The Running Thread - 2019

You'll be at Red Nose?!?!? We HAVE to meet up! I was wanting to do the Indy Mini and Flying Pig weekend too, but not sure it is going to work out. Your race schedule is goals!
Great minds again, I mentioned you and red nose in the other thread. :rotfl:Yes, let's meet up!

put me down for the Cloudland Canyon 50k Feb 9, my C goal - not die, my b goal - finish, my A goal finish 8:30, and my A++ goal finish 7:59. May be @tigger536 will help me on that A++ goal!! Before it starts i will just start screaming your name, kidding.

I forgot

WDW 10K goal under 52
WDW Marathon goal 4:15
QOTD: What are your short term and long term running goals for 2019?

Short term goals: Be more active on the forums, be more consistent with my running and improve pace, recover quickly from ankle surgery next month and return to running.

Long term goals: Set a PR for the half marathon and run the Twin Cities Marathon, completing it without suffering a stomach bug the day before.

4/27 - surfde22 - Get in Gear 5k/10k - (TDB / N/A)
7/27 - surfde22 - St Croix Crossing Half Marathon - (1:50:00 / N/A)
10/6 - surfde22 - Twin Cities Marathon - (4:00:00 / N/A)
Short Term - survive my first Dopey, keep running consistently until I find some Spring races to sign up for
Long Term - St Jude Marathon in December 2019. I want to run for time, unsure on a specific time goal yet. I want to see what my body can do when I'm actually trying to get faster!
Short term goals: clean up my diet, lose some lbs, get back to actually running a little more
Long term goals: get back to actually running enough to train for my fall HM


1/13 - Miranda - Snowflake Shuffle 5K (NG / N/A)
3/23 - Miranda - Run Before You Crawl 5K (NG / N/A)
10/6 - Miranda - Wineglass Half Marathon (NG / N/A)

My running group has sadly broken up with the owner/coach, who was not present at all the first 1.5 years I was running with them. Now that he's back... it's not us, it's him. We're all still planning a group trip to Wineglass again this year, though, and will run as our own occasional group. My goal for the Snowflake Shuffle is to maybe actually do it, because it is probably 50/50 if I just show up and get my sweatshirt swag or if I suit up and go do it. :o I have only run one time outdoors since the beginning of August, although I have been pretty consistently doing OTF 2-3x a week all that time.

2/3 - huggybuff - Super Sunday Run X (NG/NA)
5/19 - huggybuff - Gold Country Half (3:14:59/NA)

Short term goals: Keep up with my training plan through life’s curveballs (like getting sick :sick: ). Stay current with this thread and Strava for motivation and advice/camaraderie.

Long term goals: Complete my goal race successfully, build memories with my running partner, complete the October HM we have planned with a faster time than Gold Country, lose at least 40lbs in 2019 and reevaluate from time to time to adjust as needed.
QOTD: What are your short term and long term running goals for 2019?
My short term running goal is to complete my first marathon in WDW... next week! Honestly, I have been too focused on that goal to come up with long term running goals for 2019. 2018 was a good running year for me, so I do know I want to maintain that fitness. While I have some local spring races planned (15k, half marathon, 10k), I’ll have to wait and see how the marathon goes before I decide what’s next.
Jeez spend one day away from the boards and I’m 4 pages behind!
Lets start this year off with our QOTD: What are your short term and long term running goals for 2019?
Short term: get comfortable running in the cold, icy winter. Maybe try a trail race.
Long term: this one scares me just typing it, but I want to run my first half. Looking at W&D for that. :scared:

Also, I found a series of 4 trail races by me that I may do this summer. Trail running sort of fascinates me. This series is all at dusk/night, one race a month for 4 months all under a full moon. If I can plan our summer vacations around these races I’m in. They’re short, 2, 3, 4, then 5 miles. It sounds really fun and hopefully I will be able to add those to my race calendar.
ATTQOTD: Short term goals-keep up running through the busy next couple of months at work and have myself set up right for the weirdo mileage build I am doing for my races this summer.

Long term. Complete the Red Bull 400 here which I DNSed last year, due to poor training once our live in babbysitter went back to Texas. Also, distill some gin and macerate some chocolate liqueur for the bottle trade during marathon weekend 2020.

Edit:also, finally get a six pack, even temporarily.
Trying to get caught up everywhere.

Short term goals: run my first marathon as part of Dopey!

Long term goals: not sure yet, we’ll see how the marathon goes on whether or not I want to continue the marathon route or do more half marathons this year.

Upcoming races:
10 princessmickey - wdw 5k (ng/na)
11 princessmickey - wdw 10K (ng/na)
12 princessmickey - wdw half (ng/na)
13 princessmickey - wdw full (ng/na)
my short term goal is survive goofy. i've really fallen off training since my marathon in october. the plan now is to simply grit it out, slow and steady. we'll see if i need to set up shop in the resort hot tub afterward.

long term remains a bit of a question. i blew through all my goals in 2018 and probably won't be able to top my efforts due to the quality of that performance and a dramatically different work situation. but i'm determined to get in regular mileage and a non-pr race when possible. right now the initial target is 20 mpw which should put me over the 1K mark for the year. but if that has to scale downward, i can live with it.
Also, distill some gin and macerate some chocolate liqueur for the bottle trade during marathon weekend 2020.

I know not of this bottle trade, but I'm all in for gin! But frankly, doing anything with chocolate other than eating it straight or incorporating it into a few select recipes (ganache, mousse, brownies...) is not my thing.
I know not of this bottle trade, but I'm all in for gin! But frankly, doing anything with chocolate other than eating it straight or incorporating it into a few select recipes (ganache, mousse, brownies...) is not my thing.
It’s probably gonna end up with juniper in it in some way, too, since I am developing it strictly for the dessert course in our gin dinners.


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