TheNeverEndingPTR!, November...WAIT! January?Ugh. maybe September 2011!

Heehee! Savannah's picture and story was accepted for Let The Memories Begin! I think this will take you there...


Oh, and on a trip note, I believe our official new dates are October 15th-22nd, 2011. :laughing:

I haven't talked to Hope about her trip yet, I'm going over there tomorrow, but I'm guessing that after I hear about the heat and some of the crowds for the last week of FD, we would be happier to go in October again and stay offsite and enjoy Food & Wine! :woohoo:
Oh my goodness, what a beautiful picture! That's so great that it got chosen!

And :banana: for dates for next year!
Hey Karen!!! I PROMISE to get my trip report up sometime before next year!!! :lmao:

What are your tentative dates for next year, 2011? Peter is already asking when we can go back!!! :lmao: :love:
So tomorrow marks 1 YEAR since we left for our Disney trip and last Friday marks a year from when we will hopefully return! I'll have to link to each of my days on my TR starting tomorrow. Any way for me to drag it out, that's my motto! :lmao:

I keep waffling on onsite or offsite, but I think after running numbers, the choice is clear. IF they offer free dining in October 2011, we will stay onsite. If they don't, we'll stay off. It's a HUGE savings when comparing the two (about $900), so I can't see passing it up, even if it means all 5 of us are crammed in a room onsite! Crammed in a room at Disney is better than most things in my book! ;)

Here's a link to my intro from last year's trip (just in case you haven't been paying attention and have no idea who I am or why I'm Disney obsessed!) :p
October 2009 TR intro
Yep, $900 would have me cramped in a room onsite too. Honestly of all the things that I would definately want to change a bigger place to stay isn't on my "must" list. It would have been nice but not a deal breaker. Our own car would be a deal breaker. :rolleyes:
Oh yes, Karen.....For $900 in savings I'll sleep on the floor!!! Seriously!!! I miss reading your updates. I hope you start updating more often now. :goodvibes
One year ago, today, we were running around like mad, trying to get out of town. What a fiasco that was! :lmao: I cannot believe it has been a year and yet again, it seems like forever. I hope this year passes quickly enough that our next trip arrives, but not so quickly that I don't enjoy it! My kids are growing up so fast (Savannah turns 10 this week and my boys are 15 and 16!) and I feel like the clock is ticking on Family vacations. :eek: Here are the first couple links that go straight to this day last year in my TR...

drama-will he make it home for the trip?

At Last?!?!?

Finally on our way...RIGHT?

Is the Hotel on Fire???
Thanks Ladies! We decided to cancel our 20th Anniversary party b/c as we started adding up what we were going to spend on that 4 hour party, we realized that we could put it in savings and maybe add enough to it to do a trip this year.

I am KICKING myself for not booking FD though, that was an $1100 mistake, according to my calculations, so we need to hope they send me a pin or release it again like they usually do in March/April!

Ann, our days may overlap! We're thinking the last day of Sept. and first week of October! :woohoo:
OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! THAT WOULD BE SO COOL IF OUR DATES OVERLAP!!!! I've been reading on Facebook "couponing to Disney" and there's coupons and special deals for groceries and stuff, so that's a way to save some money. Here's some pixiedust: for a Free Dining pin. I'll keep my eyes out for deals but I'm sure you'll be way ahead of me on that one!!!


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