The Running Thread—2023

attqotd: all of the above.
If my feet or legs are more tired/sore than usual for a few runs in a row, the shoes get retired. Or if the tread at the ball of the foot gets too smooth/worn (which makes a traction problem for me.) And I find that this usually happens at around 300mi. I track my shoe mileage on my garmin app. I think I have 4 pairs in rotation right now.
ATTQOTD: I start with mileage. When I get to about 300 miles, I start to really pay attention to how things feel. If anything starts to hurt, that’s when I really retire the shoes. Until then, from about 270 on, those shoes are generally used for low mileage runs - up to about 5 miles.
Upon seeing this medal I immediately thought, "We need a Pirates of the Caribbean themed race." That led me to think about a Springtime Surprise weekend centered around iconic Disney rides.
When we were trying to figure out what the 2023 theme would/should be I suggested something around space (Space Mountain 5k at MK, Guardians 10k at Epcot, and Galaxy's Edge 10 Miler centered on HS). They're still welcome to steal my idea!
ATTQOTD: I've been terrible with this, but getting better. There was a time when I would just wear the shoes out with no consideration for mileage, just basically treating them like any other shoe. If they looked worn out, it was probably time to get a new pair. I still don't factor in miles as I should but I have a timeframe for when I'll likely be replacing my current pair and it's NOT 2025. Will probably replace before the fall race season ramps up.
A big thank you to everyone for the well wishes and congratulations on my race! There are just too many to reply to everyone. I highly recommend the race to anyone looking to take the next step in their running journey. The organization and attention to detail that they put into all aspects from the course to the manned aid stations with a wide variety of food and drink to the volunteers driving the course and doing spot wellness checks on the runners after darkness falls is top notch. I hope to keep running it for as long as I can.

In one funny note (or it was to me at the time, at least), there were a couple of times out there on course when I thought to myself "this race report really isn't going to help me convince @garneska to come run one of these with me!"

Also, I would be remiss if I didn't call out @DopeyBadger and his great training plans. I keep recycling the ones he's made for me for regular race distances and modifying them to support these longer distances. It's a testament to how robust the endurance generated through those plans is when a 14-16 mile max long run can be turned into completion of a 100k+ distance.
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ATTQOTD: I track the mileage on my shoes and know I can get ~300 miles out of a pair of Brooks Ghosts. When that limit approaches, I'll generally finish up a routine training run with some otherwise unattributable aches or soreness in the foot-ankle-knee chain. I usually have shoes in rotation at different points in their lifecycles so when I get that ache after a run in the older pair and not in the next run with the younger pair, it's a sure sign that it's time to retire them.
ATTQOTD: I do track mileage, but mostly as a way of justifying to myself that yes, when I feel it’s time to retire, it really probably is. I’m a forefoot striker and NOBODY but Newton makes a forefoot as durable as the heel: I can usually feel the midsole wear as less energy return and more “soggy” cushion by 150-180 miles, and the forefoot outsole is worn smooth by 200-230 in the vast majority of shoes I’ve tried. I got a pair of Newtons to 300, and an old pair of Brooks Ghosts, but nothing else makes it past 250 - and 250 is usually pushing it. I’m a big fan of clearance prices!

Sidenote: I firmly believe where I run plays into this, too - surfaces are pretty rough around here in FL to improve traction in our frequent monsoon-like rain, so lots of abrasion on the outsoles, and the extreme heat of pavement for 9 months of the year must surely impact durability of both outsole and midsole. I mean, I can literally feel the heat of roads and sidewalks coming up through the soles in summer, so…
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ATTQOTD: I have to go on feel. I've always been rough on shoes so mileage is accurate. I used to be bad and I wore my running shoes to work and errands, which compounded the wear and tear. Now I'm being a good runner and separating out my running shoes and my everyday shoes. Usually the everyday shoes are retired running shoes.
@camaker Congrats! That’s incredible! I had a very windy half marathon last year and I let it give me the worst attitude and basically threw in the towel. I cannot imagine battling through it for a 100k. 💪🏼 I’m in talks with Billy to help me jump back into ultras so I’m happy to hear you had great success with his help!

ATTQOTD: I track mileage + go by feel. If I’m nearing the end of life for a shoe and I have a race coming up I’ll get a pair of fresh ones to race in.
ATTQOTD: I track mine in strava. When I used ghosts, I could also get about 300-350 miles out of a pair. I’ve got some new brands in the rotation now, so we’ll see how those hold up. Usually the clue for me is leg fatigue or some foot tenderness. I mostly run on concrete so as I get close to the end of a shoe‘s life those are relegated to shorter runs or the dirt trail I hit once a week or so.
In one funny note (or it was to me at the time, at least), there were a couple of times out there on course when I thought to myself "this race report really isn't going to help me convince @garneska to come run one of these with me!"
I think it is incredibly funny and yet i was like i still want to do it with you. Not sure yet about next March but at the moment my knee is holding up much better. I am sure the meloxacam is helping. i do hope when i do it, i will bring some luck on the weather.
I had some significant knee issues 18 months ago (old meniscus tears, ITB, and arthritis all converging on my knee). Better stretching, ice, and meloxicam worked wonders. It was just a bit difficult to ween myself off the meloxicam because it made such a big difference.
i am slightly worried about that. I only have one more refill left. I was wondering if i could keep taking it. Hopefully the knee continues to stay better. The meloxicam was actually for my elbow, but i have seen better results in my knee.
Shoes- I go by feel. I don't go by mileage because I don't track it. But seeing that nearly everyone else does makes me think maybe I should... I have two new pairs of sneakers on the way so maybe I'll start with those.
I had some significant knee issues 18 months ago (old meniscus tears, ITB, and arthritis all converging on my knee). Better stretching, ice, and meloxicam worked wonders. It was just a bit difficult to ween myself off the meloxicam because it made such a big difference.

i am slightly worried about that. I only have one more refill left. I was wondering if i could keep taking it. Hopefully the knee continues to stay better. The meloxicam was actually for my elbow, but i have seen better results in my knee.
Do you guys take regular glucosamine/chondroitin supplements? I know there isn't a whole lot of objective evidence about their efficacy, but they make a big difference for me. I had meniscus tear surgery in 2019 and the surgeon told me I was missing cartilage around half of my right kneecap. I've taken glucosamine/chondroitin on and off since.

The biggest thing that has me sold on it is that I'm not the most consistent in taking it. I'll generally get to a point in training where I start having some knee pain creep in. When that happens, I usually realize that I've gotten out of the habit of taking the supplement and shortly after getting back on it, the discomfort will subside. Placebo effect? Maybe. It's the pain creeping back in when I'm not focused on or taking the supplement that makes me think it really is helping.
I had some significant knee issues 18 months ago (old meniscus tears, ITB, and arthritis all converging on my knee). Better stretching, ice, and meloxicam worked wonders. It was just a bit difficult to ween myself off the meloxicam because it made such a big difference.
I've had ITB issues for years and the last couple of years I've been using CBD. Hooray for living in Colorado!


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