Tower of Terror 10 Miler 2014

I'm getting excited to go but I'm nervous about the heat and humidity.

Like typical Florida weather, the forecast changes hourly, but right now,
forecast is 81/65 for Saturday. Afternoon thunderstorms. by race time, we'll probably be in the 70% or so humidity range, depending on the afternoon storms.

MUCH better than I expected, if this holds true.

It's been so wet here. Wish we could share the rain with some places that need it.
Yes definitely use the Port-O-Potties in the corrals. No lines for a long time. Get there early too for pictures of yourself with the ToT signage. Lines for those get long pretty quick.
If you are not able to make the race (male, particularly), please message me.

this is not to open a discussion about selling / transferring bibs. :)
Can I just say how jealous I am of all of you that are running the ToT this weekend!!!

(Jealous in the good, "I'm happy for you" kinda way)

Have fun and stay well! Looks like a blast!
I was able to walk down stairs today! HOORAY!

I am going to the expo on Friday around 2pm. We land at MCO at 9 but have to wait for my mom to arrive from NY at noon. I want to buy that glow in the dark jacket, and so I wasn't planning on packing a jacket for my trip. Will I have any issues with it selling out?
Yay for being able to walk down stairs! It's funny how the little things become so significant when you can't do them. I hope things continue to get better :)

Thanks! I probably looked like a crazy person with this big smile on my face walking down the courthouse stairs (I'm an attorney, I was not arrested lol). I am considering running a mile tomorrow morning to try and keep my leg loose. But I may do that Friday after I arrive in FL instead too. I can't believe it is so close!

oh and btw thanks for posting that mickey miles link, I don't listen to them regularly but I am going to check that one out!
Thank you, I've heard great things about Kona Breakfast, I have been wanting tonga toast forever so decided to have it Friday, as I've been told don't have anything new 24 hrs before a race. I will def try the coffee, not much of a coffee drinker but I think I need to become one, I need to cut out red bulls, going to start researching red bull vs coffee. But I'll def try the coffee, thank you for the suggestion.

That is definitely good coffee to start with! Tonga toast is the best thing I've ever eaten on Disney I think I may need to squeeze in a trip to Kona this week! :rolleyes1
Like typical Florida weather, the forecast changes hourly, but right now,
forecast is 81/65 for Saturday. Afternoon thunderstorms. by race time, we'll probably be in the 70% or so humidity range, depending on the afternoon storms.

MUCH better than I expected, if this holds true.

It's been so wet here. Wish we could share the rain with some places that need it.

It has been bad hasn't it. The last several days down south have had some of the worst thunder storms I have seen in a awhile. One right after another.
We will be staying at Kidani. I had thought of getting a late afternoon meal at DTD then walking to SSR to catch the bus to the race. My main question is how to get back to Kidani. I can't catch a taxi at Hollywood Studios right? Where is the best place to get a taxi back to Kidani? Is there a specific taxi service anyone can recommend? Are Uber cars available at 2 AM? Thanks! BamaCbat
We will be staying at Kidani. I had thought of getting a late afternoon meal at DTD then walking to SSR to catch the bus to the race. My main question is how to get back to Kidani. I can't catch a taxi at Hollywood Studios right? Where is the best place to get a taxi back to Kidani? Is there a specific taxi service anyone can recommend? Are Uber cars available at 2 AM? Thanks! BamaCbat
i am too and plan to cab it- although now seeing MK open til 2 and wondering if I can take bus to poly and get on bus from there - seems like a lot for 2 am
I can't catch a taxi at Hollywood Studios right? Where is the best place to get a taxi back to Kidani?

You should be able to do just that - they've had taxis at DHS the last 2 years. WDW has approved taxi companies that serve the parks and will more than likely have plenty out there waiting for folks in need. If there ins't one when you're ready to go, wait a few minutes or inquire of the transportation CMs (there will be plenty of them out and about) about calling for a taxi.

I think the confusion is that folks cannot take a taxi to DHS to start the race or party; all cars have to go to WWOS before the race. But that has nothing to do with after the race, when roads are back open. At that time, taxis should be available at DHS, as well as buses to host resorts.
i am too and plan to cab it- although now seeing MK open til 2 and wondering if I can take bus to poly and get on bus from there - seems like a lot for 2 am

MK is open until 2 am? Where did you see that? Did they change hours for any of the other days too?

I will be on my plane tomorrow at noon, barring any issues. I have been nervous all day. But, I am excited as well.
MK is open until 2 am? Where did you see that? Did they change hours for any of the other days too? I will be on my plane tomorrow at noon, barring any issues. I have been nervous all day. But, I am excited as well.

It is EMH they usually have MK EMH on nights an e-ticket event shuts down one of the other parks early so people have somewhere they can go.
Last time I was in MDE there was nothing about EMH and I haven't been able to log in, at least through the app. It keeps saying the password doesn't work. Very frustrating. I also didn't see anything about it in the ToT event guide where it lists the hours. Do you know if there are any EMH on Friday as that might alter my plans that night?
Last time I was in MDE there was nothing about EMH and I haven't been able to log in, at least through the app. It keeps saying the password doesn't work. Very frustrating. I also didn't see anything about it in the ToT event guide where it lists the hours. Do you know if there are any EMH on Friday as that might alter my plans that night?

No night time EMH only MNSSHP at MK do it closes at 7 for not ticket holders.
Anyone else not receive the runDisney email about inclement weather? My hubby and dad both got it, but not me. Weird?


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