The One With All The Birthdays - Day 23 Epcot, our last full day :(


Looking around
Nov 14, 2010
A day of meet ups!

Today was our last full day :( Though it was at least a little warmer today, but not back up to the normal Orlando weather. I think someone somewhere was trying to prepare us for the cold we were going home to :(

My trip notes start with the sentence 'Omg the snoring, kill me now!' so I *think* Sy was snoring and keeping me awake...

I gave up trying to sleep at 8am and turned on the TV. We were meeting up with our friends Diane and Adam today (they were on their honeymoon, they actually got married on the day we had our Vow Renewal), so we arranged via facebook where to go. We decided on Chefs De France for lunch so I made the ADR, at least I think it was me? It could have been Diane.

We had breakfast in the room and got ready for Epcot. We hopped on the monorail over to TTC to get the Epcot monorail however it was down and there was a huge queue for the bus replacement :( we found a CM who was called Brendon and asked if the monorail would be up running again soon? I was on wheels today and the number of ECV's in the queue for the Epcot bus was huge. He advised us it could take hours to be running again and he looked at the queue for the bus and said we would be better off getting the monorail back to GF and heading there in the car. He gave us 10 fastpasses (yes, 10!!) which was really sweet of him, he was a really nice guy. So back round we went and got the car, this really took a chuck out of our day, I think it took an hour and a half by the time we eventually arrived in Epcot. We were running later for our ADR by this point so we actually parked at the Beach Club, we did ask the security guard on the gate if we could valet park and he said no problem, so that was good :)

We had about half an hour so we decided to head over to Canada and start our 'kissing round the world' pictures. This was something I had read on the forum, and as I can't drink it seemed like the perfect thing to do. I was then told when I uploaded the pics to facebook that they were gross... lol I'll include them but feel free to skip past haha

We managed Canada, UK and France before our ADR.



We met up with Diane and Adam outside Chefs and quickly checked in for our reservation. We were taken in and seated right away. Our server was a really sweetie. I decided to go for the 3 course lunch but Sy would have the starter and I would have the dessert ;) Sy had French onion soup to start, tartiflette for main while I had the macaroni cheese and I had the sorbets for dessert, today's offering were raspberry, mango and coconut (though I skipped the coconut one in place of another mango). We both went of course for the Orangina ;)



Sy's main, the reblochon cheese was really feet-y! I was not a fan of the smell haha


This is actually Diane's dessert, she went for 2 coconut instead of the raspberry. I started to eat mine before remembering the picture :(


Not as pretty...

It took ages to get our bill, we used our TiW card but she then split the check and removed the TiW discount, she then didn't know how to get it back on again... pfft! It was a bit of a PITA, and of course we were in a rush then to meet up with the Walt DisneyWorld for Grown Ups gang! We grabbed a quick photopass picture outside and said our goodbyes, it was sad that our trip was ending and theirs was just beginning , sniff sniff.

We then raced our way over to the UK pavilion and said hello to everyone. We grabbed a few pics before British Revolution came out to play... Their name was ironic though considering they weren't in fact British instead they were a group of Americans talking with fake British accents and singing old rock songs... yeah, it was AWESOME... lol

I've unashamedly stolen these from Jan and Jen! Thanks girls ;)


We stayed around chatting a bit more once they had finished but then everyone had places to go and things to do. Jan was on her way out of the park so we walked out to the front with her and grabbed a few photopass pics in front of Spaceship Earth.

We then said goodbye and made plans to meet up tomorrow morning before we left for the airport (booo)

We hadn't visited Innoventions this trip so we decided to head there next (glad we did now as they have now announced that part of it is closing!). First up was the Piggy Bank Adventure :D I'll miss this cute little piggy.



We then went to Where's the Fire? Before leaving Innoventions and heading over to Figment.

We then went to use a fastpass at Test Track where we appeared to try and make the most hideous cars ever...



Time was then getting on and we wanted to go and watch Boyz II Men so we made our way over and joined the mahoosive queue.

I took this while waiting, thought it came out cute :)

We were meeting Anna and Edwin for dinner later but they were also going to watch the concert so they came to join us in the queue and we watched the show together. They had bought us some bandits as a Vow Renewal present! How nice is that?! Such lovely people.

Boyz II Men were amazing! It was over way too soon. I found out that they have a spot in Vegas but for the time we are there in May they have no shows on :( I then found out its cause they are actually doing shows in the UK, no fair!

After the show it was time for our dinner Tokyo Dining, we were a little early but they let us check in and wait upstairs. We ended up being seated late but they did sit us right at the window so all was forgiven lol. We had a wonderful view of the fireworks, just a shame they don't pipe in the music for it.

Anna and Edwin were on the Deluxe Dining Plan and they insisted on paying for our meals so we had a starter each Tempura chicken and veg, then panko chicken for main and we were meant to have a dessert only I took ill :( Turns out after we left Anna was ill in the same way, she and I had the same meals so I wonder if it was something we had eaten?

Panko Chicken


Sy's main


Our view of Illuminations

We had to say a rushed goodbye and make quick plan to meet the next day, we also left money to cover the tip as they had so graciously offered to buy our dinner with their DDP. I was very glad to be on my scooter tonight as I was having some serious wobbles, what a rubbish last night!! We made it back to the car after visiting a few different bathrooms along the way :-/

When we got back to GFV We found these on our bed...


I was so pleased as these were the pictures from our photographer from our Vow Renewal! Though I was a little worried as our room was a complete state and someone had been in to drop them off... I found out the next day it was Allison from the concierge who had dropped them off but she said she didn't notice any mess - I'm not sure I believe her LOL.

We did nearly all of the packing, I say 'we', it was more of the 'royal we' as in, Sy sat about and watched me pack and passed me the odd thing to put in the case ;) To be fair, I pack better than Sy ;)

We eventually fell into bed at 1am.[/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL]
A great last day, apart from feeling poorly :(
I love the idea of kissing round the world, although DD would be so embarrassed lol!

Claire :)
Finally caught up on your report a couple of days ago, when the mobile app went down it was too much effort to log in and post!

I think I said this at the start bit I'm sorry about your cat, I dread to think how I'll feel when my boys aren't here.

I love all your dresses, I really should get some for my trip. I thought the kissing pics were lovely, ignore the critics!


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