Top 5 dumbest things said at the Disney-MGM Studios


No Entangling Alliances
Sep 20, 1999
Following with the recent popularity of lists in recent threads I just thought I would share these humorous ancedotes. (There seems to be a real shortage of posts and posters these days! Where is everyone?)

Top 5 dumbest things said at the Disney-MGM Studios

5. Can you tell me when the 3 o'clock parade starts?

4. You gotta ride "the drop" man!

3. Can you tell me where Orgasmic is?

2. Guest: Where did the King Kong ride go?
CM: We do not have a King Kong attraction here ma'am.
Guest: When did it close?
CM: There was never a King Kong attraction here it is at Universal Studios.
Guest: No I am sure it was here.

1. Can you tell me where this ride is? (While pointing at a map of Busch Gardens Tampa!)
Top 5 dumbest things said at the Disney-MGM Studios

5) "Excuse me, did you see where my wife went... she was wearing those mouse ears things and a Mickey Mouse tee shirt."

4) Standing under the Star Tours "Walking Transport" across from Chewbacca and a storm trooper... I thought someone said there was some Star Wars stuff here; maybe it was in the other park.

3) "Excuse me but where can I find the ET ride." Me, "That is at Universal Studios." "Oh, which way do we go?"

2) On a Sunday afternoon, in the Animation building. A guy was mad at the cast member leading a group through. "Where are the people that draw the pictures?" The cast member, "It is Sunday sir they do not work on Sunday evenings." "Your a liar, this is all fake anyways... lets get out of here!" Cast member, "Have a good day sir :)."

1) Back in 1998.... "This is nothing like the one in California, that one had a bunch of rides."
I know this thread is for MGM, but had to throw this in......

"We are going to DisneyLAND"......
"oh, you are going to California??"
"No, the one in Florida!"


"The first day we were there, we went to DisneyLAND. Then we hopped over to Universal! " !! "These hopper passes are great"
A little out of context. A father speaking to his kids on the bus back to All Stars a couple of months ago. He wanted to make sure everyone at the back of the bus heard his tales.

"One summer when your Dad and Uncle Steve were kids, we got to go to Walt Disney World while it was being built because your Grandad was the head of the construction company that built it. Before the park was open to anyone we go to ride all of the rides when nobody was there. One day we rode Space Mountain all day."

This along with several other claims showed how clearly memories get muddied or stories grow taller over time.

I almost asked, "and what year was that, do you remember?" But I just smiled, nodded and kept my mouth shut.
I had to tell this story after reading this post.

About three years ago, my father and I were waiting in line for Alien Encounter (remember when it used to get a line?), and a woman behind us asks the group she is with: "Now are all of the things in here 'Disney?'". We had to bite our tongues so hard. I had the urge to turn around and blast her with:

"No of course not. The building you walked under to get into the park was Church Street Station (hence the train), Universal is across the HUB past the statue of the old guy and the rodent, and Sea World starts just beyond the tall, medievel-looking building."

Of course, this lady still isn't as bad as the families that I hear on any rainy day in one of the parks:
"Now if we get separated, just remember, we are all wearing yellow ponchos."
Woman walking into the Haunted Mansion, to teenaged kids in front of her: "This had better not be that G. D. Tower of Terror again!
Last time we were at MK and eating at LTT a lady asked me where the restrooms were at. I told her up the steps. She asked me why would they put the toliets up there and the water have to run down. She was very serious and I can't remember what I said. I just thought this was a strange question and I really didn't know exactly what she meant or wanted me to answer. The at the Studios another woman with really short shorts and part of her rear hanging out asked me if I thought too much of her was showing for a family park. I don't think I even answered this one!!!
Epcot- FutureWorld

Guest:"So what happened to the future ride?"
CM:"Which one?"
Guest:"You know, the one with the future theme."
CM:"We have lots of those"

Guest:"My kids want to go see the Nickelodian exhibit"
CM:"Sorry ma'm that's at Universal."
Guest:"You mean you moved it!"

I love the story gcurling. That was great. It would have been perfict if he said Splash Mountain instead of Space!
I know, but it would have been a bigger slap in the face for stupidity.
As we walked into the One Man's Dream exhibit in Jan. we got to overhear a woman who was speaking very loudly and apparently trying to show off how much she knew about Walt Disney....but one of the first things out of her mouth was "Oh, that must be Walt Disney Jr.....I know he had a son...there's a Walt Disney Jr."

And I wonder how many folks read the map wrong and end up at the Crossroads looking for the dh did this when we were supposed to meet was quite a funny conversation over the walkie talkies as he told me "I'm where the map says the restaurant is but it isn't here" as I'm saying "I'm sitting right outside and I don't see you" I took out my map and had to tell him he was looking at shops, not restaurants, on the map.

At AK its hilarious to watch people bang on the glass and do chimp impressions at the gorillas...while the gorillas look on with that "What's your problem" becomes obvious which animal has more intelligence, at least in that particular case!
I love these stories. They're so funny.

Well, this didn't happen in the parks at all, but it's Disney related. We're planning a big family trip for January 2003, with my sister in law adn her family and my husbands mother. One day I was showing them some information on the parks so they could see what it was all about. There was a picture of the Walt With Mickey statue and my Mother in Law says "oh look, there's a statue of the man who started Walt Disney World!....What's his name again?"
I love these. :D
On my way to WDW, riding on a Mears bus, a man asked me how to catch the monorail to Universal.
Oh, I forgot one.....a friend I used to work with had just returned from WDW and we were sharing stories. I mentioned something that happened during a boat ride from Epcot to MGM. She insisted I must be mistaken because "there is no water or boats near MGM":rolleyes: Whatever!
Yellow Ponchos!!!!!!!:jester:
Just too funny!!!!
Reminds me of some of the pictures we took at Epcot one day when it was raining and EVERYONE was wearing YELLOW Mom asked "How can you tell which one is Mickey?"!!! She was JOKING!!!!!
:jester: i was standing in front of Splash Mountain and was watching the logs go down. Standing near me was a woman i'd say was in her early 40's with her husband and teenage sons (the eldest looked 17 and the youngest 13). The mother was watching the logs go down and her sons asked if she wanted to go on it with them. She asked if they would get wet and they said, in order to get her to come on the ride, no. Well the father just chuckled.
"Well OK if you say so."
She was COMPLETEY serious!
Man I worked at MGM for 5 months and I heard tons of the stupidest questions in the world but I can't remember a single one of them now. But I've heard a lot of these stories before. I think the one we got the most was:

"What time will the rain stop?"

I saw a CM pick up the phone one time and told the guest to wait while he called God and asked. :)

Then I knew of another CM (it was his last day at work) that told them to wait while he called the control room to see if they would turn it off and the women believed him! She turned around to her family and said "That man is calling right now to see if they will turn it off" LOL

The Universal comparisons happened so often that they quit being funny after a while.
What a hoot---that one made me laugh out loud here at my desk. I can see that happening to a lot of unsuspecting folks.


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