Today was a "Bucket List" Day!


<font color=red>I feel similarly about the cha-cha
Jul 16, 2007
I've got to tell you about my day today. You see, today was a Bucket List Day.

Not that I have a Bucket List per se, but there are definitely things I've got in the back of my mind that I want to do "someday". Happily that list isn't as long as it used to be. Things like "fall in love" and "live happily ever after" were crossed off the list when I met Scott; and together we've accomplished a few other items such as "attend High School reunion with same-sex partner and watch the reactions" (to the credit of my classmates, the reactions were overwhelmingly positive), "visit Paris", and "stand on a Broadway Stage" (sadly as a guest not as a performer, but you take what you can get).

So one of my "someday" things has been to see a space shuttle launch. Since we moved to Florida six years ago, we've seen several launches from our house. But that's just the bright rocket glare at night, or the smoke trail during the day. I wanted to actually SEE the shuttle itself at the top of that flame and smoke as it blasted itself free from the Earth's gravity and took astronauts to the stars (well, if not the stars, at least the space station). The scheduling was always off for us to head east and watch the launches, though.

Until today.
Last night, Scott picked me up from work and we drove out to Titusville and checked into our hotel. Then we drove along the waterfront part of town checking things out. We found a house with a bunch of signs offering reserved parking spaces for shuttle launch viewing with the proceeds going to charity. It sounded like a great deal to us, so we forked over some cash and reserved a spot for the morning, and went off to dinner.

This morning we got up WAY too early, had breakfast and headed back to our reserved spot. We got there right at 8:00 am (for the 2:20pm launch time) and grabbed the last spot right on the water. Looking across at the space center, we could see the launch pad! All we had to do was wait.

It was hot, it got crowded, and I got midly sunburnt. But at 2:20pm today, I crossed an item off my bucket list.

Atlantis lifted on on her final mission and it was a beautiful thing to see! Pictures just don't do it justice. I was giddily laughing and crying at the same time. The shuttle arced to the left as it began to track toward it's orbit to meet the international space station and then the sound hit us. And the rumble. We could FEEL it! It was amazing. The crowd began to clap and cheer, and I was transfixed. It was SO FREAKING COOL!

Eventually the shuttle was no longer visible, and the crowd slowly dispersed (we were finally able to leave our parking space two hours later) and the normally hour long drive home took nearly three hours.

We're sunburt, we're exhausted, we're punchy, and we're in agreement that it was TOTALLY WORTH IT!

So that's where I'm at. One less thing on the bucket list. Not sure what I'll tackle next . . .

I'll post some more info and pictures tomorrow.

In the meantime, what things do you have on your "bucket list"?
Sounds like an awsome day! :thumbsup2

I didn't even go out and look today, and I always go out and at least take a pic!
What a great description. Thank you for that!

I didn't look either, O'Mike. I was in the airport for the last "night" shuttle and I did see that. I couldn't bring myself to watch the "last" one though. Not sure why. Reading Rob's post though, made me wish we'd gone over too.

All but the "staying overnight in Titusville" part. ;)

Bucket List. A reference to "kicking the bucket" and things you want to do before you do; a movie reference.

I don't know what's on my list. How sad is that. Things I'd like to do sure, take my wife to Maine where I used to live and show her that area. Have us visit P-Town, maybe stay for a time... visit the countryside of France, Italy, go to culinary school. :rolleyes:

Yeah, well. The last won't happen, eh? But it was long a dream...

Anyway, return to Ireland... that's a huge one. Live long enough to see all gay folk receiving the same civil liberties as non-gay folk. :confused3
Thanks guys!

It was so amazing! We're actually considering going back for one of the last two launches if we can get tickets to the NASA viewing area. The final flights for Discovery and Endeavor are scheduled for September and November.

Yeah, it's called a "bucket list" because it's the list of things you want to do before you "kick the bucket" as DVC~OKW~96 mentioned. Thanks also, DVC for sharing some of your bucket list items. I'm definitely interested in hearing what other people have on their lists (whether they keep an acutal list or not).
And now, how about the photos I promised . . . .

Here's where we were. Right down by the water's edge.

A couple pictures of the crowd.


This fella was in the spillway adjacent to our little viewing area. He created a bit of excitement at first and then kept the kids entertained for the last hour before the launch.

And some pics that just don't do it justice . . .






At this point, the sound hit us. And I do mean "hit" us. You could FEEL it!

And then it was gone.
Thanks for Sharing those, Rob!

I have never come up with a 'formal' bucket list, but here are some things I would put on it

Visit England, Ireland and Scotland.
Take my husband to Germany

Go on a nursing mission to use my skills in a 3rd world country
Foster kids once my kids are out of the house

have breast reduction surgery
plant a garden in my yard and acutally know what is planted.

Go back to school for my Bach. of Nursing, get a masters in Psycology and become a perinatal loss counsler
go to culinary school. :rolleyes:

Yeah, well. The last won't happen, eh? But it was long a dream...

Why not? My brother went to culinary school and several of his classmates were people who were retired from other careers.

There's nothing to say that you couldn't enroll in the Le Cordon Bleu program in Orlando. Even if it's just a night or weekend class here or there. It IS possible and might be easier than you think!

Go on a nursing mission to use my skills in a 3rd world country
Foster kids once my kids are out of the house
Go back to school for my Bach. of Nursing, get a masters in Psycology and become a perinatal loss counsler

Wow! Those are amazing goals! It makes my list seem selfish and petty! You go, Star! :thumbsup2

have breast reduction surgery


Rosie isn't going to like that AT ALL!:scared1:

I don't want to be aroudn when she finds out! :scared:
Wow, great pics! Looks like it was a great experience!! I don't really have a bucket list either. Maybe I should start working on one. I'm not getting any younger!
Wow! I've always wanted to see the shuttle launch. Out of curiosity. how much did they charge for the parking?
Wow, great pics! Looks like it was a great experience!! I don't really have a bucket list either. Maybe I should start working on one. I'm not getting any younger!

So "make a list" is on your list? :lmao:

Wow! I've always wanted to see the shuttle launch. Out of curiosity. how much did they charge for the parking?

Technically, parking was free. They simply asked for a donation to the American Cancer Society for Breast Cancer and Colon Cancer research. Whatever we felt like giving. We asked what the usual donation was and they said $20. We gave them $80. (My mom is a breast cancer survivor and Scott lost his dad to Lung Cancer, we're big supporters of cancer research). They started letting people park on their property because they got ticked off that other people and businesses along the waterfront would charge people and then not let them use the bathroom. So they started to offer free parking. But people kept insisting on paying them something, so they decided to give any money they got for charity, and picked a charity they felt strongly about. They're two very amazing people, and I'm glad we were able to help them.

On top of letting people park and view the shuttle launch, they also let people use their bathrooms, provided cookies, coffee, lemonade, iced tea (sweet and unsweet) and were the NICEST people. She is a cancer survivor herself, and he spent 48 years working at Canaveral/Kennedy. We looked at their yard and thought they could probably fit 20 cars in. We were reservation #55! All told, they crammed 80 cars (including a few vans, big trucks, and one RV) onto their property. Toward the end people were parked all over their front yard and everything. They were loving it! I hope they raised a LOT of cash for the American Cancer Society (I know they did, they bragged that the last two years she's been the highest fund raiser in the county.) Thank goodness we went the night before and scouted for a place to watch, or we'd never have gotten a place with them, and I'd much rather have spent our money helping them raise funds than just give it to someone who was looking to profit off of the tourists.

I've got their information, if you decide you want to see a launch from their property, send me a PM and I'll get it to you.
I do have to say, at times the crowd was a bit annoying.

I swear at one point I thought a Tea Party was going to break out beside us. Those folks were VERY opinionated and VERY LOUD about it.

I bit my tongue and ignored them; but it wasn't easy.

We were one of three obviously gay couples in the crowd there, and I think they may have been trying to provoke a confrontation. The last thing I want to do is give people like that what they want.:rolleyes:
Those are some awesome photos! I would love to see that some day!

I don't have an official bucket list but things that I do want to do.

1. Take my mother and brothers to Disney World
2. Teach English overseas
3. Adopt a child

That's just a few, I can't think of anything right now. I do have some things that I have crossed off my list.

1. Live in Japan
2. Visit Europe
3. Visit Disney World
4. Complete my University Degree
5. Date a fantastic man

I'm listening to the soundtrack from Wishes while I write this. How appropriate! :)
Those are some awesome photos! I would love to see that some day!

Well you'd better hurry up then! There are only two shuttle launches left! They're retiring the fleet, and the shuttle program is ending this year. Don't miss out!
Here's another pic (not one of ours, but taken from the same location).

This is pretty much the view I had through my binoculars.

SO COOL! :woohoo:

I'm jealous! I've always wanted to do something similar, but, alas, I never will.

Maybe they really will get the Constellation project off the ground and there will be other launches to go watch.
Cheers to you Rob!

I wanna be cast in a remake of Barbarella in the
title role and date the brazillan soccer team!
Wow, that looks like an amazing day! I would love to have actually watched a launch. The closest I ever came was seeing the cloud while sitting on a Disney bus!

The people that let you park sound great. What a wonderful idea they had!

Bucket list....... Michigan Womens music festival, Key west , Ptown and I also would love to goto culinary school! Right now I would settle for a weekend off! :laughing:
I wanna be cast in a remake of Barbarella in the
title role and date the brazillan soccer team!

I believe a "bucket list" is actually something that can be done, not a fantasy.....just sayin! :confused3


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