This is Us- Season four

Interesting, I felt like Kate was dancing on knives, trying to make things good for Ellie and the baby, and off to a good start for her own little family overall. For me it felt like she was determined to go the extra mile to hold up her end and Ellie caught her offguard.

To me she just seemed irritated that Ellie wasn't happy and chipper. Ellie just went through a devastating loss and maybe she needs time to adjust, cry and heal. Kate just wanted to plan birthday parties and get togethers when Ellies heart had been ripped out. It was a happy day for Kate but a mournful one for Ellie. I think that was lost on Kate. I don't think they should have driven home together, LOL, they should have had someone else take Ellie home. That seemed like a bad idea. Adoption is built on loss and trauma and it was probably one of Kates happiest days in her life, but one of Ellies worst.
To me she just seemed irritated that Ellie wasn't happy and chipper. Ellie just went through a devastating loss and maybe she needs time to adjust, cry and heal. Kate just wanted to plan birthday parties and get togethers when Ellies heart had been ripped out. It was a happy day for Kate but a mournful one for Ellie. I think that was lost on Kate. I don't think they should have driven home together, LOL, they should have had someone else take Ellie home. That seemed like a bad idea. Adoption is built on loss and trauma and it was probably one of Kates happiest days in her life, but one of Ellies worst.

IDK, but it seemed like the ride home was pre-planned and they were all just going ahead with it. I didn't take Kate's motivation for talking about the birthday parties and get togethers about her own joy, but an attempt on her part to make Ellie still feel a part of the baby's life in the way they had agreed to. It seemed they had talked a lot about how things were going to work out and Kate was on a mission to show Ellie that she would follow through and not just take the baby and be done with her. I just don't think Kate appreciated that Ellie no longer felt up to following through.
I loved the episode, especially Kevin getting to "talk" with Jack!! (I'm also reeeeealy glad the teaser from the prior episode wasn't Jack driving drunk with them!)

Did we learn anything new at the end at the famous house scene?

Just that Deja and Annie are both still around - unless I'm forgetting something, we technically hadn't seen them in the flash forwards so far.

I did like seeing the three girls all grown up! At first, I thought the med student was going to be Annie, because they had been focusing on her ride home, but as soon as she pulled up, I figured out who was who. (The residency scene hadn't felt quite right to me for Annie anyway.)

I can see both sides of the Kate thing, but Randall was definitely being selfish talking about a third when he did!
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I loved the episode, especially Kevin getting to "talk" with Jack!! (I'm also reeeeealy glad the teaser from the prior episode wasn't Jack driving drunk with them!

Just that Deja and Tess are both still around - unless I'm forgetting something, we technically hadn't seen them in the flash forwards so far.

I did like seeing the three girls all grown up! At first, I thought the med student was going to be Tess, because they had been focusing on her ride home, but as soon as she pulled up, I figured out who was who. (The residency scene hadn't felt quite right to me for Tess anyway.)

I can see both sides of the Kate thing, but Randall was definitely being selfish talking about a third when he did!

I knew the med student wasn't Tess because we have already seen grown up Tess and it was not that actress, and she is a social worker.

The other big thing was who pulled up at the end of the episode? We never saw who got out of the car.
I knew the med student wasn't Tess because we have already seen grown up Tess and it was not that actress, and she is a social worker.

The other big thing was who pulled up at the end of the episode? We never saw who got out of the car.

I’m sorry - I totally meant *Annie* not Tess!!(I went back and fixed my post!) You are right that we had seen Tess as a social worker - I was just distracted when I was typing and flubbed up the names.

And I think not showing us who got out of the next car is just another “keep the audience talking” thing.
I’m sorry - I totally meant *Annie* not Tess!!(I went back and fixed my post!) You are right that we had seen Tess as a social worker - I was just distracted when I was typing and flubbed up the names.

And I think not showing us who got out of the next car is just another “keep the audience talking” thing.

Particularly since it's at least two weeks before we will see the next episode.
Randall said “look who’s here.” (Or did he say he or she?) Who haven’t we seen yet in the house?

I know we haven’t seen Kate.

I read an article where they interviewed a producer on the show and asked her about who pulled up in the car. She said the following:

I think viewers will continue to get pieces of the puzzle of the future, and that will certainly be by the end of this season. They’ll be able to put a couple more pieces together of who might be in that car and who might be arriving. Of course, there’s only a few people left that we haven’t seen at Kevin’s future house so they can probably start to guess. But it might be someone you don’t know as well. I will tell you it's more than one person.

Personally, I am hoping it's Kate, Hailey and Jack.

Some of you are saying the episode was boring, but this is one of my favourite episodes ever.

it’s been a while since a moment gets me choked up, but the scene with adult Kevin and Jack got me reared up. What Jack said was just *chefs kiss*

As soon as the med student got into the car, I figured out that it was Déjà and Annie. The adult Annie was just a spitting image of now Annie. And now Randall will get more branches on his family tree.

I was so ready to be mad at Jack for drinking and driving, so glad that he had Rebecca drive.

The perfect song they chose really was a perfect song. I got teared up again when the line in the song was ‘I would give everything I own, just to have you back again’ because that’s probably how Rebecca felt when Jack died.

And, OH, when Rebecca said you don’t suck the air out of the room, you are the air. Oh, my heart.
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Some of you are saying the episode was boring, but this is one of my favourite episodes ever.

it’s been a while since a moment gets me choked up, but the scene with adult Kevin and Jack got me reared up. What Jack said was just *chefs kiss*

As soon as the med student got into the car, I figured out that it was Déjà and Annie. The adult Annie was just a spitting image of now Annie. And now Randall will get more branches on his family tree.

I was so ready to be mad at Jack for drinking and driving, so glad that he had Rebecca drive.

The perfect song they chose really was a perfect song. I got teared up again when the line in the song was ‘I would give everything I own, just to have you back again’ because that’s probably how Rebecca felt when Jack died.

And, OH, when Rebecca said you don’t suck the air out of the room, you are the air. Oh, my heart.
Loving Kevin at the moment which is a good thing. And I'm surprised Rebecca remarried considering her feelings for Jack. It's not fair for anyone to live in that shadow. It's the reason I would likely never remarry if I lost my husband. No one could ever compare.
Loving Kevin at the moment which is a good thing. And I'm surprised Rebecca remarried considering her feelings for Jack. It's not fair for anyone to live in that shadow. It's the reason I would likely never remarry if I lost my husband. No one could ever compare.
That’s why it works though. Rebecca isn’t trying to replace Jack and Miguel isn’t trying to live up to Jack. They even addressed it last week. That mutual understanding allows them to have a healthy relationship.
That’s why it works though. Rebecca isn’t trying to replace Jack and Miguel isn’t trying to live up to Jack. They even addressed it last week. That mutual understanding allows them to have a healthy relationship.
I still feel sorry for Miguel. Although if we had an insight into his and Rebecca's story I may have a different opinion.
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I really liked the episode too. It brought back memories of birth of my kids births and drives home from the hospital.

I get the Kate thing. Talk about awkward. Who drives the birthmom home from the hospital? I think Kate was just trying to fill the awkward space in the car and saying all the wrong things. I can see why she's be upset if she felt they (all 3 of them) had chosen to do the best thing for Hailey and now things have changed.

I didn't see what I'd consider a preview but I did see a blub that Phylicia Rashad would he back to guest star in March. Sounds like some of you didn't even get that.

I think the person in the car at the end is Jack and his wife/girlfriend. I'm pretty sure we haven't seen him at the house yet. But I think they want us to think it's Kate.
I think the person in the car at the end is Jack and his wife/girlfriend. I'm pretty sure we haven't seen him at the house yet. But I think they want us to think it's Kate.
Jack is less than 2 years older than Kevin’s twins, so he isn’t yet married or even driving age at that point. I think it is Kate, Jack, and Hailey.
I really enjoyed the episode. I like the ones that show similar events in different times/characters’ lives to show similarities and contrasts. It may not have moved the story line along much, but I like character studies and seeing what makes people act the way they do.
I like Kate, and I think she was just reacting to an awkward situation and also a sudden change in the way plans and her vision for the future changed. She saw that Ellie was hurting and was trying to make her feel better (in the wrong way) based on what was their shared vision for the future before Hailey’s birth. She needed some time to adapt.
Randall was a little ridiculous, but I like how Beth put him in his place and also how it worked out that he did get that third branch later.
They did a great job casting adult Deja. I was pretty sure that’s who she was as soon as we saw her.
I loved the lines they gave Beth last night. And the actress delivers them with such sass. She’s really talented!
Yes...I was so glad to see the old Beth back...I felt like she had been missing for a cpl. episodes.

As far as who pulled...I have no idea, but my guess is Beth...and I think she and Randal are still together (I feel like at some point we saw something indicating they maybe weren't???) Anyways just the way Randal said look who's here makes me feel like it's Beth, but who knows lol.


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