Toystoryduo's Journal....Moving Forward From Here

Congrats on the lost lbs!:cool1:

Thanks for reminding me that I need to get my family together to plan our vacation this year. I guess summer is just around the corner.:beach: Let's hope that's not wishful thinking.;)

Hope the rest of your weekend is a good one. ::MickeyMo::MickeyMo
Thanks everyone!:grouphug:

Linda...Thanks for stopping by!:goodvibes I hope to read through your journal soon.

Today has been a mixed bag kind of day so far. My washer is on the fritz (needs new motor) and my DDs are having issues with listening today. We managed to get through homeschooling okay, but it was frustrating for awhile today.

I don't think I mentioned this, but the city is going to be doing major repairs on our street and sewer system this year. The heavy machinery started arriving onsite today. The project is scheduled to last until mid-September. No garage sale here this year. :(

We had our Disney meeting last night. We walked away with more questions than answers. I'm not sure what we are going to do in terms of dining and which parks we are going to. I'm not sure if we are going to take advantage of the US/IOA ticket my DH won either.:confused3 If we do, that adds another $300+ to our "budget" trip just so he can use the free ticket. :( We did manage to bump our savings up from 19% to 24% in the span of one week through rewards programs rewards received, change jar counted, and a couple of rebates that came in. The girls are having an issue understanding percentages so I tell them that we need 100 Mickeys to go to WDW (100% of the cost) and we have 24/100 Mickeys already. They get that. ;)

The plan for the rest of the day is to help my DH with work and continue my work at home research. I may also do some kind of de-cluttering today. Not sure what though.

I hope everyone has a great Monday!:goodvibes
I don't think I mentioned this, but the city is going to be doing major repairs on our street and sewer system this year. The heavy machinery started arriving onsite today. The project is scheduled to last until mid-September. No garage sale here this year.

I feel yah there Tracy - we have lived at our new home for over a year now & have been waiting for a proper road!!! They decided to come & rip everything up 2 weeks ago & then it snowed & they havnt been able to do any more!!! So we cant get the car on the drive & i will put money on it that the weather will clear up next week & they will turn up with their diggers, tractors etc ...why??? because thats the week i'm off school & looking forward to a lie in :headache:

Great idea for helping your DD's understand % :)

I wish i could be as good as you at budgeting!!!!
Have a great week :)
Wow, that will be a long project to deal with. But very worth it when its done.

You are disciplined with your trip budgeting and money in general. Once your dh starts deejaying, that percentage of Mickey's saved will go up quickly!

Best of all, congratulations on that loss on the scale! That feels so good, you have worked hard and stayed focused.:thumbsup2 :yay: :cheer2:
Good morning,

I woke up not feeling well this morning. :( We're supposed to get haircuts this afternoon so I hope I start feeling better soon. The girls and I haven't had haircuts since before Thanksgiving!:eek: I think we are due for one. ;)

I weighed myself again this morning and the scale was at 231.2. I'm not sure how I managed to loose 4 pounds since Saturday, but I'll take it.:thumbsup2

Plans for today:

* Homeschooling

* Haircuts (if I feel better)

That's about all for now. I don't think I want to add much more to the day at this point.:sick:

I'll try and get to journals later...Have a great day!:grouphug:
Good morning! Sorry that you are not feeling well today. Make sure you get a little down time.

I love your Mickey percentage idea. That is really cut. Hoping that you feel better as the day goes by. ::MickeyMo::MickeyMo
Hi Tracy.
Oh that stinks to have all that equipment there.Just when you want to start opening windows probably.And the noise.I suppose it will be worth it when they are done.

4 more lbs that is great!I hope everyone is feeling better.

Have a great day,
Thanks ladies.:grouphug:

I'm still not feeling 100% well yet. :( Yesterday was a tough day...I was sick and we had a major issue come up with our budget yesterday. I'm not sure how we are going to resolve the budget thing. I may end up going back to work for awhile until we can get things squared up. Your good thoughts and prayers would be much appreciated!:goodvibes

I weighed in this morning and I'm back up to 234. It's probably the 3 meals of mashed potatoes that I ate yesterday. I couldn't keep anything else down. :(

Sorry to be a Negative Nelly today...The last 24 hours have been tough.:sad1:

The good news is that our haircuts look cute, my DH's cousin and his wife had a healthy baby boy yesterday, and we had some nice weather the past two days.

That's about all from here.....Have a good evening!:grouphug:
i hope you can resolve the budget issues Tracy :hug:
Hope you feel better soon - sounds like what i had last week, so i know how you feel! :hug:

Keep on looking at those positives :)
we need to see hair pics ;) glad you were pleased with the haircuts & congrats on DH's cousin and his wife having a healthy baby boy :)
and i'm soooo jealous you have nice weather!!!
Congrats to your cousin!

Mashed potatoes are a killer comfort food but if that was all you can keep down than you have to let it go.The weight will come back off when you are back on track.

Feel better soon!

Thanks Tracey and Linda.:grouphug:

I'm still not feeling well. :( When I get sick lately, it seems to last awhile. I'm hoping this "bug" goes away sooner than later.

No update on the budget front..My DH spent the day yesterday calling around trying to get answers as to what is going on and really got nowhere. I'm hoping he gets in touch with the right people today so we can make arrangements to get this bill paid.

Today's Plan:

* Homeschooling

* Coffee with a friend

I probably won't weigh myself again for a couple of days. I'm still sticking to carby, bland foods to make sure that my stomach stays settled. Hopefully once the bug is gone, I can start working on weight loss again. It felt good to have the scale go down! :goodvibes

Hope everyone has a great day!:grouphug:
I hope you start feeling better soon. Do you take a multivitamin? That might help your body recover more quickly.
Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well........but at least the haircuts look cute, that's the important thing, right?;) ;)

Here's hoping that you can work out things with your budget and reduce the added stress that it must be causing.

As for the weight gain, let it go for now. It's mor important to focus on getting better at the moment. Hope you're feeling better soon.:hug: ::MickeyMo::MickeyMo
Thanks Amy and Lesli.:grouphug:

Yesterday was an okay day...We're still trying to get our former attorney to send a release so that we can negotiate with this company. Unfortunately, he is choosing not to do that. :( Very frustrating, but praying a lot...

I had coffee with a friend yesterday and we had a great time. My friend always knows what to say to crack me up. She's very encouraging and a lot of fun to be with.

Today's Plan:

* Call attorney!

* Chuck E Cheese

That's about all from here...Have a great day!:hug:
Hi Tracy
How are you feeling??
hope your getting better, i have another bug too, exactly 1 week after the last one!! :(
good luck with the attorney!
Isn't is great to have a friend that can make you laugh no matter what? It's good that you took some time to allow yourself to step back a little.

Hope that you can get through to the attorney and that you have a much better day! ::MickeyMO::MickeyMo
Thanks Tracey and Lesli. :grouphug:

I am starting to feel much better. My stomach is still a little iffy, but I can keep food down!:thumbsup2

We went to Chuck E Cheese today. The girls treated their dad for Valentine's Day. Of course, they got to play games and have a good time as well, so I think it was a shared gift. ;)

We've made some progress with the attorney. We have to wait a few days before we get a decision. Please send lots of good thoughts, prayers, and :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: our way!

We're headed to my mom's for dinner and then we'll come home and work on DD6's room. Maybe a movie if the room doesn't take too long.:rolleyes:

Have a great evening!:goodvibes
I bet DD is excited to get a newly decorated room! That always seems to make them happy.

Glad to hear you are feeling better, hopefully you will be back to 100% soon.

Enjoy your weekend! :goodvibes
Good to hear that you are feeling better. It's also good to see that you are making progress with the attorney.

Are you completely redecorating your DD's room? Sounds like some great exercise.;) Have a great weekend!::MickeyMo::MickeyMo


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