The sun will come out.....after my run!! :)


Mar 4, 2009
Hello, my name is Annie. I am a stay-at-home mommy to 3 kids and the wife of a fabulous hubby! I am 31 years old. I just recently (like last week) decided that after almost 14 years I want to start running again. Back then I was attempting to join the Army National Guard, so I would drive to the the armory about an hour away from my parents house every morning and run with whoever happened to be there. They were all wonderful and helped me lose about 20 pounds in preparation for shipping off to basic. We would run for about 2 hours or so,and toward the end of our few months i was there I was really good at keeping up a decent pace, I was actually sometimes at the head of the group!! Anyway, my recruiter drove me to Tampa that August and the people in charge said I was too fat to go, basically. I was 5'5" and weighed 115lbs. But because I am short, and have always had a bit of a tummy my bmi was a bit over the max amount for my height and weight. So they sent me home, I continued to run and hoped for the best. In October of that year we went back, I was still over the max .002%. My recruiter tried to reason with them and told them that they all knew that small amount would melt off the first day at basic. They sent me home. I was heart broken. I decided I couldn't take it anymore and quit. I decided to move to Gainesville the following May, 2001. I stopped running and for the most part blocked that part of my life out of my mind. I got married, had babies and took care of my family. The motivation to get back into it was actually reading trip reports here on the Dis. about people running in the races at Disney. I guess my goal is to do a 5k at some point.
The meaning behind my title is simply the fact that I have 3 kids, and the best time for me to run looks like it will be in the early morning before they go to school, also, my name is Annie!! lol. I am not sure if anyone is going to read this, but I would love to get to know any other runners who are just starting out, or getting back into it. We can cheer each other on!!
I officially started the couch to 5k program this morning, although I did a "test run" on Friday. I was really excited when it was time to run after the walking portions, and I actually went a bit longer on the running parts than they say to, but I feel really good right now, I was a little sore this weekend, from Friday, but I was itching for this morning to get here so I could go again!
I am not sure if I am just writing this to myself, or if anyone is reading. If you are feel free to say hello!!

Anyway, I went for a run again this morning. I accidentally left my mp3 player in the car last night. Zac is at work with the car, so I had no music. I hopefully will not make that mistake twice!! It was still a good run, even if I could hear myself struggling for breath at times! My left knee was a bit swollen yesterday, so I wrapped it last night, I re-wrapped it this morning when I came back. It feels fine during my runs, just a bit sore after.

I am trying to stick with the c25k plan. But on my off days all I can think about is how much I can't wait to go out and run again. I am trying to pace myself so that I don't get hurt. In addition to the run/walk cycle in the early morning, I walk my kids to school, then my youngest and I will sometimes go for a walk around the neighborhood. So that helps to keep my muscles working, but gives my knee a bit of a break.
I can't wait for Friday!! lol
So I didn't get a chance to write last night. The kids and I went out for a run yesterday evening. I am glad they wanted to go with me, but it was so hot, and they each complained at some point. So since I went last night I didn't go this morning. I was a little sad about that, but it is okay. Tomorrow I will be cleaning church, that is a workout on it's own. Then church and family stuff Sunday and I get to run again on Monday, so that will be great!! :)
Went this morning, took the dog, she did pretty good, unfortunately she wants to stop and sniff EVERYTHING!! lol I changed course from where I have been going, so more uphill today than usual. My left knee is not too happy about that, but will be fine. I am getting a knee brace tomorrow, so hopefully that will help. If anyone is reading, have a great day, and feel free to say hi!! :)
Took Sephie with me again this morning.... what was I thinking? lol Actually it wasn't too bad, but I am sure anyone near a window at times may have heard me say "stupid dog, don't trip me!!" more than once!! Anyway, I feel like I am able to go a bit longer on the running portions, and I don't want to walk the full 2 minutes, so that's cool for me! I am still very much looking forward to being able to run the whole time I am out, but I know that will still be a while from now.
On the off chance anyone cares, you may have noticed I haven't written anything in a week. I have taken a break to let my legs feel better. My left knee has been swollen and I had shin splints in my right leg. They are feeling a lot better so I am hoping to give it a few more days and start up again on Monday.
I got to run yesterday!! It felt so good!! My knee didn't swell and no shin splints!! I was so happy! After my run I started working around in the yard. Zac and I pulled up this terrible looking flower bed in our front yard and planted a blueberry bush. It is so cute! We also put down some grass seed in the rest of the the area. I am so happy all the over grown stuff is gone! There were 2 trash cans full of just weeds, and another can full of stunted plants that were better off going to the trash. We did dig up 4 trees and a bush for my father in law, they are in pots on the side of the house now. I am so excited to see our blueberry bush grow! Of course after all of that work we were exhausted, so we took a 3 hour nap! :)
I didn't do as much running this past week as I had liked, but I did get to go on Friday morning, and I felt really good after. I don't think I will be able to go tomorrow, but we will see. Either way, I am planning to go at least 3 times this week, I hope to go more than that, though. I also found out about a 5K they have done for the past two years at Bok Tower Gardens, which is in our town, I can't do this years, since it is this coming Saturday, and I am nowhere near ready for it, but I am hoping that they do it again next year, I will be first in line to sign up!! So I have a goal now!! :)
Hi! Just wanted to let you know I am reading along and cheering for you!

My name is Melissa, and I just graduated from law school! I let fitness pretty much fall to the wayside for the past three years, so I am determined to get back on track! I ran pretty regularly during undergrad, but it feels like such a long time ago now. I'm starting the C25k program, as well!

My goal is to run with my sister and a friend in the Susan G. Komen 5k here in town in October. My friend's mother is currently fighting breast cancer, so we are running in her honor. It gives me plenty of time to train, and it's also for a great cause!

Best of luck to you on your running! Before you know it, you'll be ready to run that 5k! :cheer2:
Hello Mellisa!! I am so glad to have a reader!! I checked my email and saw that you said something, I was so excited!! I forgot to update the other day, but I couldn't run this past Monday but I did go on Wednesday. I skipped this morning because I was planning to do a lot of yard work today, I figured I needed all of that energy for the yard today! :) I ended up pulling up 8 trash cans full of weeds and vine things up and mowed the grass, it took me 6 hours and I am so tired now! But the yard looks great, so yay!!

Good luck training, such a great cause, I hope to run one of those one day, as well. Keep me updated! :)
I am also reading. I am helping my wife through her first couch to 5k program and she is doing great, but I sometimes have to shame her into her morning run. Once she finishes her run, she is always thankful that I forced her out the door. Maybe try to get someone in your family to push you out the door?

Good luck, and keep up the good work!


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