Tokenzone- "The Incredibles!!!!"

I can't get your id to work? see if you can request tokens from me....

Ginny sent you some token and accepted your offers...

Tracy sent you a few offers...

Originally posted by Maleficent2
I can't get your id to work? see if you can request tokens from me....


Your name, Tina's and Beth's won't work for me, but I got Ginny's to come up.:confused:

Update -
Ok, went to Brother Bear and was able to request cards from you (make sure I had a small c at the beginning). Let's see how the others go.
Originally posted by Maleficent2
it's still a no go if I type in your name or copy and paste it.... I don't get it.....:confused:


This is really weird! I'm spending way too much time on this! ;) I'll try again in a few days.
I finished quite a few . If anyone wants extra tokens.


Really working hard trying to get the last 4 on "80 days" site. Those games are hard. My 7 year old is trying now. LOL
Originally posted by Maleficent2
the INCREDIBLES started today!

Good Luck.....

Mal:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

I couldn't find the INCREDIBLES... :( was it on the same main page?

I just found this thread so I signed up ~ poohpoohz.

This is interesting.....I don't understand all the terms yet, but I have a few tokens so far. I'll keep following this thread and searching for tokens and learn as I go.....:wave2:
I don't think I'll ever finish either... TOUGH!!!



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