][/URL[/U]]][/URL[/U]]

We got some cutting the cake shots and ate the 2 mouthfuls out of the cake that actually got eaten (the rest went into the bin the next day), we then went to get some more pictures! At the front of Kidani and then over at Jambo][/URL[/U]]][/URL[/U]]][/URL[/U]]][/URL[/U]]][/URL[/U]]][/URL[/U]]][/URL[/U]]



After many, many more pictures we said goodbye to Randy and headed back to Kidani for more nibbles and drinks.
The plan next was to head over to the contemporary resort to hire a boat out on the lake but we arrived just as they closed so instead we found a nice spot to sit and drank the prosecco we had brought with us to have out on the lake. Was actually really nice to be sat out on the dock with no one else around, it was really quiet and peaceful.

We started to walk in for our ADR at the Wave but stopped to get a pic on the Mickey statue. Sudden this crazy lady started running towards me - it was only Tabitha who I saw on the 21st on her wedding day! She wanted a pic of me and a selfie of us both in return lol. Was so lovely to see her :D How funny that we both bumped into each other on our special day!


We then went inside to the Wave and checked in for our table. We were still a little early so we grabbed a seat in the bar. The cutest little boy about 5/6 years old came up to me while we were sat there, he said 'excuse me, congratulations, you look really beautiful' and trotted off again! OMG! *awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww*

While we waited, our friends Karen and Iain and their 3 children arrived :D They were having dinner with us too. Well in the end only the eldest did, it was their first day and they were still jetlagged so the littlies ended up sleeping through almost all of dinner in the pushchair, bless them!

We were then shown to our table, I had it noted on our reservation that we were a wedding party so I kinda thought they might make a fuss of us, plus being dressed up like we were they could see we were celebrating, but no :( no confetti on the table or anything :( oh well. We were smiled at and congratulated all the way to our table though by other guests which was really sweet!

Our server was called Brie, she was awesome :) I had the chicken (shocker!) and Sy had the shortribs.

Some of the meals were a bit like this morning, hot plates and luke warm food, no where near as bad as GFC though. I however ate nearly all my chicken before realising it was completely raw in the middle, not just a little pink I'm talking cold and wobbly like raw chicken is. I thought it looked pink as I ate it but I assumed it was probably the type of chicken breast it was - sometimes it can look pink but be fully cooked. I called Brie over but she said the same as I assumed originally - it was the type of chicken it was, she did take it away though. I felt immediately ill so went to the bathroom (I'm sure it was just psychosomatic), while I was in there the manager came out to see me but instead spoke to Sy and my mum, he said it was definitely raw and he was astounded as to how it had happened. As I came back he arrived with a replacement but I kinda didn't fancy it now lol (go figure) so he took it away again. He and Brie were so apologetic, she said as soon as she took it into the proper light she could see how raw it was, I could tell she was genuinely embarrassed. The manager said he was launching a full investigation to find out how it happened so that it wouldn't happen again. I wasn't cross, I was a bit panicked I was going to be ill - I have to be so careful of tummy bugs etc, but I wasn't cross or moody with the CM's which I think they appreciated (no point getting cross, not their fault). The manager did take it off the bill which was nice of him. I wasn't doing very well with food today was I?? lol

Afterwards we made our way over to BLT. We were a little late and I was panicked as JoAnn was waiting there for us in the lobby, so I practically ran there to meet her and everyone else caught up a few mins later. We checked in and made our way up to TOTWL. :D This was a highlight of the day for me (apart from the ceremony of course). We arrived in the lounge and we were greeted right away and shown to the curtained off area that they had reserved for us (I didn't know they were doing this). Our server was called Marissa, she was a total babe!! She took our drink orders and then headed off to get them made, I got a virgin daiquiri which was lovely.

As I said in my Pre-Trip report, I had arranged with private dining to have our very own mini 'dessert party' up there. The food soon started arriving, out first came our fruit and cheese plates. O.M.G. They were HUGE. I have never seen so much fruit! We ended up eating fruit the rest of the trip and we still had to throw a load of it away.


Then came out the chocolate dipped strawberries, followed by the mini pastry selection. I only had 1 pastry (a mini crème brulee which was scrummy), didn't get round to having anymore for a while and when I remembered there were only banana things and cheesecakes left, neither of which I was a fan of.


They had doubled up on our order but only charged me the original quoted price, I don't know if it was deliberate or not, either way we were thankful! Last out was our mini cake :D It was a vanilla cake filled with passion fruit mousse. I had run down to the front desk while it arrived, some more friends were coming to join us so I had gone down to wait for them as they would need a DVC member to get access up to the lounge. The DVC guy said not to worry about waiting there, just ask them to give my name when they arrived and he would send them up - super nice of him!

Window selfie on the way down, I thought the way the windows all had my reflection on looked funky.

Anyway, I missed the cake arriving so I was a bit confused as to why it looked like it was wearing a chicken on its head LOL I asked Marissa and she got the receipt out to have a look what it said about the cake... Apparently it was meant to be a turret from the castle? LOL who knows! It tasted freakin' AWESOME. I know because I ate pretty much the entire thing to myself...

It was then time to head outside to watch the fireworks. It was Hallowishes tonight so they were on at 9:30pm. Carrie, love her, she didn't really watch the fireworks, she was too busy snapping pics of me and Sy with the fireworks in the background. She really is so lovely. They came out wonderfully.




Karen and Iain's youngest had woken up a little while earlier and come out for the fireworks but she didn't like them :( She didn't mind watching from inside the lounge though where it wasn't so loud.

While the fireworks were on our friends arrived! Yay! We chatted inside and I force fed them desserts and fruit haha. Karen & Iain left shortly after as they were still really jetlagged, we would be seeing them again later in the trip though :D

We stayed chatting for a while longer but our parents were starting to flag. We asked Marissa for some boxes to take some of the left over desserts and fruit back and paid the bill. Private dining had told us that the food wouldn't be eligible for TiW discount however it had all been discounted! That was a fab surprise :)

Our parents then headed down to pick the car up from the Contemporary valet and we got some pics outside. We stood chatting for ages, whoops! It was 11pm when we left TOTWL. Our parents were waiting for us when we got down there.

We headed back to Kidani and chilled out in the room, we were in bed by 12:30am. The day may have not started off the best way (Grr GFC) but the rest of the day was amazing![/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL]
Aww, what a lovely day despite some little hiccups. Your photos are great, and you looked beautiful. I think Sy totally rocks the Minnie bride ears look! :goodvibes

Claire :)


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