"There Will be No Dumbo For You!"


DIS Veteran
Mar 27, 2004
I was on the Express Monorail and a Dad said to his misbehaving child:

"Keep that up and there will be NO Dumbo for you!":)

It worked.:)
Unfortunately I had to do this with DD last year. She had a meltdown about waiting in line for something so we pulled her out. DS and DH got to do it while she waited outside with me. It was really hard for me to do that but we didn't have any other issues after that!
A person posted a little while back about something she saw in the parks. A child was having a meltdown or tantrum or something and the child's grandmother told her that children who cried were turned into the dolls on It's a Small World to entertain the good little children.:scared1: The poster said it worked.
I could never take away Dumbo but I often threaten with Hall of Presidents. It has never failed me.:lmao:
I had a horrid time potty training DD who was 4. We had our first trip planned and we were weeks away,DD 4 at the time, pooped her pants. She just did not want to take the time to go do it the bathroom. I told her while cleaning up, "ya know, TinkerBell does not meet little girls who poop in pants." She got this big eyed look on her face but said nothing. Over the next few days more and more poop ended up in the toilet. (thank goodness)

Meeting TINK. She gives Think a big hug and says "I don't poop in my pants anymore". Think just said "well, what a big girl you are">.<
Pretty sure I've said exactly the same thing at some point in time. I'm 100% certain I threatened to take away some ride experience or another in response to selfish behavior.

It feels wrong, but it does seem to work.
It's refreshing to read some good (and creative) parenting taking place :) As said on the Andy Griffith show... "Nip it in the bud!"

I will have to remember some of these lines just in case they're needed.
I had a horrid time potty training DD who was 4. We had our first trip planned and we were weeks away,DD 4 at the time, pooped her pants. She just did not want to take the time to go do it the bathroom. I told her while cleaning up, "ya know, TinkerBell does not meet little girls who poop in pants." She got this big eyed look on her face but said nothing. Over the next few days more and more poop ended up in the toilet. (thank goodness)

Meeting TINK. She gives Think a big hug and says "I don't poop in my pants anymore". Think just said "well, what a big girl you are"

Too cute!!!

I would have to threaten my kids with not being able to watch the Carousel of Progress. They LOVE it and could sit through it over and over and over.....:confused3
A person posted a little while back about something she saw in the parks. A child was having a meltdown or tantrum or something and the child's grandmother told her that children who cried were turned into the dolls on It's a Small World to entertain the good little children.:scared1: The poster said it worked.

This is hilarious! And kind of creepy:eek:
When my DD was 10 we did a Mother/Daughter trip. She wanted to ride Space Mountain which I don't like.

So I told her if she was good all day we'd ride Space Mountain. I was sure she wouldn't make it all day.

But nope, she fooled me. She was great all day and we rode Space Mountain. I was terrified and she had a blast.
Lol so many funny things are heard when your at disney! Mine was a mother telling her son " you make wise choices and you go to Disneyland every year ... You don't make wise choices YOU STAY HOME! " His eyes got huge !
Pretty sure I've said exactly the same thing at some point in time. I'm 100% certain I threatened to take away some ride experience or another in response to selfish behavior.

It feels wrong, but it does seem to work.

That's basically how the criminal justice system works...kids may as well learn these consequences in the safety/comfort of their parents home rather than have the law take away some privileges haha
DH and I are retirement age and I can assure you that our boys were not angels -- especially at certain ages. Hardheaded, stubborn and determined, much of the time when they were little.
However, we've seen many more meltdowns, tantrums, backtalking, hitting and just plain unacceptable behavior this last trip than ever before. And we lived in FL and had APs and went many times for a day here, a day there, etc. I saw a lot more of the action that the child could turn on and off like a faucet!!! The tears weren't real. They were a tool to get whatever was wanted or avoid what they didn't want.
SO glad my guys were old enough to enjoy the parks and the rides without any of that when we first went.
I was sure that many of the parents were embarrassed but seemed not to know what to do...................some of the suggestions in this thread might have come in handy.
We went to AK and were in line to see the first lion king show. DS was horrible and I kept threatening to leave. Well...guess what... I finally walked away and we never saw it. I always follow through with threats so didn't want to break my training! Unfortunately I also suffered because I really wanted to see it and now it is moving plus we don't often go to AK so I still haven't seen it!
We witnessed a "magical meltdown" in DHS one year. Little girl in line for RnR behind us with her parents and brother kept whining that they were in the wrong line. (it was the FP line, and they had FP but she was insisting they were supposed to be in the OTHER line...which was the line to GET a FP). She was getting louder and louder and more insistent, all while her parents kept trying to hush her and tell her she was wrong. Finally she stomped her foot and shrieked at them that they were WRONG AND RUINING THE WHOLE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Her father quietly snatched her up by the elbow and pulled her about 20 feet away from the line, leaned way down so his nose was almost touching hers...and I have no idea what he said (though I heard him threaten leaving the park), but her eyes were the size of saucers. Then he straightened up and rejoined the line, along with his daughter who apologized to her family and was super polite and happy for the remainder of the line.
This thread needs a hashtag. I'm going with #disneyparenting. I'll be live tweeting starting this weekend ;)
Best part about the Dumbo thing is that it probably wouldn't have hurt the parents at all to miss that ride. :)

I feel sad for the RnR girl. DS sometimes doesn't quite trust that we're doing things correctly, and rather than yelp at him, it's almost always better to really really explain things out to him again. It's almost always because there was a total misunderstanding of the way things work, or we've been too brief with him. The other times it's because he hasn't eaten properly that day, and like in the Snickers commercials, he just isn't himself when he hasn't eaten properly. (though a Snickers and its ingredients would make it SO much worse, so we don't give him THAT, LOL) Anyway, sounded like the girl was really stressed out and scared...not that she was being bratty.
If needed, I'm also planning to threaten taking away Dumbo if DD gets out of hand. If things get really bad, I will use Anna & Elsa. That should get us through until our A&E FP+ time at 12:15 on day 4 (out of 5).
Best part about the Dumbo thing is that it probably wouldn't have hurt the parents at all to miss that ride. :)

I feel sad for the RnR girl. DS sometimes doesn't quite trust that we're doing things correctly, and rather than yelp at him, it's almost always better to really really explain things out to him again. It's almost always because there was a total misunderstanding of the way things work, or we've been too brief with him. The other times it's because he hasn't eaten properly that day, and like in the Snickers commercials, he just isn't himself when he hasn't eaten properly. (though a Snickers and its ingredients would make it SO much worse, so we don't give him THAT, LOL) Anyway, sounded like the girl was really stressed out and scared...not that she was being bratty.

I was there and heard her. She was being a little know-it-all snot, not stressed out and scared. I wanted to high five her dad (who DID try to explain that they were in the right line repeatedly, but she was having none of it).


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