TR w/4000+ Pics/Disney on Ice w/184 Pics!!

These are the things we missed at California Adventure.



Playhouse Disney.....what a terrible mom I am for missing this with Addy & the twins......heavy sigh!

High School Musical 3.....didn't really MISS

Miner 49er' a pic of them as I passed by....but didn't really get to hear them play.

Mariachi Divas......didn't see them at all....but also didn't get down to the that part of Golden State.

Operation Playtime with the Green Army Men......I think it was Tyler that saw them in passing & snapped a couple pics.....I never saw them at all.

Character Meet Ups~~

Hollywood Pictures Backlot......didn't see even ONE character when we were there.....we were in that area for a few hours too!

Koda & Kenai.....we saw them walking past us.....but we never got into the Redwood Creek Challenge Area.

Bountiful Valley Farms......didn't see anything going on when we passed by.

Mickey Mouse just past Ariel's Grotto.......loved the gazebo in Kelly's pictures & he was there when we went by.....but the line was sooooo long....we decided not to stop. I never did get back over to get pics of the gazebo all decorated up for the World of Color!!


Aladdin, the Musical.....I can't believe I didn't go see this!!! I love this production & with the threats of it being replaced....this was high on my "must do" list this just NEVER happened!

Pixar Play Parade.....I have yet see the entire parade. We've watched the last 2 years....the first year the Ratatouille part was missing.....last year the Incredibles part was missing.....this year it was on the schedule but things changed & we never saw it.

Next up will be the rides/attractions....the DID IT list!
Here is the list of attractions/rides we did in California Adventure.


Hollywood Pictures Backlot~~

Monster's Inc.......I like this ride.....Boo is so darned cute!!

Muppet Vision 3D......We all love this 3D movie......I've always been a fan of the this is always a must!!

A Bugs Land~~

Bountiful Valley Farm......water play area.....we watched Anthony & Addy get drenched & got an occasional misting ourselves.

Heimlich's Chew Chew......I ride this just for the smells.

Paradise Pier~~

California Screamin'......I got on this twice. Neither time the music worked......I like having the music going so I know where I am in the ride.

Golden State~~

Soarin' Over California.....we finally got on this one the last day.....nothing like waiting till the end to get on a ride we all love.

Grizzly River this one.....just don't like the getting wet part. I rode this once....but know the others rode it multiple times.

Next up will be the lengthy list of Didn'ts.
Well I missed a lot at California Adventure this are the attractions/rides I didn't do.


Hollywood Pictures Backlot~~

Twilight Zone Tower of Terror.....I choose not to ride this one.....just not a fan of the drops.

Disney Animation.....we didn't even step foot in the building this trip....and this is one of my favorite places. So no Turtle Talk (still haven't been to this), No animation academy (which I talked about quite a bit before we left for this trip), No trips into the Beast's library or the voice over watching the movie clips in the big rotunda area.....etc.

A Bugs Land~~

It's Tough to be a Bug......we've never gone to this....I hate bugs!!

Flik's Flyers.....Mike & Anthony & Addy rode this.

Francis' Ladybug Boogie......again the 3 of them rode.

Tuck & Roll's Drive em Buggies......too long of a line....otherwise they would have rode this one as well.

Princess Dot's Puddle Park.....figured the kids were wet enough!! lol

Paradise Pier~~

Toy Story Midway Mania :eek: WHAT??? You didn't ride their newest ride that is way cool & you have the Wii version of it at home???? Are you crazy?? Yup....we are.....can't believe we didn't get to this.....the kids are still upset with us over that!

Maliboomer.....thanx but no thanx! Enough said!

Mickey's Fun Wheel.....very pretty all lit up at night....but with a huge fear of heights....this is one ride you won't find me on.

Mulholland Madness.....rode this once & thought I was going to fall out or tip off the tracks (I know....that's what it's supposed to feel like).....hated it!! So haven't been near it since 2005!

Silly Symphony Swings.....took pictures but didn't feel the need to ride it.

Golden Zephyr.....haven't been on this one....probably for the same reason I haven't been on Astro Orbitor.....rockets aren't my thing???

King Triton's Carousel.....Mike got Anthony & Addy on this while we were taking turns on California Screamin'.

Jumpin' Jellyfish.....never been on it & the kids have never asked to ride it.

SS Rustworthy......I don't think we've ever stopped & looked at this.....probably should one of these trips!

Games of the Boardwalk......NO THANX!

Golden State~~

Redwood Creek Challenge....we've only done this once & Anthony got lost. Sent me into a total panic.....Mike had come out of there with him & next thing he knew....Anthony was gone. The CM's were awesome & on the radios within seconds. He had wandered back into the challenge area.....silly kid!!

Blue Sky Cellar......Mike got me some great pictures last year from here & since I didn't go in last time.....I would this time......I didn't....... :sad2:

Mission Tortilla Factory......missed it!

Boudin Bakery Tour......missed it!

Just so many things I didn't get to this trip. A few by choice....but a lot of things I'm just kicking myself over now. We had 6 days & you would think that would have been plenty of time to see & do everything I wanted.....but this trip was just at a strange pace for me & getting to 3 or 4 things in a day seemed almost like work. I love POTC....but I was tired of riding it.....that seemed to be one of the rides that kept getting repeated....often! I love Space Mountain...but that too seemed to be one of the repeat rides we did a lot. Never can ride BTMRR too many times.....but what happened to all the others we enjoy??

I never have regrets on these trips....but this time I kinda did. I will be very upset if Aladdin is gone by the time we go again. I'm upset I didn't take the time to view the grounds at the DLH once I knew major changes were coming. I'm sorry I didn't take my kids to Playhouse Disney or the Winnie the Pooh ride.

Lots of wonderful & good memories....but so many more were there for the taking & we somehow missed the opportunity. There's always next time....but when will "next time" be??

Yup....I'm melancholy now......sorry! :sad1:

Looking forward to my photopass CD to come in so I can post a bit more to this report!! I thank all of you that have followed along.....please check back for the new pics later this week!

Huh.....I have an AP & have been paying for mine......but hooray for you!!

Maybe it is something new. It is kind of fun to get something I didn't expect although my kids are kind of past their focus. I do like their recipes.
I love the pics of the Jelly Belly meet up. How fun! :goodvibes

I loved your report! I have to say you took the trip of my dreams! :worship: I am so glad you shared all your pics. I've been to Disneyland many, many times because I grew up in CA, and we've had APs many times. But I have never done as much as you have. All those activities and meals and shopping. :yay: How wonderful.

Sadly with four kids there is no way we could EVER afford to do all you did. :sad2: Thank-you for taking such detailed photos and notes so we could go along with you. (much cheaper for me this way!! LOL!)
As always I loved the latest installment. Will be anxious to see your Photopass pics!! I'm glad that there is still a little bit left and I joined the blog site but I can't seem to figure it out. Once again my total ignorance of computers I fear is working against me. I marked that I was following but I haven't gotten any notifications so I am not sure if that is how it works and I am not sure how to respond to YOUR posts either. But I have enjoyed reading what you have written so far. Cute pic of the little one (sorry I forgot if it was Shyann or Michayla)

Things are a bit crazy here. Mom and I were supposed to book our airfare and ADRS but she is starting to waver on some stuff and until she is dead set on things I am hesitant to make final plans. The last few trips she bailed on us and left us early and since I am going to be there with the girls by myself I don't want her doing that to me. Don't get me wrong I love my mom and she is my best friend but sometimes the people you love drive you the most crazy!! We love to travel together but a lot of times by the end we want to tear eachothers hair out LOL. So I honestly don't know if this trip is going to happen or not. It has been off and on so many times it is ridiculous. So for now I can live vicariously through your trip and enjoy it and like some of the others said it makes me happy to see your pics and to read about your trip and I can forget about the things that aren't going right in my own life ;)

Will be anxious to see your other pics and hopefully keep up with your blog!! :)
Maybe it is something new. It is kind of fun to get something I didn't expect although my kids are kind of past their focus. I do like their recipes.

I imagine that most of the articles are for smaller I'm glad you find something useful from it!!

I love the pics of the Jelly Belly meet up. How fun! :goodvibes

I loved your report! I have to say you took the trip of my dreams! :worship: I am so glad you shared all your pics. I've been to Disneyland many, many times because I grew up in CA, and we've had APs many times. But I have never done as much as you have. All those activities and meals and shopping. :yay: How wonderful.

Sadly with four kids there is no way we could EVER afford to do all you did. :sad2: Thank-you for taking such detailed photos and notes so we could go along with you. (much cheaper for me this way!! LOL!)

It was fun meeting everyone at Jelly Belly...just wish we could have had more time together.

It was fun leaving & checking out some other things....but we learned our lesson about going to another "theme park". Next time I'd like to go to San Diego to Sea World. I loved getting to do all the character meals (ok, not Ariel's....but we did do that for the WoC) I think I found some new favs!!

Trust me....we couldn't afford to do all of that either....thank goodness for Mike's mom!!

As always I loved the latest installment. Will be anxious to see your Photopass pics!! I'm glad that there is still a little bit left and I joined the blog site but I can't seem to figure it out. Once again my total ignorance of computers I fear is working against me. I marked that I was following but I haven't gotten any notifications so I am not sure if that is how it works and I am not sure how to respond to YOUR posts either. But I have enjoyed reading what you have written so far. Cute pic of the little one (sorry I forgot if it was Shyann or Michayla)

Things are a bit crazy here. Mom and I were supposed to book our airfare and ADRS but she is starting to waver on some stuff and until she is dead set on things I am hesitant to make final plans. The last few trips she bailed on us and left us early and since I am going to be there with the girls by myself I don't want her doing that to me. Don't get me wrong I love my mom and she is my best friend but sometimes the people you love drive you the most crazy!! We love to travel together but a lot of times by the end we want to tear eachothers hair out LOL. So I honestly don't know if this trip is going to happen or not. It has been off and on so many times it is ridiculous. So for now I can live vicariously through your trip and enjoy it and like some of the others said it makes me happy to see your pics and to read about your trip and I can forget about the things that aren't going right in my own life ;)

Will be anxious to see your other pics and hopefully keep up with your blog!! :)

I'm still trying to figure out the blog site as well. I know to respond/reply you click on repost in the top right hand corner of the one you're replying to. Other than's trial &

The pic was of Shy.....she loves chili!!

I'm sorry things are still on the fence for your WDW trip......that would drive me nuts cause I'm an uber-planner!!! I'd be freaking out..... :lmao:
Hopefully things will settle & you can get a commitment from your mom so you can make those ADR's.
Laurie, Sea World would be nice. It's on my list for next summer. Early June in fact. Wanna meet up?? ;)

You are truly lucky to have someone like his mom to help out with such a magical vacation. She wouldn't be interested in adopting, would she?? :rolleyes1
Laurie, Sea World would be nice. It's on my list for next summer. Early June in fact. Wanna meet up?? ;)

You are truly lucky to have someone like his mom to help out with such a magical vacation. She wouldn't be interested in adopting, would she?? :rolleyes1

Oh I wish....unfortunately, we will be moving at that time & money will be super tight!!

I can ask her but this might have broke the bank..... :rotfl2:
I decided I wanted to put all the California letters together....somehow....this is my first's an oversized scrapbook page!!! (poster board).....I kinda like it.....but still want to figure out how to get all 10 pics side by side!!

I thought it might work cause you took all the pictures the same way. I think it would look really cute if you could find something like that.

CALIF ORNIA - It would look ok that that I think?

It's nice that you have an even number of people, and I have seen those 5 slot frames at Walmart I believe too, so it shouldn't be too expensive.

Or you could get something like these, if you wanted something more colourful. You could probably almost get them to match the each of the letters.

Or you could get something like these, if you wanted something more colourful. You could probably almost get them to match the each of the letters.

It might even be cute to hang up individual frames for each letter and then hang them in a jaunty fashion.
Sorry, the link I sent you were the wrong size. There are some smaller ones that are a lot cheaper. About $3 each.

And that sounds really cute too Michele!
Sorry, the link I sent you were the wrong size. There are some smaller ones that are a lot cheaper. About $3 each.

And that sounds really cute too Michele!

I was thinking that if they were hung in a staggered fashion it might be cute.
Thanx for all the great suggestions!!! I'll look around town to see what I can come up with!! I'll make sure I post a pic when I do!! (probably won't be this week though......)


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