The Unofficial STROLLER Thread

We are looking into the Joovy Caboose ultralight (it's a sit and stand) I would love to hear people's thoughts on it if there are any

I just bought this for our trip in Feb for my 8 month old DS and DS4. I also have a DD5 who used it as well. Overall, I really like it. It looks great and its pretty easy to push. The canopy s great as it can go in any direction. My complaint would be that the front seat does not really recline so my baby really had a hard time falling asleep in it. I just think he was too young for it. And even though its ultralight its still fairly heavy and long. It pushes great but its still a little hard to get in & out of the car. I thought I would use it more when we got home as my DS4 is rather small & tires easily but I just haven't bothered. I think if I had bought it when my first 2 were young I would have used it a lot more (but obviously the didn't even make it then!).

I think its great for things like trips to the mall but if you are doing Disney "commando" style and you expect your kids to sleep in it, it may not be the best choice for you. One more note, I was able to push all three kids in it with one standing up on the back...that was a really great feature at the end of a long day when we were trying to make our way to the car.
Different stroller question...

I was reading the rummage sale ads tonight, and noticed that someone has a double Peg Perego stroller in their sale. I plan on going to take a look at it tomorrow, but any clue how much I should expect to pay for it? Let's assume its in gently used condition...not totally trashed. The rummage sale pricing in my town can sometimes be way out of whack.

I'd do a search on ebay for "completed auctions". Maybe even search craigslist (not necessarily in your area, but look for a similar model). You could get an idea (I would expect to pay lower at a rummage sale than ebay). Also, ask what year model it is - if it is older, I would expect to pay less than 25 percent of the cost. If it is newer, I would expect to pay closer to 50 percent of the cost.
You can buy replacement skins for your Maclaren from Maclaren. I think if you google their website, you can order. I looked into this and thought the prices were reasonbale (under $40) when I looked.
Thanks for that info, that might come in handy someday...I tried googling it and couldn't find anything...would it be something to get from maclaren by contacting them?

I haven't gotten new skins myself but others have and I'm pretty sure that they contacted Maclaren to see what was available. I think they wil lgive you a list of what they have for each model.
I just bought online for my tall 3 yr. old DD a Combi Urban. I had another Combi when she was little and we travelled all over with it. I love the way the Combi's fold up and the fact that they are lightweight (11 lbs.) and have a built in shoulder strap. It holds up to 55 lbs., has a small basket on the bottom, full sun shade and even comes with it's own rain cover -- great for those unexpected showers and it fits like a dream on the stroller. It also has one of the tallest handles I have seen, making it so easy to push around. I don't have to bend down one little bit to push it -- the first stroller I've ever had that I haven't had to bend.

It's the 2007 model so it was onsale for $80 shipped. It doesn't recline, the newer 2008 model does, but my DD had plenty of room and loved doing a test drive and I don't think it'll be a problem.

I know everyone seems to love their Mac's on this board, but I just love my Combi. :love:
we tried out the combi and it did NOT work for my averaged sized son. i think its a fine product.
in every combi stroller (even the higher weight limit ones), my sons feet didnt fit on the footrest comfortably so his feet would hang funny and hit the wheels, thus making it super hard to push (and with potential injury to him)
I know they are expensive...but the Phil & Teds Sports Buggy double stroller is GREAT. The 2nd child rides "under" - so easy to push and maneuver around. We got the single Phil & Teds and the place we bought it from gave us the double attachment free. I use it with my girlfriends son when we go shopping! You may be able to find one on ebay for cheaper....they just came out with a new 2008 version, so they older ones may be a lot cheaper. Here is a pic....


That's so neat! Strollers aren't really a concern of mine anymore now that my youngest is almost four and has't sat in a stroller for say, a trip to the mall for a year, but I would have loved that for my older two when they were young. My problem was that I needed a double because it was hard trying to carry/push a newborn while holding a three-year-old's hand, but I knew my oldest would not fit or want to be in a stroller for much longer, so this would have been perfect. :thumbsup2
The returns website is very cool. Have you purchased anything from there?
The returns website is very cool. Have you purchased anything from there?

I actually do have a stroller from there although I was the original buyer. LOL I am a member on a Yahoo group, StrollerSwap, and another member bought a Zooper Zydeco from there and then decided it wasn't what they needed and I instead bought it from her.

It seems that the stroller was a customer return...some scratches and the brake is either missing or broken (I'm not sure but don't need to use it so haven't looked into getting it fixed). It was a $520 stroller but I was able to get it for just $99 (I think she paid $250 on Returns For Sale). There have been other Mom's on StrollerSwap who have bought different strollers and items from Returns For Sale and have gotten good deals. I have been watching different strollers. A few weeks back they had 2 Peg Perego P3's that went as low as $100 each and I wish I had grabbed one.

Some bought Bugaboo Bees that were marked as a Grade C and they could find nothing wrong with it but got them cheap. Each item will have a Grade (A, B, etc.) or it will just simply be a discontinued item. There is a chart that will give you an idea of what might be wrong with the item depending on what grade it is. And there selection keeps changing so keep checking back if there is something specific you are looking for. As far as strollers, I have seen everything from Graco's to Bugaboo's and Stokke's listed so you never know what you might find! HTH
Maybe someone can help me. We are going to WDW in January and in the past, my regular double stollers have been fine. Now my kids are bigger-40 lbs and 50 lbs, so they just won't fit anymore. My DD will be 7 and I know she won't need a stroller all the time, but we want to be prepared if she will need to ride. I was considering 2 Maclaren Volos and I found some pretty good prices on ebay for older models. My question is some of them say they hold 40 lbs and some say 55. Do they change from year to year? Thanks!
We are looking into the Joovy Caboose ultralight (it's a sit and stand) I would love to hear people's thoughts on it if there are any.

I have the baby trend sit and stand and it is about to go on it's 3rd trip to Disneyworld. We did customize ours a little and took the metal bar out from behind the front seat and replaced it with a velcro strap so we can lay the front seat down so the little one can fall asleep.This is a great stroller...:cool1:
Maybe someone can help me. We are going to WDW in January and in the past, my regular double stollers have been fine. Now my kids are bigger-40 lbs and 50 lbs, so they just won't fit anymore. My DD will be 7 and I know she won't need a stroller all the time, but we want to be prepared if she will need to ride. I was considering 2 Maclaren Volos and I found some pretty good prices on ebay for older models. My question is some of them say they hold 40 lbs and some say 55. Do they change from year to year? Thanks!

It seems to me that they increased the weight limit a few years ago. I noticed that too when doing my research. I want to say it was increased in 2005, but can't remember for sure. It could also be a typo - many strollers have a 40lb weight limit and some sites just assume that's the limit. I can't remember the site, but there was one that listed a 2008 Volo with a 40lb weight limit and I knew it was wrong. I'd check the year of the one you're looking at and Google it to be sure.
I know they are expensive...but the Phil & Teds Sports Buggy double stroller is GREAT.

I love, love, love my Phil & Teds. My question is have you (or anyone else who cares to reply) taken it to WDW? I'm trying to decide between taking the P&T or buying another Volo and clipping two Volos together. My concerns with the P&T are folding it for transport, flying with it, and having it sit unattended (I know everyone says strollers don't get taken, but it is a rather pricey stroller and I would be sick if it disappeared). My concerns with the two Volo system is,'s not my P&T. Ideas anyone?
I love, love, love my Phil & Teds. My question is have you (or anyone else who cares to reply) taken it to WDW? I'm trying to decide between taking the P&T or buying another Volo and clipping two Volos together. My concerns with the P&T are folding it for transport, flying with it, and having it sit unattended (I know everyone says strollers don't get taken, but it is a rather pricey stroller and I would be sick if it disappeared). My concerns with the two Volo system is,'s not my P&T. Ideas anyone?

We got our P&T after Disney....and are now debating on whether to take it on our Sept. trip, or take our Peg Perego Pliko P3. I love, love the P&T....but share the same concerns about quickly folding it and getting on/off transportation with those big wheels. I guess it would work... We have the travel bag for it, so we could use that at the airport. But....again....what if someone took it at the airport or down in Disney? I would also be so upset!! I think it would be the easiest to push around and the most comfy for my son - but the Pliko P3 folds up quick like an umbrella stroller (which is nice) and is a lot lighter. I don't need the P&T as a double yet - so that makes it easier. Hmmmmmm....I don't know what I would do if I were you....I think I would take the P&T. Seems to be a lot easier than 2 other ones....good luck! :goodvibes
For those of you with the P&T - what is the weight limit for two kids? I have a 3y old and a 1y old and have used the maclaren twin traveller which turns great but is rather heavy and also the sit and stand deluxe (which has endured countless trips to WDW) and which I love but that too is kinda heavy and long when folded up on the buses. I just splurged on a bob rev duallie which is also heavy but I know will last forever for trips closer to home but had considered the P&T but worried about my son getting his fingers stuck in the wheels (just looks so close to the wheels from that bottom seat even with the guards there). I could return the bob as it hasn't arrived yet if I knew that the P&T would last a long time....
It seems to me that they increased the weight limit a few years ago. I noticed that too when doing my research. I want to say it was increased in 2005, but can't remember for sure. It could also be a typo - many strollers have a 40lb weight limit and some sites just assume that's the limit. I can't remember the site, but there was one that listed a 2008 Volo with a 40lb weight limit and I knew it was wrong. I'd check the year of the one you're looking at and Google it to be sure.

Thanks, I will do that. It seems the 2006 models are still 40 lbs and 2007 has the jump to 55 at least from my initial searching- but you're right, someone could just be copying old information.

Are there any other strollers comparable to a Volo in price and style that have a weight limit of 55 lbs?
For those of you with the P&T - what is the weight limit for two kids? I have a 3y old and a 1y old and have used the maclaren twin traveller which turns great but is rather heavy and also the sit and stand deluxe (which has endured countless trips to WDW) and which I love but that too is kinda heavy and long when folded up on the buses. I just splurged on a bob rev duallie which is also heavy but I know will last forever for trips closer to home but had considered the P&T but worried about my son getting his fingers stuck in the wheels (just looks so close to the wheels from that bottom seat even with the guards there). I could return the bob as it hasn't arrived yet if I knew that the P&T would last a long time....

I just looked it up and the max load for the P&T is 55lb in the front, and 33lb in the rear seat. When seated in the rear seat, I'm not sure the child could even get a good view of the the temptation may not be there to reach out and touch them!! ;)
I just looked it up and the max load for the P&T is 55lb in the front, and 33lb in the rear seat. When seated in the rear seat, I'm not sure the child could even get a good view of the the temptation may not be there to reach out and touch them!! ;)

Thanks for the info...just wondered if people think that an older child more than 4y old would fit in it in double mode? It says it goes up to a 4y but I really want a double stroller that would go up to 5-6y as I know we may need it for trips to disney etc...I really don't want to have to rent a double stroller and I don't think an older child would fit great in the mac ttrav that we have...we could use the sit and stand if all else fails but it would be nice to be able to recline the front seat more (I read someone took their bar off the back of the seat and were able to get more of a recline - would love to know how they did this!)
Thanks for the info...just wondered if people think that an older child more than 4y old would fit in it in double mode? It says it goes up to a 4y but I really want a double stroller that would go up to 5-6y as I know we may need it for trips to disney etc...

The heavier child is actually supposed to sit in front, so I could easily see a 5 or 6 year old fitting in double mode. You can also take the front bar off to make it easier for them to climb in and out. Now a 5 or 6 year old in the back would probably not fly! Also, the new P&T models like the Sport supposedly are built to allow more of a recline in the rear seat. I have the Sport and I don't know what the recline was like on the E3, but I have to say the rear recline isn't super spectacular. It works, but it isn't a full out, lay down and sleep recline.
Does anyone know of a inexpensive umbrella stroller that reclines? I have a Mac Triumph for my 5yo, but I need something else for my 2yo; and I'd like to keep it under $50. Ideas? I looked at the Jeep All Weather one, but the reviews say it's very narrow for anyone over 2, and my DS has broad shoulders. The Chicco C6 doesn't look (or say) that it reclines.


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