The Trip Where Nothing Really Bad Happened - The End 6/1, Bonus Features: Disney 100 Celebration, Mickey Minnie Runaway Railway queue 2/8

Curious to hear what you think.
Well now I have no idea when this will be. I had to go back and look what we are talking about, but it was the Jungle Cruise game. At this point I have no idea when we will play it.. We might have them over once Fran comes home, but she is going to be very self conscious about visitors, so it will be a while before she lets anyone home.
Little bit of luck and a lot of knowing a lot of people. :)
Yup. Good thing I have a lot of DIS friends!
Oh, okay. Know where that is now.
Yup. In the Contemporary.
Let her know I'm thinking of her, okay?
Let me know if you just want to talk, okay? I can always phone you when I have a minute. Or text... or PM... or email... Lots of options.
Thanks! We're there!
::yes:: And a few years before that... probably nothing you could've done.
How's it look?
Dunno, too tired
I dunno... I think if we had one here, I might be struggling financially! :laughing:
Makes sense, I would have been struggling diabetes wise.
Well, you did have a pretty good breakfast first, so understandable.
Oh! Okay. Guess I'll see how I feel about it soon enough.
Nah. I do that all the time. "Mind if I take a selfie of us? I write a blog (or TR if they know the lingo.)"
I just can't do that, I'm too whateveryoucalit. I'm too tired.
Well now I have no idea when this will be. I had to go back and look what we are talking about, but it was the Jungle Cruise game. At this point I have no idea when we will play it.. We might have them over once Fran comes home, but she is going to be very self conscious about visitors, so it will be a while before she lets anyone home.
Totally understand that. I think playing a board game is probably at the lowest end of your priorities right now.
Yup. Good thing I have a lot of DIS friends!
Dunno, too tired
Makes sense, I would have been struggling diabetes wise.
I just can't do that, I'm too whateveryoucalit. I'm too tired.
Nah. Just get right in their faces "I'm taking your picture! This is a public space, I'm legally allowed. If you don't like it too bad!"


Well, howdy strangers. It's been a hot minute, but I am in. Will start and catch up now.
:welcome: It's been a long time!
Hey Alison, Sometimes trips where nothing goes wrong are the best when things go awry on so many, so I am glad you got your title.
Yeah, I think this is first time that we have had an incident free trip.
My husband and I are also in our 25th year! Yay to you and Fran being in your silver anniversary, too. Our 26th anniversary is in June.
Yay for celebrating so long!
I have slept past the alarm going off more often than I care to admit. My youngest comes into my room in the mornings sometimes and asks, "how can you not hear that?" Crap is already up for hours by the time my alarm goes off at 7am.
I always seem to sleep past alarms. I'm sad that Fran has given up on waking me up. There are times that I might not be able to wake and it will be crucial .
The pictures of the exploding helicopters to liven up the post were hilarious, but the food porn in the post was already pretty good.
Well thank you!
I'm not big on jewelry,
I know not everyone is.
Hope you got the roofing all sorted out. I know dealing with an HOA can be a pain in the butt.
Well it's all done now, but we have to get it painted
That pic of you and your friend Kari in the frame is adorable. I need to recreate that with my kiddos next trip.
They only have that during the Festivak of Arts so you have to go in January.
And, I'm caught up. Looks like a great trip so far. You're busy with lots
OH no. :( I'm so sorry you guys. Not fun!
Yeah, was not fun to have to deal with on a trip.
I had to go through that process (emailing to a CM, printing, signing, sending....) last trip too. But for my AZ contract. Such a pain but I suppose easier than the 80s and before "old-fashioned" way.
Right, at least we can accomplish this stuff while on vacation!
It's such a disaster there. Still.
Super tasty!
Yes it was!
Oh wow, YUM! But yeah, that and the risotto balls are SO filling!!
Not to mention the Wild Boar Cassoulet!
AWww, there you guys are!

Wonder if that will get me flamed?
I'm not sure I understand....unless you mean that you read the other one first and noticed that ots the same as over on this one.
Yes, but it all works now, including the BBcode which hasn't worked for years.
I'm not sure I know what BBcode is.
Nope. It all looks good, but I can't eat that for breakfast.
Why not? :confused3
Well... sure. I mean... it's oatmeal.
Sometimes oatmeal can be really good, but not instant.
:laughing: She got your there!
Nice shot of you both . :)
What lens did you use there
I believe I was using my Sigma 18-250mm. I call that my "Jack of all Trades" lens. It does pretty distance shots, but also allows me a bit of zoom.
Just bang into them with the truck. They'll move.


Now that should get you flamed!
Huh! That's pretty rare. Don't recall that one ever being down all day.
I kept checking the app, and it never had a wait time displaying for the rest of the day.
You should see a doctor about that.
She said avoid kids. :teeth:
:eek: Lady! Take your kid with you!
See my prescription above!
mmm... I could probably live off fried rice.
Perhaps it was this comment that had me ordering fried rice....I didn't realize both my updates contained fried rice! I must really like it a lot too!
Hmmm... she's been able to get in before, right
Yes but her current situation was not without warning. She had been experiencing discomfort in her stomach region. She may not have wanted to bend in a particular manner to get in the vehicle.
I like it. And can totally see you in it. ::yes::
It's just we have been experiencing oddly cool weather. Yesterday I was wearing a 3/4 length sleeve shirt and long pants. I though I was done with those in February. It didn't get above 70 yesterday! I need warmer weather to wear it.
You go right ahead. I'll just sit and watch while you enjoy that.
Those definitely do not look like potstickers! I might have told the server that they'd brought the wrong dish.
Except I had been stalking photos on Yelp, so knew that was how they were served.
mmmm... more goodness.
I should enjoy one before Fran comes home. It's on her don't eat list.
Totally understand that. I think playing a board game is probably at the lowest end of your priorities right now.
Yeah....things like feeding myself and staying clean are pretty much it.
Nah. Just get right in their faces "I'm taking your picture! This is a public space, I'm legally allowed. If you don't like it too bad!"

A Second Chance

Having learned a lesson the day before about waking up early so that Fran would wake up early, I set an alarm for 6:30. I really didn't feel like getting up. I hadn't been able to go to sleep until well after midnight the night before, so I slept (sort of) for another 40 minutes and then did a couple puzzles before I hopped in the shower. Then I started to get up for real. After getting dressed I cooked up all the rest of the bacon and made us breakfast.

She had the rest of the cottage cheese and pineapple with her bacon. (Not together, separate.)

I had to badger Fran to get dressed and we were finally out the door at 10AM. We were able to score a ride on the Safari with the DAS pass (which we didn't get to do the day before).

This part must be new, I don’t remember seeing it before. I like the one up on the roof!

Then we decided to go to Pandora, if I wanted to ride FoP, I might as well bite the bullet and go ahead and do it. At least I had my tablet during the line. On the way there, we saw this interesting version of a socially distanced character meet!

I went straight for the line of FoP and not sure how long I waited, it was definitely a long time, and I didn’t take any pictures. Next I got in line for Navi River Journey. I took a few pictures in the line.

[Continued in Next Post]

[Continued from Previous Post]

I had brought the big camera in an attempt to get some dark ride photos. I’m sorry if they’re not quite so good, I picked the better ones of the batch. Because I have to manually focus for the lens to work (auto focus is confused by a dark ride and just results in no pictures), I don’t always get the best photos because I can’t tell whether or not it’s in focus in the dark!

By this time it was nearly 4PM and I was fairly tired, so we headed back to the busses to go back to the room. I packed up one suitcase completely, and another one almost. In the morning I would throw in stuff we need overnight (clock, fan, bath salts….) And in the final suitcase, everything else will be tossed in, bathroom bags, dirty laundry, chargers, etc.

While we were hanging out in the room, they released the schedules for the F&W Festival at DCA. Jill signed us up for a Winemaker Reception, and you’ll be able to read all about that weekend during my bonus features following this trip report. Nothing like planning your next Disney adventure while you are still having one!

We made dinner out of the leftovers from La Hacienda. The seafood was so fresh that even as many days later (which I would never do with seafood prepared at home) it was delicious and fresh tasting.

We had this 50th Anniversary cupcake for dessert. Cupcakes are not always delicious but this one certainly was. The chocolate cake was super chocolatey, and the caramel filling and topping were spot on. There may have been a little more frosting than I would have cared for, but it was very tasty and not too sweet. I still ate all of it rather than giving it to Fran (which I often do.)

Waking up early and going on rides really took its toll on me and at 7:24, I was getting into the tub. I was done right by 8 o'clock. I know, because just as I laid down on the bed, I heard the fireworks start, so I grabbed my towel and went out on the balcony. The couple next door was also on the balcony, so I just sat down in one of the chairs and enjoyed the fireworks from my balcony, again.

This is one of the many luxuries of BLT that make me glad I bought points here. When they showed the concept art for the place I didn't like the modernity of the place. However, I am a function over aesthetics kind of gal, and the two bathrooms, proximity to monorail, fireworks from the balcony, that it still has a jetted tub, and large rooms make this one of my favorite resorts!

Checking out tomorrow will be sad, but we’re going to the Beach Club, which has other great features! Easy access for both DHS and Epcot, Beaches & Cream, Stormalong Bay (when the weather is nice!), and easy access to the Boardwalk.

I'm not sure I understand....unless you mean that you read the other one first and noticed that ots the same as over on this one.
Yup. That's exactly it.
"I've read this before, somewhere..."
I'm not sure I know what BBcode is.
Then you don't have to worry about. :)
Mostly just screams "Not breakfast!" to me?
I look at that and see... maybe lunch, but mostly a dinner meal.
Sometimes oatmeal can be really good, but not instant.
True... but you can't really photograph it and make it look amazing.
I believe I was using my Sigma 18-250mm. I call that my "Jack of all Trades" lens. It does pretty distance shots, but also allows me a bit of zoom.
Okay, that's kinda what I thought. Thanks. :)
Now that should get you flamed!
She said avoid kids. :teeth:
:lmao: Good advice!
Perhaps it was this comment that had me ordering fried rice....I didn't realize both my updates contained fried rice! I must really like it a lot too!
Yes but her current situation was not without warning. She had been experiencing discomfort in her stomach region. She may not have wanted to bend in a particular manner to get in the vehicle.
Ohhh... Yeah, okay, that totally makes sense.
It's just we have been experiencing oddly cool weather. Yesterday I was wearing a 3/4 length sleeve shirt and long pants. I though I was done with those in February. It didn't get above 70 yesterday! I need warmer weather to wear it.
didnt... get... above... 70...

It didn't get above 70 here either. We just went through a snowstorm and have more snow coming over the next few days.
I should enjoy one before Fran comes home. It's on her don't eat list.
Mostly just screams "Not breakfast!" to me?
I look at that and see... maybe lunch, but mostly a dinner meal.
See my Mom always ate last night's dinner leftovers for breakfast. She never liked breakfast foods, so anything goes for breakfast for me. Before there were microwaves, I used to love cold chinese leftovers for breakfast! 😂
True... but you can't really photograph it and make it look amazing.
Yes that is true.
Okay, that's kinda what I thought. Thanks. :)
Did you know about my camera lenses or did you just deduce from the pictures.
didnt... get... above... 70...
Well by April, here we expect temperatures to be in the 70s or above!
It didn't get above 70 here either. We just went through a snowstorm and have more snow coming over the next few days.
Well that sounds icky. I've only lived through one snowstorm and I think what we had you would have called a dusting. That was in the 80s.
Since her doctor said that she could eat anything you probably read that we split a Mickey Sorcerer Candied Apple

See my Mom always ate last night's dinner leftovers for breakfast. She never liked breakfast foods, so anything goes for breakfast for me. Before there were microwaves, I used to love cold chinese leftovers for breakfast! 😂
Nope! Can't do it. Last night's leftovers might be tonight's dinner... but never breakfast.
Did you know about my camera lenses or did you just deduce from the pictures.
I didn't know specifically that it was an 18-250 zoom (which is an incredible range, by the way),
and I do know that you have more than one lens, including a 50/1.4 (or thereabouts) fast lens.
But I did deduce that that it was probably a wide/tele zoom based off the vignetting.
Well by April, here we expect temperatures to be in the 70s or above!

it's still snowing here as I type this. Which is ridiculous for this time of year.
Well that sounds icky. I've only lived through one snowstorm and I think what we had you would have called a dusting. That was in the 80s.
Come on up for a blizzard. Don't forget to pack your woolies.
Since her doctor said that she could eat anything you probably read that we split a Mickey Sorcerer Candied Apple
I did read that and my mouth did water. ::yes::
She had the rest of the cottage cheese and pineapple with her bacon. (Not together, separate.)
Oh, thank goodness. I got worried for a second.
I had to badger Fran to get dressed and we were finally out the door at 10AM. We were able to score a ride on the Safari with the DAS pass (which we didn't get to do the day before).
Looks like there were lots of animatronic sleeping animals out!

This part must be new, I don’t remember seeing it before. I like the one up on the roof!
Yeah, that doesn't look familar to me, either. Huh.

I had brought the big camera in an attempt to get some dark ride photos. I’m sorry if they’re not quite so good, I picked the better ones of the batch. Because I have to manually focus for the lens to work (auto focus is confused by a dark ride and just results in no pictures), I don’t always get the best photos because I can’t tell whether or not it’s in focus in the dark!
It's just so hard to pull off, unless you have professional equipment (and a professional using it). I think the 2nd-to-last one came out pretty well!

Nothing like planning your next Disney adventure while you are still having one!
That's a beautiful thing.

However, I am a function over aesthetics kind of gal, and the two bathrooms, proximity to monorail, fireworks from the balcony, that it still has a jetted tub, and large rooms make this one of my favorite resorts!
I can totally get that! Location is a big deal.
Nope! Can't do it. Last night's leftovers might be tonight's dinner... but never breakfast.
Why not? I have leftover pizza for breakfast all the time! Plus I remember in the days before microwaves I used to love cold Chinese food for breakfast.
I didn't know specifically that it was an 18-250 zoom (which is an incredible range, by the way),
I really like that lens!
I do know that you have more than one lens, including a 50/1.4 (or thereabouts) fast lens.
Good memory. That's exactly right.
But I did deduce that that it was probably a wide/tele zoom based off the vignetting.
vignetting? :confused3

it's still snowing here as I type this. Which is ridiculous for this time of year.
Yikes! We're having perfect weather for the past month. Mostly mid 70s.... :rolleyes1
Come on up for a blizzard. Don't forget to pack your woolies.
I am only speculating as to what woolies even are......
I did read that and my mouth did water. ::yes::
And I just noticed that you can now buy candied apples at my grocery store when I was there the other day!
Oh, thank goodness. I got worried for a second.
Looks like there were lots of animatronic sleeping animals out!
Yeah, that doesn't look familar to me, either. Huh.
I guess that's what they were doing during the pandemic.
It's just so hard to pull off, unless you have professional equipment (and a professional using it). I think the 2nd-to-last one came out pretty well!
Yeah, I've got the equipment but......
That's a beautiful thing.
Just wish I had one planned now..... 😥
I can totally get that! Location is a big deal.
Actually for me it's the two bathrooms! :laughing:
Moving day

I slept pretty well last night. I remembered to put my fit bit back on after my bath and it told me that I got 8 hours and 18 minutes sleep. There was a small period of awakeness when Fran went to sleep and she asked me to charge her tablet, but other than that, I slept all the way to 6AM when I decided that I might as well wake up. I caught up on my notes for this report and did a couple puzzles before I got dressed, finished packing the suitcases, and had breakfast. I don’t remember what I had and I didn’t take any pictures either.

We called the Bellman just before 11AM and he was very prompt. He said that their rush starts at 11AM and we just barely beat the rush. That's different from the Grand Californian where the rush starts at 10:30.

Now I know you’re wondering why we are going to the same park three days in a row. Here’s the deal, our park reservation for Friday was at AK. When we ended up not getting on the Safari, we decided to go back to AK and were able to get a reservation there for Saturday. We had planned on meeting Pam and JJ at AK, and on Saturday asked them to see if we could get into another park that day, and they were all taken. So AK it would be! Fran and I went down to the bus stop and didn't wait long at all for a bus to AK. Pam and her Mom seemed to be on track to get to the park at about the same time.

In the end, it took them a little longer than it did for us to get there, but we waited for them outside of security until they arrived. On the way into the park, Pam was elated to find this animal out and running around.

After we were able to tear Pam away from the Babirusa, our first stop was the Guest Experience Team Outpost where we had Pam and JJ added to Fran's DAS pass. The gal there signed us up for the Safari which would begin in about an hour. I don't know how we killed that hour so easily. Pam and I went into Starbucks and I got a dark roast coffee, a lemon loaf, and a hot chocolate for Fran. I'm not sure what Pam ordered but they had to remake it twice, the first time they gave her ice, which she didn't want. The second time they added sweetener. She was finally happy with the third one.

I think we made a potty stop and the next thing you know it's our turn to ride the safari. It started raining lightly when we started our journey and I think that made for a better Safari.

Since I showed you traditional pictures from the safari from the day before, I’m going to show you photos with a different twist. Except this one, I tried to get a picture of this bird the day before, but it wasn’t cooperating, today the bird was right out in the open.

This is how Fran likes to help me out with pictures, she shows me where I should be shooting.

I know this is just the Wild Africa Trek group, but it struck me as funny all of them standing there with all the crocodiles below.

I didn’t get any close ups of single crocs in yesterday’s pics, so here ya go.

These guys weren’t bothered by the rain.

The dogs didn’t seem to like it one bit. They were all taking cover.

These two were minding their own business….

While these folks were just sticking their necks out….

This one was just trying to get some relief?

Did I know that Rhinos nursed their young? I guess they are mammals…

This is one of the best pictures I’ve taken of the cheetah, normally they are hiding in the bushes.

Today there were two animatronic lionesses out!

These two were enjoying the light shower of the day.

I thought these ostriches looked like they were in a pond swimming in a circle.

Another shot of the goats in the new scene at the end.

All in all it was a great safari ride!

While at yet another potty stop after the ride, I got the text that the room was ready. It was our same room that we always get. No surprises there. We headed out to Pamela's car and in an expert game of Jenga we got both scooters and four people into the vehicle. We parked, reassembled the scooters and went directly to the room.

I really miss the jacuzzi tub at this resort. I don’t think I used this soaker tub once during our stay.

That darned combo washer dryer that I hate.

And our view of the pool.

Pam and her Mom just hung out and chatted with us while I put away our groceries and got everything out of the suitcases. I also started a load of laundry since this unit has that pesky washer dryer combo machine, so you can only do half as much laundry at a time.

Once everything was put away I had a few moments to chit chat with them before we had to say goodbye. Fran and I had dinner plans elsewhere, and while the two of them could have come along since we had room in the reservation, they had to get home to tend to the dogs.

[Continued in Next Post]
[Continued from Previous Post]

Our dinner was at Topolino's with Su-Lynn and Steve. We took the Skyliner to the Riviera.

Since we got there super early, we sat at the bar and enjoyed a beverage before dinner.

Dinner was super good, but we ordered a ton of food!

We started off with the bread service.

We shared an order of the Ricotta

We were one guest short of our original party, but in her honor we ordered the Sausage Rigatoni “for the table”. I might have ordered it as my entree, but this way I got to try it along with something else.

Both couples ordered the Sole Meuniere, Su-Lynn and Steve did a much better job on their fish, but we ended up taking about half the food home.

I always try to save enough room for dessert and this time I had no problem. I went for the Warm Chocolate Cake, Caramel Center.

Su-Lynn and Steve split this one. Vanilla and Citrus Crème Brûlée, Morello Cherry Compote, Strawberry Foam, Sugared Beignets, Chocolate Meringues, 50th Anniversary Chocolate Stamp

Su-Lynn also got a birthday cake Madeline.

We did a group pose to document the evening. (Steve took the picture)

We took the Skyliner home, and went back to the room. I was just too full and tired to take a tub. Besides, it’s not a Jacuzzi.


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