This Is A Poncho-Free Zone!--May 22-29, 2010 PTR (New PTR!!!! 5/31)

thanks Becky for the link to the printables...I know Margaret will love the place setting sheet...she :love: MMCH too!

and Happy Thanksgiving to you too :goodvibes

No problem Julie!! I hope your kiddos enjoyed them!! My girls sure did!! Happy Thanksgiving my friend!!

Cute printables! Thanks for the links. I will have to become a fan of them on facebook, too...since I am also a facebook addict. :laughing:

Thanks Kayce!! I hope you could use them!! You should add me as a friend on FB! I'll PM you my info! BTW--I love your new avatar pic!! Sooo sweet!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Cute ideas Becky.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Glad to see you got your ADR's you wanted! I am 'hoping' to go back next Thanksgiving or Christmas...I just don't know about the crowd levels. From what I hear, they are awful that time of year, but I am just dying to go during the holidays! We are fixing to start our new house though, and with my luck, we'll be right in the middle of that. Thought of you Monday, I went to Bridgestreet (that fabulous mall in Huntsville) while we were waiting on our car at the Volvo dealership. Landry and I have a new favorite store...The Chocolate Crocodile! They have more chocolate stuff than even Aunt Mahalia's in Gatlinburg! If ya'll are ever back there, you need to go check it out!

Thanks!! I am too!! I've heard that early December is a great time to go--before the crowds get too heavy!! Is that the outdoor mall in Huntsville? We were there last Christmas visiting Brent's friend's Jeff & Sheri. We visit them every year after Christmas. I'll have to remember that store for next time!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

I just followed you over from the link on your TR (which I found while reading pmama's :p) and you have such a beautiful family! I'm currently in school to get my teaching credential and I totally want to be you in 5 years! :lmao:

I hope this trip is MUCH less wet for you all; I'll be crossing my fingers!!

BTW...your parents anniversary is also my birthday. DH and DMIL will be celebrating my 25th birthday in Disneyland on May 29th! So we'll both be enjoying some great Disney fun that day. :goodvibes

Hi!!! So glad you're joining in!! Welcome to my PTR!!! How neat!! Yeah--I taught Kindergarten for 3 years but now I'm fortunate that I can stay home with my kiddos. I even got my Masters in Education right before I had Ally.

I hope this trip is less wet as well!! Oh wow!! I'll be thinking of you on May 29th!! It's a good day to have a birthday!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Becky!!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Mary!!!

happy thanksgiving becky.

Happy Thanksgiving Dana!!! Will you be watching the game tomorrow? Roll tide roll!!
Hi Becky,
Sorry I'm so late. I just got back from Disney today. We had such a great time. I was thinking of you on your ADR day. So glad to hear you got everything you wanted. I didn't know Ally plays the piano now. Amy just started Clarinet this year too, and Emily has been playing Flute for a few years now. One day maybe at church Ally could play piano while you and Brent do a duet.:lovestruc
Did you consider trying out for AEI on your trip?
Happy Thanksgiving
I sure will Becky. I'm glad I get to see it now, but I'm not crazy about the reason :eek:. I will be watching it alone though, Amanda is going to an Iron Bowl party, Dale will be at work and Tyler nor Dallas care much for football :scared1:. But hey I can yell as loud as I want too.

!!!!!!!!!!!ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Becky,
Sorry I'm so late. I just got back from Disney today. We had such a great time. I was thinking of you on your ADR day. So glad to hear you got everything you wanted. I didn't know Ally plays the piano now. Amy just started Clarinet this year too, and Emily has been playing Flute for a few years now. One day maybe at church Ally could play piano while you and Brent do a duet.:lovestruc
Did you consider trying out for AEI on your trip?
Happy Thanksgiving

Welcome home!! So glad you found my PTR!! I'm so glad ya'll had a wonderful trip and can't wait to hear all about it!! Are you doing a TR? I hope so!! I'm hoping one day soon Ally will be able to sing with us--Brent is trying to teach her to sing harmony!! But it would be neat for her to accompany us on the piano as well!! I never thought about trying out for AI on our trip. It would have been fun I'm sure!! People have told me for years that I should try out for the show but I love my life just as it is now!! I wouldn't trade it for anything!! :goodvibes Happy Thanksgiving!!

I sure will Becky. I'm glad I get to see it now, but I'm not crazy about the reason :eek:. I will be watching it alone though, Amanda is going to an Iron Bowl party, Dale will be at work and Tyler nor Dallas care much for football :scared1:. But hey I can yell as loud as I want too.

!!!!!!!!!!!ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!

Whoo hoo!!! ROLL TIDE ROLL!!! I'm hoping for a beatdown but you never know with this rivalry!
Welcome home!! So glad you found my PTR!! I'm so glad ya'll had a wonderful trip and can't wait to hear all about it!! Are you doing a TR? I hope so!! I'm hoping one day soon Ally will be able to sing with us--Brent is trying to teach her to sing harmony!! But it would be neat for her to accompany us on the piano as well!! I never thought about trying out for AI on our trip. It would have been fun I'm sure!! People have told me for years that I should try out for the show but I love my life just as it is now!! I wouldn't trade it for anything!! :goodvibes Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thank you! Yes, I'll be doing a TR. I'll be starting it tomorrow since for once I have no crazy black friday shopping plans. I'll give you the link for when I start it.
AIE looks so much fun. I would try out but I don't want to make a fool of myself since I can't sing. Even if you don't try out you should def. watch it. It's so much fun. I'll keep my eyes peeled out for you on the actual american idol.:rotfl2:
Happy Thanksgiving.
Thank you! Yes, I'll be doing a TR. I'll be starting it tomorrow since for once I have no crazy black friday shopping plans. I'll give you the link for when I start it.
AIE looks so much fun. I would try out but I don't want to make a fool of myself since I can't sing. Even if you don't try out you should def. watch it. It's so much fun. I'll keep my eyes peeled out for you on the actual american idol.:rotfl2:
Happy Thanksgiving.

Oh good!! I'm about to check it out--I saw the link in your siggy!! YAY!! :woohoo:
Ooh, very cute printables. Unfortunately I didn't see them in time to do it for Thanksgiving, but really they'd be good for anytime. How do I become a Mickey Mouse Club fan on Facebook? Just search for "mickey mouse club" Is it an official site?
Ooh, very cute printables. Unfortunately I didn't see them in time to do it for Thanksgiving, but really they'd be good for anytime. How do I become a Mickey Mouse Club fan on Facebook? Just search for "mickey mouse club" Is it an official site?

I'm sorry you're just now seeing them! I also found a Mickey Mouse template for a pumpkin that I saved for next Halloween. You just become a fan of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Here is the link:
Im so excited you started a second trip report! I cant wait to hear all about your plans. We are hoping to go in June this year!! The first time we will go at that time.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Im so excited you started a second trip report! I cant wait to hear all about your plans. We are hoping to go in June this year!! The first time we will go at that time.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Hi Laura!! Welcome and thanks for joining in!! Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Hi Becky! Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! Sounds like you've bought lots of cute stuff for the girls! :goodvibes

Hi Leanne!! We did have a nice Thanksgiving. We are still at my parent's house but will drive home tonight after we watch the Disney Holiday Special on HGTV!
O.K I found it. So excited to watch it.
I also enetered the contest for the HGTV contest to Disney. You can enter everyday until the end of december. I want to get DH to enter everyday too.:goodvibes
Holiday special? Oh do share! What time? What's it about?

O.K I found it. So excited to watch it.
I also enetered the contest for the HGTV contest to Disney. You can enter everyday until the end of december. I want to get DH to enter everyday too.:goodvibes

Glad you found it!! It's tonight at 7 central/8 eastern on HGTV. It's about Disney decorating for the holidays!! Can't wait to see it!!
Stopping by to say HI :wave2:. I wish Dallas liked art work, because I love the printables.

In less than 12 hours I will be at the doctors office finding out if he wants to do surgery or not. I'm not going to be able to sleep at all tonight :eek:. I am such a big baby....:lmao:.


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