"This Stinks"--Terrible OKW Rooms/Check-in

Song of the South

Sep 28, 2011
We checked in around 10pm to our studio at OKW last Wednesday night. The room we had been assigned was on the 2nd floor Hospitality House area. I asked if the woman checking us in had seen the room request I called into Member Services on Monday. My traveling companion had hurt her hip and was basically incapacitated (thanks to ECV rental our trip was not ruined!) and stairs were not an option. She acknowledged the request due to medical reason and said she didn't know why it wasn't honored (my guess is the room had been assigned prior to me calling). She called a supervisor to see if there was a first floor studio available. There wasn't one available in the HH booking category. We said it was more important to be on the first floor and we would take what was available if it was outside HH. She found us, after 15 minutes or more, a studio down on South Point Rd (room 5210) and we agreed.

The room had a TERRIBLE mold smell. We were in the room long enough to decide there was no possible way we could make it work. I believe the sink filled with water probably exacerbated any issue but it was rank in there!

We returned to the front desk and relayed the issue. A male CM got to work finding us "something". He tapped and tapped and then told us to go have a seat as it would be awhile before he could figure something out. After 20 minutes or so he came over and offered to move us to Saratoga Springs. We said we needed 2 beds. He said that wasn't an option at SSR which we knew. We said, we didn't care to move from OKW we just needed to move to a place with 2 beds. (I would have agreed to a move to All Star at this point!) He said it would be awhile longer.

He came back and said he had found us a room and was just going to send housekeeping over to make sure it was okay. This seemed strange but I figured he just wanted to ensure our satisfaction. (After the fact it was obvious that he sent housekeeping over to try to fix the room. It didn't work.) He then insisted on going with us to the new room. (I'm sorry I don't know the room number as he couldn't make us keys so I don't have it written down anywhere. It may have been 3216?) The room was really cold, like 63 degrees, even though the thermostat was set to 70. This was odd. The fan was going. Odd. He immediately went over to the patio door and locked it. Odd. Chemical smell? Also odd. He acknowledged the chemical smell and asked what we wanted to do. It was after midnight at this point so I said we would take the room for the night but would need a different, non sitnky room ASAP in the morning.

He left. We changed clothes, brushed teeth, got into bed. We both started coughing and coughing and coughing. And coughing. I turned off the fan thinking that was irritating us. It didn't help. After about 15 more minutes of coughing we started discussing what to do when all of a sudden I realized that my sheets stunk of cigarette smoke. And the blankets. And the pillows. After further discussion we decided we couldn't stay. We got up and got dressed. I accidentally hit the walk through door for the lockoff next door and it opened and out poured a horrendous cigarette stink. I have no idea of the stink was from our room or the one next door but GROSS.

So, we packed up and headed back to check in. I did my best to smile and be cheerful with the 3rd CM of the evening as I relayed that the smoking room wouldn't work for us and we'd need to try a 3rd room. I also relayed that I believed that the CM who had helped us knew that the room was a problem and that I hoped the next one wouldn't be.

Sometime after 2am we finally crawled into our non-stinky beds and had a great 3 night stay in room 4314 (I think that is right...it was right next to the Village pool). We were told we would have to go to the front desk for new keys in the morning because they could not print keys for the entire stay because the system was locked and wouldn't let them.

At the front desk in the morning I asked to speak with the manager. Instead a woman says, "I'm a supervisor. I can help you." It may have been that she was from NY and I'm from the south but I found her to be abrasive bordering on rude. I explained what had occurred the previous night and that I was particularly irritated with being given a room the CM knew was an issue. (If he had said, "I have a room we pulled out of circulation due to cigarette smoke, I can get you in there," I would have declined it and saved us time.) She responded that I had been credited the points and been given a room charging credit. I responded that that was nice and unexpected but that more than money or points I wanted to have been asleep in a satisfactory room prior to 2am. Also, that an apology at any point would have gone a long way to helping the situation including the one she and I were in. She said, "I'll go get the manager." The manager did come out and apologize which did make me feel better (even if she was coached!) but gah!

I'd like to stay at OKW in the future because I like it but I couldn't have done that 3 room song and dance with a kid in tow that late without it ruining the trip. Anyway, I hope this is not indicative of what usually happens there... :sad2:

Oh gracious, that's just awful.

"It may have been that she was from NY and I'm from the south but I found her to be abrasive bordering on rude."

Having lived in South Carolina with the majority of my acquaintances being from NY and NJ, and having watched the two cultures collide repeatedly for the 3.5 years I was there, I can understand the problem. :grouphug:

I'm glad you got an apology; sometimes those mean the world.

We have stayed two times at OKW, and both times we've had two rooms during our time there, and we have never had an experience like that. Also we have requested first floor for my aunt's knees and hips, and we've gotten that (though we have not requested anything beyond that, and quite like South Point and Turtle Pond).

So for *me*, your rotten experiences have not been our norm. Heck, even the lousy experience we had the first night we checked into Jambo on points wasn't as bad as your experience at OKW, and I've complained for two years about that! :scared: Never did get an apology for that...just a credit on our account. Apology would have been better.

I once checked into Paradise Pier Hotel at Disneyland, and got the distinct impression that it was a recently vacated room formerly inhabited by smokers. The smell, as well as the missing toiletries and towels in the hamper helped with that impression, LOL. And when I lived in SC, my apartment NEVER lost the smoke-smell from former tenants, not after two repaintings and me living there almost the whole time in was in SC. Whenever I went home for a visit with my mom, I could then smell my clothes, and they reeked of old smoke. Such a bummer for an allergic and sensitive person like me. (and I would send my mom into asthma from the third-hand smoke on my clothes)
We checked in around 10pm to our studio at OKW last Wednesday night. The room we had been assigned was on the 2nd floor Hospitality House area. I asked if the woman checking us in had seen the room request I called into Member Services on Monday.

I'm so sorry you had problems at OKW. I've stayed there 2 to 3 times per year since the resort opened, and never had a problem getting medical requests.

I think that most of your problems were exasperated by the unfortunate timing of your friend's injury. You made a medical request 2 days prior to check-in, during an extremely busy holiday travel time frame. Likely there was a very limited number of rooms available at the time you made the medical request. Rooms were likely already pre-assigned. The fact that you were not transferred to a handicapped accessible unit, which are often the last to fill, indicates that the resorts handi-rooms were all in use already...and that first floor rooms were just unavailable when you checked-in except for the one with the problems. All of December is an extremely busy DVC booking period, the resorts are often fully booked. The majority of members seem to check-in Sunday and depart Friday, so mid-week arrival also added to the mix of having fewer rooms to pick from.

Just really unfortunate circumstances all the way around.
We have noticed at OKW, if a room has not been used, the mold/mildew smell gets worse. In fact they send runners around to turn on the rooms AC to de-humidify rooms that have been vacant.

We got such a room in bldg 46. The smell was pretty bad but the longer the AC ran, the better smell. They also sent Maintenance over to change out the AC filter and to clean the AC unit.

:earsboy: Bill
We had 2 OKW check ins last week. On Thursday we checked into a studio, hospitality house, got 2414, first floor as requested because steps are very hard for me to negotiate. Room was ready at checkin around 11 AM.

We checked out on Friday because we had family coming and I booked a 2 bedroom with the request "first floor or elevator building!" We got both, 6413. Both rooms were fine. The studio even had a view of the golf course, the vegetation had been cut back, and I enjoyed reading out there.

I am sorry that your experience was not good. This was only the 3rd and 4th time we booked at OKW on points, and each time, when I made a request for "first floor or elevator building" it has been honored.


PS. On Sunday, DH met Don who was at the front desk, am not sure what job he has, but he came outside to meet me and we had a very nice discussion about his time at Disney, about 14 years. We chatted about the GF (not the villas) and how we would be heading over there later to see if Richard was still there giving out chestnuts, he was! Really, DH and I were very impressed with our OKW stay. If BWV standard points weren't so close to OKW's point, we would stay at OKW more often, but the location of BWV can't be beat IMHO, DH feels it's 50/50, he would take OKW over BWV sometime.
:wave: Hi Bobbi! I've always wondered about first floor rooms at OKW. Do you get much noise from the people above you there? When we're at HHI, we always ask for a top floor room because the noise from the room above can be extremely distracting (but fortunately we're always in the main building with the elevator). But when I've stayed at BCV or AKV, not being on the top floor isn't an issue at all.

To the OP, we've stayed at OKW about eight times and only had to change rooms once (ironically that was also due to the already-mentioned mold smell) and we were moved quickly and efficiently.
I explained what had occurred the previous night and that I was particularly irritated with being given a room the CM knew was an issue. (If he had said, "I have a room we pulled out of circulation due to cigarette smoke, I can get you in there," I would have declined it and saved us time.) She responded that I had been credited the points and been given a room charging credit. I responded that that was nice and unexpected but that more than money or points I wanted to have been asleep in a satisfactory room prior to 2am. Also, that an apology at any point would have gone a long way to helping the situation including the one she and I were in. She said, "I'll go get the manager." The manager did come out and apologize which did make me feel better (even if she was coached!) but gah! SotS

I stayed in a 2 bedroom BWV room last year for 4 nights that smelled heavily of both cigar and cigarette smoke and I am allergic. (The toilet also overflowed, no one came for over an hour to address it, etc.) I had let the front desk know (both in person and by phone) and received no real response, let alone an offer to refund points. I finally asked them to please take that room out of circulation while checking out so that no one had to go through what we did....they didn't really seem to care.

In my experience, it's really luck of the draw in terms of who you get at a resort when a problem arises. We've had multiple minor issues at AKV, but at least they apologize and I find that the rooms are always clean there.

I agree with you that sometimes the apology means more than the remedy. Having both would be great....or maybe not having the problem at all.
Yea its a shame things are getting moldy-can't be easy in FL.

Are most DVC resorts cement structures, or are they wooden-seems like a bad idea in that heat/humidity if so.
:wave: Hi Bobbi! I've always wondered about first floor rooms at OKW. Do you get much noise from the people above you there? When we're at HHI, we always ask for a top floor room because the noise from the room above can be extremely distracting (but fortunately we're always in the main building with the elevator). But when I've stayed at BCV or AKV, not being on the top floor isn't an issue at all.

To the OP, we've stayed at OKW about eight times and only had to change rooms once (ironically that was also due to the already-mentioned mold smell) and we were moved quickly and efficiently.

Neither of our first floor rooms were noisy. We slept well, enjoyed the easy access!

Our noisiest room from above WAS at HHI. However, we already were walking up 1 flight of steps, I wouldn't change that. We wanted a dedicated 2 bedroom so we put up with it. It wasn't THAT bad.

stay on first floor at OKW a lot.

mother could not do steps. sometimes the first floor is quiet - sometimes it is not.

if the person above you or next door is having a party - or has yelling kids or adults (yes adults cause me more problems than kids ever did). then the studios will be noisey.

my recent trip to BLT was strange - only there for one day - but the guests in the next room (1-bedroom) kept trying to open the door and then starting banging on it.....:rolleyes1 definitely not opening a door when people I don't know are banging on it.

sorry you have problems - except more of this especially at OKW, ssr, akv - just because they are big. Disney is the problem. in their saving times - they made sure the air conditioning is turn off when you are not there - this would not cause a problem if they had dehumidifiers - they do NOT.

and once mold not to mention mildew gets started - well it takes days not hours for the stuff to go away.

disney caused this period and disney needs to find a way to fix it.

florida is too wet and humidity - to turn off the air conditioner - so until this chances this problem will not go away.

for the smokers in the room next to you - boy - that there is no excuse for that - Disney has machines that will get rid of the smoke. don't know why they were not using them.

hope DVC finds them and charges them -- non-smoking is something I count on - also very allergic to tobacco and other things that are smoked. It will start my asthma - so believe me could not stay there either.

think alot of problems were late night - most of the maintenance CM work during the day and evening - after hours - don't think they have but a few - possible only one guy.

that say you were due an apologize - what happened to the DVC department that you were suppose to contact if something like this happened on your trip?????

with maintenance issues - don't call front desk - first the front desk when you call is not in Florida - call housekeeping or maintenance (might be engineer) on your phone.

so sorry this happened to you - checked in thursday and got a first floor in my favorite building 18. Sorry your trip was so bad.
OP, so sorry you had such a poor experience with check-in. We've had our share of check-in issues to the point where we dreaded check-in at OKW! We've been staying there practically since it opened, so, we've had some good check-in experiences as well.

We did have an issue with not getting a ground floor or elevator building. The request was a medical request, which had been made on previous trips. We made it 11 months out at initial booking. We followed up closer to trip date to ensure it was on reservation. We checked in at exactly 4pm, and were led to a second floor room! (husband had ECV). They were unable to change us out that night because the resort was full, but did change us to another location the next day. Although we love OKW and the manager worked very well with us to resolve the problem, we no longer stay there. We figure if we go to another DVC property where pretty much any room is accessible (meaning able to drive an ECV into the room), there's less chance for issues to arise which detract from the trip.

Hope you are now settled in and enjoy the rest of your stay!
I think Chuck nailed it. With your late arrival, the holiday season, full resort and your late call to add the medical request, it was almost doomed for failure.
"Instead a woman says, "I'm a supervisor. I can help you." It may have been that she was from NY and I'm from the south but I found her to be abrasive bordering on rude."

Some of us do tend to talk a little fast and like to get the point, bless our hearts, but we really are a good bunch up here--if you get to know us.
"Instead a woman says, "I'm a supervisor. I can help you." It may have been that she was from NY and I'm from the south but I found her to be abrasive bordering on rude."

Some of us do tend to talk a little fast and like to get the point, bless our hearts, but we really are a good bunch up here--if you get to know us.

Well said! :flower3:
I love when I hear its must be because he/she is from NY/NJ/up North? Gee - you ever wonder if we get the same impression from the southern folks?????? You should really get to know the person before thinking they are from NY attitude. I try to ;)

I also think Chuck nailed it :)

Sorry you had a bad experience - we just got back from a 7 night stay at OKW and our studio was ready at noon and had absolutely no complaints. Lucky us!!!
I love when I hear its must be because he/she is from NY/NJ/up North? Gee - you ever wonder if we get the same impression from the southern folks?????? You should really get to know the person before thinking they are from NY attitude. I try to ;)

I also think Chuck nailed it :)

Sorry you had a bad experience - we just got back from a 7 night stay at OKW and our studio was ready at noon and had absolutely no complaints. Lucky us!!!

You know what I'm saying?? I love my southern friends. But sometimes I do question the authenticity of their words when they get sticky sweet. If I feel they are condescending I can call them on it, and if they feel I am abrupt they can do the same. :)

Sorry. Don't mean to hijack.
"Instead a woman says, "I'm a supervisor. I can help you." It may have been that she was from NY and I'm from the south but I found her to be abrasive bordering on rude."

Some of us do tend to talk a little fast and like to get the point, bless our hearts, but we really are a good bunch up here--if you get to know us.

I was thinking the same thing!!!! I am a bit to the point, but very nice!!

A a woman says, "I'm a supervisor. I can help you." It may have been that she was from NY and I'm from the south but I found her to be abrasive bordering on rude.

I realize others have commented but that comment says so much more than anything else. Wow.

I'm sure that the whole kerfuffle the first night was exactly as Chuck said--the perfect storm of busy time, late arrival, and last minute medical request. I'm not holding it against OKW. It does make me leery about staying there since we have required ECVs now for 2 of the past 5 trips. I'm hoping that trend does not continue though!


It is interesting to me that in the statement, "It may have been that she was from NY and I'm from the south but I found her to be abrasive bordering on rude," some have decided that I mean people from NY are abrasive and rude when what I meant was that sometimes people from the south (ie, me!) have difference expectations for how people interact with one another. :)

I do think there is huge cultural difference between the East Coast and the South. I didn't realize this was a new idea or a controversial topic. :confused3 Others may have found her helpful and not rude, I cannot say. *I* found her to be abrasive and rude. Particularly the response that I had received compensation when what I was wanting was an explanation/apology. Could this expectation that the proper response was an explanation/apology be because I am from the south? Yes, I think that is likely. It could be that other people would have found her response to be fine. *I* didn't. My problem, not hers. I'm sorry if my statement came off some other way.

I'm certainly NOT typecasting anyone else from anywhere just trying to chalk up what I felt was rudeness from her to something other than it being personal or a major character flaw in her. (I guess there could be outright day-to-day rude CMs but I haven't encountered that. I think Disney has really cultivated a culture of good customer relations and interaction.)
Perhaps, she was having a rough day, we had different communication styles, cultural norms, or it was outright miscommunication? Perhaps it was personal and she didn't like my shirt or that I asked the desk CM to speak with the manager straight away? Couldn't say.

Hopefully our January trip will not require ECVs, late check-in, or multiple rooms! VWL here we come!!!

I posted this the last time we stayed there. The maintain cue man told us the renters get the nicer rooms than the owners. We had a problem with the ac unit and they replaced the panel and he said when a renters call they put them first on the list for calls. Also the renters always get the newly redone rooms. That's not fair but that's what he said!


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