~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

Love the puppy pictures. My kids would love a dog, but we are running around so much, it wouldn't be fair to the dog.

Good job at the orange rolls. I have used yeast a couple of times. I am just not patient enough.

My food choices have been stupid lately. I hadn't had a soda in years, and as soon as the whole 30 was over, I had one. I didn't even want to have it, but I did. So, I am going through the withdrawals again. I would love to do the Whole 30 again, but it did take so much and I don't feel the energy to give it a good go.

Have a good day today.
Yay! More puppy pictures. Don't be so hard on yourself for falling off the wagon a bit. You've done a LOT more than most people dream about. We're all allowed little blips :) The orange rolls sound great. I used to be afraid of yeast too but then we were gifted a bread machine. We really only use it for pizza dough now but it is really super easy to use.
Awwww he puppies are so cute I bet you cant wait to bring him home!!!
Okay, so D said I could post some pictures and start telling you our plans for the November trip. So here goes....

This is a surprise trip for my son. We will be leaving 4 days after his birthday and if I can keep it quiet until then....he will get a surprise box for a present. Thank goodness I have D and Mo to plan with or else I would be going nuts here! Bradey is usually very involved with the Disney planning. I have asked him a couple things with the excuse that it is for our next big trip (April 2016). I don't think he knows.

So Bradey and I will be flying down from ME and D will be flying down from MN. Looking at flight schedules, it looks like Bradey and I will get in around 10:30 and D will be there around 12. So we probably won't wait for her, but we will head directly to the DME and hop a bus to

Picture thanks to Google search....its not mine!

Isn't it pretty?? I have visited Wilderness Lodge on a couple separate trips, but this will be the first time staying there. We will be in a Studio Villa (paying "cash" not renting points) mostly because we need 3 beds. Both Bradey and I are horrible sleepers and cannot share a bed. So these rooms have a queen, a pullout sofa and a twin-ish murphy bed. See...

I think we will be very comfy here. There is only one sink int he bathroom, but we will have the "kitchen" sink too, so I think we will be fine.

These room pics are all directly from the Disney website, also not mine.
We will only have 5day hopper passes, and six days there if you count arrival day. So instead of going to a park when we arrive, we will explore our resort. Have some lunch at Roaring Forks and possibly rent a surrey bike.

My cousin Dani and I rented a bike a few years ago at POR and it was fun. I hear the trail between Wilderness Lodge and Fort Wilderness is great. Here's a pic of Dani and I a couple years ago.

Of course I will only pretend to pedal as D does all the work. You all know she's been working out, right?

So my only issue with the room is that there is one small closet and you know how many outfits D has, right?!

Courtesy of Google search once again

But each time we have gone, I bring along those hanging sweater organizers...you know the canvas things with 6-8 shelves. I think that will work nicely here. I don't have much that needs to hang up. And there is a large drawer in the "coffee table" that most of Bradey's stuff will fit in.

I am hoping they will have Christmas decorations up, but I have heard they don't usually do that until the Sunday before Thanksgiving. So I am preparing myself for no tree. It is still beautiful!

Again....from the Disney website

And I am very excited to have our own pool. I think it might be too cool for most people, so it should be pretty quiet.

Yep, Disney site again

I am hoping to have a nice dinner at one of the resorts. Probably a monorail resort, but I won't rule out Boma at AKL or even a DTD meal. Bradey and I will have a very early start, so I think just relaxing at the resort this arrival day will be just fine.
I'm really excited for your trip! We're staying at Wilderness for our first trip to WDW in December. We have a 2 bedroom and I'm so excited!
Umm those orange rolls are my absolute favorite thing on earth...no joking! I've never even thought of turning them into a cake. :stir: Hmm...Glad you were able to enjoy the birthday festivities! Oh how much "more" I love hearing about your sewing now that its official. We've yet to head to Valleyfair but my cousin lives in Shakopee and she has season passes so we really should. We just always end up at Como park/zoo in the summer. Enjoy your week. It's raining here, such a nice layer of ice building before it turns to snow.
I'm really excited for your trip! We're staying at Wilderness for our first trip to WDW in December. We have a 2 bedroom and I'm so excited!

Oh it will be absolutely gorgeous in December! I'm really bummed that we will miss the decorations. But at least the parks will be decorated. I will just have to plan a Dec trip sometime :)

the bike? the closet? stealing pictures? Josh is coming for you.... AGAIN! i just love you.. your funny even you don't intend to be!

I was very careful NOT to use any from Josh :) I can be taught.
Happy Belated Birthday Gus! Great job on his birthday "cake." Glad you all had fun!:)

Boy can I ever relate with you being hard on myself with my eating and exercise habits. I did the Weight Watchers program a couple of years ago. I lost over 25 pounds and never felt better. But I too struggled beating myself up over trying too hard to be "perfect/strict" with my weight loss. If I over ate one day, that was it. I blew it and let's throw in the towel and give up. If I gained or plateaued, for the week, again, let's give up. Something clicked in me during my weight loss journey and it was that I needed to quit being so hard on myself and realize that there is no such thing as being perfect. We all make mistakes. It's a part of life and a part of my weight loss journey. I'm going to have great days, bad days. It's those bad days that I learned to push through, use it as a learning experience and not beat myself up over it. Tomorrow's another day, another clean slate to start off on the right foot. Great idea to get a handle on it now and refocus on what's going on. Maybe it's just a matter of making some minor adjustments. You've come a long way and have made such progress. Don't let this get you down! {{{hugs}}}

I can never get enough cute, adorable puppy pictures!!! :lovestruc
Oh my gosh, those are the best puppy pictures yet! They are so darn adorable! How are you going to pick just ONE?? This is the real reason why we don't have one. I could never walk into a place and pick out one and just leave the others staring after me saying "pick me.....pick me.....I love you". Awwwwww, so cute!

You did a great job on the Orange rolls. The "cake" looks very yummy

I know! Right? I have no idea how we are going to pick just one? It's going to be awful!

Thanks - it was very good.

your killing me with these puppy pictures! they are just sooooo adorable! love the picture of the golden in their pen.. Inspiration? Grow to be a GOLDEN kids! HA HA HA..

I am NOT going to lie to you or sugar coat this.
but that not a cake? god i hope it tastes better then it looks.... Then you ended with those ADORABLE fat puppies i want to squish.

congrats on your yeast overcome.. 5 hours is long time to cook anything!!! GOOD JOB Promise Mom in law!

I know - it's killing me too - I have yet to see them in person. LOL Yah - I am not sure why that's there?

Yes - it tastes way better than it looks... It has the texture/feel of a cinnamon roll, but it's the sweet orange flavored one - it was actually really tasty... Every year for Easter - I order 2 loaves of "Easter Bread" from a local lady who makes them - the girls and I discovered that this tastes remarkably similar to that. ::yes::

LOL I like being a Promise Mom in Law... I think we could abbreviate that? PMIL? ::yes::


I love Gus birthday cake. It looks oh so good, yet oh so naughty. It's hard to be on track when you aren't feeling well with your foods. I'm crossing my fingers that being sick is passed for you.

Somehow my younger daughter Kody found an older trip report of yours and LOVES your bags. She told me she was going to try and find you on Etsy and I told her I wasn't sure you had an Etsy store.

Thank you for the daily puppy pictures they make my day.

Thanks! I worked so hard on it!

I know - it's really frustrating, but I shouldn't be using "not feeling well" as an excuse to not take care of myself. I really need to reprioritize and get back to it the way it's supposed to be. :)

LOL I hope she is enjoying my old TRs... Once in a while I go back to read them... It's fun for me to see how the girls have grown and how my writing style has changed. :thumbsup2

Sadly - I cannot say anything about my business on The Dis because it's considered soliciting. :) Sorry about that, I hope you understand. :lovestruc

I am always happy to share puppies on my page - they are so cute. I have a feeling there will be months and months of puppies to share here. ::yes::

Totally digging Gus's cake-not-cake! Mmmmm!!

Hahaha... It certainly wasn't very pretty - but it sure tasted good. Although, next time, I will probably make more glaze to put on top. ::yes::

I love the cake! Such a great idea for a non-cake loving person!

Thanks! I was talking to him about it last week - and I asked "so, what do you do for cake?" LOL And he didn't give me much to go on... He said he liked these rolls and that's about it... So, I was like :scratchin Hehehehe... Just glad it worked out - not all of my brainy ideas work out as well as I'd like them to. LOL

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GUS!!! Sorry its a little late, but I've been so busy.

Glad you are feeling better! I can honestly say I think I am on the mend. But now Britt has a cold. I am keeping her locked up in her room (kidding) and I walk around with Lysol. NO WAY DO I WANT THOSE GERMS!!!

Glad Alli and Gus enjoyed the college visit. It is hard to see them make these decisions and then have to let them go. Awwww, a promise ring. I know how you feel, and I too agree with what is meant to be will be.
College is not cheap. We are still in the college process and learning. Finishing up year 2 in a few weeks. Have Alli look into Pell Grants or scholarships. (Here we have FAFSA and TAP which we apply for to help cut costs). It does not hurt to apply for them and sometimes you will be surprised at to what you will get. Britt and I have learned so much with the college process (like renting textbooks instead of buying them).
Oh, those puppies. I would have to bring them ALL home.

Sorry about the snow. We just can't get a break here with the temperatures. It is starting to get to me. I am a hot weather type of girl.

Have a wonderful day!!!

Thanks! No worries... :woohoo: I am so happy to hear that you are finally on the mend, I wish I could say the same.

Yes, it's so hard to watch her grow up and make such a commitment when she is so young, but thank you for understanding. I know a lot of people in many areas of my life give me raised eyebrows, but like I've said before - she is old enough to know her own feelings, and I think it's important for her to have this type of relationship while she is still at home... Yes, she may get hurt, but she knows that is a risk she is taking. There's not much else I can do about it - other than be here for her. :thumbsup2

Yes, when the time comes - we will be applying for anything and everything... Mark my words on that. I know that Alli has already looked into the textbook rental program - which is cool.

I know - I am having issues, they are all so cute!

I am OK with the snow - while it's a bummer to have it here, I know it will all be over soon, and it was nice to have that break from it for a few weeks.

Thanks Lynee! You too!

I know what you mean about the eating and being down on yourself. We need to learn to let go of what has happened and focus on our eating for the current day. (this coming from a woman that was doing really good this morning until she saw the peanut butter m&ms on the office kitchen table for sharing. {yes I took a small handful }) Tis busy season at work has had me really stressed out...that and the trip with Matt being unemployed...and I am a big stress eater.

Great job on the birthday cake! And getting over your fear of yeast! My biggest problem with yeast is I like to keep my house temperature cool...too cool for yeast to rise. You need to share that recipe too.

And puppies! What can I say...too much cuteness!

Have a good day!


I know - you are right... I just need to let it go. I am still very good about starting over at each meal, so the vast majority of my meals are still quite excellent, I am just finding myself reaching for bread items on the side a lot more often than I should.

I am learning that peanut butter is a huge trigger food for me. I made the mistake, a few weeks ago, of buying a brand that was just peanuts and salt... And whoa! That stuff is so tasty! I've been able to stay out of it, for the most part - but there is no doubt in my mind that I LOVE peanut butter.... and I know that once I have a taste of it - it's very difficult for me to stop. I am not like that with almond butter, and to me - they are very similar in taste and uses... So, I use that as my alternate. ::yes::

Thanks! Oh the recipe... Hmmmm... I"ll have to figure this out... Here you go... http://sallysbakingaddiction.com/2013/01/01/homemade-orange-sweet-rolls/

Our house is a bit colder too... So, I used the tip on the website above, and that was to warm my oven to 200°, then shut it off, and put the rolls in there to rise. It worked perfectly.

I know - they are so hard to resist. Now that their eyes are open - that's when they start to find trouble. LOL I can't wait! (Remind me of that in a few months... LOL)

Thanks! YOu too!

Love the puppy pictures. My kids would love a dog, but we are running around so much, it wouldn't be fair to the dog.

Good job at the orange rolls. I have used yeast a couple of times. I am just not patient enough.

My food choices have been stupid lately. I hadn't had a soda in years, and as soon as the whole 30 was over, I had one. I didn't even want to have it, but I did. So, I am going through the withdrawals again. I would love to do the Whole 30 again, but it did take so much and I don't feel the energy to give it a good go.

Have a good day today.

Thanks! Yes they are so cute! I totally understand though... Since I am here all the time - it does make it easier.

Thanks! Yah - it does take a lot of patience!

Yah - I kind of have the feeling that the Whole30 was not the best idea for me. I loved it when I was on it, but I just feel like now I am sabotaging myself? I would also love to do it again, but I just don't think I can - it was a lot of work.

Thanks you too! :hug:

Yay! More puppy pictures. Don't be so hard on yourself for falling off the wagon a bit. You've done a LOT more than most people dream about. We're all allowed little blips The orange rolls sound great. I used to be afraid of yeast too but then we were gifted a bread machine. We really only use it for pizza dough now but it is really super easy to use.

Hehehe... They are so cute! I love sharing them!

Thank you! Today is a new day... and every meal is a new opportunity to start over. ::yes::

Yeast is scary - it really is. But it wasn't that bad, I think I could do a lot more with it now that I've tried it with decent results.

Awwww he puppies are so cute I bet you cant wait to bring him home!!!

Thanks! We are so excited to bring him home... MM is super unimpressed though. :scratchin

Okay, so D said I could post some pictures and start telling you our plans for the November trip. So here goes....

This is a surprise trip for my son. We will be leaving 4 days after his birthday and if I can keep it quiet until then....he will get a surprise box for a present. Thank goodness I have D and Mo to plan with or else I would be going nuts here! Bradey is usually very involved with the Disney planning. I have asked him a couple things with the excuse that it is for our next big trip (April 2016). I don't think he knows.

So Bradey and I will be flying down from ME and D will be flying down from MN. Looking at flight schedules, it looks like Bradey and I will get in around 10:30 and D will be there around 12. So we probably won't wait for her, but we will head directly to the DME and hop a bus to

Picture thanks to Google search....its not mine!

Isn't it pretty?? I have visited Wilderness Lodge on a couple separate trips, but this will be the first time staying there. We will be in a Studio Villa (paying "cash" not renting points) mostly because we need 3 beds. Both Bradey and I are horrible sleepers and cannot share a bed. So these rooms have a queen, a pullout sofa and a twin-ish murphy bed. See...

I think we will be very comfy here. There is only one sink int he bathroom, but we will have the "kitchen" sink too, so I think we will be fine.

These room pics are all directly from the Disney website, also not mine.

OK - first off - thanks for posting this!

I am soooo excited to stay at VWL... It's a dream resort of mine for sure. And, to be honest, it's kind of nice to have someone doing all of the planning for me.

We will only have 5day hopper passes, and six days there if you count arrival day. So instead of going to a park when we arrive, we will explore our resort. Have some lunch at Roaring Forks and possibly rent a surrey bike.

My cousin Dani and I rented a bike a few years ago at POR and it was fun. I hear the trail between Wilderness Lodge and Fort Wilderness is great. Here's a pic of Dani and I a couple years ago.

Of course I will only pretend to pedal as D does all the work. You all know she's been working out, right?

So my only issue with the room is that there is one small closet and you know how many outfits D has, right?!

Courtesy of Google search once again

But each time we have gone, I bring along those hanging sweater organizers...you know the canvas things with 6-8 shelves. I think that will work nicely here. I don't have much that needs to hang up. And there is a large drawer in the "coffee table" that most of Bradey's stuff will fit in.

I am hoping they will have Christmas decorations up, but I have heard they don't usually do that until the Sunday before Thanksgiving. So I am preparing myself for no tree. It is still beautiful!

Again....from the Disney website

And I am very excited to have our own pool. I think it might be too cool for most people, so it should be pretty quiet.

Yep, Disney site again

I am hoping to have a nice dinner at one of the resorts. Probably a monorail resort, but I won't rule out Boma at AKL or even a DTD meal. Bradey and I will have a very early start, so I think just relaxing at the resort this arrival day will be just fine.

Secondly... I am pedaling? Hmph... I guess I better work out harder huh?

I don't have that many outfits... LOL I am sure we will be fine. It's the shoes, head gear and bags you have to worry about. ::yes::

I am honestly excited about this day - just to hang out and enjoy the resorts and atmosphere. It's going to be so much fun!

This ladies and gentleman is why I love suzi as much as I do...
you crack me up!!!!!

I know... Suzi brings me to tears often!

I'm sorry.....I wasn't being funny......what do you see that I don't?? Weirdo


I'm really excited for your trip! We're staying at Wilderness for our first trip to WDW in December. We have a 2 bedroom and I'm so excited!

This is so exciting! How fun! Your first trip???? Oh wow!!!! Even better!

the bike? the closet? stealing pictures? Josh is coming for you.... AGAIN! i just love you.. your funny even you don't intend to be!

I know - she says everything with a straight face, then she's like "what?"... LOL I love Suzi!

Umm those orange rolls are my absolute favorite thing on earth...no joking! I've never even thought of turning them into a cake. Hmm...Glad you were able to enjoy the birthday festivities! Oh how much "more" I love hearing about your sewing now that its official. We've yet to head to Valleyfair but my cousin lives in Shakopee and she has season passes so we really should. We just always end up at Como park/zoo in the summer. Enjoy your week. It's raining here, such a nice layer of ice building before it turns to snow.

Oh good - someone who knows what I am talking about! I've never heard of them before! They actually were awesome as a cake - I was surprised at how well it worked out.

I am excited to start working on trip customs... Gotta pay for the trip first though. No trip, no customs. LOL

VF is fun... We've been season passholders for, um... maybe 6 years now? Some summers we use them a lot and some summers not so much, but it's really nice to have that option of something "free" to do. And I really think Allison and Gus will use them often - or as often as they can... As two broke kids - it's nice for them to have somewhere to go that's social and free.

We love the Como zoo too, but we haven't been there in years... Maybe this summer?

Thanks! Yes - we just had snow, but it melted as soon as it hit the ground, thankfully it didn't freeze last night - or this morning would be a mess.

Oh it will be absolutely gorgeous in December! I'm really bummed that we will miss the decorations. But at least the parks will be decorated. I will just have to plan a Dec trip sometime

I was very careful NOT to use any from Josh I can be taught.

I am bummed too... but I am very excited to be going with the both of you and your families - and staying at a new resort. Very, very excited!

Happy Belated Birthday Gus! Great job on his birthday "cake." Glad you all had fun!

Boy can I ever relate with you being hard on myself with my eating and exercise habits. I did the Weight Watchers program a couple of years ago. I lost over 25 pounds and never felt better. But I too struggled beating myself up over trying too hard to be "perfect/strict" with my weight loss. If I over ate one day, that was it. I blew it and let's throw in the towel and give up. If I gained or plateaued, for the week, again, let's give up. Something clicked in me during my weight loss journey and it was that I needed to quit being so hard on myself and realize that there is no such thing as being perfect. We all make mistakes. It's a part of life and a part of my weight loss journey. I'm going to have great days, bad days. It's those bad days that I learned to push through, use it as a learning experience and not beat myself up over it. Tomorrow's another day, another clean slate to start off on the right foot. Great idea to get a handle on it now and refocus on what's going on. Maybe it's just a matter of making some minor adjustments. You've come a long way and have made such progress. Don't let this get you down! {{{hugs}}}

I can never get enough cute, adorable puppy pictures!!!

Thanks! It was fun making it and I think he had a good birthday... He said he did.

Throughout this journey - I've had an 80/20% mentality... 80% of the time, I am really strict and 20% I am not so strict... but having to be absolutely 100% compliant on the Whole30 - I think that just messed it up for me. So, now I feel like a "failure" when I am still doing it mostly right (I'd say, right now, I am about 70% good)... I just need to dust myself off and refocus. But you are right... I have no intention of stopping, I just need to push through.

I know - those puppies... Cannot wait to squish them all!


Alrighty... Well, I made it through my shift at Target yesterday - after calling in two weeks in a row. So, that was nice.

I had my hair appointment after - and it feels so good to have all those darn gray hairs covered again... I swear I'd have a white head of hair if I let them grow out. Eeeek!

Came home... Made leftovers for dinner... Hung out and picked Alli up from work later.

Sadly - I woke with a sore throat again today. I am so tired of this! Seriously - every time I think I am better for a day or two, then something else happens. I am starting to wonder if it isn't mono? I am not as swollen as Allison, but I am definitely fighting something.

Today... Allison stayed home for a while to sleep in - she swelled up again yesterday, and spent most of her day in the nurse's office sleeping. Poor kid just can't seem to shake this. So, I will have to bring her in to school later... I think I will let her sleep until I after I work out.

I will be starting on my next order today... I am pretty excited about this one - it's a unique theme, and one I think will be fun to do.

I am hoping to get a nap in later for myself... I haven't been able to crawl out of bed these last few days.

My Facebook is acting funny this morning too... I am running a virus scan now, hopefully I can get it figured out soon.

Otherwise... Nothing new or exciting. I hope you all have a great day! Prayers and good thoughts go out to all of you! :grouphug:

What a bummer that you and Allison are still feeling bad. :worried: I hope you both get over whatever it is soon.

Loved the first day update from Suzi! You guys are going to have a blast. One thing I do when I travel with my Mom is go to Walmart and buy a 10 pack of wire hangers. Last time I bought some they cost less than two dollars. This give us double the hanger space. I just leave them there when we are done and it gives me a bit more room in my suitcase to bring home souvenirs. ::yes::
One thing I do when I travel with my Mom is go to Walmart and buy a 10 pack of wire hangers. Last time I bought some they cost less than two dollars. This give us double the hanger space. I just leave them there when we are done and it gives me a bit more room in my suitcase to bring home souvenirs. ::yes::

I've done this before too. But I just love having those hanging organizers. I have two of them, so one for me and one for D. Bradey's stuff will fit in the drawers. And they say you can always call mousekeeping and get more hangers....no need to pack them. I haven't tried this, but I've heard it said other places. I don't usually have much to hang....mostly tshirts and shorts etc.
feel better already!!! GEESH!
I think we could abbreviate that? PMIL?

NO! we do NOT need any more acronyms!!! type is out.. call it working out for your fingers! LOL

I know - she says everything with a straight face, then she's like "what?"... LOL I love Suzi!

I KNOW!!!! cracks me up when she doesn't know she cracks me up.. kinda like the NO WAFFLES for you!
Sorry you are still experiencing a sore throat. Do you have allergies? Maybe reflux? I hope you get it figured out soon. I found that the older I get the harder it is to recover and after I had kids my allergies were so much worse. Sucks to get old (for me, not that you are ;) ) In any event, I hope you find the root of it soon. Couldn't hurt to be tested for mono...
You may want to be checked for mono too if you keep having similar symptoms. Could it also be allergies? Mine are acting up terribly bad recently. We have had a rather warm spurt the last week or so (low 70s!) and lots of rain, so everything has decided to try to bloom (like all the native Tennessee trees and bushes that I am allergic to).

What no puppy picture today??? What am I going to do for my puppy fix for the day...

Keep at what you are doing food/eating wise...you are doing a great job!



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