To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

I'm so lazy I would have just put on regular hats. Amazing job!!!!


Honestly, if you did the laugh canister w/ lights and sound, microphone, googley eye, double eyelids, 3-D mouth w/ lips, puffy full size costume, foam horns, shoes converted into feet with toenails, all created to be put into suitcases for transportation and didn't do the proportional hats, I'd hardly call you lazy. :rotfl:But you can certainly call me crazy!


Honestly, if you did the laugh canister w/ lights and sound, microphone, googley eye, double eyelids, 3-D mouth w/ lips, puffy full size costume, foam horns, shoes converted into feet with toenails, all created to be put into suitcases for transportation and didn't do the proportional hats, I'd hardly call you lazy. :rotfl:But you can certainly call me crazy!

that's true! I can't wait to see IRL!
29 Weeks to go until 2024 Non-Cancelled M - Week 6/35


The 29th best performance was the 2018 Madison Mini HM (link). I completed the race in 1:37:35 and had a VDOT of 46.4. Of my 24 half marathons, this was my 12th fastest performance. This was not a PR at the time. Overall, I finished in 147th place out of 2522 runners, and 21st in AG. This was a tune-up race before the 2018 Chicago Marathon. I had high hopes going into the race with a goal of sub 1:29. But the ankle injury I had suffered a few weeks prior made the race difficult and I didn't live up to my expectations. This race left me with a lot more questions than answers as I headed into Chicago.

Tues (10/3): 9 x 15s @ Max on Paved Uphill (5-7% Grade)
Wed (10/4): 5 miles @ 70% M Tempo (9:24 min/mile, 126 bpm)
Thurs (10/5): Canova Minutes (2 min 85% + 2 min HMT)
Fri (10/6): 45 min on Treadmill (8:54 min/mile, 114 bpm)
Sat (10/7): 9 miles @ 85% M Tempo w/ Strides (8:24 min/mile, ? bpm) + LIIFT More - Chest/Biceps
Sun (10/8): 12 miles @ 80% M Tempo on Jack/Jill (8:37 min/mile, 127 bpm)

Total Run Miles - 45.4 miles
Total Run Time - 6:39 hours
Total Strength Time - 0:17 hours
Total Training Time - 6:56 hours

Conditions - ⛅ Broken clouds, Wind 10mph to ?
Start: Temp+Dew = 80°F + 59°F; FL - 80°F
End: Temp+Dew = 74°F + 59°F; FL - 80°F

Still going through a bit of a heat wave for this time of year. Thankfully a good short burst uphill run is a good one to take on during these types of days. The WU was fine, nothing notable. I had some neighbors out on the hill so I decided to put on a little show for them during the uphills. Most all of the GAP splits were in the 4:40s. Got down to 4:27 on one. Was feeling pretty smooth and better than last week. Didn't like how the 9th rep felt and decided not to reach for the 10th. Quality over quantity. All in all a good day.


Conditions - ⛅ Broken clouds, Wind 5mph to 7mph
Start: Temp+Dew = 74°F + 59°F; FL - 74°F
End: Temp+Dew = 73°F + 59°F; FL - 74°F

Just a nice and easy recovery run. So this was done at a slower pace than easy days because it's sandwiched between the two hard days. So I'm going 30% slower than marathon pace. That's a 9:24 min/mile and it was just a leisurely run. Nothing much to say and the average HR was 126.

Afterwards we did our final dress rehearsal in the Monsters Inc costumes. Found a few things we wanted to change (my shoes needed a little more green paint on exposed areas and G's elastic needed to be tightened up), but all in all we're pleased with how they turned out.



Conditions - ⛅ Broken clouds, Wind 8mph to ?
Start: Temp+Dew = 68°F + 50°F; FL - 67°F
End: Temp+Dew = 65°F + 45°F; FL - 67°F

Another Canova Minutes workout. So instead of increasing the number of reps from 20 to say 25 or 30, instead I increased the length of each interval. So not 30 sets of (1 min + 1 min), but rather 10 sets of (2 min + 2 min). This meant the total duration of run was still the same, but that the duration held at each interval was longer.

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Screenshot 2023-10-09 at 9.11.04 AM.png

For the most part the run was good. But I felt like I really had to work for those intervals more than I expected to given the drop in temps. So it did leave me a little disappointed post-run, but it's important to remember that I'm building my running fitness brick by brick and we're still months away from goal races. If I'm still feeling like this two months from now, then let's talk. But it's still very early in the process. With that being said, the goal GAP was around a 7:02 min/mile and it looks like I was more often in the 7:10-7:30 area. The recovery pacing was on point though hanging around the 8:30s. So the HM fitness will return in time, but the easy pace fitness is still in a good place.

Right after I finished the run I thought to myself this might be the first week without any edits to the plan and I'll finish a full six days outside.


Well I was on the treadmill for this one. Forgot that Steph was working late and thus when I picked G up it was solo dad time. So I was on the treadmill for this one. No biggie. I was suppose to go for 60 min, but the timing of the evening was getting thrown off so I just cut it at 45 min.


Conditions - ⛅ Few clouds, Wind 7mph to ?
Start: Temp+Dew = 40°F + 36°F; FL - 36°F
End: Temp+Dew = 44°F + 38°F; FL - 36°F

It was lining up to be a busy day. I had my 9 mile run, the Badgers played at 11am, G had singing lessons at 3pm, and we had the Fall Festival with our Monster's Inc costumes from 4:00-7:30pm. So I was up relatively early to get the day going. Doesn't help that I've been playing Starfield late into the night each night. But the game isn't overly stressful and thus my Body Score has been going up while playing and my Garmin actually thinks I'm already sleeping.

Out the door and running by 8am. A nice moderate paced run at 85% with some strides to finish it off. It was a definite turn for the temps as we were easily sub 100 on T+D and I had to break out the long sleeve, shorts, hat, and thin gloves. Goal was 8:28 pace and did well hovering around that without too much effort. Unfortunately my HR data was bad, and so that threw things off on all my stats. I think it's safe to say my HR was around 130-131 which is quite good for a 8:24 paced run. So the downturn in temps definitely flushed out where my true fitness is at the moment. Not race ready by any means, but a good place. Strides were clean.

I must have misjudged timing because I had to cut my strength workout a little short in order to see the Badger game in time. Although it didn't end up mattering because I was in and out of watching as I got prepared for the rest of the day and doing some laundry.

Since G's singing lessons and the Fall Festival butt up against each other in terms of timing, we didn't have time to go back home in-between to put the base of the costume on. So that meant I needed to wear the green man suit in normal daily wear. I bought some green shorts and orange shorts for G and I for this instance. So that when we're in Disney and maybe want to do a ride without the costume on we can thrown some shorts on to at least look decent. So we looked a little silly walking around in our suits, but whatevs. We did throw some layers on underneath the green man suit because it was in the 40-50s for the Fall Festival and we were going to be standing still running the games booth for 3.5 hrs.

We got to the Fall Festival around 4pm, and Steph was freaking out a little because we were a touch late. Which the theater group knew we would be. I didn't think it was a huge deal, but Steph was a little stressed out. I quick used the bathroom, and then came back to the car to get the outfit on. We went a little quick, but everything felt right and looked good. Snapped a few quick picks and then we were headed down to run the games booth and Steph to go take tickets.

We had a good time doing our routine and telling some jokes. The golf Goofy joke didn't hit well because most kids didn't know what a "hole in one" was. I'd say out of the couple hundred people in attendance only a few mentioned they knew who we were. We did get quite a few comments that we should win the costume contest, but we weren't eligible because we were volunteers. I'd say overall it went well, but it was assuredly not a Disney crowd so most of the jokes fell flat and people didn't really "get it" with our whole routine. One 5yr old boy apparently loved Monster's Inc and was just staring at us for a good 5 min. I'm positive he was thinking we were the real deal.

The laugh canister was heavy, but I did manage to hold onto it for the entire 3.5 hrs. So I think it'll be doable in other contexts as well.

I did have one punk kid that I had to deal with. She was definitely old enough to know better. She kept asking for jokes. Then she tried to rip the mouth off my costume because she thought I was hiding candy in there. Then she punched the googley eye when asking what it was made of. Then she brought her mom over and told her she should play with my laugh canister and press the button and then she did. The whole thing was really sour. I get it, it'll happen. But man alive I spent a lot of time on these costumes for you to be a little rough on them. We don't even know each other. Some kids will be kids. G did get a small scratch on her eye when she was dancing and whacked the microphone into the eye. So I think we took some lessons home about the costumes. But as I told G in the car before the event, we prepared the best we could. Whatever happens happens. It's live theater now and we just roll with it.

Afterwards we got Culvers and headed home. We unloaded the car and ate dinner. That's when I looked down and was like, "When did I put my green shorts back on? Wait, did I never take them off? Guys you didn't let me wear the green shorts as part of the costume the whole time, right?" To which they responded they thought that's what I wanted to do. So in our rush to get ready, we missed that the shorts were just a stand-in for the costume for being in public without the actual costume on, but weren't actually part of the costume. So then Steph showed me the pics. I'll admit I was disappointed in myself for missing this key detail. At the end of the day, I'm sure no one else really cared. But it did bother me a little that I missed it. So we chalk this up as a good learning lesson to SLOW DOWN when it comes to the process and double check that everything is good to go.




Conditions - 🌧 Light rain, Wind 0mph to ?
Start: Temp+Dew = 43°F + 39°F; FL - 43°F
End: Temp+Dew = 46°F + 40°F; FL - 43°F

Steph had to work today, so I had to get out early again. Stayed up too late playing Starfield again. Goal was 12 miles at 20% slower than marathon pace. Just getting some duration on the legs at a really easy pace.

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Screenshot 2023-10-09 at 9.36.52 AM.png

Despite the duration, I didn't do any nutrition for the run. Didn't feel like I needed it since the effort level was so low. HR wise, this one was pretty good. Averaged 127 bpm at 8:37 pace on a 44 ft/mile route. So not bad at all. And only 1 bpm higher than Wednesday's 9:24 paced run. Which just helps emphasize the role of temp and other training runs proceeding the run and the influence on HR.

I skipped the strength workout because G wanted to play video games. So we did.

Next week is much the same. Another hill day, another extended Canova Minutes, and then a 14 mile (about 2 hrs) run.
I did have one punk kid that I had to deal with. She was definitely old enough to know better. She kept asking for jokes. Then she tried to rip the mouth off my costume because she thought I was hiding candy in there. Then she punched the googley eye when asking what it was made of. Then she brought her mom over and told her she should play with my laugh canister and press the button and then she did. The whole thing was really sour. I get it, it'll happen. But man alive I spent a lot of time on these costumes for you to be a little rough on them. We don't even know each other. Some kids will be kids. G did get a small scratch on her eye when she was dancing and whacked the microphone into the eye. So I think we took some lessons home about the costumes. But as I told G in the car before the event, we prepared the best we could. Whatever happens happens. It's live theater now and we just roll with it.

First, the costumes look AMAZING! It's always disappointing to me when not everybody gets it, but at least most could appreciate the effort you put into them. And omg I can't even believe the punk kid! "Kids will be kids" maybe, but for a parent to not only let it go but join in?! *** is wrong with people?! I have zero patience for that type of behavior and would probably have gone off. Sorry you had to deal with that, but your attitude is spot on.

I'm sure at Disney not only will more people get it, but they will be more respectful. You both really do look like the real deal (even with the shorts).
First, the costumes look AMAZING! It's always disappointing to me when not everybody gets it, but at least most could appreciate the effort you put into them. And omg I can't even believe the punk kid! "Kids will be kids" maybe, but for a parent to not only let it go but join in?! *** is wrong with people?! I have zero patience for that type of behavior and would probably have gone off. Sorry you had to deal with that, but your attitude is spot on.

I'm sure at Disney not only will more people get it, but they will be more respectful. You both really do look like the real deal (even with the shorts).

Thanks! So so totally all of this.

Yea, we're really looking forward to wearing them at Disney because I think they'll just be a bigger hit there. The final product really is spot on.
Those costumes turned out phenomenally well! I would have been very frustrated with both that kid and the mother.

I also get the stress of trying to cram too much into a day.
Costumes look amazing! Your hat looks like it's the hardest thing to wear. Are you planning to run in that?

Thanks! It’s not too bad. It’s really lightweight and balanced. I didn’t even notice it was there during the 3.5 hr event. Granted we weren’t moving that much. I feel like the laugh canister and shoes are possibly more of an issue for the race.

Those costumes turned out phenomenally well! I would have been very frustrated with both that kid and the mother.

I also get the stress of trying to cram too much into a day.

Thanks and agreed on all fronts!

Those costumes are unbelievable!
These costumes are amazing. I don't know how you had time to train, build costumes, and post all at once. I don't think I would have had time left to eat and sleep LOL

Great job!

Thanks! Certainly didn't leave much time in the day that's for sure.
28 Weeks to go until 2024 Non-Cancelled M - Week 7/35


The 28th best performance was the 2017 Hot2Trot 10k (link). I completed the race in 43:47 and had a VDOT of 46.7. Of my 12 10ks, this was my 6th fastest performance. This was not a PR at the time (narrowly losing out to the 2017 Disney 10k). Overall, I finished in 4th place out of 43 runners, and 2nd in AG. This race is tied with the 2019 BratFest 5k as my highest raw overall placement. The race marked the end of my first time going through the Daniels 10k plan. I saw massive improvements on this plan to my 5k times. This race didn't meet expectations because as I learned over years I prefer the 35-40F race temp range, but regardless I met my goal of placing top 3 in AG.

Tues (10/10): 10 x 15s @ Max on Paved Uphill (5-7% Grade)
Wed (10/11): 5 miles @ 70% M Tempo (9:16 min/mile, 128 bpm)
Thurs (10/12): Canova Minutes (3 min 85% + 3 min HMT)
Fri (10/13): 7 miles @ 80% M Tempo (8:54 min/mile, 114 bpm) (Treadmill)
Sat (10/14): 9 miles @ 80% M Tempo w/ Strides (8:24 min/mile, ? bpm) (Treadmill)
Sun (10/15): 14.4 miles @ 85% M Tempo on Jack/Jill (8:37 min/mile, 127 bpm)

Total Run Miles - 50.2 miles
Total Run Time - 7:18 hours
Total Strength Time - 0:00 hours
Total Training Time - 7:18 hours

Conditions - ⛅ Broken clouds, Wind 5mph to ?
Start: Temp+Dew = 57°F + 35°F; FL - 54°F
End: Temp+Dew = 53°F + 39°F; FL - 54°F

Another uphill run. The run felt sluggish to start, and so did the first few uphills. But then eventually it clicked, and then it really clicked.

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Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 7.33.07 PM.png

That second to last split was blazing fast. A 5:05 uphill and a GAP of 4:19. That might very well be a personal best. So pretty pleased about that. Afterwards things were still clicking. All in all a good one. Looking ahead that looks like the last uphill run in a while.


Conditions - ⛅ Broken clouds, Wind 0mph to ?
Start: Temp+Dew = 62°F + 35°F; FL - 60°F
End: Temp+Dew = 57°F + 38°F; FL - 60°F

An easy recovery run. Nothing notable that I can remember.


Conditions - 🌧 Light rain, Wind 14mph to ?
Start: Temp+Dew = 47°F + 44°F; FL - 41°F
End: Temp+Dew = 46°F + 44°F; FL - 41°F

Another Canova Minutes workout. Upping it to 7 sets of 3 min 85% + 3 min HMT. The weather was pretty bad. It was raining pretty hard and was really windy. So not ideal circumstances, but a good time to practice under non-ideal conditions.

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Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 7.40.20 PM.png

Nice and easy WU. Definitely felt stronger during this run even though the pace was still slower than goal. But I'm going to cut myself a break given the weather. I really hit a groove for the last rep and decided just to ride it out for an extra 49 seconds. Another good one.


Steph had to work late, so it was treadmill time!


Steph had to work in the morning, so I had to get up early to run. When I woke up at 5am it was raining pretty good and windy. I've been burning the candle at both ends playing Starfield most nights, so I used the opportunity to catch up on some sleep. Slept about 10.5 hrs. Steph left for work so I jumped on the treadmill for 9 miles.

I had to pack the costumes for Disney, so I skipped the strength workout. Given I'm missing it next weekend, I'm just going to do a hard reset when I get back from Disney. The costumes ended up taking 2 full size and 1/2 of 2 different medium suitcases. Good thing we're flying Southwest and each get 2 bags free.


Conditions - ⛅ Overcast clouds, Wind 9mph to ?
Start: Temp+Dew = 44°F + 38°F; FL - 38°F
End: Temp+Dew = 46°F + 39°F; FL - 38°F

Roughly 2 hours at an easy pace (20% slower than M Tempo or about 80 sec/mile slower). Did this on the Jack/Jill route.

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Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 7.46.24 PM.png

Pace definitely started to bleed upwards towards the end there. I was getting a little tired toward the end so I started leaning into the run. And the watch battery almost ran out so I was trying to make sure the whole run was recorded. I finished with 1% battery remaining. So it was a close finish. Overall I felt pretty comfortable with the run, and happy to hit the 2 hr mark. I still didn't take in any nutrition and really didn't feel like I needed it.

No strength workout again. We were doing pumpkins with Steph's family. G wanted me to paint a Chibi Mike Wazowski.


The next week is a little mixed up because of Disney. I'm running on Monday (good test for trying 7 days per week starting in January). Picking up the mileage on Tues/Wed, and then limiting myself to an hour each day while in FL. Then things get real once we get back.
I was looking at your 15-s uphill intervals, and the GAP paces all make sense - that is, the GAP is faster than your actual pace. Have you noticed any wonkiness in this?

I'm asking because I had issues with my 15-s sprint trail uphills. I was doing 15-s sprint uphill with 90-s walk recovery. My easy warm-up involved running down to the bottom of the hill, and then I wanted to sprint up, walk partway back, sprint up, walk partway back, etc. so that I finished the last sprint at/near the top of the hill. This hill was pretty steep with a grade of 10% plus or minus a few since it wasn't a consistent grade.

To do this, I would sprint uphill for the 15-s and then when the interval buzzed completion, I would immediately turn around and walk downhill for 60 s and then turn around and walk uphill for 30 s until the next sprint interval. But I think that the GPS (?) got confused about when I was going uphill vs downhill and so some of my GAPs are slower than my actual pace. Of course, this doesn't make any sense. Here's an example (actual, then GAP):
  1. 11:04, 11:45
  2. 10:33, 8:59
  3. 11:04, 10:17
  4. 10:14, 10:56
  5. 9:48, 10:36
  6. 11:06, 11:39
  7. 9:35, 9:03
  8. 10:32, 11:34
  9. 10:54, 10:49
  10. 11:31, 11:23
  11. 11:30, 10:15
  12. 10:08, 9:32
  13. 10:35, 9:47
  14. 10:31, 9:24
You can see how intervals 1, 4, 5, 6, 8 don't make sense. Probably the other intervals are also affected but not enough to make them go opposite from expectations, but interval 2 is a huge GAP, while interval 9 is not so much, for example. Have you run into this sort of thing?

My Epix has dual-band GPS, which I was hoping would help out with this sort of thing, but apparently not enough. The trail is wooded, so maybe that interferes with the GPS too much.

In the end, it's not hugely important because I'm not going for a pace goal, just sprint, but it would be satisfying to figure out.

I'm thinking some or all of these possibilities:
  • The watch isn't catching my turns correctly - for example, when I'm walking and turn to start walking uphill again, it is not getting that.
  • The watch isn't measuring the elevation gain of each segment correctly. I believe it just uses a barometer for the elevation so that could be off. I can enable corrections to the elevation in the web app, but I don't think that changes the individual interval GAPs.
  • Hmmm, I thought I had another possible issue, but can't remember it.
I'm curious what you think about this.
I have definitely noticed issues with my GAP at times. Sometimes it's obvious that the GPS is a little off - like my actual rep doesn't align with the right elevation in the chart on Strava. Sometimes I run the same segment of hill and get a different adjustment for some reason. And a steep downhill will actually get me a faster GAP, even though I'm definitely running faster on those for the same effort than on a flat.

I don't have a good explanation for why any of this happens (except for the GPS issues, which are just bad measurement), but you're for sure not the only one with GAP irregularities!
I was looking at your 15-s uphill intervals, and the GAP paces all make sense - that is, the GAP is faster than your actual pace. Have you noticed any wonkiness in this?

I'm asking because I had issues with my 15-s sprint trail uphills. I was doing 15-s sprint uphill with 90-s walk recovery. My easy warm-up involved running down to the bottom of the hill, and then I wanted to sprint up, walk partway back, sprint up, walk partway back, etc. so that I finished the last sprint at/near the top of the hill. This hill was pretty steep with a grade of 10% plus or minus a few since it wasn't a consistent grade.

To do this, I would sprint uphill for the 15-s and then when the interval buzzed completion, I would immediately turn around and walk downhill for 60 s and then turn around and walk uphill for 30 s until the next sprint interval. But I think that the GPS (?) got confused about when I was going uphill vs downhill and so some of my GAPs are slower than my actual pace. Of course, this doesn't make any sense. Here's an example (actual, then GAP):
  1. 11:04, 11:45
  2. 10:33, 8:59
  3. 11:04, 10:17
  4. 10:14, 10:56
  5. 9:48, 10:36
  6. 11:06, 11:39
  7. 9:35, 9:03
  8. 10:32, 11:34
  9. 10:54, 10:49
  10. 11:31, 11:23
  11. 11:30, 10:15
  12. 10:08, 9:32
  13. 10:35, 9:47
  14. 10:31, 9:24
You can see how intervals 1, 4, 5, 6, 8 don't make sense. Probably the other intervals are also affected but not enough to make them go opposite from expectations, but interval 2 is a huge GAP, while interval 9 is not so much, for example. Have you run into this sort of thing?

My Epix has dual-band GPS, which I was hoping would help out with this sort of thing, but apparently not enough. The trail is wooded, so maybe that interferes with the GPS too much.

In the end, it's not hugely important because I'm not going for a pace goal, just sprint, but it would be satisfying to figure out.

I'm thinking some or all of these possibilities:
  • The watch isn't catching my turns correctly - for example, when I'm walking and turn to start walking uphill again, it is not getting that.
  • The watch isn't measuring the elevation gain of each segment correctly. I believe it just uses a barometer for the elevation so that could be off. I can enable corrections to the elevation in the web app, but I don't think that changes the individual interval GAPs.
  • Hmmm, I thought I had another possible issue, but can't remember it.
I'm curious what you think about this.

Can you screenshot the actual data? When I’ve had something like this occur it’s because Strava wasn’t getting the elevation data correctly. So instead of seeing a gain of 10 feet in the 15s rep it saw 0ft or a negative. It happens less often on longer reps for me. Even then I’ve seen ebb and flow despite it being the exact same mile to mile point on longer ones too.
Can you screenshot the actual data? When I’ve had something like this occur it’s because Strava wasn’t getting the elevation data correctly. So instead of seeing a gain of 10 feet in the 15s rep it saw 0ft or a negative. It happens less often on longer reps for me. Even then I’ve seen ebb and flow despite it being the exact same mile to mile point on longer ones too.
Which data? The elevation graph?

I should say that this is not with Strava. This is through Garmin. The Epix enables GAP calculations. So the data that I have is via Garmin Connect on my phone or the website.

I think that in order to get GAP now in Strava, you have to have a premium membership, which I won't pay for.
Which data? The elevation graph?

I should say that this is not with Strava. This is through Garmin. The Epix enables GAP calculations. So the data that I have is via Garmin Connect on my phone or the website.

I think that in order to get GAP now in Strava, you have to have a premium membership, which I won't pay for.

A screenshot of the data that shows pace, GAP, and elevation change for individual splits.


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