thought I would post what just happened to me


Earning My Ears
Dec 31, 2002
Well, after seeing the posts telling about new Entertainment rates, I called CRO and asked if any were available for my date 4/3 -4/5. She said no ent. rate, but the fan club rate was 109.00! My original ressie was for $146 with AP! Thought I would pass on this info.
That IS a great rate, sw!

What is it? Everyone seems to be getting the best deals except me? I think they have me on caller ID! :confused:
Would you mind posting what room type and resort you are staying at so others might take advantage too. Sorry if i missed this info somewhere.
$109! What an incredible rate. Congratulations to you!
I called CRO and asked if any were available for my date 4/3 -4/5. She said no ent. rate, but the fan club rate was 109.00!

Wow, this IS good! I have RP for $110 with the Entertainment rate. I didn't think Fan Club rate ever went lower than Entertainment!


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