Tower of Terror 10 Miler 2014

How was everyone's race?? I had a great time!! Couldn't have asked for better weather...we started in corral D and had no problems with congestion, it got crowded but not unmanageable in the narrow parts of the course. We finished in around 2 hours and 5 minutes...stopped for every character/photo stop except for the witch, the queen of hearts, and Lotso towards the end. My pictures didn't come out great but I loved the spooky effects on the horse, and Hades talking to people from the DHS sign. The party felt kind of crowded and we were tired at that point, so we rode a few rides, met a few characters, and headed out. Overall, what an awesome weekend!

I finished in around 2 hours and 30 minutes, which was slower than my 10 mile training run. So I was a little disappointed but I finished and that was the main goal! I loved Hades at the sign. I was in corral H and it was very crowded with lots of lines for most of the characters. I just stopped to take a photo from the side without waiting in line for the most part. The only character I got a photo with was Lotso since he didn't have a line. Overall I had a good time.
I finished in 2 hours, 47 minutes and 44 seconds. It was the worst mental and running I've ever done. I had some bath room issues early on and then my GPS wasn't working so it was saying I was doing 14:30 pre-bathroom issues and 15:30 post bathroom issues but I was really fluxing between 15 and 18.

Luckily my treadmill comes tomorrow and I will be back on track for Wine and Dine and Avengers.
What a fun race! Had a great time and finished within a normal time for stopping for so many photos. Great party too but couldn't get on rides bc lines were long.

Many, many thanks to my fellow DIS runners at the AK Kidani with whom I shared a cab to ESPN and who I saw during and after the race. What a pleasant bonus for a solo runner!

Hope everyone had fun!
I finished in 2 hours, 47 minutes and 44 seconds. It was the worst mental and running I've ever done. I had some bath room issues early on and then my GPS wasn't working so it was saying I was doing 14:30 pre-bathroom issues and 15:30 post bathroom issues but I was really fluxing between 15 and 18.

Luckily my treadmill comes tomorrow and I will be back on track for Wine and Dine and Avengers.


Man oh man do I know those feelings. My own GPS issue was my brain, though, not being able to do math while running and forgetting that I was on auto-pause while taking those bathroom and re-tie-the-shoe breaks...

Couldn't have asked for better weather for this race. Even though I am the faster runner, my DW was in Corral B and I was in H. At some point during the race, I passed her and finished a few minutes ahead of her. I'm now going to start training harder to get a sub two at the Avengers race.

We looked around the party for a bit but with wait times for ToT and Aerosmith at 45 minutes, we left the party at 2am. This was our first 10 miler but if the party is always like this, we're not sure we will do this race again. We had a better time at the post-Wine and Dine party last year, walked onto Test Track and had a bunch of great food at World Showcase.
finished in 2:18, which was only 3 minutes over my goal time.
With two bathroom breaks and serious congestion on the trail going to ESPN, I think I did fantastic. That time should help my placement a little for the 1/2 in January.

I was so proud of myself just to get the medal.

Wait times were nothing close to what was posted for the rides. Rock and Roller said 45, but I was on and off in less than 20. Same with Tower of Terror.

The late night did me in royally though. I was sick on Sunday - headache and nausea. I should have known it would happen, since it always did in college when I tried to pull an all nighter.

Met some wonderful, wonderful ppl in corral I. "Hi corral I!!!" Is Ed on here? Thanks for the Disney trivia. :) Also saw the ppl I talked to while in line at the Expo. Such a small world.

The volunteers were fantastic. They really motivated me.
It'll be interesting to see how they have to change the course in the park once construction begins around the old Backlot tour. I got pretty emotional. Probably because I was in mile 9 - but also because it was just so cool to do that.

Wearing my race shirt to work today, and I realized, it glows!
I can vouch for wait times being way off posted, did ToT three times with my skeleton crew and it was never more than 10 minutes. Did Toy Story around 2:15 and the wait took about 15 minutes.
Great race, though I felt like I lost some weight by the end.... LOL
I can vouch for wait times being way off posted, did ToT three times with my skeleton crew and it was never more than 10 minutes. Did Toy Story around 2:15 and the wait took about 15 minutes.

Disney CM strategy for getting people to not enter the queues and exit the park late at night,its not the first time I hear about 15-20 minute waits showing 50-60 minute waits late at night.I skipped ToT cause it showed 45 minutes.I didn't want to stay too long but I at least wanted one ride on ToT.
Disney CM strategy for getting people to not enter the queues and exit the park late at night,its not the first time I hear about 15-20 minute waits showing 50-60 minute waits late at night.I skipped ToT cause it showed 45 minutes.I didn't want to stay too long but I at least wanted one ride on ToT.

When we walked up to ToT it said 20 minutes, the CM told us 45 minutes. It was about 10 to 15 minutes. We came out and I told the CM, "bro. You lied." And then went on my way to Gaston :love:
Disney CM strategy for getting people to not enter the queues and exit the park late at night,its not the first time I hear about 15-20 minute waits showing 50-60 minute waits late at night.I skipped ToT cause it showed 45 minutes.I didn't want to stay too long but I at least wanted one ride on ToT.

We rode ToT and RnR and stopped for wine twice, within an hour.
We ended up skipping the rides as all the rides seemed really long especially it saying 50 minutes for TSM.

But that popcorn we got was probably the best tasting popcorn I've ever had.
It feels weird to be talking about all this in the past tense now after all the planning and prepping. I was hoping to submit a new time for Star Wars half but my 10k time is better by a min and half per mile.
Woohoo! My sister and I are in the video and the photo album on the rundisney facebook page! We are dressed in the stepsister costumes a little after 2:30 in the video...I feel famous! :cool1::rotfl2:
Woohoo! My sister and I are in the video and the photo album on the rundisney facebook page! We are dressed in the stepsister costumes a little after 2:30 in the video...I feel famous! :cool1::rotfl2:

Congrats!!! I've watched the video a few times, so proud that I was a part of an awesome event like this, so it's fun to watch the recap.
Here's my review of the race.

First, Disney people are so nice. I am not one to strike up conversation with strangers but I do at Disney. Everyone I talked to would answer back and at least have a small conversation. When I got to the airport (still in Disney mode) to go home I tried talking to a guy and he looked at me like I had 4 heads and ignored me. It was then I realized my trip was over and I was no longer at Disney. :(

I LOVED the whole experience. They run everything so well. This whole experience for me was about getting out of my comfort zone and I did that. I would do some things differently for my next race but it was a learning experience so I learned stuff. :)

First thing I would change I think, I would go right before the race and use any extra days for after the race. I was so worried about stomach issues during the race if I ate the wrong thing I was stressed at meal time. And, I was trying so hard to fit everything in that I was walking so fast I got a huge blister. I came home with 3 huge blisters on my left foot and one on my right.

I might also rent DVC for my next race so I can have a kitchen and make my own food. Not only would it be cheaper but I could eat healthy. By the race I had a pain in my stomach and ran with it. I think it was from eating crappy food, and I was trying to eat well. Its just not the same when you can't control what you put in it.

I was a bit disappointed in the Expo. I'm sure the other races are bigger, and I went on Saturday so that might be part of it. I just didn't think the race merchandise was worth it. I did take a pic with Jeff Galloway but he got swept off to do some promotional video so I didn't get to talk to him. I attended one of the speaker sessions, which was good. I bought a new arm band for my phone. I needed it and I got a good deal. That's all the money I spent.

As for the race itself. I sat next to a woman on the bus who was in corral A. She was very supportive. She obviously takes this stuff seriously. She runs 3-4 Disney races a year. Has run the Chicago marathon 10 times and Boston 3. Once off the bus she took a few minutes to show me how to navigate the parking lot as it was pretty overwhelming to me when I first got there. I got there early. As it got closer to the race the place was packed.

I wandered around the parking lot. I signed the "book" they had. I talked to a few people. The DJ was great. The lines for the porta potties were ridiculous. Another thing I wish I did differently was to get in the corral sooner. I would have finished higher had I started sooner. I was planning on it but underestimated the lines for the potty.

I ran the race in 1:29:50. RunKeeper said my paces was 8:52, which was 10 seconds faster than my previous race. I pushed myself hard because I wanted to finish in the top 500. I did not do that but I know I gave it everything I had so I am happy about my effort.

The weather was perfect. I was still dripping sweat when I finished but it was great. Because I finished pretty early I had no issues finding a bathroom to change in. I never saw the changing tent. I did see the lines for the women's rooms to change were LONG later in the after party. I was able to get on RnR 2 times and ToT one time before the lines got big. The party itelf was A LOT more crowded than I expected. They dropped the ride 5 times on ToT when I was on it. It was not a good feeling after running 10 miles and being hungry.

I left the party at 2 am. It took me until about 4am to settle down and fall asleep.

Overall, I was really proud of myself. The last year has been tough with the marital issues and stuff. I could have given up but I worked hard and did it.

I'm probably missing something so I may add more another day if I remember it. I will do many more Disney races in the future. I made a new set of goals on the flight home and it will be time to get to work on those this week (once my blisters heal ;)) My marathon is 2 weeks from yesterday. That one has me nervous.
OK who's doing TOT next year,I've done it the last 2 years but I definitely plan to switch to Wine and Dine next year,or I might do both!!Let's see how I feel by registration time next year,I have 7 half marathons and the Goofy challenge in the next 5 months,hopefully I'm not burned out by then,it's the most I've ever done in that span.Do you think next years TOT medal will be the same,obviously it's a great medal but I have two identical ones for 2013-2014 so a new one will pretty much guarantee me signing up for 2015.
Just got back and unpacked from a very fun runDisney T0T weekend. I did the 5k trail run in the a.m., and the 10 miler at night. I finished in 1:53 , eight minutes more than my goal, but still well under the 2 hour mark I allowed myself. Just looking over results I was 165 out of 380 in my age group and 1300 out of 3200 men. It was a pleasure taking this journey with all of you and wish you many more magical miles. My journey continues as I prep for the Avengers, hope to see some of you over on that board . I am from the area so if you need tips or recommendations pm me. AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!!
Here's my review of the race.

First, Disney people are so nice. I am not one to strike up conversation with strangers but I do at Disney. Everyone I talked to would answer back and at least have a small conversation. When I got to the airport (still in Disney mode) to go home I tried talking to a guy and he looked at me like I had 4 heads and ignored me. It was then I realized my trip was over and I was no longer at Disney. :(

I LOVED the whole experience. They run everything so well. This whole experience for me was about getting out of my comfort zone and I did that. I would do some things differently for my next race but it was a learning experience so I learned stuff. :)

First thing I would change I think, I would go right before the race and use any extra days for after the race. I was so worried about stomach issues during the race if I ate the wrong thing I was stressed at meal time. And, I was trying so hard to fit everything in that I was walking so fast I got a huge blister. I came home with 3 huge blisters on my left foot and one on my right.

I might also rent DVC for my next race so I can have a kitchen and make my own food. Not only would it be cheaper but I could eat healthy. By the race I had a pain in my stomach and ran with it. I think it was from eating crappy food, and I was trying to eat well. Its just not the same when you can't control what you put in it.

I was a bit disappointed in the Expo. I'm sure the other races are bigger, and I went on Saturday so that might be part of it. I just didn't think the race merchandise was worth it. I did take a pic with Jeff Galloway but he got swept off to do some promotional video so I didn't get to talk to him. I attended one of the speaker sessions, which was good. I bought a new arm band for my phone. I needed it and I got a good deal. That's all the money I spent.

As for the race itself. I sat next to a woman on the bus who was in corral A. She was very supportive. She obviously takes this stuff seriously. She runs 3-4 Disney races a year. Has run the Chicago marathon 10 times and Boston 3. Once off the bus she took a few minutes to show me how to navigate the parking lot as it was pretty overwhelming to me when I first got there. I got there early. As it got closer to the race the place was packed.

I wandered around the parking lot. I signed the "book" they had. I talked to a few people. The DJ was great. The lines for the porta potties were ridiculous. Another thing I wish I did differently was to get in the corral sooner. I would have finished higher had I started sooner. I was planning on it but underestimated the lines for the potty.

I ran the race in 1:29:50. RunKeeper said my paces was 8:52, which was 10 seconds faster than my previous race. I pushed myself hard because I wanted to finish in the top 500. I did not do that but I know I gave it everything I had so I am happy about my effort.

The weather was perfect. I was still dripping sweat when I finished but it was great. Because I finished pretty early I had no issues finding a bathroom to change in. I never saw the changing tent. I did see the lines for the women's rooms to change were LONG later in the after party. I was able to get on RnR 2 times and ToT one time before the lines got big. The party itelf was A LOT more crowded than I expected. They dropped the ride 5 times on ToT when I was on it. It was not a good feeling after running 10 miles and being hungry.

I left the party at 2 am. It took me until about 4am to settle down and fall asleep.

Overall, I was really proud of myself. The last year has been tough with the marital issues and stuff. I could have given up but I worked hard and did it.

I'm probably missing something so I may add more another day if I remember it. I will do many more Disney races in the future. I made a new set of goals on the flight home and it will be time to get to work on those this week (once my blisters heal ;)) My marathon is 2 weeks from yesterday. That one has me nervous.

AWESOME job on your finish time!!!:thumbsup2

I totally agree with you about getting a room with a kitchen for the next race. I was just not feeling at my prime with some nutrition/stomach issues. It's too late for me to change my reservation for W&D, but I'm also registered for the marathon and I'm going to look into changing to a cabin at Ft. Wilderness or a DVC if possible.


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