This Is Us- Season two

Rebecca was trying to guide her to healthy foods in an earlier scene. After Kate asked for more cookies, she said both she and Kate had already had a few cookies and maybe she could slice up an apple instead. Kate’s face fell. I mean, if that scenario hurt her feelings I’m just not sure what really can be done that would be considered “right”.

I think Rebecca is getting too much blame for her kids' problems. At what point to they accept the fact that they're adults now and responsible for their own actions?
I'm a little late watching this week. I loved this week expect Beth she grates my nerves so bad. Sorry Beth fans. I kinda even liked Miquel this week he had a redeem quality this week to me. I was expecting Randall and Kevin to come to blows. I wish Rebecca and Kevin had set down and talked instead of the big three. My recording shut off at the end so I didn't get to see what happens next week can someone fill me in please. Oh I wanted to add on the Rebecca harping on Kate being overweight all the time and getting Jack to start on that. That horrible. Jack was always Kate safe place. I feel like Rebecca took it a step to far and caused more of a problem then she solved.
I'm not too interested in Miguel either. I think it's clear he always had feelings for Rebecca. We know he did not "move in on" Rebecca immediately after Jack died. I think the timeline established it was about seven years after Jacks death that Miguel connected with Rebecca on Facebook. Not much more interesting to learn IMO.

I am, however, always interested in William and Randall, whether it's in the past or when they connected when Randall was an adult.
Miguel is an extremely awkward character and his storyline is weird. The scene where he scolded Toby and Beth along the lines of Jack being the best man that ever lived and the rest of them just needing to shut up, had me :rolleyes: hard. It's like he and Rebecca got together more as an "idolize Jack forever" club than a couple in their own right.
Rebecca was trying to guide her to healthy foods in an earlier scene. After Kate asked for more cookies, she said both she and Kate had already had a few cookies and maybe she could slice up an apple instead. Kate’s face fell. I mean, if that scenario hurt her feelings I’m just not sure what really can be done that would be considered “right”.
I perceived that more as her being super-disappointed about no cookie than hurt feelings. :rotfl:
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Loved this episode. To the issues with Rebecca and Kate, I love how the show is portraying it. I seem to be in the minority about how Rebecca deals with Kate's issues. I think for "middle school Kate" the actress who plays her is wonderful but I disagree that the character is just a little overweight, at that point. I find her to be quite large for a child of that age especially for the era of time (late 80s/early 90s). Kate would have been the oddity then, not so much today. I think Rebecca saw that and the show highlights many instances where she is ostracized in some way over her obesity. Rebecca, not being heavy herself nor was anyone else in the family heavy, I think was acting responsibly by trying to look at her food and start some conversations about her eating, which young Kate internalized as a criticism. Jack didn't want to go there and many outings with his daughter revolved around food which reinforced Kate turning to food as a comfort, especially after Jack's death. Right or wrong, I think the show does a good job portraying how tough it is TODAY to deal with childhood obesity.
Anyone have a clue what motivated Toby to wear this mess at the Critics' Choice Awards?

Weird but that crazy print actually makes him look very trim...does anybody know where I can get one for DH? :rotfl2:

He is trim he wears a fat suit on the show.

About Kate's weight as a teenager, I think she looks fine. I always thought I was fat in high school because so many of my classmates were tiny. I look back at my yearbook and think I was not fat , I would kill to be that size again now. Heck I got down to 10 lbs shy of my weight then and people told me I went to far. Just can't win.

I don't think Rebecca did anything wrong wanting her to eat an apple over a cookie. She said she would eat that too.

Loved at the end where Randall said I'm mom's favourite
Oh, that's where I recognized her from!
Just finished watching the episode on amazon. I thought it was great and really well done as usual. The therapist played Meredith's mother in Grey's Anatomy. I didn't mind her and thought she portrayed what a real therapist would be like in this situation.

I think I related the most to Kate in this episode. She really wasn't that overweight in the flashbacks and I think Rebecca was projecting how her own mother treated her onto Kate. She obviously did more harm than good in that way. The look on Kate's face when Jack tells her she's been eating a lot of sweets that week and needs to exercise - it was definitely a look showing she felt betrayed. Kate is one who feels things deeply. You could see it in the therapy session as well. She's been binging on junk food since her miscarriage. Food is her comfort and her way of dealing with the deep emotions she feels. I can relate to that in many ways. I think it is good that she told Toby. It will be interesting to see where she goes from here since she mentioned toward the end that she thought she knew why she had issues with food, but now she's not sure and basically she's saying that the reasons may be more complex then she thought.

I found the comparison that Kevin made of Tess feeling like he did growing up really interesting as well. There's a warning there for Randall and I hope he heeds it.

Beth was funny tonight and I enjoyed the scene with the "others" in the bar. A great mix of humor and drama in this episode.

Looking forward to next week!

Thank you! I kept thinking the therapist looked familiar but could not remember what TV or movie I knew her from.
I don't think the teen "Kate" actress is fat--I think she has a very round face, which makes her look heavier. I wouldn't call her skinny, either, I just think they style her to look like she's on the heavier side.
Every episode seems to have at least one storyline that hits home for me. This week was more so than ever.

I love my two children equally but differently but I wonder what they will one day look back and feel about the way I have parented them

I am parenting a white child (biological son) and an Asian child (adopted daughter). My daughter is very easy to love. She is eager to share hugs, snuggles and "I love you". She is always happy, never sad or moody.

My son is the difficult child. He is in the throws of puberty and is a hot mess right now. Some times, he is happy and is a great conversationalist and other times he is moody and contrite. Sometimes, he is so contrary that it easier just to keep your mouth shut and avoid eye contact.

Where my daughter (who came home at age 3) is quick to accept physical contact, my son pulls away. And it has always been like that, not just these hormone riddled years.

I know that one day, he will be Kevin and tell me that he knew he wasn't my favorite but as Rebecca said "I love my children equally" but as she also said "Randall just made it easier" My daughter makes is easier.
Every episode seems to have at least one storyline that hits home for me. This week was more so than ever.

I love my two children equally but differently but I wonder what they will one day look back and feel about the way I have parented them

I am parenting a white child (biological son) and an Asian child (adopted daughter). My daughter is very easy to love. She is eager to share hugs, snuggles and "I love you". She is always happy, never sad or moody.

My son is the difficult child. He is in the throws of puberty and is a hot mess right now. Some times, he is happy and is a great conversationalist and other times he is moody and contrite. Sometimes, he is so contrary that it easier just to keep your mouth shut and avoid eye contact.

Where my daughter (who came home at age 3) is quick to accept physical contact, my son pulls away. And it has always been like that, not just these hormone riddled years.

I know that one day, he will be Kevin and tell me that he knew he wasn't my favorite but as Rebecca said "I love my children equally" but as she also said "Randall just made it easier" My daughter makes is easier.

I think recognizing the differences in your relationships already puts you ahead of Rebecca, who I don't think was so openly aware (at the time) of her different feelings toward the kids. Just keep trying to find non-physical moments to share with your son when he's open to it.

I also find it's often easier to get kids talking about about things - movies, books, history, music...whatever he's into - than feelings. It's a cliche that I'm sure isn't always true, but they say that "Girls talk while looking at each other; guys talk while looking in the same direction."
Interesting conversation. I’m so glad this thread keeps going strong.

I don’t know if my parents have favourites but if I had to guess I’d say my mom prefers my sister because they’re what I call Pinterest moms. My sister has two kids and she is in major mom mode. There’s nothing wrong with that at all but they can have a half an hour conversation on paint colours and curtains..not my thing

I would guess my dad bonds most with my older brother. They both get a real sense of pride in working on something and figuring it out if they don’t know. My brother just rewired our car yesterday and figured out a problem with fuses too. Everyone is like that to a degree, but they seem to go the extra step.

That being said, my parents have never made anyone feel like a favourite or a less favourite. If they give us a gift or experience, it’s always equal.
I so felt Rebecca when she told Kevin that he was a difficult teenager because of his anger and attitude. My son is 17 and he acts like teen Kevin in some ways. So I find myself doing more things with DD since she tends to be more pleasant and happier. Now DD is only 11 so that may change soon enough. lol

But I think most parents just "vibe" better with certain kids. It doesn't mean you love either kid more than the other. It just means your personalities mesh better with one kid. I look at it as a friend group. You can have a group of 4 friends but two may just "get along better" than the others.
Every week I sort of have to work myself up to watching. It's like everyone gushes over this show and I feel like I have a responsibility to love it too. And dang it, most weeks I do! Including this week. I finally watched yesterday

A fascinating peek into the feelings of siblings.

I find myself bonding with Rebecca more and more. I do think they've all used her as a scapegoat for their various issues. She did the best she could. She was raising triplets, and that can't be easy on a good day. Throw in an adopted abandoned infant of a different race, and it's even more complicated.

I think if anything, Rebecca can be blamed by allowing everyone to blame her for everything. She really just seems too nice sometimes.

I simultaneously loved and hated Jack for taking Kate for ice cream. I totally felt for Rebecca always having to be the bad guy.
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I don't think Rebecca is as innocent as everyone wants to make her out to be. She was very cruel to Kate in her weight loss issues she went about totally wrong. She shamed her instead of helping in my opinion.


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