Traceys Atkins attempt!

Hi all, Wilderness i hope you are right about losing inches i would prefer that!! i need to get a tape measure & start keeping track.

Jean, i never knew there was a Mansfield in Massachusetts!!
Thankyou for taking the time to read my journal & for your kind words. I have tried to find your journal but cannot, do you have one?

Had a jacket potato Friday night & treated myself to an ice cream, felt my body needed a few more carbs, but i'm back on the straight & narrow again.
Breakfast, scrambled eggs & bacon
Lunch, tuna salad & water
Dinner, planning on 3 crispbreads with cheese & onion sandwich filling on & low carb chocolate.

Breakfast, Atkins bar & cup of decaf tea
Lunch, bacon & mushroom omlette & water
Dinner, Chicken salad & sugar free soda followed by sugar free jelly.
Tracey! You've lost 5lbs. since the last time I posted to your journal! You are AMAZING!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Yes, please tell us about these jacket potatoes! ::yes::
Sorry guys i'm sure you have jacket potatoes but you proberbly call them by some other name - its a potato baked in the oven - oh yeh... baked potato, silly me!!! :crazy:

Had a tough night last night Leanne my DD ended up at the emergency ward at our hospital, she had severe pains in her right side, doctor said she has a water infection & it can be a sign of appendicitus (proberbly spelt wrong) although she is a bit better today, so were hoping its just the water infection, otherwise she will have to have an operation & that scares me to death, it just seems to be one thing after another lately!!
I'm gonna give her lots of extra hugs & love this week,
please everyone keep your fingers crossed for her that she will not have to have an operation. :worried:
:hug: Tracey,

I am sending lots of :wizard: and prayers for your daughter. I hope she only has a urinary tract infection. When does she fo back to be checked? If she does have to heve an appendectomy, it is really a safe procedure. That being said, nothing is routine when it is your child being operated on.

Take care of both of you,
Hi all, glad to report DD is feling much better, she says the pain has gone so the antibiotics must be working and it looks like just a water infection, she goes back to the doctors next week.

breakfast, atkins bar & decaf tea
Lunch, 1 slice low carb bread with cheese & onion sandwich filler on top & water
Dinner, lamb kebabs with a baked red pepper stuffed with mince, mushroom & tomatoe. Followed by strawberries & cream - if i've got room!!!!
Tracey, I'm glad to hear that your daughter is feeling better. I hope she continues to recover quickly!

Thanks for explaining the jacket potato! <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='Potato Skin' border=0></a>
Hi Tracey,

I'm glad to hear that DD is feeling better. What a relief. I am sure you are feeling much better now. Your dinner sounds delish.

Take care,

I've just gotten through your journal. I'm very sorry for your loss. My grandfather died in Aug. 1996 - and I still feel his loss like it was yesterday. He is also a great source of strength and comfort for me today...

I'm also very glad that your DD is feeling much better. Through all of this it sounds like you are in control of your life and eating - that is something to be very proud of.

Like you, I'm on "Atkins". I try to stay between 20-30 net carbs/day. I find that if I eat overly processed food that I get a real "sugar" rush...even just a slice of white bread can do this to me. My weight loss has been quite slow, but once it comes off it has stayed off.

My grandmother's family came to the states around 1920 - she's from Linconshire area originally. At 90 years of age and over 80 years in the states, she still retains her British way of speaking and is proud of the country of her birth.

Your menus look yummy. Keep up the great work and welcome again.

Hi Tracey,

Thank you so much for your words of support and encouragement in my journal. They mean a lot to me and I really appreciate you. Thanks.:hug:

I am glad to hear that your DD is feeling better. That is great news!:Pinkbounc

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Take good care of you!:hug:

Hi all & thanks for posting your support, it really does help.
Weighed in yesterday and lost 1 lb - now i know i should be pleased but i was hoping for more, as i didnt lose last week & i have been soooo good with my eating. I just think back to what i used to eat & what i eat now & feel i should have lost more!!!
Oh well at least it wasnt 1 lb on & i am starting to tell with my clothes. I'm at 169 lb's now.
Dont think i've eaten enough today, weekends always seem out of sinc when eating its either too much or not enough!
Breakfast, nothing
Lunch, sausage, tomatoe & cheese omlette, decaf tea
Dinner, dont know!!! might have a couple of crispbreads and a large water, feeling a bit headachy i need to drink more water
:teeth: Hey just realised i've hit the 20 lb mark, like my new clippie??:Pinkbounc :

That new clippie looks great on you! I took me so long to get mine...but I didn't count the first 9 lbs I lost before joining WISH.

What I have realized that even when the scale doesn't show a change, my clothing would. I thing I went down a whole size before the scale reflected any change last spring. Muscle does really weigh more than fat but does not take up the same amount of space.

I too have problems staying on track with my eating and water on my weekends. I am fortunate that since my DH has been out of work that he has prepared my meals for me to take to work. As I work 4 - 10 hour shifts, this means a lunch, dinner and snack each day. I try to spread out my intake to small portions every couple of hours while I work. On weekends, sometimes I forget to eat altogether until I'm really famished...and that is not a good thing. Also, low-carb does really diminish my appetite, which is a good thing.

Thanks for checking in on me in my journal. I would love to visit Britain some day and see where my English cousins live.

:cheer2: :cheer2: :thewave: :thewave: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Congratulations Tracey! Your new clippie is AWESOME!

Keep up the great work and enjoy your weekend.
Way to go on the new clippie, Tracy! Wow, in the amount of time you've been doing this I'm absolutely amazed at your progress. You are doing fab! ::yes::
:jumping1: A BEAUTIFUL 20 POUND CLIPPIE! :jumping1:

Congratulations, Tracey!!

So sorry to hear of your grandma, but am glad that your DD is feeling better.

You're doing a great job of sticking with healthy food even during the stressful times! Hang in there! I know the scale is moving slowly but I bet your clothes are feeling loose!
Thanks guys, it really gives me a boost and keeps me motivated when i read your comments and support, i think thats why i've stuck to it this time... thanks to you, so give yourselves a big pat on the back:teeth:
Still eating on plan, although i did have a small bowl of ice cream last night cos i was mad with myself for burning the dinner!!!:crazy: I was upstairs doing some college work about health and safety in schools and fire precautions when i smelt something burning...yes the pan had boiled dry - which gave a new meaning to black eyed peas!!! and my lovely roast beef joint that i had been sooo looking forward to was a little bit crisp (underestimation!) and my lovely roasted mediterainian vegatables had all but dissapeared:(
Breakfast, atkins bar
Lunch, 3 crispbreads with cheese and onion sandwich filler on
Dinner, bacon, mushroom & tomato omlette prefrebly not burnt!!! :rolleyes:
Oh Tracey!! You were working so hard on your schoolwork and you NEEDED a healthy dinner. It sounds like such a yummy dinner too! No wonder you were disappointed! :( I must admit, though, that studying the topic of fire safety makes the whole story a bit ironic. :D

Best wishes for yummy, cooked-just-right food today!! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
Hi Tracey,

At least you are in good company. I have burned many the dinner when distracted. Sorry yours didn't work out. I love that you were studying fire safety at the time.

Hopy your omelet is tasty tonight,


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