The Triathlon thread

Jim- I had been planning to do it for a while, but you inspired me, so I finally did the actual registration also. Most expensive Olympic distance I have ever/hopefully will ever do! Doing one the weekend after near Panama City for $70, so $150 seems like a ton, but it's for a good cause, right?!? :upsidedow
Carrie - you'll do great!!!

I'm still trying to decide what one to do next year as my first.
Will likely be the one. Beginner friendly and close. Gonna come out and cheer me on?

Still thinking of doing the Chicago tri next year?


I'll likely volunteer to work the women's only, and participate in Naperville and the Accenture Chicago one.

I'm going up this weekend to work the Wisconsin Ironman...and sign up for next year if I have the guts....:scared1:
Liz & Mike - Scott adn I are still thinking Chicago. Part of me really wants to do teh International distance. We'll see how swimming goes this winter, though.

Here's my tri report:

Gotta' love the new bikes, but that's not all I improved on!

It was cool for teh race (50s fo the start). Except for the time waiting to get in the lake with few clothes, that was great for me.

The swim went ok, except when I was about 2/3 or more done and realized I only had 5 min to finish and not be swept. :O I swam my tail off for about 2 minutes and then realized that I had 15 minutes left. :p My swim time was about 3 min slower, but so was Scott's. The start was rocky and sharp, so it took us all a bit longer to acutally get in and go from when he said start. I did the crawl almost half the swim, though. That was great for me. I think this course must have been a bit long. Plus, I got to shore, stood up adn then ther was a huge whole wheere I couldn't touch. Flailed through that and finally got back to gruond. We came out on a baot ramp. The bottom was super slick, so I could not move very fast for a bit. The last race also had the mat as you came out. For this one, you had to get out, go up the hill and around to get to the mat. So, I have no idea if I was better, worse or the same even thougth my tiem was 3 min worse. I felt better about it, though. It kind of stunk to have people coming in from the bike just as I finished from the swim, but I was the second to the last heat, so that will happen.

Then, I jogged to my bike. OK, I jogged about 3 racks past my bike and had to go back. :blush:

I did ok in transistion. Much better than last time. ~ 3min. Not great, but much better.

Started a littel slow on the bike, but got up to speed after about the first mile. I thin it just takes a bit for your brain and body to switch gears. Passed a few poeple adn that was a very nice feeling. heck, having people in sight was nice.

Got to this awesome down hill. I was flying. After I finished I was thiking of how I'd tell Scott I had a 3 minute mile and let my brain wwander. Then, i realized I'd have to go back up. :O It was at least 1.5 miles long. I did ok, though. Slow, but ok. The course was hillier than the last one, but I went 16 mph with the new bike. (13.6 in the first tri) I felt like Icoudl have pushed harder, but was glad I didn't when I got to the run. I was 12 min faster than last tiem and the mileage was 0.1 miles longer. (Was supposed to be shorter, but Friday we were ntofied that they had to change the course due to construction.)

My transistion for the run was bad, as I had to make a trip back to get my sponge. Doh. OMG, my legs did not want to go. I was so happy to see people ahead of me, but had no desire to pass them. I did pass the man who was doing a limp/walk, though. Poor guy. Passed a couple more. After a bit, I realized that my legs were loosening up. Still the hills wre getting to me. At one point, I thought I could do sub 11, but that quickly went away. I had a hard time catching my splits, though, because I had the bike and run together on the Garmin. It wasn't until lunch later that I realzied I was sub 11. Woo hoo. (Of course, Mr. show off was sub 9. :O) Speaking of, I met him with about a half mile to go. I was moving ok. He left me after a quarter mile (yes he had finished 30 minutes earlier) and told me to kick it in. Yeah, took a bit to increase speed, but I did ok. I still miss having Scott on the run. That gets lonely, especially w/o an mp3. That's a pretty small part of the whole thing, though, and I am thrilled that he had a chance to really see what he could do. OK, when an ambulance went by, I freaked for a bit, but I just gotta' get over that stuff.

It was a fun race and they had an unbelievable amount of vounteers. It's in a rather elite community and they use it as a chance to show off. That sounds bad, but they really take pride in their event andn the whole area seems to come out and help, even though it means a lot of closed roads and such. That was cool. So, it was fun.

Now, I must admit to being a ibt bummed that there won;t be another one this year. Who'd of thunk. Time to gear up the runnign for marathon, though.

My times were

swim (1/2 mile): 27:48
T1 3:23
Bike (18.1 miles): 1:07:40
T2: 3:32
Run (5 miles): 53:39
Carrie - What a fantastic job on the bike!! You really did a great job on this race. It sounds like you are hooked now!

As for me, I scored a wetsuit on an end of season deal so now I'm all ready to race next year. I've hooked up with a coach and a team and I'm going to sign up for a 70.3 next year... There aren't too many Olys around here, so I guess I'll make the leap from sprint to 70.3 instead.

laxdef - Did you sign up for the IM?
I've hooked up with a coach and a team and I'm going to sign up for a 70.3 next year
:scared1: Wow, that is aweseome Leana!!!! That sounds so darn scary to me, but I know you can do it. Yeah, I'm hooked. Slow, but hooked. They really are fun events.
WAY TO GO!!! :yay:

Yay for being sub 11 for your run too! Awesome job!
Hello All,

I will be traveling with my DW and the two DD's on the 18th to Disney to race the AFAC!! I am really looking forward to this one as it will be my first "destination" tri and I'm interested to see how it will be. We live in upstate NY and I am a member of a local tri club here that trains and races in the Catskill Mtns. I am very comfortable with lake swimming as we have a group swim once or twice a week here and I've grown to really enjoy it. However, I have never raced without my wetsuit because our water temps tend to stay on the cool side. I raced in NYC last summer with the swim in the Hudson and although the water was warm, it must have been cool enough to allow the wetsuits. Has anybody experienced the whole wetsuit vs non wetsuit thing? I know that I am a lot slower in our masters swims in the pool as opposed to the lake with the wetsuit. I have been training a bit harder this summer with the knowledge that I wouldn't be wearing it so I'm kind of prepared....will it be drastically different? should I sneak 100 truckloads of ice into the lake the night before??
Carrie!! Nice job!! I was thinking about you this weekend, and hoping you had a better experience than the first tri...sounds like it! :cool1: :cool1:

Leana...just read your RR from your previous tri..nice work!

laxdef...which IM were you going to sign up for? Wisconsin or Louisville? I'm taking next year off from IM. (one of these days I'll post my IM Canada report).

Claudine& should be fine in the warm water of Bay Lake without your wetsuit. Even in May for the 70.3 race, it's plenty warm that you would overheat in a wetsuit. The water is sort of dark, so be's because of the tannins from the local trees, so it's like you are swimming in iced tea. But they will have it well marked with plenty of boats/kayaks.
That is an awesome description, the lake I train in is very similar. I have one last club race on wednesday and then I have to say goodbye to my tri-bike as I'll have to ship it out the next day. I was actually thinking about ditching the wetsuit for this club race but it looks like the high for Wed will be 69:scared1:.. and the lake is spring fed...

I was also curious about the whole tri shirt thing. I'm not really the "one-zy" type so I'm more familiar with having my tri shirt under my wetsuit. Do you just throw it on after the swim? I also roll my number belt and wear that under the suit as well. I guess the transition time saved in stripping the wetsuit off will cancel out the put on shirt and belt phases.

As an aside the club I'm in is incredible and the president is a very talented athelete and coach. I was going to try to make the yearly tri camp in Hawaii this year but it looks like the Polynesian is as close as I will get, not a bad second though... is the club website, all the info on the Hawaii camp is there plus more local camps.
I was also curious about the whole tri shirt thing. I'm not really the "one-zy" type so I'm more familiar with having my tri shirt under my wetsuit. Do you just throw it on after the swim? I also roll my number belt and wear that under the suit as well. I guess the transition time saved in stripping the wetsuit off will cancel out the put on shirt and belt phases. is the club website, all the info on the Hawaii camp is there plus more local camps.

well, am I posting to Claudine or John?

I'm a girl, and I will wear (depending on temps and how I feel about my abs on a given day) tri shorts and a jog bra for the whole thing, or wear my team singlet over my jog bra for the whole thing, including the swim. If it's warm, I don't put on an extra jersey or shirt for the bike and run, because I don't like trying to put a top onto a wet body (takes too much time). The singlet will dry while you're biking (or more likely, in FL, just stay wet because of the humidity and sweat, but it would end up that way anyway, even if I put it on fresh).

If I were to favor a looser top or bike jersey, I would just add that on after the swim, but keep the same jogbra on the whole time.

If I were a guy, I would do all the same, just without the jogbra. ;)

I use a race number belt and just put it on while I'm heading out of T2. If you want to wear it for the swim, just tuck the number into your trishorts.
WTG Carrie!!! So glad you and Scott both had great races.

Mike - so did you sign up?

I just got the winter swim schedule so will be signing up to get in shape for next year's tri attempt.
Hey Ironz,

Thank you for the advice, my tri top is pretty tight so I think it will handle o.k. during the swim. I am going to take to the pool and do some "sea trials" to see if it's a hinderence or a help. The only other option is to go without a top for the whole race and while I've done it for a local sprint race, I think I'll spare the good spectators at Disney on that one....

I keep meaning to get one log on ID for DW and another for myself but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Good luck to all doing the AFAC tri!!!!
should I sneak 100 truckloads of ice into the lake the night before??

Ummmm. No.

I live in Florida and have no idea what a wetsuit IS!!!! I do not even wear one when I am 100' deep scuba diving.

FYI - from what I could find, the average temp of Bay Lake in September is 78 - 85 degrees.

And with all of the rain from Fay last month, the water is going to probably be super dark.
Thanks Jim, I'll cancel that ice order....:thumbsup2

The wetsuit is more for speed than comfort for me, I find it makes me a bit more bouyant and therefore I get a little more glide out of each stroke. I had a race last night and the water temp was in the mid 60's which was cold, but nice, so the suit served two purposes. Last year in the NYC tri the swim lane was riddled with jelly fish and those without the wetsuits took some punishment. Whatever happens in the swim for the AFAC tri is beyond my control and overall I'm looking forward to the new challenge.

Has anyone done the bike course on the Disney/AFAC tri before?? Our club races take place in the mountains so I'm used to the hard climbs, is it more of a long flat grind or is there some undulation...?
Is this the big weekend Jim?

Hope not. If it is, I Am In Trouble. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Has anyone done the bike course on the Disney/AFAC tri before?? Our club races take place in the mountains so I'm used to the hard climbs, is it more of a long flat grind or is there some undulation...?

I have biked the roads a lot when I have worked as a Bike Medic for Marathon Weekends.

The bike course, except for bridges & overpasses (which there are a few) is as flat as a cast iron skillet. The elevation probably does not change 20' over the entire course.

in the mountains

What are those.....??

If you are coming down from up north, my big warning is to be prepared for excessive humidity. I will take a wild guess and bet that, barring a sudden break in the temperature, you can expect humidity to EASILY be over 85% with temps in the low 70's at start time, increasing to the upper 80's/ low 90's by the end. If you are not used to that, it can smack you down in a hurry.

ETA: right now, in Lake Buena Vista, at 10:15 pm, the temp is 77 degress w/ humidity of 95%. Ahhhhhhh. Fall in Florida. Isn't it grand??


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