The "Why I didn't speak to my sister for a week" trip report *** Now Complete :)

Believe me, I've weighed the pros & cons, several times. I'd still rather be in WDW with them than in jail. Although it WAS tempting.

What is it with that show ?? We saw it going on FOUR TIMES in August too and we were in MGM for a total of 3 hours, tops. Enough !!! That stupid song was in my head for days.

Yes, do it !!! And send me the link please. Writing TRs is fun, and in some cases, therapeutic :)

Oh that'd be so cool ! He usually works Mondays and Tuesdays. If you do see him, tell him we missed him in August :( You'll love him, he's a nut !! LOL

:rotfl: :happytv: :rotfl2:

I think my exact words were "HHUHM AGU??????"

I really want to thank you all for reading ! Wow, can't believe this TR went over 1000 replies and something like 150,000 views ! That's NUTTSSSSS !!!! I never ever expected that. Jessi is here and I'm dying to show her your comments :)

Oh my! I have really enjoyed reading your trip report. I hope you write another. If you do I will read it. Get your self rested up and then please write a new one.:rolleyes:
"Next time, we should all stay a whole month!!!"

Forgive me for saying so, but if your sister was any more oblivious, she would be in a coma! Does she have any idea what a PITA she was?

ETA: I have really enjoyed you trip report. I look forward to your next TR.
"Next time, we should all stay a whole month!!!"

Ten minutes later, I got my cell phone and put her number on my blocked list.

That is the best...WOW! I would have seriously lost it at that point.... :rotfl: :rotfl:
Thanks for letting us share with you and I look forward to hearing more about this last trip at the POLY with Grumpy. It had to have gone MUCH better.

You had me choking with your sister's comment on going for a month next time. :rotfl:

If you need to adopt a sister for a trip, I’m available. I can even speak a little French – or I used to but it’s been so long. And, you speak and write English better than I do.

Based on your TR, I think I'll keep our DW trips to just the 4 of us from now on. And, I promise to think of you when we're at CSR in October. I’d often thought of whom I would want to share the magic with but now I will limit it to DH and my boys. Lord knows, I have enough trouble dealing with DH.

You've inspired me to write a PTR of my own. I guess it's a great way to look back and share. So, thanks.
I think this was the most entertaining TR I have ever read. It was more of a soap opera than a trip.

It makes me sad that your sister and girlfriend weren't more appreciative of what you did for them. It was very generous. They seem like they are very entitled people, which is odd since they are unemployed and lazy:sad2:
Thank God this TR is over!! It sucked me in---I laughed out loud, I cringed, and I wanted to slap your sister--and then--I am sorry to say I wanted to slap you and grumpy:rotfl: Ya'll should have dumped them, oh say about day 2!!
I agree with others, I am so glad you guys just got to go back
Thanks for the laughs, I have read your report aloud to my hubby and got my dis'ing sister hooked on it!
This has been a very entertaining trip report and I am sad to see it end!! So I hope you start on your new one soon, although I am sure it wont be the same without Jessi and Alex in it!!
Great trippie Marina. I agree, writing a trippie can be therapuetic.

Would you please post a link to your new one here so I can make sure I see it?
Jessi is here and I'm dying to show her your comments :)

I can't believe you are actually speaking to her and helping her with possibly moving closer. I think the only time I would speak to her would be when I was buying her a one-way ticket to Antarctica. You are definitely a saint! Looking forward to reading a tr from your most recent trip!
Ten minutes later, I got my cell phone and put her number on my blocked list.


Wonderful TR!!! Loved every minute of it!!!! You have a wonderful way with words and putting your emotions into it!!! Thank you for writing this for all of US, and hopefully it did act as therapy for you, too!
Next Time? NEXT TIME??? OMG!!! Next time take a machete and kill them in their sleep...oh sorry, she's family. They always suspect'd never get away with it!

:) Sheli

Life in prison seems a fair enough price to pay for the satisfaction you'd get. Make sure you do it in the states, as the prisons here are nicer than the Disney resorts and they get Satellite TV. Of course, if this TR is admissible as evidence, you'll go free like OJ.

Thanks for a very entertaining TR. You are a great writer and had good material with which to work.
Marina your TR was awesome!! I'm sad it's over...but not that your trip with spawn of satan and her girlfriend is!!! I can totally relate to what you went through. I brought my best friend and his wife thinking I would show them how GREAT Disney he hates it, they are divorced and he will NEVER go with me again.

Oh well, that's a few less people we have to deal with in the parks!!
I just found your report and i think you have to be one of the most patient people I have eve come across.
I am off to read your other reports wher I hope you had a better time.:hug
Thanks so much, Marina:thumbsup2
Your TR was so funny - but like the others it seems wrong to find such humor in someone else's misery.
Can't wait to hear how your trip with Grumpy went.
Rest up and then start that trip report - see voo play (lol)- I took Spanish in high school not French!
Take care:goodvibes
Just wanted to tell you I've been reading your TR on and off for a week and have SO enjoyed myself - laughing out loud at work, getting a lot of strange looks for co-workers (ok, my boss is out of the country, shhhhh!!)

I so HOPE that this recent trip with Grumpy was everything you wished for and more! I can't wait for a TR on that!!

Please make sure that you continue your wonderful writings! You have a great way of expressing yourself!
Your TR has been like a train wreck. Too terrifying to look away from even though you shouldn't revel in other's misery.

You and Grumpy deserve medals for putting up with their appalling behavior. They need a swift kick in the rear and a severe attitude adjustment. They also really need someone to tell them exactly how reprehensible their behavior was throughout your entire trip.

Thank you for entertaining us with your horrible experiences. I'm sorry for feeding off the misery of your experience but appreciate that you were willing to share it. :hug: to you, dear.


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