Tinker Bell ½ Marathon Weekend ~ 2014 Check-in!

Is anybody here signed up for the 10k on Saturday morning? I will be doing that, and was trying to think of some costume ideas. I am a male, but I'd love to hear what everybody else has planned in terms of costumes for the whole weekend!

For the 5k, I'm going as Mr. Smee, for the 10k, Vanellope from Wreck-it Ralph and for the 1/2 Captain Hook. For the guys that I've seen running the race, they either fully embrace the Tink, wings tutu and all (love that) or the go Captain Hook. Are you running w/ someone? Can't remember if it was last year or the year before but there were 2 girls one was dressed up as Pan and her friend was Pan's shadow. That was the best costume I've seen so far.

My son and I are running the 10K on Saturday morning. What happens AFTER the race? Is there breakfast? Food? Party? Music?
The RunDisney site doesn't really say.

We did Expedition Everest Challenge at WDW last May and after the race there was the after-race party at Animal Kingdom. Immediately after the race though I remember there being snack-foods like bananas & Cliff bars, of course water & chocolate milk. I'm assuming probably something like that at Tinkerbell?

It's like EE like you mentioned. They might have a DJ going, but don't think they did in Aug last year. But I also didn't stick around that long. There was a breakfast last year or the year before, but you had to buy tix and it was kinda pricey.

Here's my take- go with him anyway! I know you can't run, but the 5Ks are VERY lenient on time. I've never heard of a sweep at the 5K- it's all inside the park. I ran a 5K at WDW in 56 min in 2011 and never saw a sweeper or anything.

You could start it with him, and if he wants to go ahead of you, let him go once he's comfortable! Meet at the end. :)

2nd this!! Like Patty mentioned w/ the lenient time, last year when I crossed the finish line at the 52 minute clock time took some pics of World of Color and meandered out taking my time getting my medal and food box they hand out. I was getting towards the front entrance of DCA about 15-20 min. later and there were a lot of people still running and the point I saw them was just after the 2 mile mark. As long as you're moving you're good.
2nd this!! Like Patty mentioned w/ the lenient time, last year when I crossed the finish line at the 52 minute clock time took some pics of World of Color and meandered out taking my time getting my medal and food box they hand out. I was getting towards the front entrance of DCA about 15-20 min. later and there were a lot of people still running and the point I saw them was just after the 2 mile mark. As long as you're moving you're good.

This is really good to hear. I registered for a last minute 5k last Saturday and walked it at a 17 min pace. I'm not worried about hitting the 16 min pace requirement because I'll be running some of the course. But I'm doing the 5k with my mom (and little sister); my mom has health challenges that I thought might prevent her from finishing/being swept, including being overweight, having lymph edema (constant swelling) in her legs, and having had a knee replacement a couple years ago. She hasn't participated in any physical activity for as long as I can remember (and I'm in my late 30s), but was motivated to register for the 5k this year when she saw me complete the Tink 1/2 last year. I'm so proud of her!! :cheer2:

I. CAN'T. WAIT. FOR. NEXT. WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can understand your frustration. I lost 65lbs last year but have put 20 back on just from stopping being SO diligent about the weight loss efforts and six weeks of no running because of shin splints. But, I still try to focus on the fact that I'm 45lbs lighter than I was a year ago, AND in MUCH better physical shape. Focus on that, it's a great start!

Thank you, DharmaLou, for the kind words and congratulations on your weight loss! I'm shaking off the feelings of disappointment and getting more excited about the race. And here's to another 20lb weight loss in 2014!
Thank you for the well wishes!! :) I am on Tamiflu and I love this stuff! I hope I have a fighting chance!
Does anyone with past experience know how long the Dooney & Bourke special edition handbags will last? We likely won't get to the Expo until about 3pm on Friday. Do I stand a chance?
I see there is a pasta party? Can anyone join, or do you have to be participating in the marathon?
ahhhh... okay. Thank you. I was going to ask if I could join and meet up with some of you DISers. :)
Is anybody here signed up for the 10k on Saturday morning? I will be doing that, and was trying to think of some costume ideas. I am a male, but I'd love to hear what everybody else has planned in terms of costumes for the whole weekend!

Another costume idea if you're still looking ~ Jake from Neverland Pirates? Sorry I was watching my cousins and they love that show and that idea popped into my head, still themed to the weekend, but not Pan or Hook.

Does anyone with past experience know how long the Dooney & Bourke special edition handbags will last? We likely won't get to the Expo until about 3pm on Friday. Do I stand a chance?

I don't have experience buying one, but if I remember correctly it was the same or very similar design last year from the year before. It was the hanging attachment medal-like thing that changed. But the lines weren't crazy like they were Year 1. And based on photos and images from yesterday at the WDW Expo, I think the shoes are the crazy item this year. So you might have some hope! :goodvibes

For the meet-up next weekend ~ someone mentioned that there is a FB Tink 1/2 page and that group is meeting in front of Apricot Lane in DTD Sat at 4 and some are heading over to Naples afterwards. I'm not w/ that group so I don't know all the details, but it sounds like an open meet and a lot of the WISH Disers are heading over to that one if anyone's interested.
I wont be in for any meet ups this year, but maybe for the Disneyland or net year. Fingers crossed.

I saw my first road closure signs on my way into work yesterday. I was so excited!

Is anyone else planning to hit up the Expo on Thursday? I can't go on Friday because of work so it's my only option for getting my stuff for the 10K at least. I can go on Saturday if necessary to pick up my stuff for the Half. I just can't decide if I want to get my race stuff first or if I want to attempt the store first, and then pick up my race stuff. Should probably start with the necessities considering the shortened timeframe of the Expo on Thursday.
I just can't decide if I want to get my race stuff first or if I want to attempt the store first, and then pick up my race stuff. Should probably start with the necessities considering the shortened timeframe of the Expo on Thursday.

I would say start with picking up your race stuff since you have to go back up to the store area anyways to pick up your t-shirts after. Also, that way you don't have to worry about reserving enough time to go downstairs and back up to pick up your stuff and your t-shirts.
Hi! We did the Disney Run In Aug and we are doing this one next week YAY. I have a few questions. I haven't had any response, call backs or emails from Run Disney since November. I've called and emailed and re responses. All I have is my confirmation from Sept and an email in Nov.
We weren't sure if we were going to make it and decided we could a few days ago. Has anyone ever been able to buy last minute tickets to Pasta in the Park there if people don't show up? Who would I ask? Are the new shoes going to be on sale there and if so is there a place to make an appointment?
The weather next weekend should be so much better that the one in the fall. Can't wait. Wish I would have signed my 5 year old up for the kids one.
Thanks so much!
Can't believe the Tinkerbell is just around the corner! Pretty excited as this is my first Disney race. A little sad that my kids won't be travelling with me but expect to return for a family vacation at the Disneyland Half Marathon. But one race at a time :)

Haven't had time to think about a costume so thinking about wearing my Superman tech t-shirt for one of the races but add a blue tutu. Why not, right??? LOL! But I'm also running with a charity group so the team jersey will cover up most of the shirt.

Plan on running a quick 5K and cheering on runners at the finish line. Same goes for the 10K. Because I registered for the half-marathon late, I am in the last corral. My half-marathons are under 1h 45m (not super-fast by any means) but to me, a Disney race is about the experience. I plan on running at my training pace so I can just soak up everything!
Is anyone else planning to hit up the Expo on Thursday? I can't go on Friday because of work so it's my only option for getting my stuff for the 10K at least. I can go on Saturday if necessary to pick up my stuff for the Half. I just can't decide if I want to get my race stuff first or if I want to attempt the store first, and then pick up my race stuff. Should probably start with the necessities considering the shortened timeframe of the Expo on Thursday.

I'm going Thurs. My flight gets in @ 1:30 so I'll probably get there around 2:30-3.
I would say start with picking up your race stuff since you have to go back up to the store area anyways to pick up your t-shirts after. Also, that way you don't have to worry about reserving enough time to go downstairs and back up to pick up your stuff and your t-shirts.

Ditto this. Plus there'll probably be some craziness for the shoes and it'll give some time for the expo to space out and lines to get organized a little better than the snaking outside like for DDD.

Hi! We did the Disney Run In Aug and we are doing this one next week YAY. I have a few questions. I haven't had any response, call backs or emails from Run Disney since November. I've called and emailed and re responses. All I have is my confirmation from Sept and an email in Nov.
We weren't sure if we were going to make it and decided we could a few days ago. Has anyone ever been able to buy last minute tickets to Pasta in the Park there if people don't show up? Who would I ask? Are the new shoes going to be on sale there and if so is there a place to make an appointment?
The weather next weekend should be so much better that the one in the fall. Can't wait. Wish I would have signed my 5 year old up for the kids one.
Thanks so much!

I don't know if they open spaces last minute, but the booth to pick up tix is downstairs where you get your bib. I would ask there. As for the shoes, no appointment you just got in line for theorem. From what I've read from fb and friends is that there were lines starting before the expo started and they were almost like fast passing the line in a way ~ figuring out where to cut it off. They did the same Wed/Thur. Not sure about yesterday or today. But If you're there pre-expo Thur, I would get over there early to get in line(the lines were crazy long before it even opened on Wed.) If you're not there Thur, as soon as you get to the resort I would head over to the expo and head straight there.

My half-marathons are under 1h 45m (not super-fast by any means) but to me, a Disney race is about the experience. I plan on running at my training pace so I can just soak up everything!

Oh my god, I would love to run that fast! I'm like you the disney races are all about the experience, but I'm still trying to break the 2:30 mark. :rotfl: Hopefully in San Diego this Jun.

Finishing up my Vanellope shirt and barrettes today and then packing for next weekend!! Less than a week to go! :tinker::tink::tinker::tink:
Semi-random question. For the 5k last year, they had different music playing at different spots in DCA, but they had "Following The Leader" looped in DL :headache: (by the time I was leaving DL, I was praying for a massive sound system failure in the park).

Anyways, is that more or less what'll happen with the half-marathon? Or will they have different thematic music playing in different parts?

I'm asking because I'm going to be running with my iPod (there's no way I'll be able to do the part in Anaheim without music that I know will keep my feet moving), and I'm trying to figure out when to put my earbuds in. I loved the different music in DCA last year and will likely be running with my iPod off during that part, but if it's just "Following the Leader" throughout DL, then I'll probably be putting in my earbuds in before hitting that park.
Haven't had time to think about a costume so thinking about wearing my Superman tech t-shirt for one of the races but add a blue tutu. Why not, right??? LOL! But I'm also running with a charity group so the team jersey will cover up most of the shirt.

Depending on your group regulations, you could always wear a short red cape too (maybe have the bottom safety-pinned to the bottom of your tech shirt to keep it from flapping too much).
I tend to just bundle them up in a plastic bag (usually just a shopping bag) and just wash them at home. My mom tends to wear quick-dry running clothes and rinses them out in the hotel sink.

I am still terrified of this race (especially since I'm in the last corral...I only have done 5ks before, so I didn't have a qualifying time for a better corral) :scared1:, even though I know I can do it since I ran 13.1 under the 16 minute/mile requirement on the treadmill a couple of weeks ago (14 miles this weekend).

How crowded is the course for the last corral? I imagine that some of the stragglers from earlier corrals will be falling back into the group from the last corral, but are there any points early on where the crowds can get particularly nasty?
We are in the last corral too. I havent run or done a race in two years so didnt have a recent qualifying time to enter.

We run at about a 12 mile pace, but havent trained like we should for this. I know it will be a struggle but I also know that we can finish. I have long legs and walk really fast, so even if I have to run/walk Ill be good. Got to train better for W&D Half.

If you see me come say hi!

Is anybody here signed up for the 10k on Saturday morning? I will be doing that, and was trying to think of some costume ideas. I am a male, but I'd love to hear what everybody else has planned in terms of costumes for the whole weekend!

I'm going as Terence (my avatar). If you want to go the fairy route there are other male fairies from pixie hollow. DH is going to dress as Mr Smee (pretty easy costume to do). He's wearing blue running shirts and compression leg sleeves. A blue adn white stripped tee, and a red beanie.

My costume is a little more elaborate and includes wings, but Im almost done with it.


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