To Hogwarts We Go...Again! This time with the Muggle. Nov. 2015 PTR

Great trip report so far...can't wait to read the rest! I also think the hat is quite awesome! (It could be worse, my hubby wears a hoopie hat in the parks) :rolleyes2
I had been eagerly anticipating Hogsmead at dusk and let me tell you, it does not disappoint. It is beautiful and even more magical. (I should also add that in case you haven't noticed, I am definitely not a professional photographer. I do try to make up in sheer number for where I lack in talent!)


We spent some time just soaking up the atmosphere and taking our time. It was a very nice way to spend an evening.

I knew that the Hogshead was where one needed to go to get a Butterbeer with a smaller wait and this worked out perfectly. The carts were jammed and we waited behind one other person in here. Sam enjoys benefiting from my type A research tendencies.

I got a frozen Butterbeer and Sam got what I think might be called a Hogshead Ale. I don't like beer at all so I have no opinion but I think Sam liked it much better than the Dragon Scale beer that he tried in DA later in the week.
I took him to the porch behind the 3Bs and we enjoyed the view all by ourselves. We took the time to call and talk to the kids for a minute and finish our drinks.

Here are some cool pictures we took from behind the #Bs.

The park was going to close in less than an hour but drinks finished we went over to check out The Forbidden Journey wait time. It wasn't very long, I think 15 minutes, so we hopped in line.

I had not noticed the awesome lights that had the name of the ride at the castle entrance before and spent a ridiculously long time trying to get a decent pic to show my sister. They weren't noticeable during the daylight but were so cool at night.
The line didn't even start until after the greenhouse so we did not wait long at all. The tour through the castle is perfect and the ride is still my favorite theme park ride of all time. Weird Sam however, preferred Gringott's to FJ.

By the time we were done it was full on dark. Hogsmead was so pretty at night. I wanted to check in at Honeydukes to bring G home some treacle fudge since it was cool and we were about to head back to CBBR soon and it wouldn't melt. They didn't have any and I figured that they were just sold out and we could get some another time. Well it turns out that they don't make it anymore. G was disappointed but i can see why it was discontinued. We tried it out on our last trip and I thought it was super gross. I know that Brits and Americans like different types of food but it was a dirty trick to put raisins in fudge. ICK! Mom and my sister both thought it was ok but probably wouldn't try it again. I hated it but G loved it which just proves to each their own, LOL.
They were selling the cauldron cakes as a buy one get one free deal so we got two as they were on my list to try anyways. We took them back to the hotel and ate them for dessert.

By the time we were finished in Honeydukes this area was almost empty. On the way out I couldn't resist a visit with the HE conductor. He was so sweet and gentlemanly and offered me his arm.
Funny story, a boy bout 11 or 12 walked up as I was leaving and asked the conductor where Jonko's was. The conductor stayed in perfect character and kept pointing at the sign which still shows Jonko's as being next to Honeydukes. The boy was getting frustrated and saying,,, but, but, but, that door won't open there's nothing there. I finally took pity on the poor kid and whispered in his ear about store fronts and that you could see unique joke items in DA at WWW. Poor Muggle!
The park was closing so we headed out to catch the bus back to CBBR. We didn't wait long at all, 3 minutes at most and were back to the hotel quickly even with the mass exodus of the parks going on.
Since we had eaten such a late lunch we chose to grab something at the food court for dinner. We both grabbed what we wanted an took it back up to our room to eat it.
There were a lot of nice choices, I went with a pizza and Sam just wanted to try the burgers. His was ready really quickly but mine was taking forever. Like long enough that I might have canceled it and gotten in a different line and eaten something else had there been anybody actually working in the pizza area. There were 3 people in the pizza place but none of them were doing anything. Just standing. Eventually a manager type guy came over to see why the line had about 15 grumpy people waiting. He got the three standers going and we all had food quickly. He was fantastic and saved the experience for me. He even took Sam's burger box and put it on the warmer so his food wouldn't get cold while he waited for mine. The man at the check out counter was wonderful too. Overall I would go back. It was very crowded since the parks had just closed so I will give the service the benefit of the doubt. I think the 3 standers were new and needed a bit of direction, maybe!

Here is the view from our room when we got back there. It was super pretty at night.

Here is the pizza that I ordered. It was cheese and strangely enough it was fantastic. It was way better than typical theme park pizza. It tasted more like the specialty pizzas that you can get in Italian restaurants. I loved this and would order it again any time. It was huge though. Even though I was very hungry I ate a little under half.

Sam said his burger was pretty good. He said that the bacon was very good and called it a food court burger but better.

I was very pleased to try out the famous cauldron cake. It was pretty good. I liked the dense cake because the cream in the middle was light and kept it from being dry. The bottom and the handle though were dark chocolate which I don't like so I just had a few nibbles of that for testing purposes of course. Sam liked it as well. I would have liked it better if it had milk chocolate instead of dark but that is personal preference. Overall we had a nice dinner and dessert.
I've never been to Universal at dark (we go in early summer), the lights on are so nice!

Here is what I call a hoopie hat (not sure what it's really called):
The whole time we were there the EE park was IOA. I was not sure about timing and I wanted to make sure and take advantage of EE so we were out the door by 7:15 for an 8am opening time.
There was a bus waiting and it left about a minute after we sat down. It was probably less than half full and another bus was pulling in to the stop as we were leaving. One note about the weather, it was super hot. I was worried about what to pack and had heard many people mention that they needed jackets in the evenings this time of year. We did not and I was super glad that I had packed shorts. the only time on our trip that I got chilly was in the mornings on the bus.
Security was fast and we were at the IOA gates with plenty of time to spare. We got in line on the left hand side and were about two groups back from the front.
We saw a lady open the park and then were herded toward Hogsmead. The whole process was smooth and easy.

As you can see in the picture Sam grabbed a Starbucks from the CBBR lobby before we got on the bus. He loved having decent coffee available.

Like everyone else we headed to the castle. It seemed like a nice way to start our first full park day.

Everyone else was booking it but we took our time and I took a few pics.



We rode the ride and then I wanted to show Sam Hagrid's hut and the Flight of the Hippogriff coaster. I knew he would like the view.

By this time I was getting a bit hungry and the 3Bs was open so I decided that we would grab a breakfast to share. Plus I had to try a hot Butterbeer and wanted to do that before it got too hot outside.

It was not busy in here at all. We had the whole section near the fireplace to ourselves. I bet that there weren't 20 people inside.

I think that what I ordered was the American breakfast. It had sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, potatoes, and a croissant. I drank a hot butterbeer and Sam just got coffee. It was pretty good. The food was hot and fresh but not a super high quality. Sam really liked the flavor of the potatoes.
The hot Butterbeer was really good. So creamy and really sweet. I have a major sweet tooth, much more so than Sam, and I loved it and he liked it. He did say that there was no way he could drink a whole one by himself.
Overall the breakfast was good but expensive but IMHO totally worth it on vacation to eat in the 3Bs.
I wondered what a hoopie hat was too..........

Nice update again.....that pizza does look good!
Following along! Headed to WDW and Universal October 2016. Major HP nerd so want to make sure I allow enough time for WWOHP as well as enough time for the rest of Universal and IOA!

We quickly finished breakfast and then we went out back of the 3Bs for a minute to finish our drinks and enjoy the view. It was empty again.

I was being very careful not to burn Sam out with too much focus on HP. EE time was over so we headed toward Jurassic Park. My kids love dinosaurs so this area is a family favorite. Before I go on I should probably mention that I hate wearing wet clothes. I always get Sam to take the kids while I wait them out. Water rides are just not really my thing but I will always deal with it for JP. There was a few minutes wait for JP soon after opening and we jumped on it. Luckily we did not get wet at all. Yay! Sam really liked this ride as well. Scary enough to be fun, dinosaurs, what is not to like?

We hit the photo ops to show the kids. G's big regret from the last Universal trip was that rshe hadn't yet discovered her love for all things JP. We have been making big plans for our family trip this June that include lots of time exploring this area. That being said Sam and I decided not to even go into the Discovery Center, we were going to do it all together. We did run in the gift shop.

I took this picture of a pachycephalosaurus Christmas decoration for B. He loves these head-butting dinos. He wanted me to buy him a wreath just like this for his room.

We needed to kill a bit of time before the first raptor encounter. That was my number one must do for this trip. I wanted to see how intimidating it was because I knew G would love it and that B would need to be prepared. He is not a surprise kind of guy.

I loved the Raptor encounter it was so neat. We ended up at almost the very end of the line for the first show. Someone may have spent a little too much time in the gift shop.
The raptor trainer was awesome. He was super loud and always sounded a little unsure and and nervous. He was a riot. There was an adorable little boy in line right behind us who was about 4. The trainer was directing the dino and he kept screaming things like, "careful, were not careful! RUN!" He was really playing the crowd. At one point he yelled, "Do NOT eat the Children!" The little boy looks up at his mom and says, "but, but, I'm children." It was so cute.

There was a sweet lady there that took pictures and video for you so the whole group could be included. My kids have watched our video over and over. The trainer had us come in front of the raptor and let me just tell you, it looks and sounds so real that is a little unnerving! Our raptor's name was Kilo and she was loud and very feisty.
I was quite surprised when she leaned in and breathed on my neck. Of course Kilo was fascinated with sam's hat and kept rubbing against his head trying to knock it off.

We both thought that this was superbly done and cannot wait to show the kids. We highly recommend taking the time to do this truely unique experience.
One of the things that I wanted to take back to G was a video of some of the HP performances. I saw that the frog Choir was going to preform soon so we headed back to Hogwarts. We had a few minutes before it started so we hung around near the stage area and took a few pictures.

I knew that this would not be Sam's favorite thing to do but he is such a good sport and humored me well.

We had a great spot right by the stage and I got a really nice video of Double, Double, Toil and Trouble for G that she loves to watch.
I really think that this show is cool and Sam did appreciate the realistic frogs but it was about a thousand degrees in the hot sun watching it. A little shade could go a long way in this area!
I wanted to be sure to show Sam both directions on the HE and the line was nonexistent at this point so we headed towards Hogsmead station.

This is the first place where our fingerprint issues manifested. Sam has really rough hands and the scanners had a terrible time reading his prints. He is a cowboy and a volunteer firefighter and they get so dry and rough. In hindsight we realized that he should not have used his thumb. I never had any trouble, it was not Universal's fault at all and every cast member we encountered was really nice about it. Sometimes he had to scan several times to get it to work. We felt really bad holding up the lines. I am pretty sure that the kind man at the scanner at Hogsmead station just took our word for it and let him through.
We pretty much walked on to the next train and we were soon in the other park. I really love the Weasley twin scene. They are so fun!
We headed around the park and ended up riding the Simpson's ride and I think that we also did ET before lunch.

Sam was getting hungry so we decided to split up and try something from the Fast Food Blvd.
I try to branch out and try new things on vacations so I ended up going with the Chicken Waffle Sandwich.

This thing was huge and they gave me a ton of tator totts. I really liked this thing. The waffles were crisp not too hard or soggy. The mayo was sweet and added flavor but didn't overpower the chicken which was hot and fresh.

Sam went with a gigantic chili cheese hot dog which I thought was a brave choice at a theme park. His came with curly fries. He liked this, and ate it all!
I could not even come close to finishing my food. I needed G with me to split meals. Sam ate all of his and finished my tots but he doesn't like chicken so no help there. I think that we got a coke and a dt. coke to drink. We really liked all of the choices here and will definitely be back. Everything we had was hot and fresh and there was no line since it was early in the day.
I am definitely having that chicken and waffle sandwich this year!!! Think it's the only item I haven't tried in there always looks so nice........

The fingerprint scanner is annoying when it doesn't work properly........yes the frog choir could do with some shade.......for the choir as well, they must be boiled! Good little show........
I'm loving your trip report so far! I'm the major Potter fan in my family nice of them to indulge us, haha.
I hope you got to see the shows in Diagon Alley...Celestina was so much fun & a wonderful singer (and the shade was nice too.)
I'm loving your trip report so far! I'm the major Potter fan in my family nice of them to indulge us, haha.
I hope you got to see the shows in Diagon Alley...Celestina was so much fun & a wonderful singer (and the shade was nice too.)

Thanks, my 8 year old is a huge fan too so on our family trip there will be more Potterheads. Especially since little brother always votes with her! We did catch the Celestina shoe which I adore!
I just got back as well and it looks like we missed out on some good stuff... Guess I have plenty to add to my list for next time! Food has looked great and CBBR looks gorgeous. Can't wait to try JP. It was too cold to risk getting soaked when we were there. Can't wait to read more!
After lunch we walked around the studios just doing whatever we felt like. It was nice to be able to just go with the flow.

I asked him to go pose with Bruce and he was being silly pretending that the shark was eating his arm. What he didn't know was that there was a large crowd where he couldn't see him that thought he was a hoot. He doesn't embarrass easily but that might have got him.
The line for the Minion ride was fairly short, especially for after lunch, so we jumped in. I think that we waited for less than 20 minutes. I really like this ride but we love minions at our house.

We met the minion and he was super cute. Boy we he tiny too. We spent quite a bit of time in the gift shop making plans for what to bring home for the kids.
After minions I am pretty sure that we rode the mummy at least twice. That was Sam's favorite ride. He also spent some time in the gift shop there as well.
We decided to spend part of the afternoon back at IOA. I remembered that I wanted to take a picture of the description of the wand that chose me in Olivander's the day before so we ran in to DA for just a minute. It was an Ivy wand with a unicorn core. As silly as this sounds I was pleased with the wand that chose me, there are several that just did not appeal to me.

Since we were already in DA we ran into the Fountain of Fair Fortune to grab the special Butterbeer mugs for the kids. We had gotten two of the original mugs on our last trip so I thought that it would be fun to get two of the other kind.

It is really neat in there with all of the mirrors. There was a small line due to a problem with one of the registers being down. Sam did not really want a whole Butterbeer for himself but took one for the team. Such a hardship, LOL. We both got frozen as I don't like the regular.

We drank our Butterbeers while in line for the HE. We didn't wait long and soon we were back in IOA.

We started in Suess Landing this time since we had spent no time there. I love this land and all of the Suess-whimsy. Sam did not appreciate it as much. We rode Cat in the Hat and the air trolley thing. We had no wait for Cat but the other we waited like 20 minutes. It is hot in that line and Sam was not too pleased with my choice.

He very kindly posed in front of the awesome Christmas tree for me and then again near the Lorax. The Lorax is my all time favorite Suess book and the kids really like the movie, both the old and the newer one.


The Lorax was even decked out in his Christmas finery.
We then headed across towards the Marvel area. While near the Port of Entry I happened to see that the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang show was going to start soon so after a quick ride on Spiderman we headed to Hogsmead to video the show for G.

We ran into these cute folks on the way to Spiderman and stopped to take a picture. They were so sweet and funny....and guess what? They loved Sam's hat!
There was still a bit of time before the show so we hung out near the stage and looked at the pins in the cart.


I like this show and enjoyed it. Sam thought that the fighting part was very interesting and swears that he saw one of the poor characters get his fingers smashed and not bat an eye. He was impressed at the dedication to staying in character by all of the Universal team members, especially that guy.
Jaws, Minions and Potter.......perfect day!!

Nice update.......ouch for the guy who hurt his fingers!!


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