Tomorrow's Show

Our thoughts are with you too. Take all the time you need.

When loved ones are sick it is hard enough but having to deal with emergency rooms just compounds the stress.

Hope Walter recovers quickly - and you too!.
It's Okay Pete... Family Always Should Come First, Because Without Family Who Would We Be?... Feel Better Walter and Pete I Bet Had You Not Ranted At The Hospital You Would Have Waited Another Hour!! Remember To Get Some Rest & Keep Up All The Good Work
Pete - the heads up is much appreciated, but of course you need to be with Walter. Take care of him and yourself - we'll all still be here when you're available again.

Sending positive vibes!!
Okay, here's the plan, Pete....
We'll all dress up like Disney characters, and invade the hospital room where Walter is, singing, "It's A Small World". That oughta cheer him right up, no?

Well, let's put it this way...he'd have to recover sooner just to get AWAY from all the crazies!

Family comes first!

Good thoughts to Walter for a quick recovery and yourself. :grouphug:
Really sorry to hear that Walter is poorly, you take care of him and yourself. He'll be ringing a bell calling for you to wait on him hand and foot before you know it. x
Oh, man - poor Walter! I hope his surgery goes smoothly and he has a speedy recovery.

No worries on getting the podcast up tonight. You know we'll wait for it :)
Pete dont worry about the show - we will all be here when things are a little less hectic :hug:

Take care of yourself and Walter first :) we can wait ;)

Get well soon Walter :grouphug:
Oh Goodness! Poor Walter!

I wish him a speedy recovery..I know you'll take good care of him. Take care of yourself as well..we totally understand things being worries!
What lengths a person will go to to avoid eating at 'ohana :)

I'm sorry that you are having to deal with this right now and what a horrid ER experience! You are all in our prayers.
:flower3: Get well soon, Walter!!!:flower3:

When did an appendectomy become day surgery?!?!?! How is poor Walter supposed to get a morphine pump if they send him home so soon? :confused3
Our thoughts and prayers are with you both. Walters welfare is your priority right now.Thank you for taking the time to give us the headsup. The podcast can wait. We'll be here waiting with baited breath.
Sending pixie dust and prayers to you and Walter:hug: .
Walter, dis buds for you

Disneyland Rose

Take care of Walter!

My thoughts are with you.
Glad to hear things seem to be going well.

Being an EMT, I'm all too familiar with ER's and the situation you experienced. And being an EMT in Boston, with all the hospitals we have, I've seen wait times like what you experienced at every one of them. I could rant like you, but I'll try to keep it short. A big part of the problem is people calling 911 or going to the ER for a headache or other problem that is better served by calling your PCP first, or going to an urgent care center where they treat non-emergent issues. The biggest thing for people to remember is to go to the emergency room for issues that need immediate care and attention. By all means, if you are unsure of what the problem is, and feel it may be life threatening, call 911. Otherwise, seek further help elsewhere first.

Not too mention that a lot of runs I do are basically because the patient does not have transportation, so they call 911 just for the ride. They are the ones who clog up the ER. They know the system, they abuse it, and since a majority of them are on Medicare and Medicaid, guess who pays?

Wow, I guess I couldn't keep it short. It's contagious Pete.

Anyway, take care both of you and we look forward to hearing from you.
Sending Walter Best Wishes & Pixie Dust!pixiedust:

Pete, make sure you take care of yourself! :flower3:
Just read the post about Walter. My family and I are wishing you the best. We will wait for the podcast until you are ready.:grouphug:

So sorry to hear this! We did this drill with DH about 10 years ago...once he was actually in surgery (about 10 hours after our arrival) laparoscopic surgery, less than 24 hours in the hospital and then home to the couch to recover for a week or so. Hope Walter's recovery is as quick.

Also, take care of can't help him if you are dead on your feet!

Thinking good thoughts from the "other coast,"
I think we all understand that family comes first. Good job keeping your temper in check and not having them call the police ::cop: after they told you about the 7 HOURS!!! :eek: Seriously though, you and Walter are in our thoughts and prayers. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery!



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