Three Things...Gratitude Thread

Corn tortillas, so I can make enchiladas!
My yellow Scentsy nightlight. When it's on, the words "You Are My Sunshine" glow!
Daffodils. My garden is full of them, as they naturalize pretty easily. They are about the only bulbs that the deer and chipmunks don't eat (either the flowers before they bud, or in the case of the chipmunks, they dig up the bulbs). My hyacinths and tulips? Unfortunately, they are nothing but a big salad bar for the local wildlife.
Yellow is one of my FAVORITE colors!!!

1. Yellow paint- My home office/gym is currently painted a bright canary yellow. DD17s nursery was painted baby yellow.

2. The bright yellow sweatshirt that finally completed my collection and filled the void.

3. This is more gratitude over a funny conversation that became a running joke with an old friend, but it involved a sketch, a yellow highlighter, and a hysterical misunderstanding that was comic relief for years.
In honor of yesterday’s rhyming theme, I wrote a little poem last night before bed. I hope you don’t mind. I will get to yellow tonight!

When it’s cold like this, I’m so glad to have heat
Like the warm feeling I get when walking down Main Street
Thinking about what sweet treat to eat
And how happy J will be at her Mickey Mouse Meet and Greet!
My yellows
1. Flowers: forsythias, daffodils, coneflowers, dandelions, and especially sunflowers
2. Bananas when they are perfectly yellow, no green, but hardly any brown spots
3. Belle’s dress: she was my favorite princess (she loved to read!), and I bought my DD that Belle costume when she was in 1st grade.
Such a happy color 🌻
I'm gonna change it up and take a little different approach to "yellow"

Yellow in a traffic stop light - Tells me to mash the gas, vroom

"Get out of my truck, you yellow-bellied sidewinder" One of my fav actors, Clint Eastwood in Bronco Billy

"Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles. Forget the various deeper meanings behind the song. Love the whimsical chorus.
Ok, I have to add a fourth yellow.....

The yellow card issued by the referee at a soccer match after seeing a player fall to the pitch is such tremendous agony that will surely result in a major injury only to see said player up and running at full steam a few minutes later.

@Buzz Rules I was finally able to make a soccer reference, albeit tongue in cheek but there is some truth to it. :-)
You are a good guy Buzz, just bustin' your chops. Cheers!
"Yellow Submarine" by the Beatles. Forget the various deeper meanings behind the song. Love the whimsical chorus.

How could I forget this?!?!? DD17 became a huge Beatles fan after we saw LOVE in Vegas several years ago. I surprised her this past fall with a trip to see Ringo in concert. It was so surreal to be singing along to Yellow Submarine in person with Ringo Starr. It was also the theme of her last birthday cake.
Good Saturday Morning! :wave:

#1 - Our Guinea Pig, Zoe - she’s such a delightful little member of our family. She’s almost 8 years old, so every day is a gift now, because she’s considered pretty darn old for a Guinea Pig. I worry how my DH will feel when she passes away - he’s bonded with her more than any of us.

#2 - Our dogs, Sophie & Sampson (RIP) - they were both a wonderful part of our family.

#3 - The deer next to our house - I love seeing them several times a week. They are fun to watch, and many are very tame and don’t run away when we’re working outside or going in and out of the house. They just look at us and go back to whatever they were doing.

Our Sweet Zoe ⬇️

ALL the wonderful Dogs & Cats 🐶🐈‍⬛🐈 I’ve had over the years !!! Such awesome companions!!! So happy my kids got to grow up with pets !!! Something I didn’t get to have and always wanted

Horses 🐎- I think horses are beautiful majestic animals ❤️

Bears 🐻 - I’ve always loved bears and I’m so happy I got to see some in person in the wild in Alaska !!! Considering they have been spotted less than 10 miles from my house I may one day see them in my backyard with those pesky deer ! 🦌 maybe that bear can take care of the bobcat we have or those coyotes?? Take care as in run off - no blood bath required ! Of course the poor rabbits 🐇 may not care for a bear ! 🐻 they are have enough issues with my dog 🤣🤣🤣 but the rabbits know he’s never gonna catch them 🤣🤣🤣 that’s why the rabbits are always just out of reach !! 🤣🤣🤣
1 Champ. My much loved late dog and God's angel dog. He brought such joy to my life. I am so grateful to know by my faith we will meet again and that he is at peace and health, with my grandparents and above all else, safe forever with God.

2 Gigi, my beloved grandpa's black poodle who was with until ai was 6. Gigi was 18. I didn't know her that well just how much grandpa loved her and that she also made a kind difference to me.

3 Pooh and friends for all the love, joy, smiles, and cheer they bring to the world including each of us.
Most of the dogs over the years - it’s impossible to pick just one. Right now, we have Voodoo.

The local birds- to the nesting Carolina wrens that flew away a few days ago that are now singing in the trees to the barred owls and bald eagles (just to name a few) that sometimes visit our little area, it’s so nice to have all of these birds around.

Regional animals- Obviously, there are big animals like elk, bison, moose, bears, etc. that I enjoy, but i also really enjoy seeing smaller regional animals… like black squirrels or golden mantled ground squirrels. I was once mocked by another tourist for getting excited about “varmints.”
Potter and Weasley- Brother kitties we had for 17 and 20 years, respectively. They were good kitties and I miss them both.

Giraffe- I love giraffe. They are funny to watch sometimes, look like they are smiling simply, and they just make me feel peaceful inside.

I also like seeing different, regional animals. I remember the first time I saw an armadillo while visiting KSC- fascinating! Last trip to Disney, we took a day off to go to Blue Springs Park to see the manatee- it was awesome! Even our local animals... I'm 67, born and bred in New England with a lot of that time spent in Maine, but this past summer was the first time I'd ever seen a moose. I was thrilled! We pulled over to the side of the road and just watched him for about 15 minutes. It was so cool!
How could I forget this?!?!? DD17 became a huge Beatles fan after we saw LOVE in Vegas several years ago. I surprised her this past fall with a trip to see Ringo in concert. It was so surreal to be singing along to Yellow Submarine in person with Ringo Starr. It was also the theme of her last birthday cake.
Me too! Loved this movie years ago, then our daughter loved it, and then it became a favorite of our granddaughter. I even bought her a Yellow Submarine bath toy. :)
Saw Ringo years ago at one of his earlier Ringo and His All Star band tours and I kept saying to my husband, “We’re seeing a Beatle!!”
All of the Disney animated animals, Bambi, Thumper, Judy Hops, Pongo and Perdita, Lady and the Tramp, Mickey and Minnie, just to name a few!
All of the animals in AK, the gorillas, the birds in the aviary, the tigers, the Komodo dragon, etc.
My beloved pets, all gone now, but so grateful they were in my life.


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