The One With All The Birthdays - Day 3, Key West


Looking around
Nov 14, 2010
Day 3

I was awake at 6am due to the plane taking off in our room... Or at least that's what it sounded like, it was in fact Sy's snoring. I took my ipad out to the porch and sat reading for a few hours, watching the sunrise. It was gorgeous. Once everyone was up and moving around we made plans to head out for breakfast at Old Town Bakery. We all got dressed and drove over to the bakery. I had made a note of the bakery as it was rated very highly online, and the reviewers weren't wrong! The place was lovely, and the food was seriously scrummy. I can't remember what everyone had, I had a croissant which was amazing. We were chatting with the owner and he said they make everything onsite each morning. I definitely think that's what makes it so good.

Loved the posters in there too - only in Key West!

Food in hand we went in search of somewhere to eat. I had read up about a couple of beaches that were meant to be the best, so we first went to Higgs as it said it was a little quieter. The beach itself was a bit meh, the amount of seaweed was immense. I'm not a fan of seaweed at all so there was no way I'd be getting into the water. I'd even put a swimming costume on before we left. Oh well. We grabbed a bench and began eating. Seagulls swarmed us, dive-bombing us for our food which was a bit unnerving. My mum's really nervous of birds so I stood over her and waved my arms when one got close overhead. It was really hot out there too (a stark contrast compared to what we have here now!). We all loved the food from the bakery though, we agreed we would go back there tomorrow to get sandwiches to take on the road (as tomorrow we leave Key West).

Once we were all finished we went for a drive to explore all the little roads in Key West. We drove around for an hour or so saw some lovely sights. I loved the style of all the houses down there, so pretty. There was also a massive Carnival cruise ship docked so we pulled up somewhere the guys could go get a picture, it was called Sunshine for those who are interested in that sort of thing.

Houseboats or what we thought they looked like, RV's/caravans on water...

We drove around a little more looking for a place called Blue Heaven. Sy really wanted to go there as it had been featured on Man Vs Food as having the best Key Lime Pie. We found it fairly easily and then had to drive around for another 10 minutes looking for somewhere to park. We managed to find somewhere eventually that wasn't too far for mum to walk. It was a really quirky place, I loved it already.

We were there pretty early for lunch, plus it hadn't been long since breakfast, so we decided just to get 3 Key Lime Pies to share. I have to be careful when it comes to citrus fruit so I've not had many key lime pies in my time. Plus I'm not a huge fan of uncooked meringue (literally my favourite dessert when its cooked all the way through though), so I wasn't holding out much hope for the pie. If it wasn't for the fact that it was Sy's absolute favourite I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have bothered coming in here. Well, all I can say is WOW. There's a reason this place is famous for it. It was amazing!! Its definitely somewhere on the list for next time we are in Key West.

We finished our drinks and pie and asked for the bill, our waitress brought our check over with a handwritten suggested tip on there, 18% & 20%. Unfortunately for her I can actually add up and her suggested tips were actually way over 18% & 20%. That really peed me off if I'm honest, left a nasty taste in our mouths. I know the British get a bad rep for leaving no tip (grrr at the British!!) so I have no problems with her handwriting it on there, but I was so annoyed that she had clearly upped the tip and expected us not to notice. We did in fact leave her 18%, but an actual 18%, not what she suggested was 18% (which was about 25%). I was really annoyed as it kinda tainted our great time. Don't get me wrong, we will still go back, just make sure we look at the receipt clearly.
We drove round for a little while longer, down the back roads and out to the sea road, before heading back to the hotel to go for a long afternoon swim. We went for a different pool this time, we tried the pool with the bar but all of the loungers were gone there so we ended up at the pool next door. There were 4 pools in total, they were all smallish. They were in a row with trees and bushes separating them, sounds a bit strange but it was actually really nice, like little hidden pools. It also meant they never really felt crowded. We took some drinks and books down and made ourselves comfortable, dipping in and out of the pool to cool down between sunbathing. Another couple came to join this pool and the guy started smoking, I tried dropping hints loudly (as the whole resort is no smoking) but he carried on. He finished one cigarette and then straight away sparked up another so I went to speak to the barman at the pool next door to ask him to have a word. The man could clearly hear me mentioning no smoking and yet he didn't stop so I thought there was no point in speaking directly to him. The barman came and even then the man insisted on finishing his cigarette before putting it out! How rude! I get that its his choice to smoke, but then don't stay in a non smoking resort. That was one of the reasons I picked this place, my mum only has half a lung on one side and struggles breathing due to her heart problem. The couple left soon after thankfully (probably to go to another pool further away from the bar so they wouldn't get told off again). The barman came back a little while later to do a drinks check and we ordered some cocktails.

I loved the afternoon lazing around. It was heaven :) I couldn't do a whole holiday like that though ;) one afternoon was enough haha.

We headed back to the room a little while later to shower and get ready to go out for dinner. We were heading to Duval tonight, going a bit earlier so we could get parked.

It was a bit bright out hahaha

We wandered round a bit and Sy got some conch fritters which he had been desperate to get some of. We were there just as the sun was setting so it was really busy compared to when we were there in the daytime. We decided to wander off down Duval before all the crowds so we could grab some dinner. I'd done a bit of research online before going out so I had a list of places that were meant to be good. We went to a place called Fogarty's. We decided to dine alfresco and got a table right by the street.

There was a bar opposite with bar stools at the front railings, ladies please note; do not sit up there in shorts skirts with your legs open. It aint pretty.

Our waitress was really sweet. 3 of us ordered the fish tacos, 2 of us had the chicken and I don't remember what the other person had (or who it was!). The food was amazing, it really was so so good! There's no wonder this place gets such high reviews.

Unfortunately I was really ill as soon as I'd finished eating :( culminating with Sy having to go get the car and me running from the bathroom out of the restaurant straight into the car. Everyone paid up while I was hiding away in the bathroom. My mum came into the bathroom to tell me Sy was outside with the car so I gave her my handbag and basically just ran. I didn't want to be sick in front of everyone who was eating so I was desperate to get to the car in time. As it happens I managed to last and make it back to the hotel before throwing up again, small victory! Such a shame I had such a bad ending to a great day. Sy drove me back to the hotel with my parents and left his parents exploring Duval for a bit longer, they called him later to go pick them up. I pretty much spent the rest of the evening either in bed or in the bathroom :(

Tomorrow we leave Key West and head to Fort Laurderdale, and I'm feeling much better by then too :)
A good day apart from you feeling so poorly at the end.

That key lime pie looks amazing! Lemon meringue pie is my all time favourite dessert, so I'm sure that would be right up my street!! :goodvibes

Looking forward to more!

Claire :)
A good day apart from you feeling so poorly at the end.

That key lime pie looks amazing! Lemon meringue pie is my all time favourite dessert, so I'm sure that would be right up my street!! :goodvibes

Looking forward to more!

Claire :)

The pie was soooooooo good! I wish I could eat it right now!

Sorry you weren't well, do you think it was something you had? Hope you recovered quickly :)

Probably not, I have tummy problems so it was probably just that. I was fine the next morning though :)
I'd have not got in the sea either, another hater of seaweed, what a shame and how cheeky of the waitress, she's been lucky to get 18% tip from me after doing that >:(
Shame you had to encounter the ignorant smoke too, people like that are so selfish. Sorry to hear your last night in Key West ended with you being unwell


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