The "relaxed" trip; Day three, four and snow day


Feb 2, 2006
Day three: We woke up and had brekkie in the bar at the Sequoia Lodge, it is much less busy in here and as there are fewer people it means that everything is easier to access. I felt particularly bad this morning having forgotten to take paracetamol so I hardly ate anything and we couldn't have a nap as we had to change hotels. At this point we were already regretting not just sticking to the same hotel and cursing ourselves! Forgetting about this we packed up and checked out taking the bus to the train station and then back to the Cheyenne! After dropping the luggage off we headed for the studios, we both fancied Tower of Terror but Katy can't ride due to her back so she decided to queue up with me and then leave through the "chicken" door. After I went on (and loved it again!) we took a look at Blockbuster Cafe to see about getting some lunch, but decided against it as the queues were long and the tables were full. We had a look at - and decided against - Rock and Rollercoaster, as Katy didn't feel up to riding we'd have to queue up "properly", and there wouldn't be anywhere for her to sit while I did so. We walked through behind Armageddon and between Crush and Cars (didn't do any of these) drinking a Nesquik to Flying Carpets Over Agrabah.
Here is us in front of the Tower

and the main attraction itself

We then went on the Flying Carpets Over Agrabah. There was only a short queue (plus we couldn't find a CM to show the Special Access Pass) so we waited about 5-10 minutes to get on. Smee was wandering around the queue, which was a bit odd but fun all the same!

While we were on FCOA it suddenly stopped, the carpets were lowered and the bars were lifted! Not sure what happened, but they started the ride up again for another full go. First time either of us have been on a ride that broke down, and hopefully the last time!

After we'd done these, we had a look at the shops in Studio 1, then left for the main park.

As soon as we got on Main Street we noticed the train was just pulling into the station, so we ran (well I ran and Katy limped-as-fast-as-she-could) up the stairs and got on the train getting off shortly after at Frontierland station

We then went to Cowboy Cookout, stopping off on the way to take some photos of these guys

Cowboy cookout was really nice! We had the 15euro meal,we both had the Chilli con carne and for the main Katy had Salmon and I had the Chicken salad; then for desert I had key lime pie and Katy had apple pie. We both really enjoyed it and only paid 8 or so euros on top of giving our vouchers in.

After this we had a quick go on Thunder mounain and headed off to sort our room out. We were given a room as far away as could be! Katy asked to be moved and we were allowed! We were put in a room in Wyatt Earp which was a great location. After we had settled into the room we headed back to the park for a while again and then headed to the village for our meal at Steakhouse. After hanging around for a while wishing we had booked an earlier time! We got sat down and ordered. We had the menu Chicago at 33euros and both had Ceaser salad to start, which Katy did not like much as it was very cheesy and I really liked it as usual. For the main we had rumpsteak

Which was delicious as usual, and we had apple pie for desert which was very nice. Unfortunately I felt quite ill during the meal and didn't enjoy it much as I had hoped but it was still very nice and well recommended. We used our vouchers and put 31 euros on the hotel charge card. We then bought a Jedi Mickey teddy which made us both very happy :goodvibes

We only saw him in one shop the whole trip and we looked pretty much everywhere! Suffice to say we like him lots.

After this we headed back to the hotel only to realise the window was broken :headache: after the problems we had in the NPB a few years ago the last thing we wanted was more problems. The window would not shut and had been open the whole time we were out, I had absently mindedly just pushed the window to and thought it was shut well there was a small gap that when meant the window could be pushed wide open and we were on the ground floor! It was 11 by this time and we didn't feel like waiting up for someone to sort it, and I checked the top of the window out and it was completely broken and would need repairing. So we shut it as best we could and left it. About this time we realised that the heater was covered in horrible food type stains all over the top and I wondered why it hadn't been cleaned.

Day Three: After breakfast and a nap I told reception the window was broken and I complained in City hall to make sure it would be fixed, I also wrote a long complaint about how this was the second time we had had problems with our room. We were booked in at Walts, but after checking the menu out we decided to give it miss as we just didn't feel like it so we spent a few hours in the park and headed back to the room. We had a nap and headed off to the park for a hour or so. I went on Space Mountain

We also went in the Star Tours shop

After this we waited around for Fantillusion and saw that this had frozen

and it was freezing! It felt colder that night than it had ever felt at Disney before. We headed back to the hotel and I went to reception to speak to the manager about our room, he came to have a look and I showed him the various problems. He said he would get someone to clean the radiator and the window was fixed. I don't think he really understood that we were annoyed that this was the second room we had encountered problems in, but he was really friendly and told us it would snow the next day!

Day five: I didn't feel like breakfast so Katy went on her own and woke me up to tell me it was really thick snow! We then napped for a long while and woke to spend the rest of the day in the parks. Katy wanted to spend all day in the room but I convinced her to leave!

The Cheyenne looked nice in snow but I'm not sure it really fits with a dusty Western town!


It was really slippy and took a while to get into the parks! We headed into the studios first and I had a go on Tower of Terror and then after realising Rock'n'rollercoast was shut :-)sad2: missed out the whole trip) we went to grab some food. We then headed for the main park

and were praying that Thunder Mountain would not be shut as it was snowing, well it wasn't so I we were both very pleased and had a go.

After this we went on the Molly Brown again



After this we went to Adventureland

and we went to POTC and stopped off to make tiny snowmen!!

After we went on POTC we saw that one of them had been moved! So we moved the other one next to it and went on our way! Indiana Jones was shut which meant I would not get another go, and Peter pan was shut as well! We headed for Star tours and it was open. We then headed for one last go of Thunder Mountain and then went to look around the shops before leaving the park for the last time :sad1:
We had a reservation at the Chicago Steakhouse at 8:45 so we went to see if there was an earlier time, we sat around for about ten minutes before realising that we had lost our meal vouchers!! Well neither of us felt like paying 70 odd euros for a meal that we could have got for 30 so we left it. Oh and it turns out the night after we ate at the steakhouse the menu changed and decreased in price! The menu we ate at 33 euros was now 29 euros and there was a 23 euro option for one main course and either desert or starter.

We were catching the Eurostar at 12:15 from Paris the next day so we didn't have time to go into the parks. As we arrived at the station in the morning we were told there were no trains till 16:30 :scared1: so we asked how to get to Paris and vaguely told to catch a bus and then a train. So we checked out the times of the bus and the next one was not for half an hour, so we decided to just get a taxi. We asked how much it would be and were told 80-85 euros :eek: we only had 45 left so I had to withdraw some from the cash machine. This was the first time ever I had told my bank I was going abroad, I usually just use my credit card and I am very glad I bothered! The taxi turned out to be 69 euros which wasn't as bad but still, the train would have been 13!! The rest of the journey wasn't great either, delays on the eurostar, random stops and then a packed train from LKX to Leeds. But having seen what happened later on that day we are glad we got the earlier train!


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