They Don't Eat Hash Browns in Princessland - May 14 COMPLETE! 2/8 pg. 73

Continued from prior post:

Regardless of everything that happened that night, we were super happy that vacation had finally started.

We finished up dinner and headed back out to the car. I was super excited, because I had booked us into a very special room for the night. Well, special to me.

I booked us in a Royal Room! Woo hoo!

They don't allow us to exchange points for a Royal Room, so it's only available to us out of pocket. Okay then.

We got to the parking lot and went to grab our carryons, which we had packed with what we needed overnight. I needed to get into one of the main pieces of luggage to grab our toiletries and we would be off.

Well, that would have been fine if Momma could find the keys to get into the luggage. Needless to say, we had a bit of a moment in the car, resulting in us having to empty her purse out in it's entirety, to find the luggage keys. They had crept into a little crevice in the purse. Mom was pretty on edge for not finding them at first. I said "whats the worst that happens? We have to get something to break open the locks. Not hard to do...."

But we found them and soon we were heading in. As soon as we got through the door, I said "STOP RIGHT NOW! I NEED PICTURES!"

It's the little details in this room that really make it.

I wanted this headboard so badly!

I loved this room!!!!

Hi Momma!

Warning, I stood on the above ottoman to get pictures of the wall paper border.

You know you want this wallpaper border.

Our lovely scroll welcoming us to the room.

I freaked out for a minute, because I totally realized I had missed this! So, more pictures!

Finally, we had settled in for the night. I took tons of pictures (as you can see). I really wish that we could stay here longer, but at the same time, it's not worth it for us since we have DVC. So, I'll take my one night here and there to experience new resorts. It's really lovely, I have to say.

Our heads finally hit the pillow at about 12:30am. I had been up since 5am! Wooooooo. Was I ever ready for bed. I still set my alarm for 7am, because Momma and I had a spa appointment in the morning.

Up next: Wow.....your legs are super red!
As usual, I found myself laughing out loud like a looney while reading the brilliant start to your trip report. Danielle smash!!!! OMG, I totally feel like that at airports!!! Such a crazy start to the trip. But I know it is only up from here!
I am officially impressed that you would get home from work at 1 pm for a 3:335pm flight out of Milwaukee and make it there in plenty of time. I would be worried about hitting bad traffic. But - I will defend Midway a bit. We live about 8 miles away and can get there without going on the highway, so we prefer to use that airport. The lot we park in only costs about $12 a day. But you have to know where the safe places are. Never lose site of your luggage and keep your purse clutched tightly to your body at all times, and you'll be fine. ;). Actually, I'm really glad that they only let ticketed passengers into the terminals now.

I'm glad that your food court was still open. You must have been starving after that long day with almost no food.
That royal room is gorgeous. I had never seen pictures of the wallpaper border before. I love the detail in it, especially Chip and the mice with Cinderella's slipper.
ok, definitely chuckled a bunch during those updates - and loved the used of all the .gifs :thumbsup2

Discombobulated is definitely one of those odd words - like, no one ever says "why yes, I am very much combobulated at this point, thank you" ... like, how can only the negative form of something be a legit word? :confused3

ugh, that is so frustrating when there are no gates and you are just like "um, I could be heading to Disney but I am not because there isn't a door? it's like 2014 right? Find a dang door!!!!"

you room looks so great! I must admit I am not a "wallpaper boarder guy" - but those are some pretty darn great boarders!
it sure was one loooong flight. I was so glad that we finally got to the gate :thumbsup2

the Royal Room was so beautiful..... Thank you so much again for that awesome treat.:love::love:
Oh my gosh, that travel sounds absolutely BRUTAL! I hate waiting for my baggage on a normal day so I'd go crazy waiting that long.

That being said...RIVERSIDE!!! My new favorite resort! I love their food court. And the princess rooms are so gorgeous. I love that headboard too much.
that flight would have made me CRAZY. I get a touch of claustrophobia, and planes are always a trigger for me anyway. That would have been awful.

Yay! POR and a Royal Room! They're so cute aren't they?
oh my gosh WHAT a flight ordeal!! I remember reading about it on facebook and thinking it was crazy! I would not have been okay stuck on a plane even longer than needed, don't like 'em in the first place!

YAY FOR POR!! We were booked in there when we were going the first week but the price was too much for our actual dates! I definitely need to stay there the royal rooms look freaking amazing and awesome!! Jenna would've LOVED them too! Lol.

Yay for fooooood!
I love travel day updates - there are often some good stories to tell! Of course, in this case, it's the story of things going wrong...all those delays really take the magic out of the start of the trip. Glad you finally got there and got some food and had a great room. The rooms look so fun!

On the TSA pre-check thing: I don't know how either, but my dad and step-mom ended up with that on their tickets flying back from Oregon. We didn't. So, they got to use the easy line and us - with a toddler - had to use the regular line. Boo.

On the people who give out bad Disney info: I had that happen recently while riding the bus home from work. There was a lady sitting next to me and talking to the person in front of us and both of them were just full of misinformation about WDW (and they had both been there). I was just biting my tongue the whole time, trying not to get involved. They were saying that Fast Pass is a pay-to-cut-the-line system and it was so unfair that people could buy their way on to things. Also, kids should not go to WDW until they are 11 or 12. :lmao:
Loved this traveling update. Even though I'm sure it was awful at the time.

My mom and I experienced something like this when we were flying back to Charlotte a few weeks ago. We circled for awhile due to storms, we're running out of fuel so had to reroute to get said fuel at a very small airport near my hometown that has like one restaurant and one bathroom, and then waited for a couple of hours to get back to Charlotte which was INSANE!

I love the part where you said your mom is slow putting her stuff away. I've battled this with my mom forever. But I've learned as I've gotten older to just go with it because if she doesn't put it just right ten minutes later she will be freaking out thinking she lost something.

Reno was selecting people for pre check when we flew back and my mom and I got selected. I must admit though I'm totally ok with the extreme measures of security. I didn't feel as safe just walking though but that's just me.

Haha totally Lol'd at the Danielle Smash comment. Because I had one of these moments. After we finally landed in Charlotte there were so many freaking people and I had no idea where are luggage was going so I of course walked the opposite way all the way down just to walk all the way back down and see one of my bags about to go in the last door. No thank you I'm not waiting for it to come back around so I ran for it (this bag had 3 bowling balls in it, no I'm dead serious) and all I could think when I grabbed it is, "please don't hit one of these annoying people crowding the carousel!" But it didn't so all was good.

Omg I have been debating Port Orleans Riverside for our September trip and your pictures aren't helping. I've decided on POP since we are just going for an extended weekend and we won't be at the resort much anyway. And we are also staying onsite at Universal one night. Maybe I'll splurge when my mom and I take my niece in January. She would love that room.

So now that I wrote the longest reply ever. Can't wait to hear more.
Oh my goodness I love that room! I am hoping to book a Royal room for when we go visit Caitlin in August. (I'm waiting on some TA paperwork) After seeing your pictures I'll be so disappointed if there isn't one available!

Nice update and looking forward to more :)
I know a lot of times, when you're stuck in a plane on departure day, you're irritated because you just want to get the heck home. You know your bed and creature comforts are right outside the airport.
But I don't know, being delayed in your Disney arrival sounds pretty bad. all you wanna do is start your dang vacation! And add to that you've been working all day and living off a yogurt, and I could only imagine you three's patience was virtually gone.

Glad you all eventually made it to your room and got some grub. Those royal rooms look amazing. Every time I see pictures of them I want to stay there!
I had no idea you actually got a physical scroll to keep. Nice touch. :thumbsup2

Oh! And your adorable!

Haha, funny that I like to arrive at Disney early, but for the same reason.

Aww such a beautiful dog.

I actualy love overhearing incorrect Disney information. It makes me feel smart.

WOW, that is a painful way to arrive in Florida. But at least the Hulk gif is giving me a seizure, lol. Honestly I would have been freaking out. One of my worst nightmares is lost luggage.

Thank God you finally made it. What an ordeal. But to finally arrive at a Royal Room with that headboard (that I would totally be playing with non stop I'm sure). Ahhh, I can breathe.
As usual, I found myself laughing out loud like a looney while reading the brilliant start to your trip report. Danielle smash!!!! OMG, I totally feel like that at airports!!! Such a crazy start to the trip. But I know it is only up from here!

Hahahaha, glad that I could make you laugh. Honestly, I had to write this update in a funny manner, because everything that happened that day just was not funny at all. :rotfl2:

I feel like Danielle smash! all of the time. Really.

I am officially impressed that you would get home from work at 1 pm for a 3:335pm flight out of Milwaukee and make it there in plenty of time. I would be worried about hitting bad traffic. But - I will defend Midway a bit. We live about 8 miles away and can get there without going on the highway, so we prefer to use that airport. The lot we park in only costs about $12 a day. But you have to know where the safe places are. Never lose site of your luggage and keep your purse clutched tightly to your body at all times, and you'll be fine. ;). Actually, I'm really glad that they only let ticketed passengers into the terminals now.

I'm glad that your food court was still open. You must have been starving after that long day with almost no food.

For us, there is rarely ever traffic getting up to the airport, because it's right before you actually get to downtown Milwaukee. That's where the problems and the congestion generally starts. It was a little tighter timeline than I wanted it to be, but it was doable. Worst case, we wouldn't have time to just sit at the gate.

Midway and I have such a love hate relationship. Because I love the airport itself! It's really a nice airport. But, it's the more inconvenient airport for us location wise since we're on the border of Wisconsin, and I'm generally not a huge fan of the area that it's in. As of right now though, in November we're flying out of Milwaukee and into Midway, unless the prices back into Milwaukee drop. We have a car service, so it's all good.

That royal room is gorgeous. I had never seen pictures of the wallpaper border before. I love the detail in it, especially Chip and the mice with Cinderella's slipper.

It's really beautiful. I was most enamored with the wallpaper border, which is why I took so many pictures. :rotfl2:
ok, definitely chuckled a bunch during those updates - and loved the used of all the .gifs :thumbsup2

Discombobulated is definitely one of those odd words - like, no one ever says "why yes, I am very much combobulated at this point, thank you" ... like, how can only the negative form of something be a legit word? :confused3

ugh, that is so frustrating when there are no gates and you are just like "um, I could be heading to Disney but I am not because there isn't a door? it's like 2014 right? Find a dang door!!!!"

you room looks so great! I must admit I am not a "wallpaper boarder guy" - but those are some pretty darn great boarders!

The gifs were just the perfect way to describe how that day went. Plus, they provide filler for my lack of pictures. :lmao:

I feel EXACTLY the same way about discombobulated! Like, how can you be discombobulated when you've never been combobulated? Like, I can be overwhelmed, and I can be underwhelmed...but can I ever just be whelmed? :rotfl2:

The gate situation was so frustrating. I really try not to get too irritated, because it's not anyone's fault in particular. People at the carousel were completely made, complaining up a storm, just ready to start a riot. But, I mean, where are you going to get complaining to the airport employees that have nothing to do with it? To my understanding the storm that came through was HUGE. Of course stuff got shut down. You wanna be mad? Be mad at weather. :rotfl:

I generally hate wallpaper of any kind, but this stuff was pretty fabulous.

October. *sigh* Not awful, but sure not soon!

Not right around the corner, but it's soon enough! :thumbsup2

it sure was one loooong flight. I was so glad that we finally got to the gate :thumbsup2

the Royal Room was so beautiful..... Thank you so much again for that awesome treat.:love::love:

It really was a long flight, I was so happy when it was over.

I want to stay there for a whole trip! But I just can't justify the cost!!!
Oh my gosh, that travel sounds absolutely BRUTAL! I hate waiting for my baggage on a normal day so I'd go crazy waiting that long.

That being said...RIVERSIDE!!! My new favorite resort! I love their food court. And the princess rooms are so gorgeous. I love that headboard too much.

It was a pretty brutal day, but I just kept in mind that I was going to be in my happy place soon.

I'm a fan of the resort, and I loved the rooms. I'll take my one night staying there, since we can't exchange points.

The headboard was the best part! My Mom totally kept playing with it the entire time.

that flight would have made me CRAZY. I get a touch of claustrophobia, and planes are always a trigger for me anyway. That would have been awful.

Yay! POR and a Royal Room! They're so cute aren't they?

Oh man, it would have been bad for you then. It's not the worst plane experience I've had, but it was pretty icky.

They are adorable! I really wanted to just see it in person.

oh my gosh WHAT a flight ordeal!! I remember reading about it on facebook and thinking it was crazy! I would not have been okay stuck on a plane even longer than needed, don't like 'em in the first place!

YAY FOR POR!! We were booked in there when we were going the first week but the price was too much for our actual dates! I definitely need to stay there the royal rooms look freaking amazing and awesome!! Jenna would've LOVED them too! Lol.

Yay for fooooood!

Yup, it was pretty nuts. I think my hunger was also making me more irritated with it than I would have been had I been operating on a full stomach.

It's pricey for those rooms! That's why I just did the one night. For the single night we needed with the AP rate, it wasn't terrible. I really want to stay there for longer than a night sometime.
I love travel day updates - there are often some good stories to tell! Of course, in this case, it's the story of things going wrong...all those delays really take the magic out of the start of the trip. Glad you finally got there and got some food and had a great room. The rooms look so fun!

Travel day updates do end up with some great stories. Although in practice I much prefer the ones where it's like "got on plane, landed, showed up to Disney..."

On the TSA pre-check thing: I don't know how either, but my dad and step-mom ended up with that on their tickets flying back from Oregon. We didn't. So, they got to use the easy line and us - with a toddler - had to use the regular line. Boo.

Had we noticed it before, I totally would have sent them through the pre-check line in Orlando. But, now I know to pay more attention.

Oh man that stinks! If I had a little one, I would have been totally miffed. Since it's just me, I figured that I would look like a spoiled brat if I complained about it. :lmao:

On the people who give out bad Disney info: I had that happen recently while riding the bus home from work. There was a lady sitting next to me and talking to the person in front of us and both of them were just full of misinformation about WDW (and they had both been there). I was just biting my tongue the whole time, trying not to get involved. They were saying that Fast Pass is a pay-to-cut-the-line system and it was so unfair that people could buy their way on to things. Also, kids should not go to WDW until they are 11 or 12. :lmao:

I actually have gotten involved before when people are so horribly off the mark. I just can't handle it. :lmao:

Loved this traveling update. Even though I'm sure it was awful at the time.

Terrible travel days definitely make for a great start to a trip report. :rotfl2:

My mom and I experienced something like this when we were flying back to Charlotte a few weeks ago. We circled for awhile due to storms, we're running out of fuel so had to reroute to get said fuel at a very small airport near my hometown that has like one restaurant and one bathroom, and then waited for a couple of hours to get back to Charlotte which was INSANE!

Wow! That's never happened to me before, but what a nightmare!

I love the part where you said your mom is slow putting her stuff away. I've battled this with my mom forever. But I've learned as I've gotten older to just go with it because if she doesn't put it just right ten minutes later she will be freaking out thinking she lost something.

That's actually her exact reasoning for being slow putting her stuff away. She said that she likes it just so, and that it all has a place. :lmao: She was telling me this when she was giving me the dirty look when she came to the part in the TR that I talked about her.

Reno was selecting people for pre check when we flew back and my mom and I got selected. I must admit though I'm totally ok with the extreme measures of security. I didn't feel as safe just walking though but that's just me.

I truthfully don't care either way. My frustration lies with the idiots that have no idea what they're doing in line for TSA. Then they jam up the works and I get irritated. :lmao: I just don't understand, it's not rocket science! Shoes off, coats off, pockets emptied, put the stuff on the conveyor and go!

Haha totally Lol'd at the Danielle Smash comment. Because I had one of these moments. After we finally landed in Charlotte there were so many freaking people and I had no idea where are luggage was going so I of course walked the opposite way all the way down just to walk all the way back down and see one of my bags about to go in the last door. No thank you I'm not waiting for it to come back around so I ran for it (this bag had 3 bowling balls in it, no I'm dead serious) and all I could think when I grabbed it is, "please don't hit one of these annoying people crowding the carousel!" But it didn't so all was good.

When I'm impatient, I always turn into Danielle smash. Airports are the prime opportunity for me to do it. :rotfl2:

Woah, three bowling balls?! My fear with taking things off the carousel is hitting people! Because they don't back away when you grab your baggage. But I figure if I do end up hitting them, it's their own fault for not giving me adequate personal space.

Omg I have been debating Port Orleans Riverside for our September trip and your pictures aren't helping. I've decided on POP since we are just going for an extended weekend and we won't be at the resort much anyway. And we are also staying onsite at Universal one night. Maybe I'll splurge when my mom and I take my niece in January. She would love that room.

So now that I wrote the longest reply ever. Can't wait to hear more.

The Royal Room is definitely only worth it if you make good use of your hotel. If we had stayed there this entire trip, it would have been fine, because for long trips we are ate the resort a bit more.

Oh my goodness I love that room! I am hoping to book a Royal room for when we go visit Caitlin in August. (I'm waiting on some TA paperwork) After seeing your pictures I'll be so disappointed if there isn't one available!

Nice update and looking forward to more :)

It's lovely! I really hope that you guys are able to get it for August! I was shocked actually that I was able to get it for the night I did, because I literally booked it less than a month out.


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