"There Will be No Dumbo For You!"

We find that our DD is well behaved at Disney because she is more focused on not losing privileges. This weekend we were trying to leave Epcot in order to get her to bed (she is. 4) and we made a wrong turn and she saw the Mike and Sully playground (for F&G). She wanted to play so she got a quick 5 minutes. she was so sad to leave quickly. The next day we told her that if she was good all day (we defined it for her) we would go back. A few times when she decided to do things. (Like refuse to go to the potty when we know she needs to go) we would say "Mike&Sully!" And she would listen. Generally she was great all day. So we went to Mike & Sully playground and let her play for a looooong time! :)
My yds would refuse to try to potty train and wouldn't even sit on it until the one day I showed pics of Lightening McQueen and Mater from DHS and said if he went pee pee he could go meet them. Sure enough, immediate success, never another accident. My kid held out for a Disney trip;)

DH and I had a deal, for every fast ride he wanted me to go on, RnR, ToT, some at Universal, he had to ride IASW as payment! He stopped asking. Thankfully we have kids who love it to ride with him.
We had a similar situation. We were getting ready to get on Splash and my son had been a bit of a beast all morning. I told him to straighten up and stop being snarky, or no Splash. He continued on and so while DBF, my mom, and DD rode, he and I sat out. It about killed him, but the behavior stopped. Disney is no different for us than home is, you don't mind, you don't get to play.
I wonder if this works on 45 year old husbands? I Might have to threaten that he cannot have a Moosehead beer while sitting in Canada watching Illuminations...Maybe then he won't be such a vacation nazi!:rotfl2:
These stories are great. Every time I see the title pop up though I think of Seinfeld and "no soup for you". Too bad we'll be meeting pooh n Tigger our very first day. Otherwise I might have had some negotiation power with my niece and nephews!
I could never take away Dumbo but I often threaten with Hall of Presidents. It has never failed me.:lmao:

That is the EXACT threat my Mom would use, too!! :rotfl: Worked every time! :thumbsup2

These stories are great! Honestly, I tend to see more parents having a meltdown rather than children.
This thread is great. There are always consequences to our actions, whether for the good or the bad. Great parenting. :thumbsup2
This thread is great! I just wanted to share a different approach that works for us. We have Cinderella (me) text my husband. DH puts a Cinderella picture in my contact info and clears the text history. "Cinderella" will check in via text throughout the trip to comment on the kids behavior. She promises that if they are good, she will invite them to her castle at the end of the trip for dinner. THANK GOODNESS they behave....I would have been mad if I had to cancel CRT!

DH has also had the princesses (aka: his secretary) leave voice mails.

We have been in contact with "Belle" and "Beast" too, with a reward of eating at Beasts castle. My 10yo DS laughs at us! He's not the one that needs motivation to behave...it's our younger two. This strategy has worked well!
Sometimes you have to do it! A well behaved kid not only makes your vacation much better, but makes the experience better for everyone!


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